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Page 7

by K. L. Grayson

  I’m not sure I can handle this—him. His touch alone sets me on fire, but add his filthy mouth and dirty words, and it’s about all I can do to keep myself from losing control. My body is coiled tight, my legs trembling.

  Rex’s fierce eyes connect with mine. I hold his gaze for a moment, but my body is buzzing with too much energy, and my eyes flutter closed as I fist the comforter on either side of my hips. A groan pulls from Rex’s lips as his hips surge forward, hard and demanding.

  My back arches off the bed, silently begging for more, and Rex is quick to oblige. His mouth closes around one of my nipples, his tongue working it to a tight peak.





  Tunneling my fingers into his hair, I hold him against me as he laves at my breasts. Our hips match each other thrust for thrust, and there’s a stirring deep in my belly. Warmth spreads through my body. Desperate for release, I squeeze a hand between our bodies. My fingers find my clit.

  “Fuck no,” he demands, pushing to his full height. He nudges my hand out of the way and rubs my clit—tight, fast circles that drive me crazy and cause a lick of fire to race down my spine.

  “Oh, God, Rex. Please. Faster,” I beg, my orgasm slamming into me.

  Whatever control he was holding on to snaps. Rex fucks me harder, deeper, and the sound of our bodies slapping together fills the room.

  He tosses his head back, the muscles in his neck and shoulders tightening as he groans through his own release before collapsing on top of me. Our mouths crash together in a brutal kiss as we ride out the waves of our climaxes.

  “You’re so beautiful, Shae.”

  I want to say something nice to him, compliment him the way he does me, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around what just happened. He thrusts his hips one last time before pulling out.

  “Don’t move,” he says, stripping off the condom.

  I couldn’t move if I tried.

  Less than a minute later he returns. With an arm around my waist, he drags me to the center of the bed so my legs aren’t dangling over the edge. I snuggle against his chest, one arm draped across his abdomen. We’re both panting, and I don’t know about him, but I can’t seem to stop smiling.

  The two-year drought has ended.

  “What are you thinking about right now?” he asks, his lips resting against the top of my head.

  That my legs are on fire and I hurt in places I’ve never hurt and it feels so damn good. I’m also thinking that whatever this is between us, it’s stronger than I gave it credit for.

  “I’m thinking you tried to kill me, Mr. Ambrosi.” Propping myself up, I look at him and smile. “And I’m thinking death by orgasm might be the best way to go.”

  His gorgeous eyes warm, and I find myself drowning in their chocolaty depths. No one has ever looked at me this way, and it makes me want to run away and pull him in close all at the same time. It’s an overwhelming feeling: wanting someone, but knowing you shouldn’t.

  “What?” I whisper.

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “It’s just…nothing.”

  My throat clogs with emotion because I know what he’s thinking, what he’s feeling. I feel it too. Whatever we just did, it sure as hell wasn’t a quick fuck. As much as I want to believe I can walk away and never look back, I’m not so sure I can.


  “Hmm?” He runs his fingers up my bare back, circling my shoulder blade before traveling back down.

  “You have to stop looking at me like that,” I whisper.

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m some sort of princess. Like I’m special.”

  He sits up abruptly, pulling me onto his lap. I wrap my legs around his waist because there isn’t anywhere else for them to go.

  “I’m not special,” I whisper, remembering where I come from—who I come from. I’m the opposite, the girl your mother would never want you to bring home. The girl who lost one family only to have another walk away from her. The girl who can’t hold onto something good if her life depends on it.

  Rex blinks rapidly before pinning me with a clear, determined gaze. Cupping my cheeks in his hands, he rests his forehead against mine.

  “You are mesmerizing, Shae, and I can’t promise I won’t look at you like that again. But make no mistake about it, I’m not looking for a princess, because I’m sure as hell not a prince.”

  My heart expands, pushing painfully against my ribs, and even though I know I shouldn’t say the words, I push them out anyway. “What are you looking for?”

  “Right now, or in the long run?”

  “Right now.”

  “Right now, I’m looking for a sexy brunette with warm blue eyes that hold more secrets than my own. She’s innocent, but I can tell she’s seen more in her life than most people. It’s written across her face; it’s ingrained in every move she makes. She doesn’t trust easily, but for some crazy reason, she let me in. She makes me want to be more—do more. Oh, and she makes me smile. Her name is Shae. You might’ve met her.”

  I run my fingers across his chest, fighting back a smile. “I have met her. She’s little snarky, if you ask me. Too closed off. You could probably find someone much more accommodating.” Pushing my hands up his chest, I cradle his neck and lower my voice. “For the record, you don’t need to be more. I’m pretty sure she likes you just the way you are.”

  Without breaking eye contact, Rex leans in and brushes his lips against mine. I tilt my head, and he takes the invitation. His tongue slides deep, tangling with mine.



  His hands are everywhere, but mine stay locked around his neck. Warm fingers glide down my arms and over my waist before traveling up my back. One hand pressed to the center of my back, the other at the base of my neck, he holds me tight. Our bodies, slick with sweat, press together. My heart beats rapidly, and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that he can feel it against his.

  Despite all the voices in my head telling me why we aren’t a good idea, I allow myself to get lost in him—in us.

  Rex pulls back all too soon. His lips move across my cheek and down the side of my neck. My head drops back as he licks his way down my chest.

  “Rex.” I whisper his name, needing him to pull away because I know I can’t. If we continue whatever this is, if I open myself up to him, he will get hurt. It’s inevitable. But JJ was right. I’m not strong enough to walk away because Rex makes me yearn for things I thought were unattainable. He makes me believe I can settle here in Chicago and start a life, though I know that’s not safe.

  “Stay,” he whispers, his warm lips resting on my shoulder.

  The emotion runs thick in his voice, and I can’t tell him no.

  Untangling my arms from around his neck, I place my palms flat on his chest and push him down to the bed. I lace our fingers together and lower my body.

  “I’ll stay,” I whisper, pressing my lips to his. “Only because you leave me no choice.”

  Hours later, we collapse into a pile of sweaty arms and legs on the bed. Rex curls his body against mine, his chest pressed to my back, one arm draped over my belly, and I close my eyes.

  Rex sighs and nuzzles the side of my neck. “Goodnight, Shae.”


  For the first time in fourteen years, a kernel of hope unfurls in my soul, and I fall asleep content.



  “Who is that?” I whisper.

  Cami’s answer doesn’t come as quick as I’d expect. I look up in time to see her pull her bottom lip between her teeth. She worries it back and forth several times before releasing it.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs.

  I’m tempted to tell her she’s the one who sucks at lying, but that would be sassy, and my dad says I need to work on not being so sassy. Instead, I look out the window and all the air rushes from my lungs.

r />   I stand frozen, watching in horror as a gun pushes against Daddy’s forehead. Through gritted teeth, he says something that causes the other man’s jaw to clench tight, and even from the window, I feel the energy in the air shift.

  Lowering the gun, the stranger pumps two rounds into the ground at Daddy’s feet before shoving the muzzle violently under his chin.

  “No!!” I push at the window, beating my fists against the glass, trying to get out, trying to get to him, but I can’t. I turn around to look at Cami, but she’s gone. Another loud pop followed by a scream has me running through the house.


  A hand grabs my arm.


  I spin around, but no one is there. The house is eerily quiet, and then I hear it again.


  Who is Shae? Something isn’t right.

  Another loud pop ricochets through the air.

  With a loud gasp, my eyes open, and I fly up in bed.

  I blink several times, taking in the dark, unfamiliar room. My chest is heaving, my palms sweating, and then I hear my name again. The fog in my head lifts, and Rex’s face comes into view.

  “Shae.” He shakes his head before dropping his chin to his chest. “You scared the shit out of me.” Lifting his eyes to mine, he pauses. “Are you okay? You were screaming and thrashing and you wouldn’t wake up.”

  “I—it was just a dream.” At least I think it was. I’ve had dreams over the years, but they’re inconsistent at best, and I can’t be sure if they’re memories trying to resurface or my subconscious playing tricks on my heart. Since returning to Chicago, I’ve been consumed with trying to remember that horrible day, and the dreams have become more frequent.

  Running a hand through my messy hair, I glance at Rex. He’s crouched at my side, completely naked, fear and worry etched across his glorious face.

  “I’m okay.” I grab his hand, grateful that someone was here.

  He nods, but he doesn’t look convinced.

  The clock says it’s only three o’clock in the morning, so I ease us back against the pillows.

  “Want me to get you a drink of water or something?”

  I shake my head and settle in against Rex’s chest where I feel safe. “I don’t need anything, but thank you.”

  My hand rests against his stomach. Several minutes pass, and right about the time my eyes drift shut, Rex intertwines our fingers and brings my hand to his mouth.

  I pry a heavy lid open and blink up at him. He tries to give me a reassuring smile, but I can see the concern still brewing behind his dark eyes.

  “Sleep,” he says, kissing my hand. “I’ve got you.”

  And I do.

  Tucking my face in the crook of his neck, I drift into a dreamless sleep, waking up hours later to an empty bed and the smell of bacon. I stretch like a cat, lifting my arms above my head as I roll onto Rex’s side of the bed. It’s still warm, so I know he hasn’t been gone long.

  My body is sore in the most delicious way, a gentle yet stark reminder of where Rex has been, and I can’t stop the smile from stretching across my face. For once I’m not thinking about my father or my sister, or finding a job. I’m not a daughter searching for answers, or a friend keeping secrets, I’m simply a woman who just had the best sex of her life with an incredibly gorgeous, attentive, and cocky man.

  Who would’ve thought Rex could be such a gentle lover? Don’t get me wrong, he has a rough side. If anyone is unsure of that, all they’d have to do is look at my ass because I’ve got the red marks to prove it.

  “I thought I heard someone rustling around in here.”

  Rex’s gorgeous face pops around the corner as he saunters into the room, gray sweats hanging low on his hips, and all my thoughts drift away.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  Damn, he’s sexy.

  My gaze rakes over his body. Tattoos run up both of his arms, and there’s another on his ribs. I make a mental note to explore them more closely if the opportunity presents itself. When my eyes make their way back to his, Rex is grinning at me.

  I grin back. I should be embarrassed for ogling him so openly, except I’m not. In fact, my eyes take another trip south, watching his muscles twist and flex beneath his smooth skin, remembering how good his body felt pressed against mine, as he walks toward the bed. Rex stops and leans over me.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” His voice is husky and raw, and judging by the growing bulge in his sweats, he’s just as affected by me as I am him.

  “You sure do like to ask that, don’t you?” I say, recalling the same question last night.

  He swallows, seeming momentarily taken aback. “I’m usually pretty good at figuring women out—what they want, what their intentions are, but you? You’re a mystery. And you intrigue the fuck out of me. I know we said we were only going to give each other one night, but the way you looked at me last night and the way you’re looking at me now say something completely different.”

  Wow. The vulnerability in his gaze slices me open, and I’m not really sure how to respond, so I decide to answer his question.

  “What I’m thinking,” I say, blinking up at him, “is that you’re terrifyingly gorgeous. You should come with a warning label because I’m certain you’re a hazard to women’s health, mine included.” My voice is soft, my words slow and precise.

  Rex swallows. His eyes drop to my mouth.

  “But what I can’t figure out is why I’m here…” His eyes snap back to mine, the slightest furrow to his brow. “…in your bed, naked as the day I was born, when you could have any other woman in the universe.”

  By no means am I insecure. I’m happy with my body and the way I look, but Rex is in an entirely different league, and I’m not sure how any woman could possibly measure up.

  Lowering himself next to me, Rex brushes his fingers down the side of my cheek, across my chest, and then he pulls the covers down, exposing the top half of my body. My nipples pucker with need when the cool air hits them, and I shift against the pillows. Rex’s eyes stay focused on my mine, but his hand continues to explore.

  “Shae, you don’t know how stunning you are. Everything about you is appealing. Your smile, the tiny dimple in your right cheek, your startling blue eyes.” His fingers skim across my breasts, stopping long enough to rub my nipples before traveling toward my stomach. “Your body is a masterpiece made be treasured, but none of that is what I find most attractive.”

  No man has ever complimented me like this, and I swallow hard past the lump in my throat. “It isn’t?”

  He shakes his head. “No. What I find most attractive is how brutally honest you are, how you speak from your heart. You’re not afraid to say what you think, and that’s a virtue hard to come by. Make no mistake, Shae, it’s not you who is undeserving. It’s me.”

  Funny, because that’s my favorite thing about him.

  Tunneling my fingers in his hair, I pull Rex’s face close to mine. “You shouldn’t say such sweet things,” I whisper against his lips.

  “Why not? You deserve them.”

  “Because they make me want to take back everything I said before about not being ready for anything more than a physical relationship.”

  He smiles as he kisses me. “Then my evil plan is working.”

  “Your evil plan is making me want to sample you for breakfast.” My stomach picks that exact moment to let out an unladylike gurgle, and we both laugh.

  “Lucky for you I have an entire feast waiting in the other room.”

  I slide my hands down his back, my nails digging into his skin, and his eyes glaze over. He stands up and swiftly tugs off his sweats.

  “Forget it. The bacon can wait.”

  I giggle when he pounces on the bed, but my laughter quickly turns to a moan when his mouth finds my breast.

  It’s almost noon by the time I make it to Ambrosi’s, a place I’m not thrilled to be coming back to after what happened with my father last n
ight. Especially since I had to leave Shae. I was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago, but Shae was all soft, warm, and sated in my bed, and after feeding her breakfast I couldn’t help but take her delectable body one more time, in the shower up against the wall—something else she’d never done.

  There’s something to be said about introducing a woman to new things, and when you have an eager student like Shae, it makes it even better. I’ve pushed her, trying to find out what her limits are, and I’m learning quickly that Shae doesn’t seem to have many limits. She’s submitted to me several times, allowing me to take the lead sexually, and I’ll be damned if that alone isn’t a fucking turn on.

  Which is why it was so difficult to drop her off.

  If I could’ve kept her naked in my bed all day, I would’ve, and she wouldn’t have balked. It was me who had plans, and though I’m someone who enjoys work, I found myself wishing I could take a day off and spend it worshiping her body.

  “You’re late,” Dante grumbles as I approach the table.

  My brother and I are complete opposites. He’s funny and easygoing. I’m sarcastic and uptight. We fight all the damn time, but he’s my best friend, and I know that life or death, he’s got my back.

  Ambrosi’s is already bustling, but like always, we have a table reserved for us in the back, away from the prying eyes of society men and women wanting to get a closer look at our family. They’d be saddened to find out that the three of us—Dante, myself, and my mother—are about as far out of the family loop as you can get.

  “Sorry. Traffic,” I lie, kissing my mother on the cheek before taking my seat next to Dante.

  Isabella Ambrosi is a beautiful woman and damn good mother. Unlike my father, she never missed a little league game, graduation, or special event. She picked me up from school every day, tucked me in every night, and sang to me when I was sick.

  I’ve often wondered how she ended up with someone like my father, but every time I try to broach the subject, she blows me off. Where he’s large and arrogant, she’s gentle and kind. They’re complete opposites, but somehow they’ve made it work.

  “Hi, sweetie,” she croons. “I hope you don’t mind that I ordered for you.”


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