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Strong Love

Page 2

by Amelia Wilson

  There wasn’t a lock on the box, just the keypad, but she couldn’t see how it opened to get the bear out. She leaned closer as she crouched down trying to listen for footprints.

  “So, you’ll be at the ball then,” that familiar dark voice rumbled from behind. Donovan surprised her walking up behind her as she reached for the box to look for the opening. It was hard to believe someone so large could move so stealthily. Then again there were other footsteps right outside the room as servants prepared for the event.

  “Yes,” thinking on her feet again she’d not planned on it, but it went along with the current situation. There was something about Donovan that caused her to crave being near him. If it meant spending more time together, she would gladly return.

  “Great.” He smiled. “I’ll save you a dance.” He gently strolled away without uttering a single other word.

  He didn’t find it strange she was in the alpha’s office because he thought she was security. If he noticed her examining the bear, he didn’t mention it. There was no way for her to examine the box anymore with him standing in the hallway. He didn’t move when she walked towards the door, and it made her nervous.

  “On second thought, why don’t you meet me at the waterfall tomorrow. We’ll go over the plan for security, and I’ll fill you in on the witch.”

  Her heart leaped. It wasn’t a date really, but Donovan wanted to see her again, and that was enough for her. Before she thought it through she agreed. He beamed and walked away. She decided the best thing to do was to go back home and report before she raised any more suspicion.

  Seraphina’s leave went unnoticed. The crew of party preppers continued to flutter about the premises. With more lights, ribbon, and glitter the place began to look quite magical. Plates and platters of various sizes were put out. She could imagine them filled to the brim with all sorts of finger foods on Sunday and remembered she hadn't eaten lunch. The event itself would prove to be a massive undertaking with two clans at its center.

  The fae almost felt a pang of guilt because her task would bring an end to the peaceful gathering. As she left thoughts of not going through with the plan fluttered about in the back of her mind. But she knew that was not an option. The show had to go on.

  Chapter Two – Back to the Stream

  The water fae lived beneath Blue Falls and kept their houses next to a stream. They’d always lived a simple life building their own homes out of the plants and materials from the woods. Seraphina made her way beneath the waterfall and wished she could go and change her clothes. She had to face the King first since his home was on the way to hers and his nosy guards would see her.

  Sure enough, Dae and Sima were standing at the entrance to the King’s dwelling giggling to one another. Seraphina was all too familiar with their ribbings.

  “Teacher’s pet is back,” Sima said. Her smile neither kind nor happy. The two fae were taller than Seraphina and more muscular.

  “Shove it, Sima, I need to see Rytas.”

  “I’ll bet you do,” Dae hissed. They didn’t seem keen to let her in but moved aside anyway. Their large spears uncrossed to let her through. Seraphina knew the guards, and many other fae in the community thought she was sleeping with Rytas. Nothing would have made her mother happier, but she was sure Rytas loved himself too much to love another. He was a handsome fae, but she’d never seen him with a date.

  Rytas sat on his throne which resembled a beaver’s dam over the stream. It consisted of sticks crisscrossed over each other and a pattern of smooth rocks from the bottom of the waterfall. All of these things went up to a point on which a chair was fashioned from two boulders and more of the smooth rocks. He wore a crown so large she wondered how he held his head up straight.

  “Phina, darling, welcome back,” he stood and held his arms out to her. “Are you prepared to take the bear on Sunday?”

  “No, I was caught. There was someone there.” Seraphina felt like she should give him as little information as possible.

  “Someone there? And how were you caught?”

  She thought for a minute. It wasn’t a good idea to tell Rytas she met a man and he distracted her. That was exactly what happened, but he would be irate if he knew she wasn’t focused.

  “The security guard for Walter’s clan. He’s extra intuitive and in position where the bear is housed.”

  “How does this make me look Phina?” Rytas was always so familiar with her and liked this shortened version of her name. His voice held a warning.

  “I’m sorry Rytas, they were prepared for someone to take it. They must have told him to watch the bear.”

  Rytas fired back. “You know why this is important, don’t you? You understand that we’ve been restricted to this waterfall like cattle. The stream our only road. You realize they go wherever they want and were punished for one or two mistakes. I must have this moment. This war is our salvation.”

  “Yes,” she replied softly. She knew Rytas was referring to the two fae who completely destroyed towns and tricked people with their magic for a whole weekend. It was like a magic joy ride with two youngsters who certainly knew better behind the wheel. After that, the alphas and other paranormal creatures had told the fae they could stay within a particular area or leave the forest. Rytas didn’t like being told what to do. He was studying Seraphina now with a thoughtful look.

  “How could they have been ready? You were supposed to go in when no one was around. That’s why I sent you in during the setup.” Rytas stood and started to pace back and forth.

  “First of all, setup is not a quiet time. The place was crawling with people. Secondly, I told you he was really tuned into me.” As soon as she said the words she wished she could take them back.

  “He was. You were manipulating him, weren’t you?” Rytas walked over to her and stood a little too close for comfort. She couldn't tell if he was turned on or made jealous by the idea. Either way, coming from him, the moment felt strange.

  “He found you attractive without persuasion?”

  She was unsure how to answer him. It was possible Donovan did find her attractive without persuasion. She’d not tried to manipulate him when he said he’d save her a dance. She needed to be very careful how she chose her words.

  “I’m not sure my King. I can get the job done if I go back to the ball. I’m meeting with him tomorrow to discuss security detail. I feel pretty certain I can get information about the bear from him.

  “You think?” He walked around her in a circle. She wasn’t sure he really believed her.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you another chance. This time if you don’t get the job done, I’ll send someone else. You don’t want to disappoint me, do you Phina?” He ran a finger down her arm, and she smiled even though he made her uncomfortable. He’d always made her nervous.

  “I’ll report back,” she said quickly so she could move away from him towards the door.

  She didn’t wait for him to respond and almost ran into Sima’s spear. “Sorry,” Seraphina yelled out behind her as she ran towards her home. She stopped to look into the clear pool of the lake at the bottom of the falls. She wanted to just dive down into the water and recharge. Water fae lived on land, but all their energy came from the water.

  Unable to resist she took off her dress and dived in. As soon as the water covered her the nerves in her body came to life. She felt the water reviving her and relaxed into it. If it were up to her, she’d stay under the stream for the rest of the night, but her mother would be looking for her, so she got out and squeezed the water from her long dark hair.

  Feeling energized, she ran up to the house her father had built. Her mother had married a human carpenter, so their home was the only one made of wood. A beautiful log cabin amidst lots of plant-based houses. When she was little, she’d hated it because all the other children made fun of her, but now she loved her unique house. It was lovely and larger than most of the other houses. Plus, it had more of a human approach.<
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  Walking in the front door, she found her mother sitting on the couch waiting. Her long flowing dress was mostly see-through with intricate lily pads and flowers all over it. On her head sat a crown of lilies. She always took being a fae to the extreme. Seraphina usually wore a similar dress but it wasn’t see through, and it didn’t hang from her arms like a magician’s cloak.

  “Did you complete your mission for once?” There was a touch of sarcasm laced at the end of her words.

  Her mother knew she always did whatever the King asked of her. She must be in a bad mood if she was already starting. Seraphina ignored her. The woman jumped up sloshing the honeysuckle wine in her glass. It wasn’t even five o’clock yet, and her mother was drinking. It was never a surprise, but just once she wanted to come home to the mother she’d had before her father left. She would be waiting with dinner ready and maybe even have baked a cake.

  “Answer me Sera,” she said as she stepped over the coffee table. It would have been just as easy to go around it.

  “Not yet mother, there’s another layer. This was just the recon mission.”

  She moved past her and walked towards the hallway. She needed to get to her room so she could change.

  “Where are you going, I’m not finished with you.” She followed Seraphina from the living room and down the hall.

  “I just want to change out of these clothes, give me a minute.”

  Her mother continued to talk, and Seraphina just walked away. When she was in her room, she closed the door and leaned against it. Her mother hadn’t always been a lush. It was a gradual phase that recently seemed to be getting worse.

  She imbibed a lot more every year. She thought of how it was when her father had been there. He’d been dissatisfied with their life and wanted adventure. He asked her mother to go with him and when she refused he’d left. He sent Seraphina postcards often, but her mother wasn’t coping well. Eventually, she thought her mother would move on and date again, but she seemed content to stay stuck. Stuck and miserable. In her latest pit of unhappiness, she used her daughter's relationship with the king as leverage to be as condescending as she could. The aging fae wanted his protection and wanted to make sure her daughter did not fail in her duties.

  Seraphina moved over to her closet. She changed into a more comfortable dress and went back to deal with her mother. She’d find what to wear to meet Donovan after her mother passed out.

  “I joined a club,” her mother said when she came out. “It’s with people and everything.”

  “What do you do?”

  “We play games and go shopping among other things. It’s very exclusive.”

  “Is it just for water fae?” Seraphina wasn’t sure when her mother had time to join a club, but she knew there were times she went out when she wasn’t around.

  “No there’s nymphs and even some humans.”

  The way her mother said the word ‘humans’, she knew there was an insult coming directed towards her father.

  “They aren’t like your father, I’ll tell you that. These humans are nice people.”

  Seraphina usually tuned her out when she started talking about her father, but this club intrigued her.

  “What’s the club called?” She had made her way to the refrigerator and was looking for something she could eat for dinner.

  Her mother didn’t say anything. She turned around to look at her and rushed over. The older woman’s skin had turned pale, and her lip was quivering.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her mother turned to her with fear in her eyes, they were teary. She shook her head for a minute and then her expression changed. Suddenly, she was back to normal.

  “I’m sorry what did you say?” She went to refill her cup.

  “What’s the name of the club?”

  “There’s no name honey, we just get together.”

  She didn’t push it but made a mental note to find out where this club met and go there to see what her mother was getting involved in. There was something strange in her earlier reaction. Also, she knew her mother’s strange take on the humans. So, she would have to make sure that she wasn't out to play some wicked game with their psyche. The elder fae had taken the split from her father pretty hard and never seemed to really let go.

  Seraphina sauntered about the house and thought of different ways to get the bear. The thought of her impending date also played around in her mind. This time, she would think before she blurted out some bizarre phrase.

  As the night closed around her more, the fae picked out something that was cute but felt like what a security member might wear. She wanted to make a good impression and distraction if needed.

  With her mom thoroughly passed out on nectar, she could now rest quietly with only the sound of the waterfall keeping her company. The constant whoosh of the turbulent flow kept her at ease. The fresh scent of water in the air was pure and clean and often flowed through her open bedroom window. It was a beautiful night and perfect for good dreams.

  Chapter Three – Climbing the Falls

  Seraphina arrived at the waterfall before Donovan. She stepped close enough to feel the cold spray on her face. Blue Falls was the largest waterfall in their state, and she loved diving from the top to the clear pools below.

  Donovan would know she wasn't a were bear. He'd be able to smell her if she was. She didn't think the bears could tell the difference between human and fae. Especially since she was half human.

  Her wayward father was human, which was probably why he didn't want to stay with the fae. Her mother loved him so much so when he left them she went off the deep end. Seraphina had been thirteen, and he always called each week and sent her presents from his travels. When she was sixteen, he invited her to come with him to the UK, but she couldn't leave her mother. When she turned eighteen, she became an employee of Tae who was Rytas's older brother. While she worked for him, he'd gone crazy and retired the throne to Rytas.

  There had always been rumors Rytas was the reason Tae went crazy. Seraphina had never seen anything that would prove that was true, but the rumors still circulated and some in their community didn’t trust the king.

  Her father still sent her things even though she was now twenty-two and called every week. She let the spray hit her and pictured what exotic location her father could be at when Donovan arrived.

  She sensed him standing behind her and turned around to smile.

  "Did I keep you waiting?" He said it with concern melting her heart a bit.

  "I was early." She assured him.

  "Ah, well I have a confession to make."

  "You do?" Immediately she thought he knew who she was and what she was doing.

  "I don't really have an elaborate security plan. I just wanted to see you again."

  She couldn't help but beam. Her body tingled, and she had a desire to jump up and wrap herself around him. She didn't.

  "I wanted to see you too." She almost didn't recognize her voice. It came out meek and squeaky.

  "Good. We’re going up. You ever been on top of the waterfall?"

  She didn't want to lie so she decided to be as truthful with him as she could. "Yes, but it's been awhile."

  He nodded and handed her a black helmet with a long gray strap.

  "I don't need a helmet to walk to the top."

  "We aren't walking." He took off his backpack and pulled out metal hooks and a large rope. "We're climbing."

  He was serious.

  She looked up the large rock wall beside the waterfall and couldn't imagine it would be easy to climb it.

  "You're joking."

  "I'm not."

  "What kind of date is this?"

  He smiled at her. “If it is a date, it's the fun kind.” He tossed her a strap and waited for her to wrap it around her waist.

  She wasn't confident in her climbing skills but didn't want to seem like a wet blanket, so she put the straps on, attached the harness, and clipped in the metal. There were already ropes hanging
down from the top of the waterfall, and she couldn't see the top looking up.

  "You already set this up with the ropes?"

  "What do you think I was doing this morning?" He grinned. She had to admit he looked cute in his helmet. They started to climb, and she had a rough time finding places to grab and footholds.

  Donovan was way above her and looked like he was born on the side of the rock wall. She concentrated on climbing and finding the best places to put her feet. Even with the harness and the rope, Seraphina was still too scared to look down. When she did, she realized she'd only made it a couple of feet off the ground. As she realized this her foot slipped, and she had to grip hard with her hands to stay on the wall. She didn’t want to lose what little ground she’d already made.

  "What are we going to do when we get to the top?" She yelled up at Donovan who continued to make his way quickly up the wall.

  "We're going to enjoy the view once we reach the top." He didn't look back down at her as he continued to climb up. She found herself wondering if he was somehow testing her. He'd said if it was a date. So, he wasn't really labeling what they were doing. She realized it would be smart to get out of her head before she misjudged a space on the rock and fell to the ground.

  Her legs started to burn as she continued and realized she wasn't in as great of shape as she thought. It felt like hours had passed the next time she looked down, the distance to the top looked the same as the distance to the ground. She'd only made it halfway. Donovan had slowed down, but she suspected it was just to be nice to her.

  Her arms were burning as bad as her legs by the time they finally made it to the top. She rolled over and lay on the ground staring at the sky and breathing heavily.


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