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From Paris to Forever

Page 8

by Savannah Blaize

  “Aye, I see you are awake, my dear. I am so happy to see your wee smiling face.” She placed the flowers on the small table in the corner, and came to stand at the side of Chloe’s bed. “I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and come to say hello. I was on duty in ICU the night you were admitted. We were all so worried about you. Such a pretty young thing you are. And your Mr Baker is such a lovely young man to stay with you through the night and hold your hand. He didn’t let it go for even a minute.”

  Chloe felt drawn to this matronly woman with the cheery smile. “He stayed with me through the night?”

  “Never left your side, not for a moment. Put his head down and slept on the bed here beside you.” Nurse Andrews beamed at Chloe, patting the mattress at her side.

  “I don’t remember much about that night.”

  “He was the one who found you at home, so I’m told. Called an ambulance and brought you in. He never left your bedside, till morning. That one’s a keeper to be sure, lassie. Ah, young love. It’s grand.”

  “Really? He never mentioned it.” Chloe tried to remember, but came up with nothing. All thoughts of that night evaded her. Patrick stayed with me all night? The image of his face when she opened her eyes her only clear memory. Patrick had visited on only one other occasion since her accident, dropped off a card and hadn’t stayed long. Todd, on the other hand, had been there every evening during visiting hour. He’s such a good friend.

  “He’s probably shy. Doesn’t want to make a fuss, I imagine. I was young once, and in love too. Aye, it’s grand,” Nurse Andrews reiterated, in her broad Scottish accent.

  She wondered why Patrick hadn’t told her he had brought her to the hospital and stayed with her. Maybe he’s shy. I won’t bring it up.

  Todd arrived midmorning to collect Chloe from the hospital. They drove directly to Port Melbourne. Surmising she would prefer a woman’s company, he had asked Samantha to meet them at Chloe’s house to help pack a suitcase for her short stay at his apartment.

  As they pulled to a stop at the kerb, Samantha bounded out of her stationary car, clasping a basket full of provisions. “It’s good to see you up and about again, Chloe. You’re starting to get a little colour in your cheeks.” She kissed Chloe’s cheek, and wrapped her free arm around her in a tentative hug. “I brought supplies, look. I can make some lunch for us all at Todd’s. Better take this inside and not leave it in the hot car.” They strolled up the path arm in arm.

  Todd produced a key and opened the front door. “I took the liberty of making a copy of your house key. I hope you don’t mind? While you were in hospital, I arranged to have the paint and mess cleaned up by one of our company cleaning agencies.”

  Chloe didn’t mind. In fact, the thought of seeing the damage done by the paint, not to mention the blood, had caused her to lose sleep last night. “I’m very grateful, Todd. You seem to have thought of everything.”

  “I also arranged for Truffle to board at a cattery. You don’t need to worry about who’s going to feed him. I couldn’t have him in the apartment. Sorry.”

  “That’s one of his strong points. He’s very ‘take control’, very organised and methodical, Chloe.” Samantha beamed at Todd and gave him an impromptu hug. She placed the basket at the bottom of the stairs to collect on the way out. “Okay. Point me in the right direction and we’ll get you packed and out of here tout suite. “

  “Are you sure you have time, Sam?”

  “Don’t worry, Chloe. I’ve left Daniel in charge of the office. He can manage it for a couple of hours. He’s done it before, many times. He’ll only have to handle the odd walk-in. Todd cleared his schedule. There were no appointments booked this morning. Anyway, Daniel has my number if he needs me.”

  Todd walked around checking the windows and locks were secure, while Sam and Chloe packed what would have been enough for a month-long holiday on the Costa Brava. Struggling under the weight of the suitcase and a carry bag full of shoes, Sam emerged at the top of the stairs and looked imploringly down at Todd, who immediately climbed the steps two at a time to relieve her of the burden.

  Todd’s working days were going to become much shorter, at least for the next few weeks. Knowing Chloe would be there to welcome him home each day pleased him immensely.

  On the way home, he dropped into South Melbourne market to pick up smoked salmon, all the ingredients for a light pasta dish, a freshly baked sourdough loaf, and salad vegetables. Threading his way through the packed aisles, he noticed a florist with a vibrant display of fresh flowers. He had the young sales assistant wrap a large bouquet of bright pink lilies and a posy of pale pink roses.

  Chloe loved flowers. Casting his mind back, he remembered how reverently she had touched the fragile petals of the flowers he had bought for her while in hospital. Adjusting and rearranging them in their containers had been a daily task. He hoped they brought a smile to her face.

  Chloe reclined on a sun lounge enjoying the sun’s late afternoon rays as it filtered onto the balcony. Her face lit up when she saw him, just as he had imagined it would. Whether because of the flowers or his arrival, it didn’t matter. He would take the gift of her smile regardless. The air in the apartment seemed fresher, the colours brighter, and he was in no doubt Chloe’s presence produced this light-hearted ambience. She struggled to get up, but he insisted she stay in exactly the same spot, and promised he would join her. Ten minutes later he emerged onto the balcony, casually dressed in jeans and an open-necked white polo shirt, carrying two tall glasses of ice tea.

  “I wasn’t expecting you back so early.” Chloe accepted the tea gratefully.

  “Surprised?” Todd perched on the edge of the chaise opposite.

  “Pleasantly. Today has been a blur. It’s lovely to see your smiling face.”

  “Were you lonely?”

  “No, just surprised at how secluded and quite it is up here. Samantha left right after lunch. I am afraid I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. I didn’t make it to bed. The leather is so soft it’s like floating on a cloud. I drifted off before I knew it. This luxury will take a bit of getting used to … But once I do, I might never want to leave.” She sighed and closed her eyes, settling herself more comfortably on the chaise cushions.

  “No one is rushing you out the door. Stay as long as you like.” Todd sipped his tea as that happy thought lingered on his mind for a few minutes longer. “I’m making pasta for dinner tonight. Can I get you anything to nibble on while I cook? Would you like some stuffed olives, or some appetisers?” Todd stood up, removing the empty glass from her grasp.

  “I’m fine, really. But if you’re going to cook, can I come inside and watch you?” Chloe reached out her hand to him.

  “Don’t you trust me?” He pulled her carefully towards him, helping her retain her balance.

  “Of course I trust you. I’m interested. I find it enjoyable to watch a man cooking.”

  He held her shoulders for a second longer than necessary, searching her upturned face. Do you? Do you trust me, Chloe? “Something you have experienced in France, I take it.”

  “Yes. I was seeing someone in Paris who could cook exceptionally well. He was a chef at a restaurant near the Lido.”

  Momentarily thrown by the mention of another man, the smile almost disappeared. The sharp burn of jealousy edged its way into his thoughts. He pushed it down, released her and turned towards the kitchen. Keep busy, keep moving. Don’t spoil this night before it has begun.

  “Ah, so I have to prove myself tonight. Well, I’m up for the challenge. I’m making my special homemade pasta with smoked salmon, capers and dill. I think you’ll enjoy it, because I happen to know you like seafood.”

  Todd observed his guest moving through the open-plan apartment as he prepared to make their dinner. As soon as Chloe had settled herself on the couch and put up her feet, he began to collect his ingredients. He had an unconcious ease and grace in his own environment, thoroughly enjoying showing off his culinary talents.
br />   Chloe twirled the forkful of salmon pasta on the plate, concentrating on sweeping up some of the cream sauce. She took her time as she savoured the first bite, wiping her lips with the linen napkin, taking a sip of water

  “Todd, it is wonderful. Every bit as delicious as you said it would be. The sauce is light and creamy. The fresh pasta is al dente. All perfect! You get a ten out of ten, for effort, table presentation and taste.”

  Chloe reached out to fluff up the heads of the small pink roses he had positioned between them in a crystal vase. Then she placed her hand on his and squeezed lightly. Happiness invaded every cell from that innocent touch.

  Outwardly Todd was trying hard not to look too pleased or smile too much. Inside, though, he was fist-pumping the air, and blowing a raspberry to the old French boyfriend, whoever he was.

  They adjourned to the living room couch for an after dinner drink. Chloe settled for tea and Todd poured himself a glass of Scotch.

  It seemed a little strange to Todd, having Chloe here, living in his personal space. Something he had not experienced before. It was going to take a bit getting of used to, but if this first night was any indication, he felt they were going to get along famously.

  Two hours later, still buzzing from her praise over his cooking but not wanting this evening to end, he noticed Chloe’s eyes were fluttering closed. She reluctantly agreed to an early night. Todd helped her to her feet, and with his arm around her shoulders, walked her to her room. After the promise of an early morning coffee date, he kissed her on the cheek and retired to his room.

  The realisation that a warm, naked, extremely female body snuggled up against him stirred Todd from his slumber. He turned towards her and gazed into Chloe’s sea-green eyes. “Are you sure?” He whispered the words, trying not to break the spell.

  Without answering, she rose up and straddled his hips. She placed her hands flat on his bare chest and dipped down to brush her full lips against his. Her long blonde hair fell forwards, partially covering her face and tumbling down over his stomach. The silken tresses caressed his skin. Her warm thighs gripped him tighter, and she eased back and raised both hands to gather her hair on top of her head in a twist of lose curls. In this position, her breasts were a feast to his eyes.

  The generous swell of creamy skin, the tight dusky pink nipples and the way they moved in and out of his reach as she swayed back and forth, had him eager and straining below the sheet. Such unbearable torture. To have her in such an enticing position, to inhale her perfumed skin, drove him crazy. He wanted so desperately to reach out and touch those tantalising breasts. To slip slowly inside her and watch her beautiful face become mesmerised with pleasure, to hear her whisper his name as he did.

  He shifted his position, and gripped her hips. She welcomed him in with a sigh.

  The beep of the alarm on his phone brought him back to reality, and to greet the dawn as the watery rays of sunlight glimmered through the balcony rail. He couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he had been dreaming. The intense sensations appeared so real. Cursing under his breath, he made his way to a cold shower and the start of another hectic day of denial. It was simply lust. He wasn’t in love with her. Now she’s invading my dreams. What hope did he have?

  Chloe heard Todd leave the apartment just after dawn. Although very early in the morning, she wrapped her shawl around her and ventured out to the stainless steel and granite kitchen to make a cup of tea. Alone, she could appreciate his orderly kitchen. All the accessories matched. Appliances had been strategically placed on benches for aesthetic appeal, or tucked away inside huge cupboards. Todd wouldn’t allow her to help clean up after dinner last night. Even if she had been well, she had no doubt his preference would have been to clean the kitchen himself, and return everything to its rightful place.

  She took her mug of tea to drink by the window overlooking the city, and marvel at the stunning view. No wonder Todd loves this apartment. The proximity to the city and the beach would be hard to beat. His offer to stay had been a lifeline, but it wouldn’t have been made lightly. It must be hard for him to have a visitor, especially a woman, in his private domain. Yet graciously, Todd had encouraged her to make herself at home.

  Yesterday, when Samantha had gone, she had wandered around to admire and check out all the rooms. Impressed by Todd’s minimalist bedroom with the king-sized bed, she could not believe his extensive walk-in robe. It was open-plan, adjacent to the ensuite, unavoidable and so very enticing. She had run her fingertips over the suits as she walked the length of the small room, and felt the texture of the impeccably ironed shirts and soft silky ties. Excellent taste, no doubt about that. Chloe considered Todd to be a perfectionist, but clearly she had been far too reserved. If he was as particular with everything as he was with his clothes, God help any woman who came into his life who did not share his obsession.

  So absorbed was she in her reflections, she didn’t hear the apartment door open. Todd returned wearing his lycra skins, his ear buds still intact, iPod attached to his arm. He obviously didn’t see her curled up on the chair by the window. She had thirty seconds to register how good he looked before he disappeared into his bedroom. No novice when it came to lycra-clad bodies—after all, she had worked with male dancers for years in Paris—he may as well have been walking around naked. Her teacup halfway to her open mouth stayed frozen, the image of his physique securely burnt onto her retina. What a package. Hell. Who knew.

  She heard the shower running and immediately envisaged his naked body under the hot spray, the soap foaming around his torso and thighs as he scrubbed off all that sweat he had worked up in the gym downstairs. She put down the cup and fanned her flushed face with the end of her shawl. For God’s sake, he’s your friend. Get your mind out of the gutter.

  Chloe stood at the kitchen bench preparing a small fruit platter when Todd reappeared, already dressed and ready for work. He paused momentarily by the bedroom door. It was disconcerting for him to see Chloe in his kitchen, touching his precious knives, using his juicer. He mentally shook it off. After all, he had invited her to stay and he had better get used to this. It’s only temporary.

  “Good morning, did you sleep well?” Todd took a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “Good morning to you. Yes, I did thank you. I thought I would make breakfast since you made dinner last night. I kept it simple.”

  “Juice and fruit is lovely, thank you.”

  “There’s scrambled eggs too if you’d like some. I figured you liked chives since I found a bunch in the fridge. I put some in the eggs.” Chloe placed the pitcher of orange juice within his reach.

  “Sounds great. I’ll have whatever you’re having.” Todd retrieved the pitcher of juice and poured two glasses.

  “Lovely. Make a start on the fruit and I will join you in a second.”

  “Bon appetit.” She placed the plate of creamy scrambled eggs in front of Todd with a flourish, and sat down to enjoy hers.

  “Are you up to all this? I should be waiting on you.”

  “It’s only breakfast, Todd. I think I can cope.”

  “These eggs are delicious!”

  “That’s nice to hear. I do make good scrambled eggs, if I say so myself.”

  They ate their breakfast in companionable silence for a few minutes.

  Chloe smiled at him, a great big beaming smile, and all of his concerns about her presence in his kitchen faded into the background.

  “I should be home by six o’clock tonight. I thought we could have steak and salad for dinner. The doctor said you need to boost your iron levels.”

  “Steak and salad would be lovely. Can I request ice-cream for dessert? I have a massive sweet tooth.”

  Todd walked around the bench to collect Chloe’s empty plate for the dishwasher. “I find that very hard to believe, with your figure. But sure, you can have some ice-cream. I might even buy some of that salted caramel sauce I hear is popular, to pour over the top.”

  Chloe’s eyes lit up
at the mention of salted caramel, and she stood up and threw her arms around his neck and gave him a resounding kiss on the cheek.

  “If that’s what I get for suggesting salted caramel, what do I get when I deliver?” Todd placed his hands on her hips, enjoying the sight of this carefree Chloe, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Oh. I’ll have to think about that one.” Chloe giggled, and gave his cheek one more kiss for good measure, before she pulled away.

  “You won’t be the only one.” Todd muttered under his breath as he left the kitchen to brush his teeth.

  Time flowed lazily, one day to the next, without incident. Chloe had accepted her doctor’s advice to rest. She appreciated Todd’s surprise visits, dropping by with a gourmet sandwich for lunch or a muffin for afternoon tea if he had business in the area. He preferred to be the one to cook dinner for them both, and Chloe could not complain about his skill in the kitchen. Samantha called often, when the office was quiet, and she had time to chat. Chloe delighted in the easy friendship which had formed between them.

  She kept busy most days, drawing in her sketchpad, changing the layout of her kitchen and family room. Surfing the net, sourcing furniture and appliances for the new addition, meant she had a wide range from which to choose. She had cut out articles and new designs from the Home Improvement and House and Garden magazines Todd had graciously brought home for her. The portfolio had grown considerably now she had more time.

  She hadn’t felt this relaxed in years. She didn’t want to question this new found contentment, didn’t want to risk jinxing it. She had been searching for it for some time without knowing it. Even for the short time she dated Patrick, when hormones seemed to go into overdrive, there had never been this level of comfort in his pesence. The only thing she was sure of was that Todd had become the person she could count on, the person she looked forwards to seeing walk through the door each evening. The person who had brought her into his house and had expected nothing in return.


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