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Rebel without a Claus: A M/M Love at first sight romance

Page 5

by Denise Wells

  So far, it seems like Nick is the perfect blend of the two. Well, the perfect blend of the two, for me. What if we fall in love? Does he want kids? Would he understand if I don’t know if I do or not? I can’t even handle a pet. But if I had someone, a partner, to help me, would it be different?

  I shake my head to clear it, because these thoughts are way out of control and way ahead of where things are. Except, then his fingers stroke mine ever so slightly right before we part ways at Santa’s Village, making a lump form in my chest. I have to wonder if I haven’t fallen for him already?

  I haven’t gotten enough finished by the time Nick and I are supposed to meet. Luckily, we exchanged phone numbers before we each left Santa’s Village this afternoon. So, I text him to see if we can push it half an hour and if he can meet me in my office instead. He texts me back right away.

  NICK: How about if I give you an hour, and I bring takeout and a bottle of wine? Then, if necessary, you can still work after dinner.

  Ohmigod, he’s perfect.

  ME: That sounds amazing. But I wanted to take you out, so how about I order something, and you pick it up?

  NICK: That works too. Just tell me where to go, I’ll see you in an hour or so.

  I set my phone back down on my desk, a big smile on my face.

  “What’s that smile for?” my assistant, Susan, asks.

  “I have a date.”

  “Oh! Anyone I know?”

  “The elf from Santa’s Village.”

  She nods her approval. “The girls will be heartbroken he’s taken. They’ve been clamoring for ways to get his attention.”

  “Taken and gay,” I add.

  “Such a shame.” She shakes her head.

  “Not for me.”

  She laughs. “Can I do anything else for you before I go?”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks, Susan. I know you had to do a ton to cover for me while I played Santa. I won’t forget it.”

  She waves a hand dismissively. “All part of the job.”

  “It was above and beyond,” I say. “I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.”

  “Now that you have a date?” she teases.

  “Yes.” I lean back in my chair and smile.

  “Okay, well, I like all things sparkly and expensive for when you want to reward me.”

  This time I laugh. She waves and is out the door. I pick up the phone to place the take-out order, text Nick the time and place, then get back to work.

  He arrives about ninety minutes later laden down with bags of Italian food that smell amazing. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until then. I stand and round my desk to help him. Then, as if out of habit, give him a kiss on the lips to say hello.

  He looks surprised when I do.

  Which is nothing compared to the surprise I feel. But while it surprised me, it also felt natural and like the right thing to do. So, I smile and motion to the seating area and coffee table on the other side of my office where I already have plates, napkins, and water set out for us.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked,” I tell him. “So, I ordered a little bit of everything. Lasagna, spaghetti, eggplant parmigiana, salads, garlic bread.”

  “I eat everything,” he says. “I try to watch my carb intake, just because the camera packs on weight. But I can’t refuse pasta.”

  I uncork the wine and pour us each a glass. Oddly, I have wine glasses in my office. I will often host meetings where dinner is brought in, along with wine, or where cocktails are served. Well, more scotch or bourbon over cocktails, but I still have the glassware for it. All the upper executives do. It’s just part of the facade.

  We toast and dish up food to start eating.

  “So, tell me how you got into acting?”

  Nick wipes at his mouth with a napkin before responding. “A boy I liked was in the drama club. I wanted to impress him.”

  “And did you?”

  “I got the part he wanted; he never spoke to me again.”

  I laugh despite myself.

  “It’s not funny!” Nick says.

  “It’s kind of funny.” I smirk.

  I feel comfortable with him, like I’ve known him for a long time. Which in some ways is odd to me, but I like the way that it feels as well. He looks good, obviously having gone home to change, and is now dressed in jeans and an untucked dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, highlighting his forearms. We’re similarly attired in that I’ve since dispensed of my jacket and tie and have my sleeves similarly rolled on my arms.

  “I have a friend who owns a community theater off-Broadway,” I tell him. “I’m happy to recommend you.”

  He laughs. “You don’t even know if I can act.”

  “True, but I like you. As such I want to do things for you.”

  “Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” He sounds upset suddenly. “I don’t need any special favors just to further my career.”

  I can tell I’ve struck a nerve, so I try to rectify the situation. “There’s nothing wrong with knowing people. It’s called networking.”

  “Maybe if I didn’t know we were fucking at the end of the night it would be, but since that’s not the case it feels a little sugar daddy-ish.”

  I blink. A little shocked by his frankness. Then a little turned on. “Okay, then.” I nod and pour us each some more wine. I like his surety in how our night will go. Not that I wasn’t thinking the same, but still.

  I sit back in my chair, legs spread, wine glass in one hand, the other resting on the leather arm. “It feels inevitable, doesn’t it?”

  He mimics my positioning and nods. “It does.”

  “I mean, I’m turned the fuck on by you. And I can’t wait to get you naked, but I also feel patient. which is something I’m not used to. It’s like we have all the time in the world. I’m not going anywhere. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Maybe it’s fate.” He smiles.

  “I’m more of a believer in control over fate.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Yet you don’t want to accept help with your career.”

  “Because that’s you being in control. Not fate.”

  I take a long sip of my wine. “How do you know?”

  His eyes meet mine as he too takes a long sip of his wine. “Because you don’t believe in fate.”

  I raise my glass. “Touché.”

  He really is way too good looking. With his blond hair and blue eyes, the slight tan that colors his face despite it being winter in New York. “Do you want to get out of here?”

  “I do.”

  We clean up the food remnants and toss everything in the trash. Then I take his hand and lead him to the elevators, calling for a town car as I go. “My place okay?”

  “Sure,” he says.

  The elevator doors open, I’m happy to see the car is empty, because I have plans for the short ride down. I push him up against the wall and press my lips to his in a hard and fast kiss. His arms snake around my waist to pull me toward him. I reach down to cup his dick through his jeans, feeling him swell as I do, making me groan.

  He kisses his way down my neck, biting at the skin as he goes. At this rate, I’m not going to be able to wait until we get to my place. The elevator dings to indicate our arrival, and I take his hand again to lead him to the back exit where I know the driver will be waiting.

  “Wow, fancy,” he says as he sees the car.

  “It’s just easier than the subway.” I shrug. He looks at me like he doesn’t believe me, but slides into the backseat when I open the door for him anyway. Once I’m in, and next to him, he turns to straddle me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me. At first softly, then harder as I kiss him back. He grinds on my lap; I love the weight of him pressing down.

  The ride to my place isn’t too long, still, we can’t keep our hands off one another between the car, through the lobby, and in the elevator ride to the penthouse of my building. My place is big, three thousand square feet, all on one level. Four bedrooms,
five bathrooms, plus an office, a den, formal dining room, theater room, and butler’s kitchen.

  It’s way more than what I need just for me. But I feel in love with the large terrace and the view of the city. And a small part of me thought that I would start a family here one day. Possibly.

  Nicks mouth opens in awe as he looks around the large space. “Just how rich are you?”

  “It’s all relative, right?”

  “Meaning it’s all your relatives?” he jokes.

  “Can we not talk?” I ask as I take him in my arms, kissing down his neck and around his jawline. He moans in response. I love the reactions I get from him.

  I take his hand and lead him to my bedroom. Unbuttoning my shirt, one-handed, as we go. He drops my hands to push my shirt off my shoulders, but it stops dropping at my wrists.

  “Shit. Forgot about my cufflinks,” I say.

  He laughs. Softly at first, then a bit harder, until he’s bent over at the waist and gasping for air. I untangle myself from my shirt, get my cufflinks undone, and toss both to the side.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “It’s probably not that funny,” he answers. “But that was the lie that my roommate, Sarah, and I had come up with to get your information from the catering company.”

  “What was?”

  “That you dropped your cufflink, and I picked it up but forgot to give it to you.”

  “Oh, that was a good one.” I begin unbuttoning his shirt for him. “Sarah is your roommate?”

  “Yes, and my best friend.”

  “I look forward to meeting her.” I lean in and kiss his chest, then work my way down his stomach until I’m on my knees before him. Not something I would usually find myself doing right away or even often. I enjoy a good ‘69’ position, but past that, I’m all about sending my partner to their knees. Something about Nick makes me really want to have his dick in my mouth before he has mine. I unfasten his jeans and push them partway down his hips. His cock beckoning from behind the thin material of his briefs.

  I lower my lips and kiss him through the cloth, releasing hot breath, feeling his cock jump at my touch. He pumps his hips toward me in silent invitation.

  Who am I to say no?



  Having Kris on his knees before me is a high like no other. I’ve never done drugs, but if this is how they make you feel, I’d want them if I couldn’t have Kris.

  He wraps his mouth around the tip of my cock, raking his teeth across the crown lightly. Even through my briefs, it feels amazing.

  “Fuck.” I draw the word out, having a tough time articulating.

  He pulls my clothing down to my thighs, my cock springs forward as though greeting him in response. I reach down and tug at it, I can’t help but touch myself. I need this release. Bad. This guy is working me into a frenzy. I don’t know how, but he does.

  He runs his cheek along the length of me, the scruff of his whiskers scraping the soft skin. My head spins, and I can’t tell if I’m coming or going, which way is up or down. All I know is I never want it to stop. I look down only to see him looking back up at me. His brown eyes full of heat and desire. I almost come at once.

  If I thought it couldn’t get better, I was wrong. Because then he takes me in his mouth. And I have to fist my hands and press my nails into my skin to keep from coming. I’ve never been quick to pop, but with him I just might. It’s like I’m a teenager all over again, and I have no control over my response. Kris pulls the tip into between his lips. And, just the tip, like it’s a lollipop or Popsicle. I want to grab his head and force my cock down his throat. But I wait, letting him do his thing, watching his beautiful face transform as he takes the whole thing in. He swallows as the head hits the back of his throat. Exactly the way I like. The feeling is sublime.

  “Kris.” I can barely speak. He grabs my ass cheeks, squeezing, then alternating pushing and pulling, urging my hips to fuck his face. I want to grab his head and pound into his mouth until I come. At the same time, I want to let him do this on his own and continue to let the feelings wash over me as he builds the pleasure higher and higher. His finger edges toward my hole, and the tip circles the rim, pressing in ever so slightly.

  That’s all it takes. I completely lose it, coming long and loud. My body shakes in near convulsions as I’m overtaken by the strongest orgasm I think I’ve ever had. I grab his head and don’t let go, pumping everything I have down his throat. He takes it all, not losing a drop. He releases me with a small ‘pop’ sound, licks his lips, and stands. I feel unsteady on my feet, dizzy from having come so hard.

  “That was incredible.” The words whoosh out of me as I try to catch my breath. I reach out to caress his cheek but miss as he pushes me on the chest, sending me backwards onto his bed.

  “It was.” He smiles as he removes my shoes and socks, then pulls my jeans down my legs, tossing them off to the side. And then I’m naked, on his massive bed, watching as he slowly unbuckles his belt and pulls it free from the loops of his slacks. Then he unbuttons and pushes them down which is when I see he’s not wearing anything else underneath. Somehow his shoes and socks are already off, I don’t know when that happened or how. Not that it matters.

  His body is like a work of art. It’s clear that he takes incredibly good care of it. His chest is broad and muscular, his arms defined, his thighs thick, and his cock huge. Standing straight up and beckoning to me. He joins me on his bed, crawling up from the foot to lay beside me. He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth to duel with mine. I reach between us to grab his dick and pump it with my fist. He throws his head back and groans.

  “I need to be inside you.” His voice is low and husky.

  “Lube?” I ask.

  “Top drawer.” He motions to the nightstand, which I open and find condoms, assorted lubes, plugs, and a few other toys that I plan to put to good use soon. I’m surprised that he’s letting me take some control since that seems to go against his nature. I came first. I would have assumed he would have wanted to.

  I roll the condom down his cock and generously lube my ass. Then, while he’s still lying on his back, I straddle him, lowering myself slowly on his dick. Just a bit at first while I adjust to his size. Then a bit further, and a bit more after that, until finally he’s completely sheathed inside me, his balls resting against my ass. He sits up, taking me with him, and moves so that his back is against his headboard, then pulls me tight against him so my cock is cushioned between us.

  I’m hard again, all it took was the tip of him at my ass to get me all the way there, so the friction of my cock between us and him buried completely in my ass, is almost too much to take. He kisses me long and hard, taking my face between his palms and holding my head in place while his lips slowly destroy me for anyone else.

  Such a good kisser.

  I want him to come, want to feel him release inside me, I want to see his face when he loses control. I raise up on my knees slightly and push back down, hard. He takes advantage by pumping into me repeatedly when I rise again. Grunting, sweating, pawing at me everywhere at once.

  It feels animalistic and intimate at the same time. I can’t look away from his handsome face, can’t stop touching him as he ruts beneath me, bringing us both to such heights of pleasure I’m helpless to stop him. It’s intense and fast and still the best I’ve ever had. I wanted this round to be more about him, but he’s taking over and I’m the one who’s going to reap the benefits.

  “This one is going to be quick,” he moans, grabbing my hips to hold me in place.

  I nod dumbly—almost there—and I grab my dick and pump a few times before I’m coming all over my stomach and his. He follows immediately after. I fall onto him, exhausted after coming twice so quickly. Yet, I know I could go again in a minute. I feel like I can’t get enough of him.

  As though reading my mind, his leans in to bite my ear lobe and says. “I’m fucking you again. Give me a minute.”

  He rol
ls us to the side, I’m sure I was crushing him, and keeps his arms around me, running his hands along my back. I’ve got my own hands tangled in his hair and my face buried in his neck. He smells so good. I love the feel of him in my arms, of his arms around me, of our skin touching, of his cock still lodged in my ass but softening.

  He pulls out slowly then rolls over to dispose of the condom. I pull back the comforter and the sheets, and worm my may into his bed, waiting.

  “I like the look of you there.” He smiles.

  “I like being here.”

  He stretches out beside me, and I curl into him as best I can. Resting my head on his chest and my hand above his heart. The beat of which is strong and still rapid. As I feel his pulse slow, I walk my hand down his chest and stomach to where his beautiful cock lies at half-mast. I encircle my fingers around it, and he sighs in pleasure. The sound excites me more than it should, and I feel my own dick rising with his.

  He rolls over on top of me and kisses me again. We kiss and kiss, rubbing our dicks between us, the slight body hair tangling and pulling, the pain of which is only increasing my pleasure. Right when I think I’m going to come again, he flips me over on my stomach and pulls me back to all fours, as though I barely weigh a thing, instead of a two-hundred-pound man standing at six feet, two inches.

  I hear the lube being squeezed from the bottle and stiffen slightly when begins to rub it around my hole, his fingers slipping inside, scissoring to widen me again. Better this time than how I prepped myself before. I groan at the feel of him. He spreads my ass cheeks wide and grunts.

  “So fucking good,” he says. I hear him open another condom, and before I have a chance to blink, he’s pushing both thumbs into my hole.

  “Fuck yes,” he says as he positions his dick and plunges in. No more foreplay. No warning. No hesitation. And, oh, my fuck does it feel amazing.

  I face plant into the mattress, dulling the sounds of my pleasure. Kris grabs my hips and pulls out, all the way, before drilling into me, repeatedly. He reaches around and grabs my dick, pulling on it as he pushes in, giving the feeling I’m fucking him as he’s fucking me, only he’s doing all the work. I thought I was in decent shape before this, but he has stamina like I’ve never seen.


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