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Deep in Chaos (CKMC Book 2)

Page 3

by Linny Lawless

  After a long day, Honey dropped me off at my apartment. My car wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow. I went to my frig and poured myself a glass of Moscato. Three knocks on my apartment door. I looked through the peephole. Matthew. Handsome as always, wearing a grey suit, his tie loose.

  “What Matthew…” I didn’t want to see him.

  “Just stopping by to get the rest of those boxes of mine, Tanya.”

  I opened the door. He raised his eyes up to look at me. Matthew was tall. He had light brown hair and was physically fit, with his strong dedication to eating right and working out.

  He came in and walked past me, looking around at my small one-bedroom apartment. “Looks nice, Tanya.”

  I walked past him into my bedroom to get the box I packed for him when I moved.

  I carried it back and handed it to him. “Here you go. Your photos and other things.”

  He took it from me. “Take care of yourself, Tanya.”

  My blood pressure rose and my voice came out a little too loud. “What the fuck, Matthew? Don’t say things you don’t mean!”

  He leaned down and dropped the box. “Just trying to keep this civil. You’ve been hanging around your biker friends way too long to know how to be.”

  “You really mean the biker trash I hang out with, Matthew. Sorry my tribe doesn’t meet the standards of your civilized, materialistic, shallow world!”

  “Bye Tanya. Good luck.” He picked up the box and left.

  I was so angry. I needed to get out and blow off some steam. Get out and get totally trashed. It was Saturday night and perfect for a girl’s night.

  I finished my glass of wine and called Honey. She was game. I called some of my girls in our Chaos Coven to join me at the Crow Bar. Honey picked me up and once I got there, I planted myself at a table that sat six and Greaser served us both a round of cocktails and buttery nipple shooters.

  Within half an hour, my Coven began to show up: Madge, Rusty’s ole lady, and my brave girlfriend, Sam. She had some anxiety coming to the Crow Bar, but Ratchet dropped her off on his bike and walked in with her. He gave me and Madge a hug, then gave Sam a steamy kiss and swatted her ass before he left. Sam’s co-worker friend, Kat showed up too. She was nice, a bit shy. My other coven wenches, Toni and Andrea showed up. They were salon specialists that I worked with in the past and they loved hanging out with my Chaos brothers.

  As the night went on, more people showed up at the bar for Friday night craziness and Saturday morning hangovers. My table kept Greaser and his waitress busy with the cocktails and shooters coming.

  The girls clapped and whooped and hollered as I downed another shooter, slamming the shot glass back on the table and wiping my lips with my forearm. “Fuck being civilized! It’s all about being primitive!” Greaser came back to our table, placing another round of drinks on our table. I wasn’t even finished with the one I was attacking at that moment.

  “Ladies, this round is from the dude at the bar.” I turned to the direction of Greaser’s nod. It was Skully. He looked right at me with a smirk and nodded. My stomach did a flip. He was alone at the bar, under a tiffany lamp hanging from above him. He wore a black Harley Davidson t-shirt that hugged his biceps and his chest. The whole Coven looked at him too.

  “That was nice of him, Tanya. Maybe you should go over and thank him?” Sam was the first to say something, as all the other girls’ mouths hung half open.

  I didn’t see him walk in. I guess I was just too busy working on getting my drunk on. “Ok, Sam. You’re right.” I rose from my chair and walked over to him, feeling a little light headed.

  He watched me come toward him. “Thanks for the drinks, Skully. I thought you would have left town by now.”

  His dark eyes were so intense. They wandered from my hair to my lips and stopped. “Change of heart, Sweet-Cheeks. I’m not going anywhere. Good to see you.”

  My tongue was tied for a second, dumb-struck by his eyes and his sensual mouth. The alcohol was doing its job of making my body flush, and my face blush.

  “And how are you going to pull that off? The Hounds are after you.”

  “I talked to the Prez. We came to an agreement. And a promise. You’re safe. That mother fucker Rusty or any of them wont mess with you ever again.”

  I looked down. I could still feel Rusty’s hands on me. Inside me. Skully’s finger reach over and lifted my chin to look at him again. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get there in time, Tanya. I could have killed Rusty. And I will the next time if he’s even in the same vicinity as you.”

  I had to look away. His deep voice and his eyes were drawing me in to step even closer to him. “Well thanks for the other night. And thanks for the round of drinks you sent to my Coven wenches.” I turned to walk away.

  His warm hand grasped my wrist. “Wait.” I turned back to him. “And I want to thank you for letting me crash at your apartment the other night.” He was off his barstool. He took a step closer to me. I had to lean my head back to look at him. His scruffy beard was growing out. “I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. I’m glad I did.“

  My stomach did another flip. My breathing sped up a bit. He was standing too close. I felt wetness between my thighs. I stepped back. I had to. “I have to get back to my table and continue to get loaded.”

  “Wait.” He still held on to my wrist. “I need a favor.”

  “You’re running out of favors, Skully.”

  “I want a meet with your Chaos brothers. Ratchet, his Prez. Can you help me make that happen?”

  “Why? What are you up to now? Did you like Ratchet smashing your windpipe that night at the clubhouse? Because that’s what might happen again-“

  “No. I want to square things up with Chaos.” It showed in his eyes that he was serious and determined.

  I was still, staring into his eyes. What could it hurt? Skully did save Sam. I know both her and Ratchet appreciated it.

  “Ok Skully. One more favor. I’ll make some calls. Get you that meet with Chaos. Give me your phone. I’ll add my number.” He handed me his phone from the bar and I added myself into his contacts. “There you go. I’ll text you the time and place to meet.” I handed his phone back. The side of his mouth lifted as he saw my name lit up on the screen.

  He smiled as I walked away. “Have fun, sweet-cheeks.” I was angry at myself this time, because I realized I was getting used to him calling me that.

  7 Skully

  I had to hand it to Tanya. She talked to her brothers that same night and text me in the morning. I was to meet with Ratchet, along with the President, Rocky, Gunner and Magnet at the Chaos Clubhouse that night at nine. I parked my bike in their lot ten minutes early. Their bikes were already there, parked alongside each other.

  I walked into the clubhouse, feeling like I was crashing their party again. Gunner and Magnet were at the pool tables. Magnet was taking his shot but rose up from his aim on the cue ball when he saw me. Ratchet and his President had just slammed some shot glasses on the bar and their eyes shifted to me too.

  Ratchet rose off his bar stool. “You’re both brave and stupid, Hound.”

  I gave him a nod. “Yeah. I’m both. But I’m not a Hound. I’m out.”

  “So, what the fuck you following our sister Tanya around? Why are you even still in this county?”

  Magnet was on me in that instant. He was my height, standing only inches from me. His jaw clenched. It ticked, and his hands were balled into fists at his sides. “Tanya is like a sister to me motherfucker. You’re no good for her, Hound. Stay the fuck away from her.”

  I glared right back at him. Stood my ground. “I just told your brother I’m not a Hound anymore. And Tanya can decide if she wants me to stay the fuck away. Or not.”

  “Motherfucker!” Magnet shoved me. Hard. I stumbled back a few steps. My balance was off, and I almost landed on my ass, but stabilized myself.

  The Prez was off his stool, holding Magnet back. “Come on, Magnet. This is all Ratchet. Not you.” />
  Ratchet didn’t move. I wasn’t sure where Gunner was standing at that moment. I just realized that maybe I wouldn’t be walking out of here in one piece. “I had a talk with Knuck. The Prez. I planned on leaving town. But wanted to square things up with you and your brothers-“

  Ratchet was smiling. “So, say what you need to say. You got one minute. And counting.”

  “I’m good with Knuck and the Hounds. I’m out. I want to get that money back to you. The bag of cash you gave to Sid. So Knuck gave me a choice. I get the money back to you, but the Hounds get their go at me. Or Knuck keeps all of it, and I’m out, untouched. And I’ll have to fend for myself against Chaos. “

  Ratchet jutted his chin out, scratching his beard. His eyes stared off. He was contemplating the choices. I was fucked if he really wanted that cash back.

  “Don’t give a fuck about that money. I Just give a fuck about Sam. She’s mine now. My ole lady. That Hound can keep it all.” He grumbled and turned to seat himself back on his stool and poured another shot of whiskey. “I owe you anyway. For saving her.” He downed his shot and slammed the glass on the bar.

  “So, we’re good?”

  “Yeah. We’re good.”

  I did walk out of the Chaos clubhouse that night. And in one piece.

  I met with Knuck again at the Steel Cage the next day. “Ratchet doesn’t want the money back. It’s all yours, Knuck. So, I’m out.”

  He looked hungover. He finished off the last of his whiskey as we sat in the same booth alone together again.

  His voice was a little rough. “That so?”

  “You gave me two choices. And I chose.”

  “You think you can go legit just like that huh? I’ve known you a while now. You never wanted to turn before. The Hell Hounds took you in. You belong here. You moved up the ranks. Starting out as a low-life prospect and took all the shit the Hounds fed you. What are you gonna do now? All you know is fuckin pussy and making money for the club.”

  “I’ll either get locked up again or get dead if I keep wearing the Hound patch. I’m done Prez.”

  He tapped a chunk of his burnt cherry in the glass ashtray chuckled. “All about pussy isn’t it? I saw what you did to Rusty’s face. You didn’t like what he did to that chick you got a hard on for. I can’t keep Rusty on a leash. He’s still pissed as all hell about what you did to get Sid fucked up by the Russians. He was foaming at the mouth to have that VP patch. Now it aint happenin. So, you’re on your own with him.”

  “I did what I had to do before I became a Hound. And I’ll keep doin alone. Nothing new for me, Knuck.” I walked out of the Steel Cage. And in one piece.

  8 Tanya

  “Tap!” I heard something hard hit my bedroom window.

  “Tap!” Another one. I walked over to the window. My heart skipped a beat. Standing below my window, at the street corner was Skully. I didn’t see his bike, just him under the sidewalk light, turning his head left and right. He looked up, his arm prepared to throw another object again at my window.

  What the hell is he doing? And why the hell this late at night? I slid the window up, “Don’t you dare throw one more thing at my window, Skully!” It was a harsh raspy whisper.

  He looked up in mid-throw of the next object aimed right at me. He stopped, lowered his arm, and smiled, running a hand through his dark hair. “Ok, Ok. Just wanted to get YOUR attention and no one else’s, Tanya.”

  “What the hell are you doing here? Where’s your bike?”

  “I parked it a few blocks away. Didn’t want anyone to see it parked in front of your place. I’m here cause I wanna take you out. Go out for coffee. Grab lunch… Go on a date. Awe hell, Tanya…“

  I worked hard at keeping the smile off my face. “Well what is it then? Coffee? Lunch? Or a date, damit?”

  “A Date! Will you go out on a date with me?”

  I couldn’t help but smile then. I had to admit. It was kind of sweet in a way. Even though my shields were up, I couldn’t deny how brave and wild he was, which made my stomach do one of those summersaults again. “No. Not a date. Let’s do coffee first, ok?”

  “Ok, sure. A coffee date it is. I’ll be back in the morning to pick you up.” He beamed up at me, grinning from ear to ear under the street light.

  As he walked away, down the street, my smile faded. It’s not a date! It’s just coffee! And besides, what harm is there in just having coffee with an ex member of the Hell Hounds MC, an enemy of my tribe, The Chaos Kings MC?

  I waited outside in the parking lot of my apartment, with my lid, and my purse strapped across me. It was another humid, hot morning and it wouldn’t even be noon for the next three hours. I heard Skully’s pipes a few blocks away. I then saw him ride up to the stop sign and turn his bike, heading toward me. He wore a simple black tank top that hugged his body and the sight of his inked shoulders and forearms made me stop breathing for a moment. He stopped alongside me and planted his boots down on the on the asphalt, twisting the throttle a few times making his pipes rumble with a wide grin on his face.

  He pulled his shades down his nose and his eyes roamed down my body, from my hot pink tank top to my tight ass fitting skinny jeans and black boots. He whistled. “Hot damn… You sure are pretty in pink, Sweet-Cheeks.” My nipples instantly hardened at the sound of his voice. I hoped my bra showed off my cleavage and not my perked-up nipples.

  I strapped on my lid, climbed on his bike behind him and planted my boots on the passenger foot pegs. I placed my hands on his hips. “I wear pink like a boss, Skully. Now take me for a ride.”

  “You sure as hell do, baby.” Skully pulled in the clutch, tapped his booted toe down into first gear. He twisted the throttle and rode me out to the café.

  I really needed to ride. The air pushing against us. I missed it. Even though Matthew didn’t ride a bike (he hated them), Magnet would take me out for rides sometimes. Riding with Skully was different though. The vibrations felt good on my ass and thighs, making me wet between them. He smelled of some manly body spray mingled with his own sweat, which acted like an aphrodisiac to my senses.

  We took a seat at one of the bistro tables outside of the café. Skully went inside and brought me back an iced vanilla latte. He had a big cup of hot coffee. He pulled out a smoke and lit it. “This is not a date, Skully.”

  “It’s Owen.”


  “Yeah. That’s my name.”

  I liked it. “So, Owen, why does everyone call you Skully?”

  He blew out a drag of his smoke, leaned down and tapped this right shin. “Dirt bike accident. I was a stupid teenager. Spiral fracture. The tibia and fibula. Not stupid anymore. Just a little reckless sometimes.”

  “But how does your leg get you the name of Skully?”

  “Fractured my skull too. Healed back on its own. Skully is what I got stuck with along with that limp I’m sure you noticed.” I had noticed his slight limp. But it didn’t detract from my intense attraction to him. He made it his own. He walked that limp like a boss…

  “Enough about me. I took you out for ride to get to know you, sweet-cheeks – “

  “Stop. You want to get to know me? Call me by my name.”

  His lip lifted in a smirk. “Ok. Tanya. Did you grow up here in Stayford?”

  “Yes. Grew up, went to high school. I’m the only child. My parents retired and live in Florida. I visit on the holidays.”

  “How long you been with Chaos?”

  “I grew up with Magnet. He’s like a brother to me. He lived across the street in my neighborhood. He joined the Chaos Kings several years back, and of course, I followed along. I’m not some one’s ole lady though.” I stopped. Few moments of silence.

  “Why not?” His head tilted slightly, his eyes intently on mine.

  “I was in a long-term relationship. But not with a Chaos King.” At that very moment, Matthew appeared, w alking right up to our table. That blond I found him fucking in our bed months ago. She held on to his bicep.
  “Hi Tanya.” He actually smiled at me. Skully looked up at Matthew and dragged his shades down his nose to get a better look.

  “Hi Matthew…” I nodded to Skully. “Meet my friend Skully - I mean Owen. Owen, this is Matthew and his friend… Melissa was it?” I looked right at her. That tramp had the fucking nerve to smile at me, and at Skully too.

  Skully was out of his chair and raised his open hand to Matthew. He just looked at his hand and nodded. “Owen.”

  Skully lowered his hand and pulled his shades back up to cover his eyes. But he didn’t sit back down.

  “Another one of your biker gang buddies, Tanya?” Skully took a step toward Matthew. I was right. He was a few inches taller. Blond Tramp girl stepped back, pulling on Matthew’s arm.

  “Yeah I am one of her biker gang buddies. Get used to it mother fucker.” Skully growled low, his jaw was clenched.

  “Come on, honey. I need my mocha latte.” Melissa pulled Matthew back. They walked away and into the café.

  Skully watched them until the glass door closed behind them. He sat back down and turned to me. “Was that the long-term relationship?”

  “Yes… We broke up six months ago…” My cold vanilla latte didn’t taste so good anymore. “Can we go now?”

  He reached across the table, his warm hand covered mine. “Sure, Tanya. Come on let’s go. I wanna ride you…” He smiled and winked, “On my scoot.”

  9 Skully

  I felt Tanya relax behind me as I took her down back roads away from the coffee shop. Her hold on me around my waist loosened a bit. She leaned with me into the curves, the hot air pushing on both of us.

  Instead of seeing fire in Tanya’s eyes, I saw embarrassment? Hurt? I figured the dude “Matthew” was an ex-boyfriend. I knew little about Tanya but I planned on getting to know more. But that douche-bag fucked the whole coffee date up.

  I pulled into her apartment parking lot. I planted my boots to steady the bike and she climbed off. She unstrapped her helmet, not saying a word. She kept fumbling with the strap to her lid.


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