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Atlantis Vortex

Page 19

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “That brings up the other point I mentioned on the phone last evening. Here are your orders to report to Edwards Air Force Base in two weeks, you are definitely being reactivated, Ms. Carter,â€� the General told her, “at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Check in at the Naval and Marine Reservist Base on Belvedere in West Palm Beach near the Airport, they will arrange transportation.â€�

  “Yes sir, thank you sir.â€� she saluted. She didn’t miss the little smile on Captain Curtis’ face. Jessica thought it was because he had been correct about her rank, but it was because he knew she would never have the opportunity to wear the uniform. She would be in Atlantis the day she went for the exploratory dive. The General handed her a manila envelope, which contained her orders.

  “Wrap this up and it should give you a few days to take care of your personal business. However, get your I.D. card upgraded tomorrow.â€�

  “Yes, sir. Thank you sir,â€� both saluted as Bruce walked up the General walked away.

  “Don’t tell me,â€� he said when saw Jessica salute, “you’ve been officially activated.â€�

  “Yep,â€� Jessica said.

  “Listen, Bruce, I’ve got to check a little clue I’ve got a hunch about, care to join me on a dive off of West Palm Beach day after tomorrow?â€� she asked him.

  “Oh Jessica, could I go with you too?â€� Captain Curtis requested.

  “Normally I would love to have you come, but you’re getting married and it is so close to your wedding. Your new wife would have my head. Besides, Perry, what if something happened to you? I’m sorry, Perry.â€� He looked so dejected Jessica patted his back. “You know General Grill’s going to assign you to Edwards, don’t you?â€� she smiled at him. “Didn’t think I let someone who has your interest in archaeology get away that easy did you?â€� Jessica walked away with Bruce. She missed the calculated look in Captain Curtis’ eyes.

  Ms. Simon arrived and parked her car as Jessica and Bruce documented, on film, the disaster of what was left of their dig, not much at all now.

  “Can you save anything?â€� Meredith inquired, true concern in her voice.

  “No Meredith, it’s gone.â€� Jessica said sadly, her voice about as close to tears as Bruce had ever heard it.

  “I am truly sorry, Jessica, Bruce. I know how much this meant to you both and how important this find was. I will help you all I can.â€� As there was real sympathy there, both Bruce and Jessica were somewhat taken aback. Meredith had always been so apathetic about their project. “And Jessica,â€� she cleared her throat, “I am glad you’re safe. I was frantic when I could not get my car started last night to come after you. That would have been a gruesome death.â€�

  “Tell me about it,â€� Jessica said with a sick voice.

  “What few fingerprints we lifted from the battery cables seem to indicate the kidnappers were immigrants who had several warrants out on them. They found both their bodies at a site ten miles west of Buckhead Ridge. It was a Cult sacrifice site, complete with an Altar. I’m sure you knew that. It was awful. There were twenty-three dead, all Cult Worshipers.â€� she paused, “I am relieved you were rescued. We think it was the man in the Porsche, whoever that was. We know he had help. They used some pretty advanced weapons.â€�

  “How so?â€� Bruce questioned.

  “There were a few gun shots – but - well mostly lasers.â€� Meredith said. “Two or three hand-to-hand battles, and that was a little strange too. There were wounds consistent with a sword, from the preliminary tests, a very ancient sword. The gunshots were from weapons we cannot trace and of course, the lasers are not traceable. We don’t know what type of weapons those came from. Please do not discuss that with anyone.â€�

  “Don’t worry about it, Meredith,â€� Jessica assured her. “I’m back in the Navy as of this morning.â€�

  “Yes I know, General Grill informed me,â€� Meredith said.

  “You don’t remember anything?â€� Meredith asked. “It would be helpful to find out more about what happened. Whoever helped you wouldn’t be charged. Actually,” she laughed, “We might give him a medal and of course, we would love to get one of those laser weapons.â€�

  “No, I remember very little.â€� a faraway look came over Jessica’s face. Bruce and Meredith exchanged glances.

  “Remember something?â€� Meredith asked hopefully.

  “No,â€� Jessica said. “Not really.â€� She did remember wanting to go with the man who had rescued her. Now she wondered what it would have been like if he had taken her with him, and why he hadn’t taken her. Standing next to Bruce and Meredith, in the middle of the destroyed dig with all the Marines around, she could still remember the safe feeling of those muscular arms wrapped around her and the arousal of his lips on hers. With great willpower, she drew a ragged breath, instead of allowing tears to fall and walked away in silence.

  Chapter Thirteen

  For a brief era, an ancestor of Marcus’ family ruled Atlantis as regent, but he succumbed to the lure of power and conspired to become permanent High Lord by attempting to eliminate his young charge. His family had paid for his indiscretion since. That was how Marcus, in his warped mind, perceived his world. At last, he would regain what he saw as his family’s rightful place.

  Marcus planned to use Anthony Sutherland’s professional connections to Jessica Carter and his political and press contacts, after gaining control of the artifacts, to announce the secret of Atlantis’ existence and prove Xerxes should have terminated Ms. Carter and Mr. Lance. Sutherland and the two archaeologists would have been famous in the upper-world. Marcus didn’t want the publicity, but Xerxes would have been ruined and he would take over leadership of Atlantis. Marcus didn’t realize the Council would not have gone along with his subversion. Now it no longer mattered; Xerxes had foiled that plan when the military took over and Marcus’ information source had dried up because of the Atlantian agent in the Military. Marcus blamed Xerxes. He did not understand the United States government was as aware as Xerxes was of a serious leak of information concerning the dig. They, however, did not know who it was, though they had a picture of Marcus but no name to go with it.

  Out of his rage over the ineffectual start of his first plan, and the ruin of the scheme after the Pyramid’s discovery, Marcus conceived a new plan that could bring about the downfall of Xerxes just as efficiently. As a way of securing his new plot, Marcus planed to steal two of the Vortex Stones.

  The Vortex Stones were five perfectly matched diamond-cut sapphires, ten thousand carets each. Each were set in obelisk holders made up of four dolphin statues, two yellow gold and two white gold dolphins standing on their tails. One of these structures stood at the four-corners of Atlantis and one in the perfect center of the Pyramid covering the clear-domed Capital. A constant laser of pure light current passed through these magnificently beautiful forms and omitted a translucent, shimmering Vortex of protection. These precision-set obelisks shielded Atlantis from the spying eyes of satellites in space, undersea cameras, sonar, and even the occasional divers who might happen by. The Vortex caused a mirror effect unless viewed through the specially treated glass of the Atlantian subs, reflecting the sea around it.

  Marcus knew he could not steal all of the stones, but he needed only steal two of them to disrupt the Vortex, this would interrupt the effect and Atlantis would be uncovered. After Xerxes’ sister Alena’s wedding, a long-planned City-State affair, the Vortex grid that protected Atlantis from detection would be dropped at regular intervals to allow the visiting guests to return to their other underworld and outer-world destinations. When the Vortex security grid opened for the last time, Marcus would leave Atlantis and he would take two of the ten thousand carat sapphires with him. His theft of the Vortex Stones would leave the grid inoperable and Atlantis would la
y exposed. Open to detection to the entire world but no one would know it was he, Marcus who had stolen the Vortex Stones, he would kill the guards, these were the two guards who had helped him leave Atlantis without permission in the past. Marcus laughed, that would take care of two witnesses.

  Once the United States military found the underwater city-state, Xerxes’ incompetence as their leader would be proven. He would no longer be High Lord; eliminated for his failure to protect Atlantis’ security. Marcus would prove Xerxes was too young and immature to rule Atlantis, distracted as he was with the woman he had chosen to protect instead of eliminate. Marcus might possibly then frame either Pericles or Xerxes for the theft of the Vortex Stones and the death of the guards. Marcus would return the Vortex Stones to the Grid and he would make his move to take over the reigns of power. Simple - the best plots were. He would gain the support of the Council, and the other underworld City-States would remain concealed. That would strengthen his position with them by keeping them undiscovered.

  Should something go wrong in this plan, Marcus thought, I could do business with the Middle-Eastern contacts - sell the Stones and live comfortably off the profits in the upper-world. Unlike most Atlantians, Marcus found the upper-world a wonderful place, and wasn’t threatened by crime, or other insecurities.

  Marcus was aware that Xerxes’ had a double agent among the upper-world United States’ military. He suspected it was Pericles, as he was the one in the Military. He was in a position to protect Ms. Carter and was someone whom Xerxes trusted.

  Aztec priest warriors had already made two attempts on Jessica’s life. She was a perfect gift to their ancient gods. Marcus hoped they would succeed, but the Aztecs had not counted on her ability to defend herself. He had been disappointed when he learned of their recent failed attempt during the hurricane. Xerxes once again succeeded in rescuing the woman.

  Marcus was becoming impatient. His plans were in place. If one plan didn’t work then the other one would. He didn’t have any qualms about exposing the secret of Atlantis to the Middle Eastern connection and selling the precious Vortex Stones to live comfortably on the surface. Perhaps he would invest in one of those Gentlemen’s Clubs. Having lived in the security of Atlantis all his life and with the condition of his mental state, Marcus failed to perceive the dangers of the upper-world. He also wasn’t knowledgeable about the great lengths the United States was going to in order to subvert attempts by Mid-Eastern terrorists attack on any western targets. Marcus also didn’t know he was a wanted man on the surface.


  Captain Curtis wasted no time briefing his real superior, Xerxes, when he found out. “Councilor Marcus is a wanted man up here.â€� Pericles said in a serious tone. “He was photographed by surveillance cameras several weeks ago on a trip to the surface where he met with a known Terrorist. If he is seen by upper-world officials, they will arrest him.â€�

  “Great. However, that still does not give me enough reason to arrest him here.â€� Xerxes said, “I have already passed on that transgression, unfortunately. Who was he seen with?â€�

  “Two Middle-Eastern terrorists,â€� Pericles told Xerxes. “I received that report from Ms. Simon. She had just acknowledged a fax from Washington when I delivered a report to her office. His picture was part of the fax package.â€�

  “Well, at last some good from our girl with the FBI,â€� Xerxes said sarcastically. “What about Jessica?â€�

  “Jessica’s has been activated, she has two weeks to report, but she’s going on a dive on Monday with Bruce. I don’t think she has told him about the map. Jessica referred to it as a little clue. I doubt she wants to dive alone. I offered to go, really almost begged. She would not allow it because of my wedding. Without raising suspicion I cannot change it.â€� Pericles told Xerxes.

  “Don’t worry about it. It won’t be a problem to separate them.â€� Xerxes thought about his pet named Hammer, he could separate any pair of divers. “Until then, please Pericles, keep her under close scrutiny. With what you have just told me, it is only a matter of time until Marcus provides enough proof to arrest him. What does concern me is I am convinced he is not mentally stable. We know now he is in contact with an upper-world government official, although he’s not in an important position and I don’t think he knows how bad Marcus is. Now we know Marcus also has other more dangerous contacts, and those are the ones that worry me.â€� Xerxes said. “We must retrieve the artifacts before they are moved to a place we can not recover them. If they are exposed, it will put Marcus in a position of power and I will not allow that to happen.” Xerxes looked distressed. “I am torn - she is my responsibility, however Atlantis’ security must remain my primary concern or we could lose Atlantis and I could lose her just as surely that way. She may be in danger from this outside source which she doesn’t know about, and I suspect she would not believe it if she were warned.â€�

  Pericles had known Xerxes all his life and never seen him so troubled, so he changed the subject slightly, “You know, Ms. Simon got a good look at you and the Porsche in the hotel parking lot the night Jessica was taken by the Aztecs. She didn’t get the tag number though,â€� Pericles laughed. “I think she knows it was you who rescued Jessica.â€�

  “I was concerned Ms. Simon might become a problem,â€� Xerxes paused, hoping the FBI woman didn’t become even more of a problem.

  “You would not come ashore again, Xerxes?â€� Pericles asked, concerned.

  “Only if I have to, during the storm was a considerable risk. Worth it,â€� Xerxes remembered the feel of Jessica’s lips, “but a high risk.â€� The slice on his right biceps was still healing, the Aztec’s who had sliced him had compromised his blade with a jungle toxin, not fatal, but it did hinder healing and caused the wound to itch in a most unpleasant manner. “Does she have any memory of that event?â€�

  “Jessica will only admit to a vague memory. She seems to remember your kisses,â€� Pericles laughed, as did Xerxes. “You really must have had an effect on her, Xerxes,â€� Pericles teased, knowing his future brother-in-law well enough.

  “We will see when I have her here. With her temper, I do not expect an easy transition.â€� They laughed again, and it felt good to laugh for a change, Xerxes normally wasn’t the type to be serious for long periods.

  “Do you think the Aztecs will try again after their losses?â€� Pericles asked.

  “Who knows with them?â€� Xerxes said distracted.

  “I will keep you informed, my Lord, and I will protect Jessica,â€� Pericles signed off from the communications device.

  Xerxes sighed, this was going to be dangerous, and he only wished he had enough evidence to arrest Marcus. He looked down from his official office at his assembled Council. Why would Marcus betray a secret that was almost older than civilization? The lust for power corrupted this all men knew. Xerxes thought and his eyes fell on Marcus sitting slightly apart from the rest, a faraway look in his possessed eyes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Perry?â€� Jessica called, and knocked on the Captain’s door, “Captain, are you in?â€� Her voice lilted with her question.

  “Jessica, yes, come in,â€� Perry had just ended the transmission seconds before she knocked. He wondered how much of the conversation Jessica had heard.

  “Did I hear you talking to someone?â€� she asked, answering his unasked question.

  “To myself,â€� he looked embarrassed, “bad habit.â€�

  “Don’t let the General catch you, he’ll think you are a security risk,â€� she laughed. “I think I’ll make an archaeologist of you yet. We talk to ourselves,” she laughed. “Speaking of security, I need to tell you something, and I think you are a good security risk. Perry, I found something, and I didn’t log it in. Then I have had two phone calls, on my cell phone no
less, how he got that number, ” she shook her head, “warning me not to tell anyone of this object’s existence. No one knows, and really, you don’t. But as a scientist, this is very irregular, I well, if something should happen to Bruce and me on the dive the day after tomorrow I want someone to know about it. I’ve elected you.â€� Cautiously she brought out a photo set of the maps. “This is the only set in existence, guard it with your life. If is what I think it is, well, just take care of it. I know it puts you in a compromised position, but I can’t think of anyone else.â€�

  “I understand, Jessica, don’t worry about it. I will take care of it.â€� Perry assured her. In the short time he had known Jessica, Pericles could not recall her being so unsure of herself about any matter that concerned archaeology.

  “One other thing,â€� she handed him a sealed envelope. “This is for my parents. Give it to them if something happens to me.â€�

  “I will take care of this also,â€� Perry promised.

  “Thank you, and I’ll see you at your wedding Saturday. Get as much sleep as you can. After Saturday, you won’t for a while,â€� She laughed, not realizing how prophetic what she had said was, then asked, “By the way, where is it going to be?â€�

  “Call me when you get back and I’ll give you an invitation and directions,â€� Pericles answered again, but didn’t give her any information.

  “Okay by me. Okay if I bring Bruce?â€� Jessica asked, not wanting attend alone.

  “Sure, he’s always welcome,â€� Pericles said and remembered what Xerxes had said about Mr. Lance possibly becoming the next Minister of Antiquities for Atlantis.

  “See you tomorrow,â€� Jessica left Captain Curtis’ Field Office.


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