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Page 3

by K. L. Grayson

  And even then, it felt different. I didn’t just want to fuck my little stranger, I think I wanted to fuck my way into her heart.

  For the first time ever, I, Rex Ambrosi, felt strangely captivated by a woman, connected to her though she wouldn’t even tell me her name.

  And if that isn’t the scariest fucking thought in the world, I don’t know what is.


  Maybe I should fuck Liza.

  I look down. She’s standing at my side like a puppet, just waiting for me to tell her what to do. Her big doe eyes blink up at me, and I wait for my dick to get hard.


  I’ve got nothing.

  “You’re thinking too much.” With a gentle push, Liza presses me back against my desk and drops to her knees.

  Popping the button of my pants, she looks up at me and smiles seductively as she moves for the zipper.

  My hand snaps out, wrapping around her wrist at the same time the door pushes open. I glance over my shoulder and lock eyes with my sexy little stranger from earlier.

  At first, her eyes light up as though she’s glad to see me. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, giving me the sweetest smile, and I’ll be damned if my dick doesn’t pick this exact moment to go rock solid.

  “Sorry,” she says. “I was looking for the bathroom.”

  “You took a left,” Liza says, slowly rising from the floor. “You should’ve taken a right.”

  The stranger looks at Liza and then at me. It takes a minute, but I see her realize what was about to happen.

  Only it wasn’t about to happen at all. But I don’t get the chance to say anything because she slaps a hand over her eyes and quickly turns around.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says, rushing out. Only she misses the door and runs face first into the door frame. “Son of a bitch,” she hisses, rubbing her forehead.

  I rush around my desk, leaving Liza high and dry.

  “Are you okay?” Cupping her face in my hands, I inspect the red bump on her forehead.

  “I’m fine.” My little stranger tries to pull away, but I don’t let her.

  “You need ice.”

  She shakes her head. “No. Really. I’m fine.” Her eyes flit between me and Liza, who is glaring at us. “I, I, uhhhh…”

  She pulls back once more, and I decide to let her go. I can only imagine how this looks, and as much as I want to explain it to her, I first need to take care of Liza.

  “I should go.”

  This time she manages to make it out the door, and I can’t help but smile as she walks away because I know she won’t make it far. This is my club, after all.

  I don’t chase women—it’s not who I am—but I’ll be damned if I don’t have plans to chase after her.


  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Rubbing my forehead, where I’m sure I have an impressive goose egg, I nudge my way through the line that’s formed outside the actual bathroom. Even though I still need to pee, I can hold it, because right now I need a strong drink.

  Squeezing in at the bar, I flag down the bartender and order two shots of tequila, downing them almost instantly, and in a matter of minutes I’m back out on the dance floor with my friends, determined to forget what just happened—determined to forget the woman on her knees between Rex’s legs and the wave of embarrassment that washed over me when I realized what I’d interrupted.

  How freaking embarrassing.

  Just as I’d hoped, the alcohol seeps into my veins, lessening the sting of humiliation. Rhianna’s sultry voice floats through the room. JJ and Chelsie are grinding against each other a few feet away as Emma and Erin dance around me. Closing my eyes, I tip my head back and get lost in the music.

  My body feels loose—free—and that’s a feeling I haven’t experienced in quite some time.

  A feeling I’m not ready to let go of.

  The minutes tick by. Rihanna turns into Sam Hunt who turns into Kanye and when the soulful voice of John Legend emerges from the speakers, a set of large hands settles on my hips.

  Warm breath fans the back of my neck. “Dance with me.”

  My eyes fly open and I whirl around, coming face to face with the chocolate eyes I’ve spent the last hour trying to forget.

  For the first time, I get a chance to look at him, and I mean really look at him. Rex is positively gorgeous. Jet black hair that’s short on the sides and longer on top gives him a contemporary sort of hipster look. His crisp white shirt stretches tight from shoulder to shoulder. The sleeves are bunched around his elbows, revealing swirls of black ink that extend down his arms, stopping just above the wrists. Beyond that are thick, long fingers, which have curved possessively around my hips.

  It’s nearly impossible, but I manage to drag my eyes back to his. His jaw clenches, and those brown eyes of his drop to my mouth. Something stirs deep inside of me, something I’ve never felt, and the air around us shifts, crackling with tension.

  Ever so slowly, he slides the tips of his fingers up my arms and then down, creating a trail of goosebumps. My body shudders under his touch. Gripping my hand, Rex lifts my arm, guiding it around his neck, and then he hauls me in close.

  And that’s right about the time my common sense kicks back in.

  “I’m not sure your girlfriend is going to want you dancing with me.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Really? Could’ve fooled me.”

  “I know it looked bad, but she’s just a friend. Nothing was going to happen with Liza. If you’d walked in a minute later, you would’ve found me escorting her out of my office.”

  His words shouldn’t make me happy, but they do. There are a million other questions I want to ask, but I decide against it. Who am I to judge him? If he wants to have a quickie in his office, he should.

  I just wish it would’ve been me.

  Wait. What?

  “Is he your boyfriend?”

  My body stills. “Boyfriend?”

  “Yes.” Rex keeps moving, and I have no choice but to start dancing again. He glances over my shoulder, and I follow his gaze to JJ. “I watched you sit down next to that guy. He kissed you.”

  “On the cheek.” Butterflies flit around my stomach. “You were watching me?”

  “Of course I was. I’ve spent the last three weeks thinking about you, and then you show up in my club. No way was I letting you out of my sight.”

  So he does remember. “I wasn’t sure if you recognized me.”

  “How could I forget?” Rex tilts his head, peering down at me. “Is that why you turned down my dinner offer, because of him?”


  “So why turn me down?”

  Shit. There’s no right answer. Rex is attractive and charismatic, and I could easily see myself dating him, but I’m not ready for something like that. Hell, at the rate I’m going, I’ll never be ready.

  But that doesn’t stop the loneliness from creeping in.

  Sure, I’ve got JJ and Erin, but I yearn for the love and affection of a good, strong man. What I wouldn’t give to fall in love and have the kind of relationship I thought my parents had.




  But that’s just a dream, because there’s no room in my life for that sort of love—I won’t let there be, which is why I don’t date. Dating leads to falling, which leads to love, and in my life, love leads to deep, soul-piercing heartache. That’s a pain I don’t ever care to experience again.

  Rex leans down until we’re eye to eye. His smile is hopeful, and I know I have to be honest. There’s no other option.

  “I’m not looking for a relationship,” I explain.

  “I wasn’t asking you to go steady; I was asking you to dinner.”


  He looks at me funny, but it’s a legitimate question. I don’t look anything like Liza, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he could have any woman he wants.

�Do you want my honest answer?”

  “That’s a silly question,” I tell him. “Of course I want an honest answer.”

  “I’m not sure you’re ready for it.”

  “Flatter me.”

  Rex studies me for a few seconds and then nods. “I asked you to dinner because I want to fuck you.”

  My mouth drops open. I blink, and blink again. “You…what?” He can’t be serious.

  Rex’s gaze is unwavering.

  Oh my gosh, he’s totally serious.

  “But you don’t even know me. I could be bat-shit crazy.”

  He laughs. It’s loud and deep and causes all of my lady parts to sit up and take notice. Not that they weren’t already aware, because they certainly were, but now they’re running on all cylinders, ready to take off.

  “I haven’t been this attracted to a woman in months. From the second I saw you, I knew I had to have you. Plus,” he adds, lowering his mouth to my ear, “maybe I like bat-shit crazy.”

  “You’ve done this before.” I’m not asking, because I already know the answer. It’s clear as day.

  “Done what?”

  “Hooked up, one-night stand, whatever you want to call it.”

  “And you haven’t?”

  “No. I haven’t.”

  “But you don’t want a relationship, so you’ve really left me no other choice. I want you. It’s as simple as that.”

  The breath catches in my throat at his blunt words. I should be offended. I want to be offended.

  But I’m not—not in the least.

  Rex twirls me around and pulls me close. The beat of his heart against mine is steady and strong. His hand skims up my spine before gently cupping the back of my neck. Our eyes lock, and I know, in this moment, that I’ll give in to him. If he keeps pushing me, I’ll cave. And not because I’m weak or because of the tequila flowing through my veins, but because I want to.

  For just one night, I want to let go.

  I want to explore these crazy feelings rolling around inside of me without fear of repercussions.

  Ever so slowly, Rex dips his head. I wait for him to say something—anything—because right now it’s all I can do to breathe. On second thought, maybe I don’t want him to speak; maybe he should just kiss me. What better way to dig myself out of a sexual slump than with a sexy, successful, and charming man?

  Maybe a one-night stand is exactly what I need.

  “I can’t give you more than one night,” I tell him, finding my voice.

  His eyes pierce straight through me. “I’m not sure one night will be enough, but I’m willing to take my chances.”

  Sliding my hand down his chest, I fist the front of his shirt, holding him to me—encouraging him to do whatever it is he’s thinking about doing.

  Unfortunately, for the second time tonight, fate—or better yet, Erin—has a different plan.

  “There you are.” She and Jacob slide up next to us, and she smiles cheekily at Rex when he pulls away from me. Jacob wraps an arm around her waist, reaching the other out to Rex who takes it without hesitation. They shake hands, and then Erin points a finger at Rex. She gives him a stern look, only it loses its punch when she hiccups. “You hurt Shae, and I’ll cut your balls off.”

  “She won’t really cut your balls off,” Jacob says, tightening his grip on her.

  She turns in his arms. “Yes, I will.” She turns back to Rex. “I absolutely will.”

  Rex quickly puts her at ease. “I assure you, I won’t hurt her. I’m rather fond of my balls.”

  “Good.” Erin nods. “Good. Now, back to dancing.” She waves a hand toward Rex and me. “Just not too close. She might randomly orgasm.”

  My jaw drops. “Erin!”

  “What?” she asks, holding her hands out. “You haven’t been with a man in—”

  “Okay.” Jacob says, cutting her off. “Time to go home.”

  “What did I say?” she says, looking at Jacob innocently as he turns her toward the door.

  I wait for them to get out of earshot and wipe my hands down the front of my skirt. “Well, that was awkward.”

  Rex seems to take everything in stride, and I’m grateful when he doesn’t comment.

  “So your name is Shae?” he asks.

  “It is. I guess we never got around to that, did we?”

  “We haven’t gotten around to a lot of things,” he says, pulling me back into his arms. Heat spreads over my body, landing between my legs, and my mind wonders what other “things” he could be talking about.

  “Wanna get out of here?”

  I stop moving. My entire body is still, except for my heart—it’s beating wildly, as though it’s trying to throw itself at him.

  “I—” Oh my gosh, am I really going to do this?

  For a split-second, I reconsider my decision. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I can’t, but the words don’t come out. Instead, I glance over at JJ and Chelsie. There’s no doubt he’ll end up at her place tonight because JJ doesn’t fuck girls in the condo if Erin and I are home—it’s an unwritten rule—and he’s definitely fucking Chelsie tonight. Erin and Jacob will undoubtedly end up back at his place. That will leave me alone in our condo while my friends are off having wild, crazy, monkey sex.

  I turn back to Rex as JJ’s words from earlier come to me again. “I wouldn’t expect that from you at all.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  I offered up my place at the same time Shae offered hers, but I deferred to her. If there’s one thing I want, it’s for her to feel safe.

  “Nice place,” I tell her as I survey the scene.

  I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a place that rivals mine. Big, open spaces like this are hard to come by in the city, and it leaves me wondering what she does for a living.

  “Thank you. Although I can’t take the credit. JJ and Erin live here. Well, mostly JJ now since Erin will be moving in with Jacob. I’m just crashing,” she says, grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet. Before we left Vault, I had Dante snag me a bottle of wine from behind the bar.

  She hands me a corkscrew, and I pop the top, pouring us each a glass. It isn’t the red Shae requested, it’s white, and I’m just now noticing.

  “I think you got your colors mixed up,” she quips. I shoot her a look and she grins, bringing the glass to her lips. “That’s okay. Sauvignon blanc is my second choice.”

  “It’s all Dante’s fault.”

  “Who’s Dante?”

  “My brother.”

  Her eyes soften. She watches me almost wistfully for a few seconds and smiles. “You’re going to blame your brother?”

  I nod. “Absolutely. He’d do it to me in a heartbeat.”

  Shae pinches her lips into a thin line, but I can see the smile trying to form. “You’re such an ass.”

  And that right there I find sexy as hell. Most women wouldn’t dare say that to me. To be honest, they’re probably too afraid, because most women know me. They know what I’m capable of, and where I come from.

  And that’s some scary shit.

  Sure, I’ve separated myself from my father’s life, despite his protests. But my history is my history, and no matter how fast and far I run, the family is always there, lurking in the dark, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and make itself known.

  It would be easier if Shae knew who I was, but I like that she doesn’t. It’s a nice change of pace to spend time with a woman who isn’t drooling over my bank account or dying to make me a baby daddy, all in the name of being the next Ambrosi heir. She has no preconceived notions—that I know of—and that’s oddly refreshing.

  Shae’s next words are so soft I can barely hear them. “Sounds like something my sister would’ve done.”

  I don’t miss the past tense in her statement, and I want to pry, ask more, but I lose the moment when she sets her glass on the counter, turns, and walks down the hall.

  “I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta get out
of these shoes.”

  I take a sip of my wine, set the glass down next to Shae’s, and walk into the living room. Her condo has an open floor plan with dark hardwood floors and light-colored furniture. A stone fireplace is tucked in the corner, and I walk over, make sure the pilot light is lit, and flip the switch. The fire roars to life, bathing the room in a soft, orange glow.


  I turn around to see Shae walking down the hall, her bare feet padding lightly against the wood floors.

  “I had no idea that thing actually works.”

  “You have a fireplace and you’ve never used it?”

  She shrugs. “I’m sure JJ has. When Erin and I aren’t home he probably uses it to seduce women.”

  “Smart man.”

  Shae gives me a knowing look. “Takes one to know one. Are you trying to seduce me, Rex?”

  “If you have to ask, I’m not doing a very good job.” I take a step forward, closing the gap between us. I lean down and whisper, “Trust me, when I seduce you, you’ll know.”

  Her eyes drop to my mouth, her beautiful lips parting. There’s nothing more I want than to capture her mouth with mine. She’ll melt like butter in my arms, and as much as I want that to happen, we’re not there yet. Instead, I walk past her and take our glasses from the counter.

  Her shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath before she spins around to face me, and that’s how I know she’s affected.

  Now we’re almost there.

  She straightens her back, takes two steps toward me, and grabs her wine glass. “I never pegged you for a tease.”

  “I would never tease you. Think of it as…heightening your anticipation.”

  “Oh, I bet something is heightening.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “But it’s not my anticipation.” Her smoldering eyes drop to my crotch, and with each passing second, my cock swells a little bit more.

  “Now who’s the tease?”

  Shae’s eyes dance with amusement. Her lips part in the most beautiful, sexy smile I’ve ever seen, and I have to look away before I do something stupid like beg her for more than one night.

  “So, Shae, tell me a little about yourself.”

  “Really? You want to talk?”


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