Strong Love

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Strong Love Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

“You can’t control me you crazy fae. What are you up to?” She said.

  “I can. Watch me.” The look on her king’s face frightened her. His eyes held no compassion or warmth anymore. The power had changed him. “Take this.”

  Seraphina didn’t want to, but her legs moved on their own, and she took a large silver knife from him. Her stomach sank as she realized what he aimed to do. She fought against the force that was causing her to hold the knife up. She tried pushing it down with her other hand and found it wouldn’t budge.

  “Stab him,” Rytas said and pointed at Donovan.

  The knife still lifted in her hand and as Donovan walked up, she ran at him yelling angrily and stabbed him in the side. She’d had no control over it. It sunk in deep and she felt it. Her stomach turned, and she pulled the knife out and stabbed him again tears streaming down her face.

  “Donovan,” she cried and dropped the knife.

  He sank to his knees one hand going to the wound. The blood seeped between his fingers. It was bad, Seraphina could tell. If he died, she’d never be able to forgive herself.

  “I didn’t mean to. He made me. I’m so sorry.” Hot tears stung her cheeks, and she felt the rage moving through her.

  “She’s been on my side the whole time Donovan, and she knew you weren’t really a traitor. The information you gave me on the inside was useless.”

  Donovan’s eyes teared up, and Seraphina wasn’t sure if it was the pain or betrayal. Her chest hurt and her vision went blurry. Turning away from him she retched what little was on her stomach. She hadn’t even heard Jeremy and Lily approach, but Jeremy was leaning down beside Donovan and had ripped part of his shirt to put on his wound.

  “You bitch,” Lily screamed and ran at her, taking her to the ground and landing one hard punch to her face. Seraphina didn’t even fight her, Donovan was Rytas’s inside man? It didn’t make any sense to her. He’d wanted to fight him, hadn’t he?

  Lily grabbed her hair and pulled her off the ground bringing her back to the present. Seraphina shoved her.

  “You were bad news the whole time,” Lily said coming at her again.

  Seraphina grabbed her arms and held them behind her back. “Listen to me; I’m not the bad guy here.”

  Jeremy grabbed her then and pulled her with him. He was a lot stronger than Lily and fighting against him did nothing to free her. She worried about Donovan who somehow in all the chaos was being carried to the house with Walter overseeing. At the same time, Rytas ran, and no one saw where he disappeared to.

  “Walter,” Jeremy said. “This fae started the war by infiltrating our personnel. She stayed with Donovan and has now stabbed him in the side.”

  “I was not in on this. I was trying to help.”

  “Put her in the jail with all the unconscious fae and we’ll sort this out later. Someone bring Penelope to me, I wanna have a long conversation with that witch.” Walter turned and walked to the house without another word, and Jeremy dragged her behind him.

  Once they were downstairs in the jail, he threw her in a stall with a few people she recognized and some she didn’t. Her mother was in a cell further down, she could see her flowy sleeves sticking out of the bars.

  “Mom,” she yelled.

  “Hi honey, I didn’t know you were in this club too.”

  “What club?”

  “The fae and nymph book club," one of the women in her cell said.

  It all began to make sense. Completely idiotic sense but still.

  “That’s what you guys think you were doing. You know you had bow and arrows, swords, spears, and other weapons, right? Rytas used magic to trick you into storming the alpha’s house.”

  “Silly, you have such an imagination,” Seraphina’s mother said, and that was that. They settled in for a long wait in the jail cells. With so many of them, they were overcrowded and miserable. Since it had only been a few minutes, Seraphina knew it was going to get so much worse.

  For most of the night, Seraphina drifted in and out of sleep. The events that led up to that moment replayed like a bad movie. How had she missed so much and ignored the obvious clues? How could she make things right and how could she win back her precious Donovan after so much betrayal now lay in the open? Once again, she drifted off, but it seemed like the longest night, and she could continue to pop awake here and there with the same questions. Mental exhaustion took over, and the fae finally closed her eyes for more rest.

  Chapter Ten - Free at Last

  Though she couldn’t be sure, Seraphina thought at least five days had passed. The jail cell was still overcrowded, and it was hot which made it horrible. The smell and feeling were permeating through her skin, and she’d started to become depressed. She as well as the others, needed water to rejuvenate their weary bodies. One by one, the reality of the situation dawned, and the captured fae awoke to horror.

  The time away from Rytas had allowed the spell to wear off. The people now knew what had happened and that they weren’t in some a club. Her mother was asking everyone if they had any brandy tucked away to her embarrassment. The woman really couldn’t go without a drink, it was sad. The others just shared looks of shame and disappointment as the elder fae tried to get drunk.

  The door flew open to the cells, and everyone went to the bars to see. Fighting through arms and getting scratched in the face Seraphina saw Donovan had come into the cell.

  “Oh my God, you’re okay. I’ve been so worried about you.” She didn’t get a reaction from him, but just seeing him walking around gave her the biggest feeling of relief.

  He opened the cell she was in and grabbed her physically pushing everyone else back. There was a darker look in his eyes. It was as if he did not know her and that she was just some common criminal.

  “You will all be tried and released today. The alpha has some good entail from the witch you were under a spell.”

  “How long have we been in here?” Someone yelled from the back of a cell.

  “A day and a half.” Donovan pulled Seraphina to the door and closed it behind him. He pushed her up against the wall. She wasn’t sure if he was going to hurt her or kiss her. Finally, after staring into her eyes for a few minutes, he let her go and paced in front of her.

  “So, you were in on it from the beginning?

  “You were too?” Seraphina pointed not wanting to be the only one under fire.

  “No, I was working for Walter. See Rytas, your fearless leader, let one of his little fae guards hurt one of our females. It was bad enough she needed to be in the hospital for three weeks, and it was over a boy.”

  “Oh my God, who was it.”

  “That’s irrelevant. When Walter asked Rytas to make it right ,he said he would, but then joked to mutual acquaintances he wished the female had been killed. That’s when he started spreading his rumors of war.”

  “So, you’re saying you knew who I was before you saw me at the ball.”

  “No, not at first. I realized it when I saw your mother. Later the reason I was put in your jail was because Rytas was angry with my intel lately, so that was all a big smoke screen. I'd been giving him bad information.”

  Seraphina felt a little hurt. She hadn’t been honest with him either, but it was still a slap in the face.

  “I didn’t stab you on purpose. Rytas made me do it. How is he doing that, I wasn’t even around him that much?”

  "According to the witch, he just has to say a word to you once earlier in conversation. Then when he says that word, you'll do whatever he says."

  Donovan was standing away from her like she might stab him again.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stab you." She went to touch his arm, but he pulled away from her. "Can you forgive me."

  "I don't know. It hurt, and it bled a lot," he said.

  "So, now what happens?" She looked up at him and wasn't entirely sure he wasn't going to put her back in the cell.

  "We go see the boss."

  "Lead the way." She followed him up a long stai
rcase. The Alpha took the word dungeon seriously. They passed rock walls with large candles up on the walls. They weren't lit so it was dark and the floor in between stairs felt spongy. She wondered how much mud she was caking on her shoes. The air was stale and damp as it clung to her face. The slight touch of moisture felt good but mixed with the molded atmosphere it almost made her sick.

  When they reached the top, Donovan opened a large metal door that creaked loudly. Seraphina wasn’t prepared for the noise and frowned a bit.

  “Time for some home improvements, don't cha think?”

  “Probably so. This place is older than the Gods themselves. Come this way.”

  Donovan stopped for a moment, going from the low light in the underground caverns to a fully lit hallway burned and they both needed time to adjust. After a few blinks, Donovan continued down the hall. Seraphina followed.

  It was a drastic change from the dungeon below. Carvings and paintings aligned the well-lit walls while candles danced and flickered. A cool breeze crept from underneath the doorways altering the muggy warmth of the hall. Werebears usually ran a high body temperature, so the doors remained closed to conceal the cool.

  “You're quiet?” Donovan’s voice sounded concerned.

  “I’ve never seen so many carvings. Are they from a particular artist?

  “Artists.” Donovan’s reply specifically.

  “Within each carving, the story of our race is told. Every generation has a stake in telling their side. Each one picks an artist, a records keeper so to speak and it is their job to record our history. Each tale is kept on a floor in the main buildings. Levels and levels of history all stored in one place so hopefully, we will never forget.”

  Seraphina marveled at the artistry. There were depictions of wars, famine, blessings, and rejoicing. Their rituals, birthrights and family crests also lined the various walls. She felt immersed in their history and now even closer to Donovan, who held a strange smile beneath his nose.

  She wondered if he was thinking about the naked paintings beneath the king's house and how that was probably the history of the fae.

  They reached the end of the hallway as he took a deep breath and opened a large set of wooden doors. This was the place.

  Chapter Eleven - A Plan is Born

  Walter’s house was entirely different from Stefan’s. This alpha were bear had a lot older décor. Everywhere she looked there was an antique. Donovan led her without saying much down a long hall and into a large open room. Walter sat on a chair in the middle of it. It was the opposite of Rytas’s throne, simple and elegant.

  “So, start at the beginning and explain to me what you knew of Rytas’s plan and how involved you were. Don’t lie, I’ll know,” he warned.

  She told him everything. Refusing to look at Donovan when she explained about the recon mission and the plan to take the bear, she could hear him sighing.

  “I’ve been wrong, but I’ve always been taught not to question my king. I am very sorry for my part in all of this.

  Walter sat quietly for a while. He wasn’t looking at her; he was looking at Donavan.

  "Do you believe she is sorry and didn’t mean to stab you?"

  "It doesn’t matter what I think sir."

  "Yes or no?" The alpha’s tone was insistent now.


  "And not because you're blinded by a pretty face and nice body?"

  Seraphina felt heat seep into her cheeks and wished she could sink into the floor.

  "No, it's because I believe her sir."

  "Okay then." He looked at her now. "Your king has fled. With all the allies he had jailed and his inability to pay the witch we're not sure where he would go."

  "The witch is after him now too?"

  "Yes, something about a debt. After I interrogated, her she asked me to let her deal out the punishment." Walter said

  "My question for you is where did your king go?"

  "I think I may know, but it's not somewhere you want to go voluntarily," Seraphina said.

  "Tell me more," the alpha king gestured to some chairs in front of his throne, and she sat down. Donovan also sat.

  "I worked for the previous king, his brother Tae. He was a good king and ruled without bothering anyone. One day he just went insane. I tried to calm him down." She choked up a bit at the memory. "He threatened to stab me, and the guards took him out. He was banished from the castle by the elder fae and Rytas next in line to lead."

  "How do you know he was insane?"

  "He killed his wife, Tatiana, and he loved her. He would have had to be insane to do such an awful thing."

  "Perhaps his wife wronged him?" Donovan asked.

  She shot him an incredulous look. "I don't think she would have. She was devoted to him. I found him shortly after, that's why he threatened me."

  "This is insane. I've never heard of such a thing happening in the fae world."

  "We keep our business close to the chest. Now I think it's okay for me to tell you, a lot of people think Rytas somehow drove him to it. He wanted to be king and start the paranormal war, and Tae wanted peace between everyone. If Rytas did do it, then he's willing to do anything, and that's why I think he's gone to his brother."

  "Two fae shouldn't be a match for our armies?" Donovan stood and paced.

  "No, but the dryads and nymphs that remained loyal to Tae protect his dwelling on the other side of the stream and they are an evil bunch."

  "How many?"

  "Hundreds more than likely."

  The alpha looked thoughtful. "You think if we go in there, there will be casualties?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "So, what do you propose?" Walter stood from his throne and walked over to the window.

  "I go and talk to Tae. I'll try to reason with him. He'll give up Rytas. I need to find out the truth of what happened to Tatiana, but I'm going to need your help, Walter."

  "I don't like this plan," Donovan said. "We're sending her into possibly fighting for her life against a crazy fae who killed his wife. Think about it. We already know he uses mind control. He fooled an entire village."

  Seraphina was touched by his worry, but she needed to make things right. "Donovan let me do this. I was going to bring about the battle from the beginning. It was me Rytas tasked with stealing the bear. I think I know who knows what happened to Tatiana, he was on guard that night, but he's probably mad at me right now. I knocked him out to set Donovan free."

  "I see. Well, there might be some way we can appease his pain and loosen his lips. Let me work on it. For now, you rest. Once we know what happened to his queen., we'll carry on with your plan."

  "So, I can go home now," Seraphina said to Donovan when they were out in the hall.

  "You can, and I think they released your mother earlier. She was asking where you were. She was also asking for brandy."

  "I will have to deal with that I suppose." Seraphina wanted to kiss him or hug him. Some form of contact with him would make her feel better. She didn't do anything though. She just walked away.

  When she arrived home, it was after seven so she expected her mother to be passed out. Instead, it was a shocking sight to see her mother in the kitchen over a pot of pasta.

  "Oh good, I was worried you'd be too late to eat it warm."

  The smell in the house was familiar, but it had been way too long since she'd smelled it.


  "Yes dear, here taste the sauce." She held a spoon up to her mouth and waited. She opened her mouth and tasted it. It was delicious.

  She looked past her to the sink to see an empty bottle of honeysuckle wine. Her mother didn't seem drunk though; she seemed sober.

  "You drank that?" She pointed to the bottle.

  "I poured it down the sink. Come sit, I'll fix you a plate."

  Seraphina was confused, but she did what she said. Watching as her mother put meatballs on top of pasta and set it in front of her, she wondered if she'd stumbled into a dream.

  "Are you still be
ing controlled by Rytas?" She asked once her mother and sat across from her and put the napkin in her lap.

  "No," her face suddenly twisted with anger. "I let that evil man manipulate and control me all because I wasn't sober. I am so sorry, Phina. It will never happen again."

  "Mom the other people weren't drunks."

  "They were weak in one way or another. That’s how he did it. I finally figured it out. He preyed on our weaknesses. Mine was your father and the way I took to the bottle. Now eat your dinner. Let’s put all that behind us."

  Seraphina was starving, she dove in, and it was just as good as she remembered. Her mother had been an excellent cook when her father had been around and made dinner every night. Pasta was one of her greatest accomplishments. The sauce was rich and thick while the meat smooth and creamy in her mouth. The hint of a strong, sharp cheddar permeated the back of her throat, and it felt like heaven. Her mother poured fresh nectar in a small glass and placed it at her side while she compiled a plate of her own.

  "So, what's your next mission, now that you've saved the world."

  The surreal feeling she had didn't lift with her question. It was completely different being asked about her job by a mother without a hidden agenda.

  "So, I didn't save the world; I had help from the weres."

  "Okay, you did, but okay."

  "I have to go visit Tae and find Rytas."

  Seraphina said it casually, but going to find Tae was not a casual thing.

  Her mother put down her fork.

  “That sounds dangerous babe, remember he tried to kill you. Keep your wits about you.”

  “I know, but the Tae I knew wouldn’t have done that. Something happened to him, and the alpha is going to figure out what it was, somehow.”

  Seraphina was still unclear how they were going to get the information they needed from Lucas. He was a loyal fae and wouldn’t want to disclose information to the weres. If they used the witch, she would know where Rytas was and take might take matters into her own hands.

  “I know you want to believe in the good out there, but there is a lot of evil.”


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