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Atlantis Vortex

Page 24

by Sheila N. Eskew

  On the other hand, the sheets retained Xerxes’ stimulating masculine scent, and reminded her where she was. She had slept in the bed of the High Lord of Atlantis, and he had kept his word, allowing her the rest she badly needed. She was his prisoner regardless. Jessica rose from bed, mindful of his words from the previous night, knowing she would again spend the night here. She wouldn’t allow her mind to dwell on that.

  Cautiously, she ventured into the other rooms. He wasn’t in the spacious apartment; she was truly alone. Jessica drew a breath of relief. Xerxes failed to restrict her to these rooms, and finding suitable clothing neatly laid out for her, she changed. Not wanting to alert anyone of her awakened condition by ordering breakfast, thereby finding herself restricted to these rooms, she walked out through the double doors and followed her curiosity.

  This is Atlantis, Jessica thought to herself. Beautiful! Never had she hoped to find such a treasure. An archaeological find, dead and buried, a lost civilization’s secrets awaiting discovery that would take months, possibly years to excavate - the soul of once-living people. Instead, she found a living, breathing, thriving World. Jessica concluded the legendary Continent was beneath her feet.

  Greeted cordially by the City’s residents, as though they knew her, or of her, caused Jessica to wonder if they expected her. Some addressed her as Lady Jessica. She smiled back, and returned their salutations, amazed at their benevolence toward her.

  Without meaning to, she soon found she was lost. She wasn’t alarmed, she did however wish she had eaten before she started her trek. Xerxes would locate her, of that, she was certain. She had walked a couple of miles - which was only a small portion of the sprawling urban metropolis - and Jessica continued to marvel at the walks edged with planters of exotic and blooming flowers. Though the light source was indeterminable, it was as bright as any day on the surface. She sat down to rest on a bench, feeling tired and a bit concerned over her lack of stamina, but she accounted it to lack of food. Jessica observed these people. There were business people and teachers, doctors and other professionals. She resumed her walk through shopping areas, and areas of obvious industrial manufacturing of materials, and though she could not tell what the places produced, they were clean and attention to the environment appeared their first priority.

  The people laughed easily and many couples held hands. She passed a school. Numerous children played on the playground; some swam in a pool where the water came from a breach valve made to look like a waterfall set in the Plexiglas dome of the City that held back the ocean. Outside the dome were fields of agriculture for as far as she could see. Undersea farming was an exact science here. Jessica was amazed when a flock of birds flew past and Butterflies danced by. In the distance, off to one side was what looked like a power plant, possibly a desalinization facility, or both working together? Jessica realized these people were highly advanced, and she wondered where the old version of Atlantis was. This ultra-modern civilization did not match the description of Plato’s Atlantis built in three-ringed canals around a giant Pyramid. Jessica understood why they didn’t want to be discovered.

  Xerxes was correct - she was fascinated. Unbidden, her thoughts turned to Xerxes. He had spied on her, deceived her, and misled her. Jessica could not condone what he had done, although she understood. He had done it to protect Atlantis. Nevertheless, she remembered he had rescued her, saving her from a horrible death at the hands of the Aztecs. He had put his own safety at high risk, she realized, as well as risked the security of his people. She remembered how warm, strong, and safe his arms were when he had pulled her from that slab of death just before the rain had started. He had sent Captain Curtis, Pericles, to spy on her. Jessica’s temper flared again, then she knew if Perry had not been there, again by Xerxes’ orders, she would be dead. She was angry with Xerxes, confused over his reasons for bringing her here, and afraid of how he made her feel. Never had she allowed a man to gain such control over her. What he wanted of her was frighteningly clear. Jessica sighed and faced the realization that Xerxes was the only man who had been able to stir such feelings in her, to make her want him, a foreign sensation, one she didn’t know how to handle, or exactly what it would mean.

  She wondered how long she had been gone from their apartment, and laughed inwardly, their apartment? She thought. He was right. Their intimacy was already a fact. Her growling stomach made her wish she had eaten before starting her exploration. Absently, she wondered if they used some form of money as she past a restaurant, the smell of the food making her mouth water. Eventually she came upon a sandy white beach, and not finding many people here, she settled herself on the sand beneath a coconut tree and watched the water. In one of the many public parks in the City, the ocean came under the dome and met the dry land to form a public park and beach. A few people were swimming, although the water seemed chilly to Jessica, but the sand was comfortable. How long she sat there, she didn’t know. Jessica dozed, still tired from her recent harrowing dive experience. She woke with a start, looking at two leather sandal-clad feet before her, and slowly her gaze moved upward.

  “Mr. Kallias,â€� Jessica said in an even tone, and stretched like a newly awakened child.

  “Are you lost, Jessica?â€� He asked with annoyance in his voice, anger blazing in his aquamarine eyes.

  “No,â€� she stretched again, “I knew you’d find me.â€� She stood, “Where could I go? I trust you weren’t too concerned?â€� she said sarcastically.

  “We can discuss that in private,â€� Xerxes said and Jessica could hear the anger grow in his voice.

  She laughed, amused to have annoyed him. “You have a very beautiful City, I can well see why you wish to keep its existence a secret, but that still doesn’t require me remaining here.â€�

  Xerxes firmly took hold of her right arm and roughly pulled her to her feet. “Jessica you try my patience.â€�

  “And you sir, try my temper!â€� She jerked her arm free. “I am not your chattel, regardless of your view. Now since I have no more desire to disturb the beauty and peace of this lovely place with a public argument, if you please.â€� She stepped a little away. “I will accompany you. You need not use force unless it is for your own enjoyment,â€� Jessica looked at him haughtily.

  Jessica suddenly found herself wrapped in his strong arms, his mouth hard on her soft lips, stilling her protests. “Now my perky little wife, you will come with me.â€�

  “What did you call me?â€� Jessica stopped, flabbergasted, and he had to turn to look at her.

  “Your hearing is fine as is your understanding. No more words for now. Again, he took her arm and this time she knew she would not get away, yet she put enough resistant pressure against his grasp to let him know she wasn’t pleased - knowing her resistance would bruise her arm.

  Jessica was fuming, and Xerxes knew it. As soon as the double doors closed, she turned on him with a snarl on her lovely lips. “I most certainly am not your wife! I remember no ceremony, no ring, and most certainly no consented vows.â€�

  “Here,â€� Xerxes said, his face in hers “none of that is required, I but sign the papers,â€� he informed her with a self-assured and rakish smile.

  “And what of my signature?â€� Jessica demanded, her voice a low and dangerous snarl.

  “Yours my dear, as someone from the upper world and a high risk to our security, is not required.â€� Xerxes smirked, almost laughing, until he saw the fire in Jessica’s brown eyes.

  “I refuse!â€� Jessica protested firmly.

  “You haven’t a choice!â€� Xerxes finally laughed at her outrage, unable to contain his mirth any longer. He pulled her into his embrace. She slapped him. He slapped her back and caught the second blow before she could deliver it. “I told you, you would not like the answers.â€� He smiled devilishly. “Last night, I allowed you to rest. I am not totally without feelings f
or you. However, before we celebrate our wedding night, perhaps dinner would be in order. It is my understanding you haven’t eaten this day.â€� He called to have their evening meal brought. He smiled at the expected outrage he saw in his new wife’s face as she turned from him to stare out the windows at the vast beauty of Atlantis.

  The servant presented their meal and left. Jessica remained standing, staring at Xerxes as though he had lost his mind. “I will not sit at your table, sir,â€� she said at last, in an indignant tone.

  “Of course you will, Jessica,â€� and he promptly sat her down. “Now do I treat you like a spoiled child and feed you, or will you behave as an adult and be civil?â€� He knew she was hungry.

  “Very well,â€� Jessica acquiesced. She ate, her hands trembling from fear and rage. “Mr. Kallias, you simply cannot keep me here,â€� she protested, at last laying down her fork.

  “Jessica,â€� his eyes were firm, almost cold, “I can, and I will. You are legally my wife, and very soon will be in all respects. For your own sake, accept these facts, it isn’t as if we are total strangers,â€� he smiled, his anger with her abating.

  Jessica considered him, and that haunting smile she had been plagued with since just before she found the Pyramid, it reminded her of other times she had been in his total power. As her eyes were held by his, she was reminded of how safe they had made her feel. His arms around her after the Aztec thing and yet another time, further back, at the very edge of her memory - one she could not yet quite remember.

  “Why? You didn’t bring Bruce here and he knows almost as much as I.â€�

  “Bruce is not a beautiful woman, and you know far more than he does, Jessica. Now finish your dinner,â€� Xerxes explained, looking deeply into her flushed face.

  Her gaze dropped to her plate that she had scarcely touched despite the gnawing emptiness of her stomach. This magnificent man’s ability to control her made her weak, and the realization that she desired him confused her. Looking down at her food and trying to eat some of it, she found her appetite had left her, despite her physical hunger. What must he think of me? Why do I care?

  “Tonight Jessica, if you have finished your dinner - you will be prepared for our wedding night. Go now and do so.â€� Xerxes, raised to rule, commanded.

  “Never!â€� she said breathlessly. “I do not recognize a marriage that did not take place and that I did not consent to.â€�

  “Never say never, my dear,â€� he told her with a laugh at the cliché. “And Jessica, our marriage is as legal as any can be, with the exception we have yet to consummate it.â€� He pushed a button on the communications panel and the same two ladies from the previous night came in.

  “Ladies, you have your instructions.â€� Xerxes turned to his wife. “Jessica, do as you are told - for your own good - do not give them a difficult time.â€� He stepped closer and said quietly and privately, “After all, surface women are familiar with this part of life early, which is what we are told here.â€�

  Jessica affixed him with a look that would melt marble. “I was correct yesterday. This is the Devil’s Triangle and I am already in hell,â€� her temper flared hotter. “By what rights do you judge my morals?â€� She turned, her head held proudly, and left as he directed, having no other choice.

  Xerxes was puzzled. From all information, surface girls rarely remained untouched until their marriages. Yet this one acted almost terrified. As gorgeous as she is, he thought, some young man must have won that victory with her. He shrugged. It is an act. Still, it didn’t matter, she would later thank him. He certainly did not want to execute her and though he was sure, one of the other men of Atlantis would gladly take her as his wife, he wanted her. He admired her spirit, and her intellect. Their children would be remarkable, and they would be the generation to reveal the existence of the second world of earth. Xerxes had known for sometime too, he loved her. And, as he had the night before, he went to prepare elsewhere.

  The garden bath, lit by torch and candlelight awaited her. Warm swirling waters once again awaited her in the huge shell tub. Jessica already planned to linger in the spacious pool as long as the two would allow. She regarded the tub set in the landscaped garden and an unbidden vision of Xerxes relaxing in the tub came into her imagination. She cleared that thought from her mind fast and looked to each of the ladies who were assigned her care, hoping they didn’t see the blush in her cheeks. Neither seemed to notice, or if they did, were too polite to show it.

  Tonight she found her favorite bath soap, lotion, and perfume waiting for her - Dream Angel’s Halo from Victoria’s Secret. Jessica also spied a gauzy rose peignoir she had admired on her last shopping trip. She paused, that day came flooding back in her memory. His eyes, the attraction to him was strong enough to stop them both in their steps. She had seen Xerxes that day in the Garden’s Mall. Chills swept through her that left her weak remembering how long they had stared at one another. She then became aware of the twins eyes on her, waiting to assist her in her preparations, Jessica knew she could stall no longer.

  “I can manage,â€� Jessica assured them.

  “Lady Jessica, we have our instructions to assist you,â€� one said, holding a huge natural sponge. “My Lady, this is a special night, we want only to make it so.”

  Jessica considered the woman, her intentions and instructions seemed benign, “As you wish it.” She gave in, then removed her clothes, then stepped down into the heavenly-scented waters.

  “We will allow you to soak for a time,” Margie explained, touching a panel to slide the curtains back, revealing the underwater landscape just past the indoor garden of the bath. Jessica almost gasped, the view was so breathtaking and unexpected in the bath. A glass of wine was poured and left for her to enjoy.

  Above Jessica and around her on three sides, as in the bedroom, the beauty of the underwater world stretched before her. Overhead she could see the same bright glow as before but she could not see the surface of the water. She wondered how deep this City was? It had to be several hundred feet or more. Above her, looking out the tremendous Plexiglas windows she had seen before, Jessica tried to estimate the depth of the water covering Atlantis. How may leagues? She could not begin to guess. Jessica gazed out at the undersea utopia that was visible at some point in each room she had been in since arriving in Xerxes’ home. Beautiful was not a word strong enough to describe the view. Coral outcroppings provided variance and color as did the multiple size and shapes of seashells, some enormous. Sea fans waved gracefully with the motion of the water, a steady one-way current did not seem to be present. As when she had awakened in the Vortex Chamber, schools of fish swam by in multiple varieties, some familiar, some she had never seen, but in numbers that were astounding. The ocean floor teamed with life from lobsters the size of small cats to oysters the size of truck tires. The oysters amazed Jessica. Normally oysters grew only in shallow bays. She could only imagine the size of the pearls such oysters would produce. On the window itself some coral growth was present; however, only on the edges. Farther away, Jessica could see undersea farming taking place as she had seen earlier. Massive machines tended what appeared to be fields that stretched out of sight. She looked up and at a blue glow, almost like sky, that seemed to stretch to the edge of her sight horizon and cover what she guessed was the City. All questions left her mind as she became lost in the beauty around her. She sipped the wine they poured for her, unmindful of its calming effects. Margie returned and Jessica noticed she now had a large bottle of bath gel with her.

  “You know, Margie,” she eyed the lady with a firm look, “I haven’t had someone bathe me since I was a baby. I really can do that.â€� Jessica reached for the sponge, but the woman wasn’t to be swayed.

  “In Atlantis, Lady Jessica, Lord Xerxes gives few orders, he doesn’t need to. But this is one he did give,” Margie explained, Jessica could se
e the determination in her eyes and knew it was useless to argue. Jessica found she was overwhelmed when the other lady reappeared, and proceeded to wash her long red hair, then applied conditioner to the long tresses. They refilled her glass of wine and encouraged her to drink it. Jessica took small sips to placate them. When Jessica felt she could bear their kind efforts no longer, she found they were finished. Margie left her in the tub, returning quickly with a large bath sheet to wrap her in and a smaller towel for her hair. Jessica looked at the other “lady” whose eyes were modestly averted.

  Resolved to their actions, Jessica stepped out of the water, and allowed the woman to wrap her in the warm towel, while the other set to brushing her hair dry.

  Reality was quickly returning, and Jessica found she had never really forgotten why the ladies were pampering her. She had begun to tremble and could not still it, her emotions running on overdrive. By sheer force of will she sat still, as she was unaccustomed to having such simple grooming chores performed for her, this took enormous patience. Only by busying her mind, did she survive the ladies attentions to her wedding night’s preparations. Jessica kept the absolute terror that was trying to take over, always at the edge of her consciousness, under control by distracting her mind.


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