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Atlantis Vortex

Page 22

by Sheila N. Eskew

  In the far distance, she could see a brilliant white light. Trying hard to force her reddened, exhausted eyes to focus was difficult, but the lights appeared to highlight a series of domes under one open Pyramid structure that comprised a vast City. It seemed somewhat reflective, convincing Jessica she wasn’t hallucinating. Thinking this was all a side effect of the Aztec’s potion that had possibly returned because of the depth of the water wasn’t enough explanation to allay all her questions.

  Jessica was perplexed. Her air supply was totally diminished in her dive gear, she hadn’t any idea how long the air in this chamber would last and she could not remain here indefinitely anyway. She looked up, what light there was disappeared quickly up into the blackness of the tunnel. While Jessica examined her situation, she absently wondered if Bruce made it back to the boat safely, and if he did, what he was doing to find her. Fear raced through her, laced with a heavy dose of perplexity. Who had left the bottle of water and taken off her gear? She asked herself again.

  Jessica stripped off her wet suit and dropped it next to her tanks, fins, and mask, leaving her in a rich, deep blue, two-piece swimsuit. Her tired mind was working on overdrive. She remembered the mysterious phone calls, the strange maps, and the memories of the aquamarine-eyed visitor that plagued her. These things convinced her that what happened was not an accident. Movement, other than the natural grace of the sea, drew her attention. Jessica watched, fascinated, as a highly advanced craft moved rapidly closer.

  “An underwater jet?â€� Jessica asked aloud and for some reason, remembered Captain Curtis talking to himself. The craft moved silently but with great speed, streamlined as any Navy or Air Force fighter; however, its lines obviously were designed to cut through the water instead of the air. As the sub drew closer, Jessica could see it didn’t have wings like an airplane but resembled a giant Manta Ray without the tail. Waiting in suspense, and apprehension, Jessica watched the sub close the distance between the distant domed city and the chamber that held her captive. She knew the answers to her questions were in that sub.

  Slowing rapidly, the sub stopped suddenly just outside the chamber. Jessica couldn’t see inside the craft, and watched warily as an extendable hatch attached to the chamber wall. The glass seemed to dissolve, breaking the seal, causing a hiss as the pressure equalized and her ears to pop slightly as an opening became passable.

  “Ms. Carter,â€� the accented voice was that of Xerxes Kallias, “Please come aboard, we have much to discuss.â€�

  Cautiously, Jessica stepped through the hatch into the dimly lit interior of the sub. “I should say we do have much to discuss!â€� Jessica said angrily. She heard a short laugh, which only served to make her angrier.

  “Ms. Carter.â€� Xerxes addressed her coolly, making Jessica’s anger boil. “Calm yourself.â€�

  “Go to hell - or perhaps I am there already, this is the Devil’s Triangle if I am not mistaken. Did my dive partner get back to the boat safely?â€� Jessica demanded, knowing this incredible man had the answer.

  “If it will calm your temper to know,” he paused, “Yes, he did and he is fine.â€� Xerxes replied, with some amusement in his voice.

  “Well, that is one issue solved,â€� Jessica said a bit more calmly. “Next, who are you?â€�

  “I believe we have met before…“ He turned to her. Those exquisite aquamarine eyes were on her.

  “You are the man who came to my tent - Xerxes Kallias. I know the name. That does not tell me who you are, or what you are, only a name.â€� Jessica railed at him, not yet ready to admit he was the one who had saved her, but her blood was on fire.

  “I thought we would answer one question at a time, Jessica,â€� Xerxes smiled, her anger seemed an expected amusement to him. His smile faded when he looked into Jessica’s eyes.

  Jessica’s eyes adjusted to the lower light and she could see his eyes drinking in every detail of her scantily clad body and read the changing emotions in his aquamarine eyes. Vivid memories of his strong arms holding her safely against his powerful body when he rescued her from the Aztecs flashed into her mind. She saw desire in his face and Jessica felt a rush of arousal she had never experienced before take hold of her. Jessica began to shake. Fear, until recently an unknown emotion to Jessica, crept into her and with that perception; shock from her situation begun to set in. This outrageous, sensuously virile man now controlled the situation and her. The look in his eyes was clear, devastating to her innocent mind. Her knees became weak with the comprehension of his probable intentions, her own desires foreign to her became all too real. Suddenly, the reminiscence of him kissing her flashed like electricity through her mind and jolted her body. Jessica’s face turned a deep red, only to turn a paler white instantly. Held captive by this powerful man, Jessica knew by the affectionate look that came into his eyes that he must have been reading the emotions on her face easily.

  Finally, she found her voice again. “Why,â€� she asked hesitantly and breathlessly, “have you brought me here?â€�

  “Instinctively I think you know those answers,” he replied in a low passionate voice, “but there are other reasons as well. Sit down for now, Jessica.â€� Xerxes directed, not unkindly. Yet it was a command, and Jessica did not take commands easily, “Buckle your seatbelt, when we get back to our home, I will answer your questions in a more comfortable setting. Your friend Bruce is, as I said, in good health, but there are other matters to discuss.â€�

  He turned back to the controls and put the ship under power, with in moments the City began to draw closer. “Jessica,â€� he said but did not turn back to her, “there is a blanket under your seat, you might find it comforting,â€� finding it where he directed she covered herself in its warmth, even the smell of the blanket brought back strange memories that she could not completely remember. Holding the sides of the blanket together Jessica turned to look out the porthole.

  One of the many things that had drawn the High Lord of Atlantis to Jessica was her spirit and her fire. He smiled to himself carefully, not wanting her to think he was laughing at her, but wondered what Jessica was thinking. Xerxes expertly piloted the sub toward the glowing City and as they approached, he spoke in Atlantian, a language he knew Jessica didn’t understand.

  Temporarily the glow stopped and they passed into the City, the glow resumed behind them. Xerxes docked the sub, rose from his seat, and turned to Jessica. He watched her unbuckle her seat belt, noticing her fingers were trembling and when she stood, the blanket fell from her bikini-clad body. Xerxes retrieved the blanket, draped it around her, and stood before her in the dim light. The back of his hands touching her intimately above her breast where he held the two sides of the blanket closed, reminiscent of a long past event.

  “You are trembling,â€� he stated rather than asked.

  Jessica had difficulty speaking. “I, ah, am cold.â€� She managed.

  Xerxes slowly lowered his head to touch his lips to hers. Jessica’s trembling increased. She placed both her hands on his chest and pushed to end his embrace and still grabbing the blanket this time before it could fall. Xerxes smiled, as he drew back, not yet ready to remind her of the daring rescue, if she did not remember on her own.

  “Come with me, Jessica,â€� Xerxes told her authoritatively, his presence surrounding her as if his essence were engulfing her.

  “Where else?â€� she replied with flippant bravado, refusing to submit to his mastery or allow him to see his effect on her, though he drew her breath away.

  Jessica followed him out of the craft, passing the people of the undersea world who didn’t seem surprised to see Xerxes with her. Some spoke to him, others nodded. Jessica observed the people’s dress was little different from those of the upper-world, perhaps a bit more loose fitting and comfortable. She observed Xerxes world as they walked the flower and plant-lined walks of his hom
e. As they approached his ‘home’, Jessica concluded it was more like a palace and the people they were passing were his people. They all seemed to know him in a more informal and personal manner, but the respect she saw in their eyes impressed Jessica. These people depended on this man and trusted him. She turned her attention back to Xerxes, wondering what kind of a man he was.

  As she noticed before, he was exceptionally tall, six seven, broad shoulders, well muscled and slender at the waist. He wore a loose-fitting silk shirt with full sleeves that gathered at the wrists - reminiscent of a pirate, tight linen pants that tucked into high umber-polished boots. His long blonde hair was held tied back with a black leather thong, nostalgic of colonial America. An ancient chain of gold and black-coral sea creatures adorned his neck.

  Passing through a set of double glass doors told her they were now in his private living quarters. Totally under this potent man’s control proved a new and frightening situation for Jessica, who was accustomed to her own autonomy.

  “Where are we, Mr. Kallias?â€� Jessica demanded boldly.

  “More questions,â€� he said with a smile that infuriated Jessica further.

  “Yes! Many more.â€� Jessica assured him firmly

  “In time.â€� Xerxes assured her.

  Jessica had become tired of him patronizing her like a child. Yes, she was upset and had reason to be. She had been through several traumatizing experiences, nearly drowned and now found she was in the control of a mysterious, self-confident man she knew nothing about - who dared to kiss her without hesitation, or consent. Yet there was an air of familiarity about him she could not resolve, the memory of the rescue from the Aztecs and the reason he had risked so much to do so. His lips touching hers moments after he saved her life, her face flushed at the memory of her desire for his kisses then, and Jessica hoped he didn’t see her face now.

  They arrived in his home, which was more like a small palace. Jessica followed him through a large reception area and an older gentleman took the blanket and gave her a light robe that did little to cover but was more presentable than a blanket. Jessica followed Xerxes through what appeared to be the formal section of his home. She glanced at a formal dining room that looked spacious enough to comfortably seat over a hundred and another room that appeared to be for functions from dancing to a formal reception. She noticed other rooms that were for smaller, more private functions and at last, they passed through a set of etched glass double doors into a comfortable salon that appeared to be a brightly lit family room.

  Current magazines, several newspapers, local, and international, in varying languages, were lying about on tables next to couches and chairs grouped for comfortable conversations, and of all things, a television. Jessica also spied her laptop computer. Her temper flared hotter at this, but it didn’t shock her, and she added it to her growing list of atrocities to question him about, yet she said nothing, saving those matters for a later time.

  Xerxes touched a decorative shell inset in a clear Plexiglas curtained wall that opened to reveal underwater scenery as if it were an aquarium. He spoke into what Jessica had earlier correctly guessed was a communication device. Jessica did not understand his language and she spoke six languages fluently and could manage in two others depending on the dialect. He turned to her, an admiring sparkle remaining in his eyes.

  “I have requested some refreshments,â€� he told her, “perhaps you would like to change into something, uh relaxing; you may feel more able to discuss and understand what has happened and what your future holds. In the interim let me explain…â€� A young man entered, pushing a cart with a bottle of what appeared to be wine chilling, and several trays with food, plates, and napkins, glasses and small forks arranged decoratively. “Thank you Jasiuos.â€� Xerxes said and the fellow departed. “Please Jessica, help yourself.â€�

  “I would prefer just some answers,â€� Jessica said, but she was hungry, and looking at the trays of shrimp and other delicacies, she found she was very hungry, so she did as he suggested.

  “You will have your answers.â€� Xerxes promised. “But I will warn you now, you may not like them. I will answer them all, in due time,â€� He had come to stand intimately close, “My time,â€� he said firmly, reminding her he was master in this place, and set the pace at which events occurred.

  His presence was overpowering. Jessica could feel his bearing filling the room and surrounding her. It was clear he ruled here and she knew his authority was unquestioned. Xerxes intimate manner was extremely disturbing. Jessica inwardly had a strong adverse reaction to a man with so much direct physical control over her. He made her uneasy in a manner no other man had. Most men were ready to do whatever she wished. Men rarely challenged her. It had been that way since she was young. Either her looks or her quick mind provided whatever she wanted. Those who didn’t work with her, she simply went around or over, even the General. This man was playing with her and Jessica decided she didn’t like the game, or him. She was struggling to control the rolling boil he brought her blood too, so she affixed him with a firm stare, bit into a large shrimp with some force and arched her left eyebrow.

  “Mr. Kallias, it is more than obvious you have me at a great disadvantage and have obviously contrived to achieve this. Why, is one of those questions I am sure I am will not like the answer to. However,” Jessica paused and drew a calming breath, “You should know, if you do not already, I am not a weak-willed individual who will accept a set of circumstances that are not to my liking without exploring all alternative manners of solutions.â€� Jessica could see desire clear in his magnificent aquamarine eyes, but refused to allow him to see how devastating she found it.

  “Jessica, if you were any other woman you would not be here, I assure you.â€� He watched his answer affect her. Now she had regained much of herself control and showed little of what she was feeling. Her pale face turned a brighter shade of pink. “I think the scientist in you will appreciate our accomplishments,â€� he gestured out the windows. “Our underwater community is very advanced, both in culture and technology.â€�

  “That is apparent. But I will refrain from asking more questions until you bid me to,â€� she retorted slyly.

  Xerxes did not attempt to hide his amusement, “You will come to appreciate many new experiences here, and for you there are many new things to learn.â€�

  “I am sure,” Jessica said her eyes unemotional, “but hopefully I will not be here long enough to take advantage of your hospitality.â€� Controlling her anger, her brown eyes took on a more cerise color and leveled with his darkening aquamarine ones.

  “On the contrary, Jessica, you have the rest of your life, my dear,â€� his eyes held hers so entirely that neither spoke for a few moments.

  “Then without asking, you have answered one question. I am a prisoner!â€� Her voice was almost a whisper, but the force of her words held the strength of shouting.

  Xerxes’ neither denied nor affirmed her statement. “I would not put it in those terms, Jessica,â€� he stood close to her, noticing that she was trembling again.

  Behind her, the doors opened, two stout women entered, and Xerxes drew away. “Jessica, I want you to go with these two ladies. They will see to your comfort. In a little while, we will finish our talk, then things will be clearer.â€� He addressed one of the ladies, “Margie, take a plate and see that Jessica finishes it. Please, help yourselves also, if you wish.â€� Jessica remained silent and didn’t refuse his orders, she went as she was asked, but the look in her eyes told him what he knew already, watch out!

  Xerxes watched her go, catching the warning look in her eyes and her trembling that he couldn’t help but see. He stifled a smile, she had no idea he was sure, how beautiful she was standing before him so defiant in a skimpy bikini with only a see-through robe for cover. He didn’t attempt to hide his desire for her,
it shown clear in his eyes, and he watched the affect reflected in her beautiful warm brown eyes. He knew Jessica was going to be a problem. Xerxes wanted nothing more than to take Jessica in his arms and calm her, to hold her and make sweet, tender love to her. He knew she was responsive - he had sensed it in her kiss the night of her rescue. Now was not the right time, she was angry and exhausted, he knew if he tried, she would resist him, and that it would make matters worse. This transition was going to be difficult, and hell on him. He had to convince her how important it was for her to accept her new life, otherwise it could mean her death. Xerxes could not allow that to happen, but even the enormous power he commanded had limits, especial now with Marcus causing problems. With resolve to win his wife to his way of life, he also went to change for the evening.

  Jessica was numb. Xerxes assigned these two extremely fit and physically trained ladies to assist her because he knew she might try to escape. Xerxes must know their abilities well, but now was not the time for an escape attempt. She was too weak and didn’t have the slightest idea of where she was. For now, she would stall until she could learn as much as possible about where she was. She would allow him to think she was a little more complacent than she was. Damn, she thought, someday I will learn to keep my mouth shut. It would seem, she thought, he knows me well. Jessica knew at that moment, his were the eyes she had felt watching her at different times, and then she thought of all those times she had remembered that eerie feeling of surveillance. She knew too, he was not the only one, for the Aztecs had also watched her. Jessica grew solemn, the memories of that horrible night returned with clarity she had never admitted to anyone. Xerxes saved her, and had he not been watching her, she would be dead. However, it didn’t change the fact she was now his prisoner, at his mercy, and she did not know why. In addition, this magnificent man affected her, made her feel - how? She asked herself.


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