Strong Love

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Strong Love Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  "That's how he's controlling all those people. You know you helped him control people, and now he's trying to start a paranormal war." Seraphina got in her face.

  "Little fae, I will crush you when big, dumb and handsome lets me go. I would tread carefully."

  Suddenly Seraphina felt an incredible desire to defend Donovan. How dare this witch say such things. She found her arm had pulled back and she'd released the punch before she realized it. It connected with the witch's nose, and blood squirted onto the black dress she wore. The hatred in her eyes was scary, but Seraphina was ready for a fight. The witch looked surprised as she licked the salty liquid from her top lip.

  "She can't do anything with the orb containing her power." Donovan laughed. "She punched you in the face." He doubled over.

  Seraphina couldn't be sure, but she thought she heard Jeremy chuckle as well.

  "Jeremy," a shrill voice sang through the trees and Donovan flinched. Lily came walking towards them but stopped when she saw Penelope. "You," she walked quicker and got right in the witch's' face. "What are you doing here?"

  "Jeremy wanted to see me, so he had this guy take me." The witch almost purred her response.

  "I only wanted to see her because the faes are waging war on the weres and I figured she knew something, love."

  "You," Lily turned to face Seraphina, "How dare you come into our ball and make a mockery of our peace. Not only that, but you tried to seduce Donovan. You should be ashamed of yourself."

  She looked like she had a lot more to say, but Donovan grabbed her arm. "Lily, I can fight my own battles, and you can leave the witch be for now too."

  Lily huffed and went to sit on a rock nearby. She wasn't leaving, Seraphina realized disappointed.

  "So, you've juiced up the water fae king so he can control people. Way to go, Penelope, that's a perfect way to help the community. " Jeremy threw his hands up as he walked back and forth.

  "You know I just do what I’m paid to do. I’ve done nothing wrong, and I already served my sentence for helping kill the alpha."

  “You got off light on that witch,” Lily hissed.

  Seraphina knew the former Slamarian alpha had been killed but hadn't known the witch was involved.

  “Think Penelope, think hard.” Jeremy pointed at her with his index finger, “which clan would Rytas attack?”

  “How should I know?” Donovan jerked the chain attached to the witch, and she tripped falling on the ground and cursing. “Fine,” she said standing and flipping her hair from her face. “He talked about hating Walter the most; I’d put my money on the Alornians.

  “Okay, my lovely wife and I will go and warn Walter and Stefan. In the meantime, Donovan, you get some rest. You can set this vile creature free.”

  “I know you say that with love in your eyes,” the witch said.

  “Go,” Donovan said as he unlocked the chain from Penelope and walked away from her. Seraphina had a weight lifted from her chest. She hadn’t liked the witch being so close to Donovan.

  “What about me?” she asked suddenly panicked about being left in the woods by herself.

  “What about you?” Jeremy said coldly.

  “I can’t go home. I knocked out the king’s guards and broke out a prisoner. Oh God. I’m an outcast. My mother is going to die when she finds out.” Seraphina was just starting to realize what it was she had done.

  Why had she been so rash for a man she barely knew. When he turned his green eyes on her and smiled, she knew why. She was far too gone to turn back now.

  “You can come to my home in Blue Falls; I’ll take care of you.”

  “That’s rich,” Lily snorted, and she started walking away from them. Jeremy ran to catch up with her.

  He called over his shoulder, “I’ll call you with the plan.”

  “Lead the way,” Seraphina said unable to see another solution for herself. She didn’t think she’d be able to sleep. With two o’clock in the morning approaching quickly they didn’t have much time before the fae attacked.

  The idea of being with Donovan was appealing, although the situation which they faced was not so much.

  Being an outcast from her people meant a trial as a traitor, and she could face death. She strolled closely behind and remained quiet for most of the trip. A thousand scenarios raced through her mind with few happy endings in sight.

  “You’re mighty quiet?” Donovan looked over his shoulder and peered at the fae.

  “Just thought with everything that happened, I should have a plan for when I face my people again.”

  “Ah, yes, the jailbreak. And the realization that things are not what they seem in your world. That is a lot to take in. Any ideas?”

  “No, at this moment, I have nothing. What about you? What will you do?”

  “I got nothing. Guess I will have to ponder things as well. There’s a war brewing, and neither side has any idea of the real problem. But when they do, it could spell destruction for your people. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  It was nice that Donovan thought of the fae as a whole and what it meant. Seraphina wondered if he had started to develop feelings for her. Maybe it was too soon to think of such a thing. But she could dream.

  Chapter Eight - That Escalated Quickly

  Once they were back in Blue Falls being careful to go the long way around to avoid the fae dwelling Seraphina tried to relax a bit. They were walking through the middle of town, and all was silent. Everyone was sleeping and the moon reflected off the windows on all sides. She’d always thought the wood houses in Blue Falls were beautiful. Her father had built a lot of them before he’d taken off to find himself. Seeing the architecture of the dwellings made her proud and sad. Her father did exceptional work, and it stood the elements quite well. Plus, werebears were huge and often prone to destructive phases. The fact that her father’s buildings were still there spoke for his craftsmanship.

  They stopped in front of a small cabin with a giant bear carving standing guard outside the front door. Donovan swept his hand in front of the door.

  “After you. I’ll get you some cocoa.”

  Seraphina stepped through the heavy wooden door and looked around. The home was pristine and had basic décor. It was without a doubt, a bachelor pad. There was one picture on the wall above the couch, and the rest of the walls were bare. There was a small kitchen and a hallway that looked to have at least one room of the side. When she walked closer, she saw a small bathroom at the end of it.

  “I know it’s small, but it’s just me. There’s no need to have a large place.”

  “I like it. Our house isn’t huge. My dad built it for us. It looks similar to yours, which is strange in the midst of the fae stream. Most of the houses are leaves and sticks.” She smiled.

  "Come on and get some rest.” He pulled her arm lightly sending an electric shock through her where his fingers touched. He led her into the side room and pointed to the bed in the corner. “It will do you some good."

  “This is your room, where will you sleep?”

  “I’ll take the couch. It’s quite comfortable.”

  “Why don’t you just sleep in here with me?” The words were out before Seraphina thought about them. Now her heart was racing as she waited to see what he would say back.

  “Is that what you want?” His voice had lowered , and he had moved closer to her. She was standing just in front of him, and all she had to do was extend her hand, and she’d be touching him. It was a leap for her. She wasn’t sure where it would lead.

  “Yes,” she said quietly and gasped as he pulled her to him and brought his hands into her hair. His mouth covered hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pressed against her and backed her into the wall.

  Her body was on fire, and her fingers moved as if possessed down his chest and up under his shirt. She needed to feel his hard muscles, his bare skin against her. He must have had the same feeling because he pulled her dress over her head and started to kiss her neck, h
er shoulder, and moved back to her mouth.

  Seraphina’s nerves streaked with energy just having him close. She shivered against him as his mouth moved over her. He turned around and threw her on the bed.

  His heat seeped through her as he laid his body over hers. Shifters ran hot, she knew, but this was scorching in the best way. She pushed her hips up and felt his massive erection pulse into her. She pressed up harder, and Donovan let out a low growl into her ear. His hand moved over brushing the top of her breast. Seraphina sucked in a deep breath. Donovan's calloused fingers delved into her bra and met the stiff nipple. Seraphina looked into his eyes and saw the fire there, his desire for her was present, and it turned her on even more. His lips brushed over hers lightly, teasing her.

  Seraphina licked his plump bottom lip, and Donovan shifted pushing into her.

  He kissed her solidly his tongue teasing along the seam of her lips as his hands moved over her breasts. Seraphina boldly opened her mouth and sucked his top lip into her own. Donovan pressed into her his hard erection pushing into her heated core.

  Her hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. Donovan kissed her deeply his hands moving until they were under her shirt. He skimmed over her stomach making it quiver with need.

  “I need to see you,” Donovan's raspy voice made her thighs clench with need.

  Seraphina moved to lift up her shirt, but Donovan took it and ripped it from her body. Her breath came out in short bursts as he gripped her bra.

  “Wait!” she stopped him.

  His eyes landed on hers. Seraphina melted into his gaze. Desire and lust covered his face.

  “I like this bra,” she finished lamely her hands plopping to the bed her body liquid lust.

  Donovan's lip quirked up as he let his eyes wander from her face to her lace covered breasts.

  “I like this bra too,” he said lowering his mouth and sucking on her nipple through the material

  Seraphina cried out her hands pushing through his hair and scraping her fingernails against his scalp. His hands snaked around her and unclasped her bra only moving his mouth from her heated tip to remove it.

  Donovan growled low in his throat his eyes devouring her naked skin before him.

  “You're beautiful,” he told her leaning over and capturing her breast again.

  Seraphina arched her back pressing the sensitive skin further into his mouth.

  His lips skimmed down her stomach making it jump from the touch. He reached her belly button and snaked his tongue in before venturing further down. Her pants were off in a flash and his heated look showed he liked what he uncovered.

  His fingers skimmed over the wet flesh making them both groan. He dipped inside and circled over her center. Seraphina jerked at the touch her fingernails digging into his shoulders.

  “I need to taste you.”

  Before she could comprehend his words, he dipped his head down, and his tongue replaced his finger.

  “Please,” she cried out her hips grinding into his face

  “Tell me what you want,” he said his tongue giving a lazy lick over her.

  “I want you.”

  Seraphina’s legs spread open to accommodate his massive shoulders. Donovan licked her again before diving in with gusto. His tongue slid up and down her wetness and sent jolts of electricity through her body. The jolts traveled up through her stomach, past her chest and directly to her brain, making her feel a kind of connection that she’d never felt with anyone before. Seraphina’s back arched as he inserted one of his massive fingers inside of her. He pumped it back and forth inside in time with his mouth. Her body shook as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Her legs clamped around his head holding him tightly as her release finally came.

  He kissed his way up her body leaving her a liquid mess. Her muscles still quivered as his fingers caressed her skin. Her mind rushed with adrenaline and deep within her was this voice that called out for more of him.

  “You taste like honey,” he said when he reached her lips.

  Seraphina swiped her tongue across his mouth. “You have too many clothes on,” she told him. Her hands scrambled to get his shirt off.

  Donovan lifted off her letting her push the material away from his body. He grinned as she yanked it off his head in lightning speed. Donovan helped her take his pants off. She sucked in a breath when she saw his enormous erection bobbing toward her.

  She licked her lips, and his eyes darkened with more lust. Seeing the power, she had she couldn't resist taking more.

  She bent down and licked the tip of his shaft making him growl. She continued until he grasped her shoulders.

  “Enough,” he cried pulling her off him.

  He pushed her to the bed, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Donovan didn't waste any time. He sunk into her until their hips met. They both groaned at the pleasure. Donovan leaned over and kissed her deeply not moving inside of her. She squeezed her muscles around his girth until she could feel him twitching against her inner walls.

  She pushed up until he flipped them over and let her be on top. Donovan's hands landed on her hips, and he guided her up and down his shaft. Seraphina moaned as he filled her. She sat up and leaned back until her hair brushed his legs. Her body started to quake as he pushed her toward the edge. She pushed harder letting the friction take her over. His name left her lips, and he turned them over again driving into her and prolonging her pleasure. She clung to him through his release and melted into the bed beneath him as he moaned loudly.

  They lay together breathing for a while as their hearts raced. Neither wanted to speak and break the silence. Seraphina let her hand slide down between them and interlocked her fingers with Donovan's. He didn’t pull away. It was an intense and tender moment neither wanted to forget.

  His cell phone started to buzz on the table, and he groaned loudly letting it continue for a while.

  The buzzing continued, and he stood from the bed. It was instantly colder in the sheets. Seraphina could see every inch of him in the moonlight. She sighed taking in the taut muscles of his stomach and his powerful legs. She barely heard him talking to Jeremy as she watched him walk back and forth across the room.

  “So now what?”

  “Tomorrow we battle. Walter thinks we shouldn’t tip them off we know, and just let them come.”

  “But isn’t that kind of risky. I mean we don’t know how they are attacking.”

  “We do what the alpha says. Let’s get some rest, so we will be ready okay.”

  He climbed back into bed with her, and she snuggled up to him. It was the most comfortable she’d been in a long time. It was safe in his arms, and she fell asleep easily. d

  Chapter Nine - March of the Fae

  When Jeremy returned, Seraphina could see the fae and Rytas’ band of zombies marching through the forest. The importance of freeing her people and making sure she let them all know what their leader had done consumed her. She wasn’t prepared to see the number of followers had doubled and in the middle of it all her mother marched with them.

  She moved to run towards her, but Donovan grabbed her arm.

  “What is it?”

  “The bastard has my mother marching for him. She never leaves our house.”

  “Okay, we’ll get her and the others, but you can’t just run out there.” He rubbed her arm and smiled down at her reassuringly.

  “How the hell are you so calm?”

  “I’m preparing for battle. You should too. We don’t know if these gas bombs will work, our backup plan is combat.”

  “We can’t hurt them. They don’t know what they’re doing.” Seraphina cried imaging fighting her mother.

  “Let’s hope the bombs work.”

  The group was close now they were all out of the woods and marching in the open. They were chanting something she couldn’t make out at first. As they got closer, she heard it.

  “Take the alpha, free the fae.”

  “I’m starting to think Rytas
has something against Walter, in a big way.”

  “Oh, he does,” Donovan said then looked over at her. The look on his face said he wasn’t supposed to say that.

  “What do you know about it.” Seraphina put her hands on her hips.

  “Now is not a good time,” Donovan said.

  “Get down and cover your face,” Jeremy yelled as the group was approaching them. From their hiding places in the woods, the fae army couldn’t see them. Seraphina crouched down and covered her face; she could see the feet of the fae as they marched by her. There was a lot of coughing, and the air was filled with thick white smoke. Sealing her mouth closed and clamping a hand over it, she closed her eyes tightly. All she needed was to accidentally breath the smoke in.

  One by one the people started falling. It was working to knock them out. Seraphina held her breath until her lungs began to burn then she jumped up and ran back into the woods away from the smoke. She wasn’t worried she’d get caught because everyone was passed out.

  Then she ran right into Rytas. Bouncing off him, she grunted as she hit the ground and jumped back up.

  “Why are you helping the weres, Phina? It makes no sense; you’re supposed to be loyal to us.” He’d grabbed her and now held her against his chest with one arm squeezing her.

  “What you’re doing to our people and those humans and nymphs is wrong, and you know it. You can’t just control people for your own plans.” She put her hands on her hips. She wanted to hit him in the face. He made her angry.

  “See but I can, I can even control you.” The sick smirk on his face didn’t waiver.

  “I don’t think so.” She hit him in the stomach with her elbow. It hurt, but she hoped it hurt him worse. He laughed.

  “Seraphina,” she heard Donovan yelling for her.

  “I’m over here, with Rytas.” She yelled back. She went to lunge for him again, but something stopped her.

  He said. “Look Phina.”


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