Too Haught
Page 6
“That’s what we both grew up hearing, and it’s as true now as it was when he said it,” Beau agreed.
“Just take care of yourself. I’ll see you tonight.”
“You’re actually going to let them take a picture of you in your underwear? I didn’t think you’d go through with it.” Beau knew there were some things going on between True and his brother, but those two were like Fort Knox with their information. The woman went after what she wanted, and she had been easy with his seemingly laid-back brother, but for whatever reason she seemed to be turning up the heat.
“I’m still thinking about it, but I will be there.” There was noise in the background, and Beau knew that someone was coming in to talk with the brother everyone came to when there was a problem. “See you then.” His brother disconnected the call, and his door opened a few moments later.
He could hear a few voices from where he sat in the living room, and one of them had to be Karessa’s assistant. Her accent was thick, but if he listened closely, he could tell that she was speaking English. Sounded like the woman was quite taken by his brooding older brother with as many times as he heard the name Alec escape her lips. He wondered how that was going over with True.
By the time they made it to the living room, he was standing up to meet them. Too bad he only had eyes for the one who wouldn’t look him in the face. True was introducing him to Maryse, and although he’d seen her name in print he didn’t know it was pronounced like the French word merci. She was pretty much the face and body of Karessa’s brand, although he never knew why Karessa didn’t model her sexy products herself. She only did it once. A few years ago, he started a small charity to put together an afterschool program for children who could use a place to go and a good meal. It wasn’t supposed to be a big project, but he’d held a couple of hoagie sales to get some capital for the Latchkey Kid Foundation. It was a pet project because drugs had taken a hold of his small community, and there were a good number of children who could use an extra meal or two because of their caregivers’ lack of funds and attention.
When he’d seen the poster his brothers had put up for a month at the bar, and then the same advertisement all around the media, titled “A Corset for Beau,” he’d hadn’t known what to think. He tried to call her then, but was put through to her publicity team enough times to get the message. She didn’t want to talk to him. Beau didn’t blame her because he knew what he’d done to make her hate him, but that’s why he was so shocked that she’d wanted to help him with his charity. Thinking about it, though, it made sense. She was quite neglected as a child by her own mother, so she probably saw it as a way to give back to her community.
He knew his girl liked revenge, and he was pretty sure torturing him was her end goal and helping the charity was an added benefit. It killed him seeing her everywhere with barely anything on, and the fact that the poster had his name all over it didn’t help. That picture caused an instant hard-on, and the damn thing was all around the city. Billboards, magazines, newspapers, and his brothers had covered almost all the wall space over at the Haught Spot with Karessa in a corset. Camden was proud of his friend Karessa and his brother, so he had done his fair share of plastering her image all over the bar and neighborhood trying to help out, but that picture frustrated the hell out of Beau. Trying to bring his attention back to the smiling blonde who stood between him and Karessa was difficult, but he knew he could do it.
“I’ve heard so much about you. I’m glad to finally meet you.” The tall woman walked over with her head high and her chest thrust toward him. He reached out to shake her hand in greeting. That must have been the right thing to do because she awarded him with a huge smile. He was usually better at reading women, but with Karessa so close by, it felt like his wires were short-circuiting.
“Does anyone want anything to drink or to have a seat?” he asked, looking at each of the women who were just standing there like they expected him to say something.
“No, we’re just dropping Karessa off and then we’re getting settled before we have to get to the shoot. I think our girl needs a bit of rest. She looks exhausted,” True said in a voice that was anything but a whisper.
“Where are your bags?” Beau looked over at Karessa only to find she was walking around the room as if assessing her living quarters.
“The delivery men are bringing them. True arranged it.” Karessa looked over to True who was overly interested in the items Beau hadn’t yet put away.
“Well, see you in a few hours,” True said quickly as she pulled Maryse with her out the door.
“It was nice meeting you, Beau,” Maryse said as she was dragged toward the door.
The silence in the room was deafening, and Beau didn’t know if he should clarify the situation that had happened the last time he’d seen her or wait until she was more rested. The deep sigh that came from across the room made the decision for him.
“Let me show you to your room,” he said and watched as Karessa continued to explore his home. Walking past her, he tried to see his humble abode the way someone else would see it. He liked his apartment, and he’d filled it with things that were important to him. She followed behind him quietly as he searched for something to say. His brothers would love to see him now. The Haught that everyone thought always said the perfect thing at the perfect time was drawing a blank when it mattered so much to him.
“Did you get to see everyone over at the bar?” Beau didn’t know where to start, but he knew that they were going to have to get over this. It was almost like he was suffocating holding his tongue until a better time.
“Look, I know that True has forced me on you, and for that, I’m sorry. I’ll only be here for a few days and those days are pretty packed. I’ll stay out of your way as much as possible, and I think you should do the same.”
He walked over until he was standing in front of her and waited quietly for words to come to him. Fuck. There was a big blank where there were usually large amounts of options. When she finally looked up at him, he didn’t even mind the huff that accompanied it. He still didn’t have anything to say that would make sense, so he just pulled her into his arms. She sighed and practically melted into him, and he threw up a silent prayer, because her reaction could have gone either way.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, and she just shook her head no. “Thirsty?” Another shake of her head. “Do you need anything?”
“A nap,” she said, sounding like she was halfway there.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed.” Beau had already changed the sheets and was pulling them down so he could get her tucked in as fast as he could. When he turned around, she was in panties and a T-shirt. She must have slipped everything off when he was turning down the bed. There wasn’t a whole lot of time to sleep before their next event, but he could, at least, help her get as much rest as possible. He watched her settle in. She looked so peaceful lying there that he could have stood there all day, but he didn’t think that would make for a restful slumber. He walked toward the door, preparing to turn out the light on his way out.
“Beau?” The question in her voice caused him to turn around only to see that she’d peeled back the covers. “Come lay down with me.”
He was trying to tell his body that the invitation was only to rest, but his cock wasn’t hearing any of it. Too bad. She was getting sleep and that was that. “Roll over,” he said, knowing that was the only way he was going to be able to hide what his body thought of when he was summoned to bed with her. She did as she was told, and he stripped down to his boxers. His room was pretty dark because he’d bought room darkening blinds, so he turned on the small lamp next to her side of the bed just in case she woke up and needed to get to the bathroom. Getting into bed was going to be difficult, but he’d done everything he could do while waiting for his raging cock to deflate. There was nothing else to do but crawl in next to her, and when he exhaled the breath he was holding, he felt like he’d done a pretty good job of tucking her into his b
ody in a way she wouldn’t have his boner thumping on her back.
The smell of her hair and the warmth of her body made it impossible for him to get his cock to go down. What the hell? Am I fourteen years old again, or what?
“Karessa? I know you’re tired, but before you sleep, I just wanted you to know that whatever you may have seen or heard from me with True earlier wasn’t because I didn’t want you to stay here with me. Any resistance I had was because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to let you go once I got you here.”
He waited to hear her response to his declaration, but the only thing he heard was her soft, rhythmic breathing. She’d gone to sleep? He probably should have been happy about that since he knew that nothing could come from anything they were doing right now, but being a man who rarely explained himself to anyone for anything, it was almost comical that one of the few times he’d done it without being badgered, the person he was doing it for didn’t even hear it.
Even the thoughts of repentance and disbelief swirling around his mind didn’t stop the memory of being balls deep in her honeyed pussy. As if she heard his thoughts, she pushed her ass out and nestled his member right between her sweet cheeks. With the way his thoughts and her actions were going, this was going to be a hard nap. Maybe he should try to ignore the deep throbbing of his cock, and if he could do that, maybe he could also ignore how awesome she felt rubbing against him. His cock was probably going to be hard for the next few days, so he’d attempt to concentrate on enjoying being in the company of the one woman who always dominated his thoughts.
Just when he thought he may be able to settle in and get some sleep, the sexy woman turned in his arms and snuggled into his chest. You would think with how cute the gesture was it would cause his raging libido to calm a little, but did it? Hell, no.
Chapter 6
Karessa didn’t know when she’d had a better sleep, unless she counted the last time she fell asleep in Beau’s arms, which was in True’s studio. She was happy that he’d left a light on so she could study him while he slept. His black hair was always so shiny it made her want to run her hands through it, so she did it. It wasn’t often that she could do what she wanted with this man, and who knew if an opportunity like this would ever come again? True was right. She’d wanted revenge or at least the opportunity to make him feel a portion of what she felt when he so callously let her go, but now that she was with him, he just seemed so sweet. Before she went to sleep, she thought he was saying something to her, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember what it was.
He was on his back, and she had woken up laying on his chest like a blanket. Beau didn’t seem to mind it, and she wondered how often he woke up with another person draped on him since he seemed accustomed to the sensation. She reached up and ran her hand through his hair, gently grabbing a handful. Beau reached up and caught her hand, bringing it to his chest before he uttered, “Shhh.”
It was unbelievable how one little noise from a very sleepy man could make her almost bubble over. Did he think she was one of the chicks he usually brought to his bed? Beau never shushed her, because he knew she hated it. Well, he used to know that. Her harsh frown was so deep it almost hurt her forehead. Bam! There it was…that snippy bitch she seemed to become when she thought about all of his lovers. She needed to nip that shit in the bud, but she’d been that way since they were teens, and now it seemed like it was just ingrained in her. He was in a deep sleep, and she knew that it would be impossible to wake him up easily. She looked at her phone just to check where they were in terms of time and was glad to see they had a bit more before they’d have to get going. So, what should she do with the extra time she was afforded? She hadn’t gotten a chance to taste him back at True’s place, so she should rectify that now.
Beau had kicked off the covers so his body was exposed, and he had on soft cotton boxer briefs that she recognized immediately. They were from her men’s line. It shouldn’t have been touching that he wore her product, but it was. She wondered if he had put them on because she was there. The prices of her garments were outrageous, and she was happy that people bought them because she had argued for a more reasonable price when her production manager, Matthieu Bullion, showed her the retail prices.
She moved her hand from under his and slid it down to cradle the cock she’d missed so much. The brushed cotton was softer than usual, making her think that he had these underwear in his normal rotation. That shouldn’t make her so damned thrilled, but it did. Cupping her hand over his thickening package was making her giddy. She looked at his tousled hair and the face that usually had a naughty grin in place, but now seemed so innocent relaxed in sleep. Was she really going to suck him off while he slept? Yes.
When she moved between his legs, he was pretty accommodating and only had a small shift in breathing before he settled back into the deep breathing of sleep. She nuzzled him through his underwear and could smell fresh clean man. He must have taken advantage of the time they’d been apart. The boxer briefs he wore had material that lapped over itself to enclose or allow your cock to be brought out quickly. She remembered thinking and rethinking that option before she decided it was important to the design. She was never as happy that she placed this feature in this product than she was at this moment. Karessa tried to bring him out gently as so not to wake him up, but the moan that left her throat had her checking to see if she’d roused him. She was safe as his breathing pattern settled once again.
She held his cock in her hand, and it felt like time had disappeared. Karessa couldn’t count how many times she’d awakened him like this. Taking time to assess his growing length, she didn’t remember him being this big, but his beautiful cock looked like it was the mold for a perfectly shaped dildo. Licking from the base to the tip with one slow swipe, she was eager to get to his fat mushroom shaped head. She could see the shiny pearl of fluid sitting on the tip of his cock, and she fought to control the moan that wanted to escape. It was like she didn’t know how hungry she was until she could smell the aroma that was Beau’s alone and taste the flavor of his skin.
Sucking just the tip into her mouth, she laved and softly bit the swollen head.
“Fffuck,” Beau said in a sleep deepened voice. He placed his hand in her hair and rubbed her head while she waited for him to move her like he wanted. It wasn’t as if she needed him to do that, because she remembered just what he liked. It was like he’d shown her how to do it just yesterday instead of the first time she held his cock in her hand, years ago. He liked a firm touch just like she did, although she didn’t think he’d like the slap on the ass she was so fond of. She loved when he put his fingers in her hair and guided her to the speed and tempo that he wanted.
She took his muttered curse as verbal encouragement to suck the head of his cock into her mouth. With her hands on his abs, she could feel how they pulsed under her fingers every time she increased the suction. Karessa has always loved his body, but it was so different than how she remembered it. He was harder, leaner, and much bigger. He didn’t seem the type to work out, but maybe that had changed, because this man filled out his clothes better than any man she’d seen…anywhere. She still liked when he took charge, so she changed her tactic a bit and went back to teasing licks with a kissing suck here and there. His thigh, his groin right where his leg met his torso, and those lickable abs were all places where she left her invisible mark.
“Karessa, don’t play,” he warned, and she knew she was getting closer. Just this little session was like a throwback to times before their relationship had become clouded. She’d tease the seemingly carefree Haught until he lost that que será, será attitude and acted like her mouth or her pussy was everything he’d ever wanted. She didn’t even know that was possible when they first started sleeping together, but when she’d learned how to bring out the sleeping wild man he held within, she attempted to engage him with each encounter.
He tried to pull her up, but she wouldn’t be budged, and he laughe
d softly. “Always a Karessable trouble maker.”
She squeezed his cock and slid her hand up and down while she lightly licked the throbbing head. Then she felt the hands she’d been waiting for slip into her hair.
“Is this what you wanted, Karessa?” he said with his sleep coated gravelly voice.
“Yes,” she whispered and wondered why it felt like all the men she’d been with between the last time she’d been with Beau and now had seemed so mundane. She was so aroused and excited just being near this man that she swore she could have come just looking at him.
He’d always loved her hair. She guessed that was why he would always fondle it before he cupped her head, and she knew that was the reason she couldn’t ever bring herself to get more than a moderate trim. The soft moan she could tell he tried to stifle wound her up even more. She wondered if he let the wild, intense man she knew he could be out for others or if he was content to let people think he was the aloof, happy-go-lucky man he portrayed himself to be.
Opening her mouth, she took him as far as she could and used her hands to find a rhythm that she knew he’d like. Going at a nice pace for a few strokes and then slowing way down. The sexy noises that emanated from Beau made it hard to keep her hunger for satisfying him down, and she was so wet she was practically humping the bed. She’d wanted to taste him and she had, but now she wanted to satisfy him completely, and he was almost there. He was pumping her mouth and she was loving it, but being here in his bed, the place she’d wanted to be since she left for France eight years ago, was almost too much. The tightness she felt in her chest wasn’t common, but she knew what it meant, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to hold herself together.
She fondled the balls that were drawing closer to his body and lightly pulled in co-ordination with every thrust. He wasn’t as wild as she’d wanted him to be but with the noise escaping from his lips she knew he was about to erupt.