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Service with a Smirk

Page 18

by Ariel Tachna

Pascal snickered. “Sure, that will happen. I’m not made of stone. Once I get you naked, I’m going to forget all my good intentions, and it’ll be over before we really get started. Just like all the other times we’ve ended up in bed.”

  “You haven’t heard me complaining yet.”

  Pascal traced Mathias’s jaw with one long finger. “No, I haven’t, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve better. You aren’t some piece of ass I picked up in a bar, and I refuse to treat you that way again.”

  “You haven’t ever treated me that way,” Mathias protested.

  “Then you’ve never been treated right.”

  “Or you don’t treat anyone as badly as you think you do,” Mathias replied.

  Pascal shrugged. “Not worth arguing over. Come here and let me do this right.”

  Mathias walked to Pascal, hands at his side, and waited. He really didn’t know what Pascal thought he’d done wrong. If anything, Mathias had been gratified by the way Pascal hadn’t been able to resist him for long. It had made him feel attractive and powerful in a way few other things did, but this was clearly important to Pascal. He’d already decided he could be patient. If Pascal thought he could do better than the other times they’d had sex, it would be well worth Mathias’s while.

  Pascal twined the fingers of one hand with Mathias’s and braced their clasped hands at the small of Mathias’s back. He lifted Mathias’s other hand to his lips and kissed the palm lightly before nipping at the thick muscle at the base of his thumb. Mathias shivered. How had he reached the age of twenty-four and not known that was an erogenous zone?

  Pascal smiled against his skin—Mathias could feel it in the way his lips moved. He might have protested being a source of amusement, but Pascal lifted his hand higher and sucked on the inside of Mathias’s wrist, sending another shiver through him. Fuck, he didn’t know his body at all.

  “You take a piece of ass to bed, you prep him, and you fuck him,” Pascal said against his skin, each movement of his lips, each burst of breath a new titillation. “Maybe you suck him a bit or he sucks you, in the name of foreplay, but it’s all about getting off. Sure, you both enjoy it. That’s kind of the point. But it could be any body in the bed with you. You aren’t any body to me, which means finding all the places that are special. What makes you feel good?”

  Mathias couldn’t harness the brainpower to reply. Then again, he wasn’t sure what he’d say even if he could make his brain cooperate. If Pascal had asked an hour ago, he’d have said having someone suck him off or play with his ass. He certainly wouldn’t have said having Pascal suck on his wrist or bite at the base of his thumb, as Pascal had already shown him. Now he wondered what other secrets his body had.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Pascal said when Mathias didn’t answer. “I’ll enjoy finding out for myself.”

  He guided Mathias to the bed and urged him down onto the mattress. Mathias clung to Pascal’s hand when he straightened. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere,” Pascal said. “I’m just going to turn the lamp on and the overhead light off.”

  Mathias tracked Pascal’s movements around the room. He moved with the same easy grace as ever, nothing in his body language suggesting he had any idea how he had turned Mathias’s world upside down in the past minute. Feeling suddenly young and insecure, Mathias scrambled to sit against the headboard. He’d be on Pascal’s level that way instead of beneath him. Not that he wouldn’t end up beneath him before the night was over, but by then they’d be back on familiar territory.

  “You moved,” Pascal said with a soft smile when he returned to the bed.

  “I thought it would be easier this way.” The words sounded weak to Mathias’s ear, but Pascal didn’t challenge them. He simply reached for Mathias’s hand again and sucked on one of his fingers. Mathias moaned at the suction, easily imagining Pascal’s lips around a different appendage. Except now that Pascal had planted the idea in his head, Mathias wanted to know what he’d been missing. He flexed his finger against Pascal’s tongue, trying to tease him back a little. Pascal looked up and winked at him before sliding Mathias’s finger into his mouth to the second knuckle. Mathias shifted on the bed as his cock started to fill. He didn’t reach down to adjust himself, but if Pascal kept this up, he’d have to before long.

  Pascal switched to Mathias’s middle finger, using his tongue more this time rather than sucking. Mathias gasped and closed his eyes, but that only intensified the sensations. He carded his fingers through Pascal’s short hair, mussing the usually perfect style. He wouldn’t know where to begin returning Pascal’s attentions, short of copying him directly, but he had to touch. He needed that much grounding.

  Pascal switched fingers again to suck on Mathias’s ring finger. As he did, he worked open the button on the sleeve of Mathias’s shirt and rolled back the cuff. Mathias fought down the urge to blush. They’d been naked together. Pascal had been balls-deep in his ass more than once. Those few inches of bare skin shouldn’t even register, and yet he felt somehow more exposed now than he had when they were fucking.

  Pascal pulled off Mathias’s finger and studied him intently. “Fingers, palm, wrist… you have sensitive hands. I wonder if your feet are as sensitive.”

  “My feet have been sweating in socks all day. You don’t want to suck on them.”

  “Maybe not tonight,” Pascal conceded, “but I can try other things.”

  “Do you have a foot fetish?”

  “Not particularly, but the real question is whether you do.”

  Mathias started to say of course he didn’t, but Pascal’s piercing gaze stopped the reply before it formed. “I don’t know. Apparently I have sensitive hands, but I didn’t know it before tonight.”

  Pascal grinned, sending a fresh curl of need through Mathias’s gut. “Let’s see what else we can discover.”

  Pascal slipped off one of Mathias’s shoes and slid his pants leg up to roll down his sock, leaving Mathias’s nerves jumping each place Pascal’s knuckles came into contact with his skin. It was just skin, for Christ’s sake. Just his calf and shin and ankle. It wasn’t like Pascal was touching him in any particularly intimate way. And yet….

  Pascal set the sock and shoe aside and took Mathias’s foot in both hands. Mathias’s gut clenched in anticipation. He was sure people had touched his feet before now—doctors, shoe salesmen—but never with so much import. Pascal stroked across the top of Mathias’s foot, making every nerve ending jump. He nearly pulled away because it tickled, but Pascal’s grip on his ankle tightened, and he stroked again, more firmly this time. That felt better. Still way more intimate than Mathias could explain, but not ticklish.

  “That way?” Pascal asked.

  Mathias nodded.

  Pascal repeated the firmer caress, then wrapped his hand around Mathias’s foot to massage the sole. Mathias moaned.

  “I’ll add your feet to the list, or is that just because you spend so much time on them at the bar? I can give you a massage later if that was a relaxation moan rather than an arousal moan.”

  Mathias shook his head. He didn’t know which it was, really, but it didn’t matter. Pascal had his hands on him, and it felt good. He’d worry later about whether he had a heretofore unknown foot fetish or he just needed a good massage.

  Pascal winked at him as he pressed his thumb into Mathias’s arch. With his other hand, he traced the skin beneath the hem of Mathias’s pants. Every hair on Mathias’s leg stood straight up. He leaned back against the pillows and shifted to make space for his growing erection. Pascal arched an eyebrow and stared pointedly at the bulge beneath Mathias’s fly. “See? I told you I could find ways to make you feel good without going straight to fucking.”

  “I see,” Mathias replied breathlessly. “What else can you show me?” Before meeting Pascal, he would have said those words with cocky challenge, sure he didn’t have anything else to learn. Now he meant them with every fiber of his being. He was so far out of his league, but he was going to take
full advantage of Pascal’s willingness to teach him.

  “Let’s find out.”

  Mathias shivered in anticipation.

  Pascal gave the top of his foot one last teasing stroke before moving over Mathias on hands and knees. For a moment, Mathias thought it was all over, that Pascal would strip him and take advantage of the position, but he didn’t touch Mathias at all. The lack of contact only heightened Mathias’s awareness of how effectively caged he was between Pascal’s hands and knees. His lips parted on a silent gasp as he waited to see what Pascal would do.

  Pascal leaned forward to touch his lips to Mathias’s jaw and then downward toward the collar of his shirt. Mathias tipped his head to the side to make it easier for Pascal to reach his goal, whatever that might be. He expected Pascal to suck or bite at his pulse point or his Adam’s apple, the spots Mathias would have gone for if their positions had been reversed. He should have known Pascal had something else in mind.

  The touch of a single finger at the hollow of his throat electrified Mathias. He hadn’t worn a tie, so his shirt had two buttons open, and Pascal traced the line of fabric, the contact so whisper light Mathias could barely feel it. It aroused him more than any firmer touch would have done as he arched into the elusive caress. Pascal moved with him, never letting him achieve what he thought he wanted.

  “Shh,” Pascal whispered against his ear. “You know I’ll give you what you need.”

  “But when?” Mathias asked back just as softly.

  “When waiting a second longer would break you.” Pascal sucked Mathias’s earlobe into his mouth.

  Mathias let out a shaky sigh. “That’s not going to be hard.”

  Pascal pulled back and studied Mathias’s face intently before giving him a wicked grin. Fast as lightning, he reached between Mathias’s spread thighs and cupped his cock in a firm grip. Mathias bucked up with a hoarse shout. “It feels pretty hard to me,” Pascal teased.

  “Fuck,” Mathias gasped.

  “Later,” Pascal replied, releasing his grip and returning his hand to its place by Mathias’s shoulder. The sensation of being surrounded increased tenfold for having been momentarily absent. Mathias panted as he tried to relax and remember how to be patient.


  “No, you met my parents today.”

  The reminder cooled Mathias’s ardor somewhat, but before he could think of a reply, Pascal kissed him, deep and hard this time, everything Mathias had been expecting earlier and hadn’t received. To have it now, after countless minutes of barely there caresses, made his head spin. He moaned into the kiss, trying to meet Pascal halfway, but he couldn’t do anything other than lie there beneath the sensual onslaught of Pascal’s lips and tongue. He couldn’t even get his arms around Pascal at the angle he was leaning over Mathias. All he could do was take it—and love every second of it.

  When Pascal broke the kiss, Mathias tried to follow him, but Pascal stopped him with that single finger against his chest. Mathias froze, waiting to see what came next. Pascal held his gaze as he flipped open the third and fourth buttons on Mathias’s shirt, not enough to open it completely, but enough to reveal more of his skin to the cool air in the apartment. Mathias shivered, hoping Pascal would keep going or would slip a hand beneath the fabric to find his nipples, anything to ramp up the sensual need he was feeling. Pascal had other plans—not that Mathias was surprised at this point—tracing up and down Mathias’s breastbone. He paused at each bump like it was as sensitive as Mathias’s nipples. It felt good because it was Pascal’s hands on him, but it didn’t carry the same surprising jolt he’d gotten from his hands and feet.

  “No?” Pascal asked after a moment.

  “Not as much.”

  “Then we’ll try other things. No two people are exactly alike when it comes to their erogenous zones.”

  “Some things are pretty universal,” Mathias said.

  “Yes, but the idea is to find the things that make you special, remember? Anyone can grab your ass. I want to find the things no one else knows about you.”

  “You’re finding things I didn’t even know,” Mathias admitted.

  “Even better.”

  The pride and possessiveness in Pascal’s voice made Mathias squirm. He hadn’t done anything to earn this kind of attention and devotion. He only hoped Pascal didn’t change his mind later, because Mathias was already addicted.

  Pascal finished unbuttoning his shirt, but he didn’t move his arms enough for Mathias to shrug it off. Instead he folded it open with care, framing Mathias’s chest, and rocked back on his heels to look at Mathias speculatively.

  “You’ve seen me naked before,” Mathias said, feeling far more naked now than he had with no clothes on and Pascal fucking him.

  “I have. This time I’m paying attention.”

  Mathias remembered Pascal’s intent stare as he’d followed Mathias into the bedroom, ass framed by his jockstrap. If that hadn’t been paying attention, Mathias didn’t know what was, but he didn’t have the wherewithal to argue right now. He tensed as Pascal followed the curve of his side with the same delicacy that he’d used to start on all of Mathias’s body. “Tickles,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Pascal grinned. “We’ll try that another time. Tonight I want you writhing on my bed for other reasons.”

  Mathias bucked his hips in blatant invitation. “Give me a reason, then.”

  Pascal smirked and grabbed Mathias’s hand. Mathias let out a startled moan before Pascal ever got his lips around Mathias’s fingers, just from the remembered sensation. “You’re still thinking so literally. We really have to work on that.”

  “I’m not thinking,” Mathias grumbled.

  Pascal laughed. “Good. Lie back and let me make you feel.”

  If he felt any more, he’d explode from it, but he didn’t tell Pascal that. Pascal might stop if he did, and that didn’t bear considering.

  The touches came more quickly now, still light and mostly undemanding, but Mathias’s whole body felt alight as he tried and failed to anticipate where Pascal would caress him next. The curve of his pec, the inside of his wrist, the line of his jaw, all in quick succession, followed by a long, slow suck of his fingers and then a quick flick of his nipple that made him shout in surprise at the intensity.

  “Are you trying to make me come in my pants?”

  “The thought occurred,” Pascal replied, “but no, not really.” He undid Mathias’s belt and fly. Mathias lifted his hips so Pascal could strip him. Pascal pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees and stopped.

  “No jock tonight?” he teased.

  “I was having dinner with your family, not wearing tight jeans to the bar,” Mathias retorted. “Real underwear seemed more appropriate.”

  Pascal laughed. “Somehow I don’t think they cared what underwear you had on.”

  Maybe not, but Mathias would have felt sleazy. He wore the jockstrap under his tight jeans so his ass looked good at the bar. That wasn’t the impression he’d wanted to make on Pascal’s family. He wanted them to focus on the banker, not on what he was doing now to make ends meet.

  “Now,” Pascal said, interrupting Mathias’s train of thought, “you said something about coming.”

  Mathias shivered beneath Pascal’s intent gaze as he reached for the lube next to the lamp. Mathias tried to spread his thighs, but he could only move so much between his pants around his knees and Pascal straddling his legs. “You’re going to have to let me move if you plan on fucking me tonight.”

  “We’ll see,” Pascal replied. The promise in his voice made Mathias wonder what else he had planned.

  Mathias knew what it felt like to have Pascal’s fingers inside him—they’d done that already, more than once—but with every inch of his skin sensitized by Pascal’s attentions, the shock of cold lube overlaying the heat of Pascal’s fingers caught him off guard, like everything else about the evening had done.

  Mathias arched into the caress with a soft, st
artled noise. He stared at Pascal, lost in the rush of sensation as those long, capable fingers worked his entrance. He braced his feet as best he could, tangled in his slacks as they were, and lifted his hips into the caress. “Please,” he begged.

  Pascal urged him back down to the mattress, but he pressed inside as he did, which was all Mathias really cared about. He leaned over Mathias again to kiss him. His shirt brushed Mathias’s skin, reminding him that Pascal had done no more than take off his jacket at the door. Everything else remained in place. That just wouldn’t do. With Pascal’s hands both busy, one driving Mathias insane and the other bracing Pascal’s weight, Mathias might actually have a chance to get Pascal’s shirt open. He made his fingers work despite the sudden jolt from Pascal playing with his prostate and got two buttons undone before Pascal broke the kiss.

  “My turn tonight.”

  Mathias shook his head. “You have to let me take care of you too.”

  Pascal grazed Mathias’s sweet spot with the edge of his nail, wringing a shout from Mathias as his vision whited out. He wanted…. He needed….

  Pascal didn’t give him a chance to recover enough to finish either of those thoughts. He stimulated the gland over and over until Mathias couldn’t think, could barely breathe. He grabbed for Pascal’s shoulders to steady himself before he shook apart, a thousand little pieces of shattered bliss with nothing to keep him together.

  Pascal leaned in to him. Mathias turned his head for a kiss, but Pascal only rested their foreheads together as he increased the rhythm of his fingers inside Mathias. “Let go.”

  With a sob, Mathias did, every muscle clenching as wave after wave of pleasure dragged him down into blackness.

  When he came back to himself, Pascal was stretched out beside him, one hand resting on Mathias’s clean stomach—had he been out of it that long?—and the other propping up his own head.

  “Back with me?” Pascal asked.

  Mathias nodded, not trusting his voice to work. He felt more than a little loopy.

  “Good.” He leaned over and kissed Mathias tenderly. The movement brought their bodies into contact, letting Mathias feel the ridge of Pascal’s erection beneath his pants. He’d given in and let Pascal take care of him, but he was done being selfish. As good as Pascal had made him feel, Mathias needed to return the favor.


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