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The Crooked Road to Heaven

Page 8

by Robert Connolly

  “And how would we be able to study something we can’t even see?” Nole innocently pressed.

  “By our spiritual reactions to particles and equations of creative matter, and we will be able to do that because our spiritual selves are composed of the equations of the same material.”

  “Well, as I haven’t studied any science, Seán, I find all that difficult to digest; but if you will be my teacher in heaven, then I suppose there’s hope for me.” Nole humbled himself spiritually.

  “In heaven, Nole, there is no rich and poor, and no elitist attitudes, but all are brothers and sisters in spirit. We are all spiritually composed of particles that have the ability to configure all aspects of divine knowledge and feed the information to our spiritual memories at the speed of light, so there’s no need for you to be concerned about anything - understood, Nole?”

  “Well, yeah, if you say so, Seán.” And after a pause Nole asked, “Might we be able to visit other places in space - I mean in heavenly spaceships, if we’re going to be studyin’ science?”

  “Yes, I expect that would be part of the spiritual equation, and we might even visit other planets in space vehicles,” Seán suggested.

  “Do you mean spaceships like they have on earth, Seán?”

  “No, not exactly like them, Nole. We would travel in spiritual spaceships composed of the same spiritual matter as that of our spiritual selves and capable of travelling at the speed of light.”

  “The speed of light,” Nole repeated. Then he said, “Isn’t that what the spiritual monk asked you, Seán?”

  “Yes, and well remembered, Nole. Do you remember the answer I gave?”

  “No, but it was fast - too fast for me to recall.”

  “One hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second,” Seán stated.

  “I find it hard to believe that anythin’ could travel at that speed. It sounds impossible,” Nole uttered.

  “Yes, I know it’s difficult to mentally and spiritually digest, but nevertheless it’s true, and when we enter heaven after our journey on the crooked road we too will be able to travel at that speed because we are composed of the same particles of light,” Seán explained.

  “Will human beings on earth be able to travel like that through space sometime in the future?” Nole queried.

  “I believe not, Nole. Physical bodies will never be able to travel safely at high speed through outer space. The atmosphere of outer space is not an environment for creatures of bone, flesh and blood, so it will never be. Only spiritual souls will have the ability to undertake such space adventures, and yet there is a way round the problem - but the crooked road to heaven is not the place for such discussions,” Seán concluded.

  “Well, it all sounds interesting and I’m looking forward to being spiritually enlightened,” Nole revealed, and changing the subject he remarked, “I wonder what’s around the next bend. Bends on the crooked road appeal to the spiritual curiosity because they reveal a change of scenery, just like they did during our earthly life on earth below.”

  “Yes, that’s true, Nole, since heaven is a spiritual reflection of earth, and now we have the echoes of birdsong and the harp music as well. The contentment my spiritual self feels right now is such that I wouldn’t have a crumb of complaint if heaven was to be no more than this.” Seán expressed his spiritual joy.

  “I’ll go along with that, Seán, and... Glory be to God! Will you just feast your eyes on that!” Nole telepathically exclaimed.

  “Glory be to God indeed!” Seán repeated. “It’s reminiscent of a huge ice palace and yet it’s just a spiritual reflection like our spiritual selves are.”

  “Would you say that’s the end of the crooked road and the beginning of heaven, Seán?” Nole asked, awestruck by the spiritual sight.

  “I am spiritually convinced it is, Nole.”

  “That means our souls are all but purged of sin.” Nole spiritually smiled his delight and added, “Am I right to be thinkin’ that, Seán?”

  “That is how I would interpret it, Nole.”

  “Well, we’ll know for certain when we meet Brother Peter.”

  “That we will, Nole. Strange isn’t it. If we were still in our bodies on earth and faced with such an occasion we would be filled with mental apprehension, whereas here on the threshold of heaven we have no such fears, but spiritual contentment instead,” Seán spiritually observed.

  “Yeah, I understand what you mean, Seán, but I’m glad I’m not excited because it might cause me to make a fool of myself and this way I won’t. Well, I hope I won’t,” Nole spiritually assured himself.

  “I wonder if this was what the cuckoo was heralding,” Seán anticipated.

  “Now, that’s somethin’ worth considerin’. My mother might have been right after all,” Nole speculated.

  “Yes, she may well have got it right. We are almost there.”

  “Yeah, just a stone’s throw as we would have said on earth,” Nole guessed.

  “Just look at that, Nole. They must be the pearly gates of the kingdom of heaven. They are just like I’ve heard them described,” Seán remarked.

  “Yeah, yeah, they sure are mighty impressive and I hope they will be opening for us after we have received our judgement.” Nole voiced his spiritual wish.

  “You will soon know the result, Nole. This must be the entrance to the Serene Palace of Heavenly Justice to the left. The crooked road leads right up to it,” Seán decided.

  “Yeah, that’s what it looks like to me too,” Nole agreed. “So we are finally going to meet Brother Peter face-to-face, spiritually speaking,” Nole stated. And he continued: “Look, some spirit is emerging from the entrance. It’s a spirit with folded wings - an angel no doubt. Well, glory be.”

  Chapter Seven

  The smiling angel addressed the waiting friends: “Good day to you, Brothers Seán and Nole, and welcome to the Serene Palace of Heavenly Justice. I am Sister Celeste, one of the assisting angels of the Serene Palace, which is the judgement seat of Brother Peter, holder of the keys of the gates of the kingdom of heaven,” the lady angel greeted and informed Seán and Nole.

  “And good day to you, Sister Celeste. We are both delighted to meet you,” Seán greeted in return for both, and Nole nodded his approval.

  “Brother Peter will pass judgement on you. If he grants you absolution you will become members of the kingdom of heaven by passing through the pearly gates of heaven, which you have seen. Your spiritual mentalities will then be opened to all the mysteries of heaven, where you will reside for evermore,” Sister Celeste informed them, smiling.

  “That is our burning ambition, Sister Celeste, no doubt about it,” Nole assured.

  “And hopefully we will be successful, Sister,” Seán added.

  “Not many souls having travelled the crooked road to heaven fail, and for those that do it is only a temporary setback,” Sister Celeste enlightened.

  “Well, Sister, whatever the good Brother Peter decides will be fine with me and no complaints.” Nole made his feelings known.

  “Commendable, Brother Nole,” the angelic spirit replied, smiling. “If you feel ready now you can enter the Serene Palace, but Brother Peter will only receive spiritual souls individually; therefore one of you must wait here until the other has been examined.”

  “Well, Sister Celeste, if Brother Seán would like to go in first I don’t mind waitin’ my turn,” Nole suggested, hoping that Seán would agree.

  “OK, Nole, I’ll break the ice so to speak and enter first. Is there any special form of address I should use, Sister Celeste?” Seán requested.

  “Only one, Brother Seán. You should address the keeper of the keys of heaven simply as Brother Peter. We are all equal in heaven. There are no doors in the palace. Your spiritual self will pass through the entrance.”

“I’ll keep my spiritual fingers crossed for you, Seán. If you qualify for heaven don’t forget to put a good word in for me,” Nole entreated.

  Seán spiritually smiled and answered, “I think you are more than capable of ploughing your own furrow, Nole, but nevertheless I’ll put a word in for you if I’m allowed,” Seán assured.

  “Ah now, I knew you would. I’ll be prayin’ hard for you out here. Good luck, Seán.”

  Seán walked to the silver-grey entrance and his spiritual self melted into the mist-like construction. In that same moment he found himself in the interior of the Serene Palace of Heavenly Justice, which seemed to be created from the silver-grey foam that was the spiritual vapour that gently flows beneath the Purging Bridge in which he and Nole had bathed their spiritual selves before continuing their journey on the crooked road. He was standing at one end of the spacious, similarly constructed hall. At the other end of the hall stood a spiritual figure beside a spiritual-lectern, but Seán couldn’t see the face of the spiritual figure because of the sphere of intermingling light patterns that obscured its head and facial features.

  The figure addressed him in the telepathic language. “Welcome, Brother Seán, to the Serene Palace of Heavenly Justice. I am Brother Peter, holder of the keys of the kingdom of heaven. You are wondering why you can’t see my face and the reason for that is because you are only granted that privilege after your judgement and on acceptance into the kingdom of heaven. Is that understood, Brother Seán?”

  “Yes, Brother Peter. I believed there would be a reason and I understand the logic. It is also a pleasure to meet you, Brother Peter.” Seán made his feelings known.

  “And likewise pleased to meet you, Brother Seán. I have been studying your short lifetime record and the circumstances surrounding your premature presence here, which is as the result of a vehicle accident on earth whilst in the act of delivering an intoxicated friend home because of your concern for his well-being.”

  “That is correct, Brother Peter. My friend Tom was a good man at heart and he had three dependants: a wife and two young children. He wasn’t an alcoholic, but he liked a few drinks and, well, at times perhaps a few too many. I’m sure that might well have been unintentional - at least that’s how I saw it, Brother Peter.”

  “I see, Brother Seán. And you were in life a keen advocate against the propulsion of any kind of vehicle after having consumed alcohol-fortified drinks.”

  “Yes, Brother Peter, I always stood by that rule.”

  “You were a wise soul, Brother Seán, but then you unfortunately became involved in an accident whilst taking instant action to avoid running over a fox?” Brother Peter recalled.

  “Yes, Brother Peter. I love animals and I acted instinctively to avoid killing the fox,” Seán explained.

  “Your instant decision is highly commended, Brother Seán, but the truth is you wouldn’t have killed the fox because it was a spirit, just as you had earlier suggested during your evening discussion with your friend Tom concerning his regular encounters with the fox whilst cycling home under the influence of alcohol,” Brother Peter revealed.

  “So I guessed right, Brother Peter!” Seán spiritually exclaimed, surprised.

  “Not merely guessed, but thoughtfully suggested Brother Seán, and that is the only way that a spiritual soul visiting living family members, relatives and friends on earth can intervene in their earthly existence by being granted heavenly permission to spiritually disguise itself as another creature, such as a fox, to warn loved ones or friends against indulging in dangerous habits. You will also be pleased to know that the spiritual fox was, with your unexpected intrusion, successful in its mission, which you will discover for yourself later.”

  “If that means, Brother Peter, that Tom is going to stop getting himself intoxicated and wobbling his way home on his bicycle in the dark, I’ll be more than pleased - really delighted.”

  “It does indeed mean that, Brother Seán!”

  “Well, that indeed is really good news Brother Peter.” And after a thoughtful moment Seán asked, “Brother Peter, could you explain what you meant when you just said I would discover something for myself later?”

  “Yes, Brother Seán. My reason for my remark is that, as you already qualify for acceptance into heaven, I have decided to send you back to earth to continue your life there. You were to be married soon in life to your beloved fiancée, Maura, and she will be greatly relieved and delighted to learn that you survived the accident, as will your parents, family members and friends too.”

  “Yes, Brother Peter, I can imagine their joy, but being spiritual at the moment, and without emotions, I can’t feel their reactions and delight.” Seán expressed his spiritual feelings.

  “All your physical emotions will return when your spiritual clone rejoins your spiritual self in your earthly body. Did you enjoy your life on earth, Brother Seán?”

  “I do remember being happily alive Brother Peter.”

  “You have the mental and physical ability to do a lot of good in your continued earthly existence Brother Seán, so do your best to make life content for yourself, your future wife, Maura, and future children. Remember, Brother Seán, there is a definite reason for existence on earth and it can be discovered through the evolution of the mentality. You cultivate your quality of thought and you will reap the rewards Brother Seán.”

  “I will endeavour to do my very best, Brother Peter, and I promise you and God that I will never break my pledge on drinking and driving,” Seán stated with conviction.

  “I believe you will keep your promise, Brother Seán, because you are a thoughtful, strong-willed soul and worthy of a second chance,” Brother Peter commended.

  “I extend my most grateful thanks to you Brother Peter.”

  “Your gratitude is noted and will not be forgotten Brother Seán. Go now with my good wishes. Continue your earthly life and accept its struggles, for they are of paramount importance to existence and may your evolving mentality guide you safely through all your difficulties.”

  “My deepest thanks to you Brother Peter and... could I say something on behalf of my friend Nole?”

  “There’s no need to Brother Seán. I have also decided to send your friend, Brother Nole, back to his earthly body as well. You were both close friends on earth, so I shall not separate you now.”

  “That is wonderful news Brother Peter! I can’t think of suitable words to express my appreciation, but a timeless thank you might suffice to compensate for my lack.”

  “I understand your spiritual joy. Go now. I can hear your friend calling your name. Farewell, Brother Seán.”

  “Farewell, Brother Peter. I’ll never forget you.”

  Chapter Eight

  In the cab of the transit van, angled face down in a ditch against the bank of a hedgerow on the narrow verge of the brambled lane that led to the cottage home of Tom Doyle, Nole Deegan had regained consciousness in his slumped, angled position on the passenger seat. The interior of the cab was partially illuminated from the reflected light of the van’s headlamps, which were still functioning.

  “My God!” Nole drowsily exclaimed. “I’m alive, but full of pain. What happened?” And as he became mentally aware of his own and Seán’s predicament he wearily called, “Seán, Seán, Seán! Wake up, will you! For God’s sake wake up, Seán!” he pleaded. “Make a sound Seán and let me know you’re alive. Oh, mother of God, don’t let him die - he’s too young.” He paused for a moment and the fear he felt for his friend’s survival compelled him to plead again: “Seán, Seán, for God’s sake wake up. Just groan or make a noise, but don’t die. How would I explain it to your mother? Oh God, what am I going to do?” And he lapsed into a momentary silence again.

  At that moment Seán’s body moved and he called weakly and hoarsely as he struggled for consciousness: “Nole...”

instantly glanced sideways and weakly exclaimed, “Mother of God! It’s a miracle - he’s alive! My prayer has been answered. Oh, thank the Lord! I’m here Seán, beside you.”

  “Nole... Nole, you’re here with me... we are both back from the dead.” Seán continued to croak weakly.

  “We are both alive anyway, but I had a terrible feelin’ about you for a few minutes,” Nole responded with relief.

  “Nole, Brother Peter decided to send our spiritual clones back to our bodies to continue our lives on earth,” Seán informed slowly recovering full consciousness.

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Seán.” Nole replied, and he thought to himself, ‘He must have taken a mighty hard knock to his head.’

  “We are back in our bodies Nole and we have emotional feelings again!”

  “Yeah, well, that’s a fact. My feelin’s are all bad ones since I came round - aches and pains, especially in my head where I’m sure there’s a little sprite playin’ a drum. And to make matters worse I’m trapped in here.” Nole described his discomfort.

  “I have a splitting headache too, but I’ll never forget our spiritual journey,” Seán commented.

  “What spiritual journey Seán? We have been here all the time since our accident and we won’t be goin’ anywhere until we’re rescued,” Nole reminded.

  “Yes our bodies were here, but the clones of our spiritual selves were elsewhere. Don’t you remember?” Seán pressed.

  “All that I can remember Seán was my head crashing against the dashboard and I must have passed out then. The only other thing I remember is coming round again with a mighty sore head,” Nole recalled.

  “But surely you must remember the crooked road to heaven Nole. We walked along it together, spiritually, after speaking to Azrael the Angel of Death. We met the spiritual monk and later the spiritual joker and his spiritual collie, Jessie and after that we met the spiritual lady sentinel. We spoke to Azrael just out there on the green verge. Surely you haven’t forgotten all that?” Seán asked, perplexed by Nole’s lack of memory.


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