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Dominating Devney (Montana Maiden Series Book 3)

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by Vanessa Vale

  I expected freedom in my widowhood, not attempted rape. I'd expected to forge my own path, my own journey for my life, but even from the grave, Jack dictated what I could do. Because of his fortune, I would be sought after. The way Doctor Graham had spoken of my maidenhead, it too, was a precious commodity. How he'd known Jack's secret, I probably would never know. Regardless, these men were serious and a rifle would not sway them.

  They were big, virile men, one of whom wanted me. Not my money, but me. I'd heard of the Bridgers from Jack's mumblings over dinner. They were good men who ran a good ranch. He'd had nothing bad to say, at least not within my hearing.

  This Bridger, Sam, was tall. As we stood on the porch, I'd had to tilt my head back to look him in the eye even though I was very tall myself. His hair was fair, like wheat in the winter. His eyes were light green, like his shirt. He had a straight nose and a strong jaw that was covered in gold stubble. His shirt snugly fit his broad shoulders and a torso that tapered into a trim waist. He wore tan pants and leather boots; his legs were long as well muscled. Handsome was one word to describe him. Manly, bold and brooding were others. His gaze had been fixed on me since I first opened the door. Even with my naiveté about the stronger sex, I felt attraction. My heart sped when I looked at him. The way he watched me made my palms go damp. The room was overly warm and I believed, but was too afraid, to look down to see that my nipples had hardened. Why, at the old age of twenty-five, did I long to feel the rasp of his whiskers? I'd been out of contact with people too long to have such notions pop into my head.

  He was everything Jack was not. Young, handsome, and from his heavy lidded gaze, attracted to me. He'd said outright he wanted my maidenhead. I had no doubt he'd rid me of it with ruthless, sensual precision. But attraction couldn't be enough. I'd learned that rash thinking on lifelong decisions did not bode well.

  I cleared my throat. "Thank you, Mr. Bridger, for your surprising offer, but I decline."

  There, I'd done it. I could continue to live my solitary existence in peace.

  "Very well. Sheriff, grab my satchel, please."

  The man stood and left the room, quickly returning with a black leather bag.

  "You are both now under my protection until you choose to marry." Doc opened the bag and pulled out a leather belt. Or at least it looked like one. There was more than one strap and it fastened strangely. "You will wear a belt that protects your pussy and maidenhead from men with less than perfect scruples. As the town doctor, I am frequently called out, so I cannot supervise you constantly. This will allow for protection in my absence."

  "I will not wear that," Sarah said, standing and moving slowly backward toward the door, pointing at the contraption the doctor held up. She flicked glances behind her as if ready to bolt like an untamed mustang.

  "If Devney marries, you won't be obligated. Devney's husband will be your protector until you wed," Doctor Graham replied, adding this caveat.

  I sat there, considering the doctor's words. If I married, then Sarah would not only be safe, she wouldn't have to be subjected to this ridiculous belt being held before us. It looked...odd. I could only imagine what it would feel like about my waist, between my legs. The idea was not appealing. And for how long? How long could we endure the rules of the doctor's protection? Or, I could save both Sarah and myself distress, embarrassment and discomfort.

  "There has to be an alternative."

  The sheriff spoke. "Do you have family to take you in?"

  I arched a brow, knowing I’d rather be confined to the doctor's ridiculous contraption than return to my father - if I knew where he was. "I think you're well aware that we don't." The three men sat patiently and waited for me to come to a decision. "Very well," I replied, glancing at Sam Bridger. He remained quiet, yet watched me closely. Waiting. "I will marry Mr. Bridger."

  "No!" Sarah cried, placing her small hand on my arm and giving it a squeeze. "You will not sacrifice yourself again, this time for me. It is only a belt to protect my chastity. It is not permanent, like marriage." She stepped forward, all the while keeping her gaze on me. She wasn't usually so obliging. "Doctor, I will wear the belt."

  I jumped up. With my height, I towered over my stepdaughter. "Sarah, please. It will keep you from constant grief. Then you may choose whom you wish to wed." After seven years, I knew her well. Knew that the stubborn tilt of her chin meant that she would get her way.

  "If you really wish to marry Mr. Bridger, let it be for reasons other than me," she countered. "Daddy loved Barnaby. It was unconventional, and because of that kept a secret, but he loved him. I could see the lust, the desire in their eyes when they looked upon each other. I want someone to look at me in just such a way. I want that for you. You should want that, too. We'll think of something. In the meantime, just...just do as he says. Please. It is a small burden to bear to leave here."

  I saw pleading in her eyes and something else, although I didn't know what it was and couldn't ask. We were only a few years apart in age and had spent years isolated together in this very house. I'd been her schoolteacher and companion, but it was time for her to see more of the world. She'd done nothing to be held in this comfortable prison. I, however, had chosen this life. Grudgingly, I had to agree with her.

  "All right," I murmured. I would abide by Sarah's wishes and the doctor's order until I could formulate an alternative. Somehow, in the matter of minutes, I'd lost complete control of my life. I had no choice but to go to town and wear some form of a chastity belt until I wed. If I didn't marry...well, I didn't want to consider how long I'd have to don the contraption. In a roundabout way, the doctor was all but forcing me into marriage.

  Doctor Graham grabbed a second belt from his satchel. "Please remove your drawers."

  We stood as the men sat in a row before us. Every move we made was witnessed by not only the doctor, but by the sheriff and Mr. Bridger as well. Although Sarah was a woman grown, she'd been so sheltered that she looked to me for guidance. Not eager to comply, I had to set the example, so I reached beneath my dress and undid the laces on my cotton drawers, letting them fall to the floor. The way I could feel my heart pounding, I wasn't sure if I appeared as calm and collected as I wished. Darting a glance, I saw that Mr. Bridger's eyes followed the motions of my hands. His green eyes had darkened to the color of emeralds and his jaw was clenched. A vein ticked in his temple.

  Heat flooded my cheeks at the very thought of what I was doing.

  Sarah slowly complied as well.

  "Thank you, ladies. Devney, you are first. Please lift your skirts and step into the harness."

  I looked down at the item I was about to don and now understood its function. It was like a belt for a man's pants, but it also contained another strip of leather that ran from the front to the back that would be positioned directly over my woman's place, covering it so that it could not be touched. I could not be raped or violated with it on. It was both ridiculously reassuring after the week we'd had, yet understandably confining. The decision to don this garment was out of my control, and this irked me immensely.

  I held my skirt up just enough so that I could see my feet and placed one, then the other, through the straps. Slowly, Doctor Graham worked the cool leather up my legs. Instead of watching his actions, I kept my gaze fixed on Mr. Bridger, who followed the harness up my thighs, my skin exposed to him inch by inch. I should feel embarrassed, should feel something about how this was not appropriate, but I couldn't. The way Mr. Bridger looked upon my flesh made me...warm. Made me want. What? I did not know.

  Doctor Graham knelt before me and adjusted the harness so that the strap that went between my legs was positioned properly, then cinched the belt about my waist snugly. "Turn around."

  I complied and I knew Mr. Bridger could see my bottom, the leather strap coming from between my legs. It was not comfortable. I'd never had something between my legs in this manner and it was hard and cold, and tight enough where there was no give, no way to shift it aside. The way it slight
ly spread the cheeks of my bottom would be a constant distraction. The belt about my waist was snug, but not tight. He applied a simple lock to the back, cold against my skin, then Doctor Graham slid a finger beneath the leather at my hip to ensure the fit was comfortable. "Very good. You may lower your dress."

  I turned back around and glanced at Mr. Bridger. Even though Doctor Graham had moved on to Sarah's harness, the other man still watched me. I felt my cheeks - and other places - heat up under his close scrutiny. There was no doubt that he meant what he said. He'd marry me, and he definitely wanted pussy.



  "She's gone," McKenzie said, the door to my room slamming against the wall.

  We'd made it into town just as the sun set, but I decided to sleep in McKenzie's extra room and remain in town overnight instead of returning to the ranch. I wiped a hand over my face as I squinted up at my friend in the darkness.

  I sniffed and sat up, swung my bare feet over the side of the bed. "Who's gone?" I asked, wishing for a strong cup of coffee.

  "Sarah Jenkins."

  I perked up at the name. "What do you mean, gone?"

  McKenzie lit a lamp next to the bed and began to pace. "Doc got called out to tend Mary Duncan, as it's her time. I was just leaving Rose's and a card game gone bad when I ran into him. He asked me to stop by and check on the women at his house, so I did. Devney was sound asleep, but Sarah wasn't there. No sign of her."

  "Do you think someone took her?" I stood and pulled on my pants.

  "Doubtful. Other than us, no one knew she was in town besides your brothers. No one even knows what she looks like. She's practically a myth around here."

  I buttoned my shirt but left it untucked, grabbed my boots. "You just left Devney all alone?"

  "Hell, no." He shook his head. "I put her in the jail. She's not going anywhere." He held up a hand. "Before you bite my head off, the jail's empty besides her."

  I gave a quick nod. "Good. Nothing's to happen to her, McKenzie. Devney's mine. She just doesn't know it yet." We went out into the cool early morning air. All was quiet; the stars shone bright.

  "I didn't expect you to be the marrying type," McKenzie commented. Our footsteps were heavy on the dirt packed main thoroughfare through town.

  "Yesterday, I didn't think so either."

  It was true. I hadn't imagined ever finding a woman I wanted to claim. Enjoy an evening with, yes. Claim? No. The way my brothers Jake and Cole, as well as Grant, our cousin, tended to their wives reinforced this. They were doting, yet strict husbands. Their wives were the center of their worlds and they would do anything to protect and cherish them, but they needed constant attention. I didn't think I had that of possessiveness in myself. Until now. Until I saw Devney. She was everything I didn't know I wanted in a woman. It scared the hell out of me, the abruptness of it all, but there was no going back.

  "We need to stop by Doc's office on the way," I told him, my long strides eating up the distance toward my future wife.

  It only took five minutes to walk to the jail. The sun was just starting to brighten the eastern sky as I looked in on Devney. She sat upon a low wooden stool and leaned against the bars. Her hair was long down her back and she wore a white nightgown that covered her from head to toe. She looked exhausted, worried and a little annoyed.

  The jail was one large room. McKenzie's desk with two chairs sat by the door, a jail cell to the side. Liberty wasn't known for trouble. Only a drunk or two usually filled the cell to sleep off their problems. McKenzie went to his desk, had a seat and let me approach Devney alone.

  She stood as I came to her. I didn't have to look down far to meet her eyes; her head came up to my nose. The white gown only accentuated her virginity, her innocence even though she'd been married for seven years. No husband I knew allowed his wife to wear a nightgown like this, or one at all. When we married, she'd never be covered from me again.

  "Are you all right?" I used McKenzie's keys to open the door.

  "Yes," she whispered, but looked down.

  "Is something wrong?" I looked her over, but the gown covered too much. I felt a flare of worry that she might be injured in some way, that staying in the jail cell had hurt her. It was a new feeling and it surprised me, but when it came to Devney, I was becoming quite protective.

  "I need the necessary."

  Relief flooded me. "Ah. You need me to remove the harness."

  She flicked a glance to McKenzie, then met my eyes. I saw a mixture of embarrassment and interest there. "Yes, I've tried, but I can't get it myself." I could see the pink flush to her cheeks as she came out of the cell to stand before me.

  McKenzie tossed me the key to the lock on her belt. I knelt in front of her and worked my hands up from her trim ankles, letting my palms slide the entire length of her legs to find the lock at her lower back. Goose bumps rose on her skin and I felt her shiver, although I knew it wasn't from cold. Her skin was warm, almost hot beneath my hands.

  "Hold up your gown, Devney," I told her. She couldn't play modest now; her need for the necessary too great. She complied and I took in her shapely legs, so creamy white. Her pussy was covered by the leather, but I could see that her hair there was indeed as dark as her lashes. Her skin smelled of the floral soap she must use, but I couldn't miss the scent of her pussy as well, so close to my face as it was. It was like an aphrodisiac - just for me. "Turn around." My voice had turned rough.

  She did and her ass was right at eye level. It was perfect, high and round. Wide hips flared to a narrow waist. The strip of leather spread her cheeks slightly apart and the belt hugged her curves. I unlocked it, let the heavy leather fall to the floor. Red marks marred her pale skin above her hip and I ran my fingers over them. Her skin was so soft and it was not right that it was irritated.

  "Was it too tight?"

  Looking down at me with her dark eyes, she shook her head. "Not...not there."

  I nodded, understanding where she spoke of. "Go. Remember, if you try to run off like Sarah, I’ll spank you to where you won't be able to sit down for a week."

  Her eyes widened in blatant surprise. Clearly, Jenkins hadn’t laid a hand on her in any way. She didn't seem to have a temperament for being contrary, but it was important she knew the consequences from the start. It was her turn to nod, then she went out the back door of the jail. I moved to lean against the doorframe to wait. When she returned, I motioned for her to enter before me. "Let's put the harness back on."

  "This isn't necessary, Mr. Bridger." Her hands were up in front of her as if to stop me. "Really." She shook her head and her voice was defiant.

  "It is necessary. Doesn't your maidenhead mean anything to you?" I asked sternly.

  "Well, yes."

  I nodded. "Good, because it does to me. It's my job to help you protect it, until you finally decide we will marry. Have you accepted my offer?"

  She licked her lips and stared at me, her dark eyes mesmerizing. She didn't speak, just shook her head.

  "In that case, use some of this." I held out a small glass jar of ointment I'd grabbed from Doc's office on the way from McKenzie's house. Doc provided it to husbands to use on their wife's pussy, ass or breasts. It was slick and eased the way for a cock or prevented chafing on sensitive nipples. It also contained a ground plant, the recipe originally shared by the Indians, known for its aphrodisiac qualities. Doc made pills mixing the plant and the ointment with a hard coating of beeswax that was worked deep in a woman's ass every day. The pills dissolved from the warmth of her body and ensured that her arousal was constantly elevated.

  For Devney, the ointment would ease the chafing of the belt that covered her pussy, but might also bring about a slight rise in her arousal. It was not the same dosage as a pill, especially not a honeymoon pill that Jake and Cole were putting in their wives, but it was a start. From the way Devney's gaze flicked to mine, the way her cheeks turned pink and how her nipples hardened beneath her nightgown, I knew she was
attracted to me. But attraction alone wouldn't be enough. She'd been in control of her life for so long, that bastard Jenkins using her - or not using her at all - as he had. He'd neglected the basic needs of a woman and it was time for Devney to discover them. But her mind would want her to remain in control, so she'd fight the attraction. The ointment should counteract this just enough to sway her, and would work fairly quickly, especially on one as sheltered as Devney. I didn't want her wearing the belt; I wanted her married to me. I wanted her under my protection. Under me.

  She took the jar from me, staring at it in confusion.

  "It's ointment. Rub it on your pussy and your ass to keep the leather from chafing. Since you aren't ready to accept me as your husband, I want your virtue protected."

  I watched as the pink crept back into her cheeks. "Oh, um...thank you. Could you turn your back please?"

  "Of course." This would be the one and only time I would comply with this request. She would never deny me the sight of her body after this. I turned and walked to McKenzie's desk, looking down at my friend. I raised my eyebrow in silent question and he just grinned in return. "Be liberal with the ointment's application, Devney," I called out. "You don't want your pretty pussy to get sore."

  It took a minute, but Devney did as I'd bid. "All right," she replied, her voice soft. I brought her a clean cloth and she wiped her hands.

  I grabbed the belt from the ground where I'd left it by the cell. She lifted her nightgown and I worked the belt back up her legs until it was around her waist. I could see her pussy through the tangle of white fabric, only a quick glimpse, but her pink folds were slick with ointment and so was the hair that sheltered it all. I could tell she'd heeded my instructions as the leather slid over her flesh quite easily. Once I finished locking it securely, making sure to have the leather snug against her pussy, I stood. It was difficult to move away from her, especially after glimpsing such a tempting sight.

  "Please, have a seat."


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