The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1

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The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1 Page 5

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Memories of his tongue and hands instantly awakened my desire. My hands slid between my legs, and I touched myself, imagining that is was his hands stroking my most sensitive spot. Just the thought of him drove me crazy.

  Though I wanted him more than I had ever wanted any other man, I wasn’t going to beg him to pay attention to me. Besides, I had to give the others a chance as well. There was still a choice to be made.

  It was just after midnight when I went to bed. I blew out the candles and got into bed. The blankets were cool, and soft, and felt nice against my skin. An hour later, I couldn’t sleep. I lay there, staring into the darkness when someone knocked on my door.


  I sat up, joy flooding my veins. Finally, he’d come.

  As I leapt from my bed, a smile came to my face. I rushed to the door, flung it open, and welcomed complete darkness.

  Baffled, I stood there, looking into an empty corridor.

  “Thomas,” I called in a whisper, before poking my head out to look down each end of the hallway.

  No one was there.

  Goosebumps prickled my exposed arms, and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

  An eerie feeling swept over me, and I wrapped my arms around myself to block the chill that shook me.

  For a moment, I stood there, utterly confused, before I sucked up my fear and stepped out into the corridor. I crept downstairs as quietly as I could. Everything looked to be in order and there was no sign of any thievery.

  Was something supernatural afoot?

  I glanced out a large window that overlooked the main courtyard. My heart leapt in my chest. Thomas was outside, standing beside his horse. He had a large bag strapped across his back, and stepped up into the saddle

  I stood there, mouth agape, fearing that he was leaving without saying goodbye, when he turned the horse toward the main gates, and galloped away.

  Chapter Twelve


  I opened the door and ran to the stable. I quickly put the saddle back on my horse and decided to follow him. There was no way I could go back to bed. It was bitter cold outside, but the heat of my rage filled me as I rushed out to confront him.

  My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I rode away from the castle and into the dark forest that surrounded it. As a girl, I always craved an adventure, but at that moment, the inky black that smothered me was unnerving.

  Adventure meant danger—riding a horse in the dead of night in only a thin lace gown was probably the most dangerous thing I’d ever done.

  For the first time in a while I felt so free, and invisible like I could do anything I desired. Thomas was galloping away in the distance. Now and again I could see his shadow in the moonlight, but I didn’t want him to see me. None of this was planned, but I didn’t want him to think I was spying on him. The forest was immersed with silence, and we were riding for what felt like ages. My hands were numb from the bitter cold, and my backside was hurting already.

  A few hours later I was confident I’d lost him. Then, I found his horse tied up to a tree. With the chill of the night wrapped around me, I dismounted my horse and began walking along a faint trail. The darkness was smothering, with only scant traces of moonlight to guide me.

  The crashing of a river beckoned me and gave me a sense of direction. The water flowed fast, beating over the rocks as the moon’s glow reflected on the surface.

  The smell of smoke drew my attention as I walked along the rocks that lined the river. I followed the smoke and knelt to the ground as I caught a glimpse of Thomas standing over a raging fire.

  My heart raced, and my eyes narrowed as I watched him whisper something over a cast iron pot that was set in the center of the fire.

  Red light glowed from the surface of the pot, and smoke blew upward, encircling Thomas as he reached inside his bag and pulled free a large rat. My hand flew to cover my mouth, stifling a gasp, as he broke the creature’s neck and tossed it into the pot. Nausea overwhelmed me, but I kept my composure as he completed whatever ritual he was doing.

  For a moment, I considered running away, until Thomas fell to his knees with a cry of pain.

  Frozen with fear and concern for him, I watched as he began to transform. He trembled and shook, another cry erupting from his mouth. I almost ran to him, when the moon brightened, and smoke rose from the ground, encircling him until I could no longer see a trace of his body.

  “Thomas?” I called, with a whimper.

  I stood, glancing around in a panic. Where did he go?

  Dark, thick smoke filled the air, and I shook my head, gathering the bottom of my gown as I ran from my hiding spot to help him. His screams chilled me to the bone, and there was no way I could let him suffer.

  As I stepped into the mist, a scream of my own echoed throughout the forest; a giant wolf emerged from the smoke and looked directly at me with eyes the color of hazel.


  Chapter Thirteen


  Terror shook me to my core as I stumbled away, eyes widened as they met those of the huge beast that took a step toward me.

  It couldn’t be.

  My dear, Thomas.

  Thick black fur covered his entire body and puffs of smoke escaped his nostrils as he snarled at me.

  No, it wasn’t him.

  It was a beast—one that would tear me to bits and rip the flesh from my bones if I let it.

  “Thomas,” I croaked, my throat suddenly incredibly dry. “It’s me. Celine.”

  A howl was his reply, one that he directed to the glowing moon, one that gave me a chance to break into a run for my life.

  My feet pounded the ground, arms pumping, as I ran like I’d never ran before. Each breath that filled my lungs was labored, but at least I was alive. If I faltered, I knew I’d be dead.

  Deep down I knew that I had no chance of escaping. I was his prey. Even if I could run away, he would most likely attack me on the way back to my village. This deal was off; Thomas was a dangerous maniac who could turn into a wolf. He was never a gentleman. Maybe the other two knew his secret, and that’s why they sent me here. Maybe it was all just a game to them.

  Thomas chased me, and as I reached the river, I knew I never had a chance.

  One giant paw grasped at me, and before I could utter a word, he had me pinned to the ground, his massive body nearly crushing me.

  I screamed into his face, as he sniffed my bosom, neck, and mouth.

  I waited for pain that never came, and squeezed my eyes shut.


  “Celine,” a voice I’d never heard whispered to me.

  My eyes popped open as I realised it was Thomas.

  “Do not fear me,” he said, calm and collected.

  Chest heaving, I stared into his eyes, stunned.

  He shifted then, back into a man, and continued to hold me down in his nude human form.

  Sweat dripped from his body, which was more of an inferno than anything at that moment, as his eyes searched mine.

  “Please,” he said. “Do not fear me. I do not think I could take you looking at me with such fear.”

  “Get away from me,” I said. “You’re a monster.”

  He grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks so tightly that they burned.

  “Why did you have to follow me here?” he asked, tears filling his eyes. “I tried to protect you from this—from me.”

  I wanted to hate him, to scold him, but his words warmed the coldness that had wrapped around my heart. That—and the tears that dripped down his alabaster cheeks.

  “Let’s get you out of this frigid air,” he said, standing and pulling me to my feet.

  I didn’t protest as he lifted me up and carried me to our horses. We rode in silence all the way back to the castle.

  Once inside, he started a fire, and we sat before it on a blanket in the main sitting room.

  We sat there, staring at the flames, drinking port when he turned to me, his legs drawn up before

  “Why did you follow me?”

  I shrugged, tipsy off the port, and exhausted from running and screaming. “I was upset because you left me alone during dinner. I couldn’t sleep, and when I looked out the window, I saw you on the horse, so then I decided to follow you.”

  He smiled, turning me to face him. He tilted my chin and looked into my eyes.

  Lust and fear.

  A dangerous combination.

  He kissed me then and heat zipped through my body, settling in my lower belly. How I missed his kiss. When he pulled away, I licked my lips, and exhaled.

  “Why do you torture me so?” I asked.

  He stroked my cheeks and sighed. “It is not my intention. You weaken me, Celine. I do not take kindly to weakness, and as a werewolf, I cannot let anyone too close.”

  My brows lifted.

  “Why, Thomas, one might think you’re falling for me,” I said, a smile coming to my lips.

  He looked away, turning cold at my words.

  It was my turn to warm him once more, to break down the stone walls he had built around his heart.

  I placed my hand on his thigh, feeling the hard muscle hidden beneath his trousers, and slid it up to the bulging manhood that stiffened at my touch.

  He sucked in an audible breath and clasped his hand over mine.

  When he cast his gaze on my face, I wanted nothing more than to taste his kiss once more. Instead, he gathered me into his arms and carried me up to his room…to his bed.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next morning, I awakened with a smile. The sun spilled in through the shutters of his room, and Thomas’ arms were still wrapped around me. I didn’t want to move or disturb this moment of peace and beauty.

  Though our night had begun with horror and startling revelations, we’d retreated to bed and fell asleep in a state of bliss.

  Part of me wished that I never witnessed his dark secret come to fruition, but somehow knowing the truth only brought us closer. He no longer needed to hide anything from me, and I was glad there were no more secrets between us.

  Something hard poked me from behind, and blood rushed to my ears as I realised it was his erection. A new wave of heat drenched my core. He was hard, even while he slept.

  Last night he admitted that he couldn’t control himself when he was around me, and somehow that made me grin.

  Me, making a lord fall for me. Who would have ever predicted such a thing?

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered, and I was surprised to learn he was awake.

  I turned to him, a smile still plastered to my face as he stroked my outer thigh. Heat rushed through my entire body, lust rose from my tiptoes and upward. I remembered the way he claimed me as his when we were together. He wanted me to beg him, and I wanted nothing more than to have him inside of me.

  The aching of my core was pulsating again, driving me slowly insane. He could satisfy me like this, with my legs on either side of his thigh.

  I rubbed myself over him very slowly, trying to ease the burning desire between my legs. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations, imaging how it would feel if I let him take my virginity. As I increased the pressure, a pant escaped my lips.

  He growled and then yanked me closer to him.

  “Do you know what you are doing to me, Celine?”

  “You don’t know what you do to me, my lord?” I countered, taking his bottom lip between my teeth.

  He grabbed me by the hips, positioning me above him, right on top of the hardness in his pants. From what I could tell, he was huge, but I didn’t care. I needed him. Mum told me about the pain, but I didn’t want to wait any longer.

  “You’re playing a very dangerous game.”

  He moved his hand beneath my dress, cupping my backside.

  “Yes,” I said, panting as I moved my dripping core over his hard manhood. “I want to play.”

  Something about my words lit a fire in his eyes, and he took me by the back of my neck and pulled me down to him. With his lips against mine, he kissed me, deeply, his hands laced within my wild, golden hair.

  I gasped, stunned by his sudden action, but melted against his mouth as he devoured my tongue, lips, and throat. My chest ached, and my vision went blurry.

  “Celine,” he said. “Patience, pet.”

  I gasped, utterly exasperated as he lay me beside him.

  “Don’t be disappointed,” he whispered, and I knew then that he took great pleasure in my suffering. “Trust me that once I am done with you, you won’t even remember your own name.”

  Never in my life had I been so sexually frustrated; that pulsating between my legs was hard to ignore.

  “Get dressed, and we will talk at breakfast.”

  Then, he left me alone, and I could finally breath normally. I flopped on the pillow and stared at the ceiling for a little while, trying to calm my racing heart.

  I moved my hands over my breasts, touching my erect nipples.

  He and the other two lords paid for my virginity; it was an extraordinary amount of money, more than I could have made as a courtesan during the course of my life. I had to keep my head about this situation. Still, the heat he’d ignited wouldn’t fade.

  I moved my fingers further down, spreading my legs wider. I was damp down there, but at least I could finally relieve myself before I saw him again.

  Thomas was only keeping his side of the deal. I started rubbing that tiny spot between my legs, as the pressure kept growing and mounting. My heart was pounding, and I imagined him in the room watching me.

  I arched my hips higher and kept rubbing my finger over my cunny, over and over until I was panting loudly. His hands on me, and he was pressing his erection over my core. I had to release the pressure that had built up inside me for days.

  A bead of sweat ran down my face as I tried to ease my heavy breathing, climaxing. I slipped my finger inside of me and panted harder. I released the pressure, but this act wasn’t entirely satisfying. Thomas’ had done something to me; he knew how I liked being touched. He told me that I had to be patient, but I didn’t think I could wait any longer.

  This game we were playing was going to drive me insane.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I returned to my own room and changed. With reddened cheeks and shallow breaths, I could barely concentrate on the simplest of tasks. What was this devilishly handsome man doing to me?

  Thomas waited for me downstairs, so I had to hurry.

  From the tidying up around my room, it was clear that the maid had been there. A thought came to me, and I cringed, pausing as I fastened the last button on my gown’s corset.

  Had Thomas slept with any of the castle’s staff?

  This was only the start, and I had to get to know the other two lords: William and George. I was looking forward to spending some time with William. He knew about my weakness. He’d caught me stealing for Madeline.

  Thomas had already punished me for taking his necklace, so I had to watch myself when I was around him. I was better than that, but sometimes I just couldn’t help myself. It was an impulse, a way to relieve stress. My mother hated that I kept stealing, taking things that didn't belong to me. It was something that I had to overcome no matter what.

  I took a deep breath and left my room. The house seemed empty; a few maids said hello to me on the stairs. Thomas was sitting in the dining room reading a paper.

  The image of him in my room caused my heart to pitter patter in my chest once again, but I told myself to keep it together.

  “Would you like coffee or tea, Miss?” Alfred, one of the servers, asked.

  “Coffee, please,” I answered, sitting down. Thomas’ eyes found me, and I blushed.

  “Very good, Miss,” Alfred said with a bow before leaving the room through the archway.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” he said, leaning over once we were alone again. “You truly weren’t supposed to see me like that.” />
  “It’s fine,” I said. “I was more worried about you than anything. When you changed, I thought you were in pain.”

  He inhaled. “I was,” he said. “But, it’s something I’ve grown used to. Being a werewolf comes with its perks, but, to be completely honest, it is a curse.”

  “Oh, dear. I’m sorry, Thomas.”

  Hearing that his affliction was a curse added a new level of empathy and understanding. He wasn’t a monster by choice. Someone had done this to him.

  “How long have you been able to shift into a wolf?” I asked, after I made sure that no one was listening in.

  “I was born with the curse. So, I’ve had all my life to control my animalistic side, and develop my hunting skills,” he explained. “When I’m in my real form I can’t fully control my abilities, but I could never hurt you, darling. I want you to remember that.”

  I smiled, pleased to hear him say that. Still, I couldn’t be sure. I’d never been more terrified in my life as I was when he’d pinned me to the ground the night before.

  “Does your staff know?”

  He shook his head. “No. Just Roger.”

  It made sense. It must be incredibly difficult to hide such a massive secret on top of his magical endeavors.

  “What about your other magic? What else are you able to do?”

  My thoughts shifted to the moment when I saw him with his spell book. This whole thing still baffled me. I couldn’t believe he was able to move things without touching them.

  This was extraordinary on its own.

  “Being a werewolf increases my abilities,” he explained. “Along with that, I was always a curious beast. After I left Darlan, I went to the Academy of Sorcery to gain more knowledge and skills. To be truthful, I now know my interest in the dark arts spurred from my quest to find a cure for the werewolf curse.”

  “Oh,” I said, nodding, utterly intrigued. “I see.”


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