Troubled Hearts

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Troubled Hearts Page 4

by Jolie Cain

  Beau walked into her bedroom, a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a pair of nipple clamps in the other, an eager and ready participant in the domination/submission game Katherine loved to play. She licked her lips as he approached, not saying a word. He placed the clamps on the bedside table and then indicated that she should hold her hands out so he could fasten the cuffs on them. She did so, and he smiled wickedly into her eyes, stepping back to admire the wanton picture before him.

  Completely nude, her bound hands clasped before her, Katherine basked in his admiring gaze and the feeling of utter helplessness. After studying her for several long minutes, he stripped, tugging his shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor. He unfastened his pants and shoved them down his legs. His cock rose hard and proud from its nest of light brown curls as he stepped out of his jeans and kicked them to the side. Next he reached down to grasp himself, pumping slowly up and down while his eyes roved over her captured form. Just when she thought she would die if he didn’t touch her, he approached the bed, grabbing her feet and shoving them apart so that he had an unfettered view of her smooth pussy. He pushed her legs up until her knees touched her breasts, opening her even wider for his inspection. Just the feel of his hands sent a spear of pleasure to her weeping cunt.

  His thumbs stroked the inside of her thighs and his eyes met hers. A dangerous smile curved his lips upward. “This pussy is mine, isn’t it, Kat?” When she didn’t answer, he drew one hand back and swatted her hard on her left thigh. She moaned and more moisture flooded her core. “Isn’t it, Kat?” He demanded her response, his voice low but firm, and when she remained silent, he spanked her again, harder this time, the red handprint standing out vividly against her pale skin. “Yes, yes, it’s yours.” Squirming against his hold, she sobbed out the answer he wanted.

  He released her legs and captured her bound hands, pulling them up and over her head. “Don’t move them,” he whispered as he pressed them into the pillows above her head, before dragging his hands down from her arms to cup her breasts in his large hands, molding and squeezing as she arched up into his touch. Tweaking her nipples, he rolled them until they stood in stiff points. As he bent down, he took one hard nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting until she could hardly stand it, her pussy aching and needing his touch. Then he turned to the other and gave it the same attention, ignoring her pleas for release. Finally he stood back, admiring his handiwork, her nipples damp and red from his ministrations. Reaching over, he picked up the nipple clamps from where he had placed them and carefully fastened them to first one breast and then the other, the bite of pain adding to Katherine’s pleasure, and she couldn’t hold back a moan of arousal. Finally he spoke again. “Beautiful.”

  “Eat me, Beau. Oh, God, please, put your mouth on me.”

  “Quiet,” he commanded. “I decide what we do, pretty kitten, not you. Do you understand? I am in charge here, not you.” Kat nodded, but he wanted more. “Tell me you understand, Kat.”

  “I understand. You’re in charge.”

  “Good. Now, don’t move and don’t talk. You lie there like a good little girl, and I’ll reward you later. But if you’re a bad little girl, I’ll have to punish you.”

  She bit her lip, but did as he said, stilling her restlessly moving body.

  He reached down to spread her legs wider, his broad shoulders wedging between her thighs as he stared into her glistening cunt. He blew softly on her exposed clit and she arched upward, aching to feel his touch on the most sensitive part of her body. “Uh, uh. I said don’t move. If you move again, I’ll stop. You don’t want that, do you?”

  Shaking her head, Kat obeyed. Again, he blew softly across her aching flesh, but this time Katherine held herself still against her body’s automatic reaction. “Good girl.” He rewarded her by licking her from the bottom of her cunt up and across her clit. Desperately, she held on to what little control she had, craving his touch and fearing that he would stop before she reached her peak. Again, his tongue licked her, delicate strokes that promised satisfaction but held it just out of her reach. She felt the tears of frustration building in her eyes. Finally, when she thought she could stand no more, his mouth closed over her and began sucking strongly, each movement of his lips adding to her pleasure, her need, until finally sending her over the edge and into ecstasy.

  The bullet dropped from her fingers, and she curled herself up into a ball as the pulses of her orgasm gradually faded. She put the vibrator on the bedside table and pulled her sheets to cover her chilled body. As she drifted into sleep, she wondered what she would find when she returned to Gulf Shores, and if Beau would be as curious to see her again as she was to see him.

  Chapter Three

  The next few days passed in a blur for Katherine. She had to rearrange her scheduled patients for the next two weeks, since she would be in Gulf Shores for the pre-wedding festivities and the ceremony. Juggling the schedules was never a simple task, but she finally managed to postpone all of her appointments and arranged with Jonas, her partner in her private practice, to take any emergency calls that might arise. Her new patient, Aaron Maxwell, was not happy at having his therapy interrupted since he had only just begun his visits with her. She had to spend one whole session soothing him and assuring him that she would be back as quickly as possible. And she’d scheduled another appointment with him for the day before she left. When he still seemed agitated, she gave him her cell phone number and the name of the motel she would be staying at so that he could reach her if he needed to. At last she was able to relax a bit.

  She met her friend Miranda for lunch at their favorite restaurant in downtown Jackson a couple of days before her departure. As they sat looking over the menus, Miranda commented on the upcoming wedding. “So how do you feel about going back to Gulf Shores?” Miranda had been in college with Katherine, during pre-Raymond days. In fact, she was the reason Katherine had moved to Jackson in the first place. After the divorce, Miranda had persuaded Katherine to move in with her while she figured out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. A good friend, she had listened as Katherine had recounted all of the details of the past months with Raymond. Katherine had even confessed to her what had occurred with Beau. The two women had no secrets between them. Miranda knew just how difficult the coming wedding was going to be for Katherine.

  Katherine smiled, knowing her friend’s concern. “Actually, I feel pretty good about it. I think it’s time. I’m not the same person I was when I ran away.”

  Miranda studied her face carefully before smiling in return. “No. That’s true. You’ve come a long way, baby.”

  Katherine laughed at the old cigarette slogan and then sobered. “I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you, Miranda.”

  “Oh, I think you would have been just fine, with or without me, Katherine. You’re a lot stronger than you’ve ever thought you were. You’re a survivor.”

  “I am now, anyway. I don’t know why I haven’t gone back before this. Habit, I suppose. But I want to be there for Abby, and I guess I need to prove to myself that it’s all behind me.”

  Miranda nodded. “Yes, I agree. Put a period to that part of your life.”

  Katherine agreed.

  At that moment Eric, their usual waiter, approached to take their order. A few moments later, he’d departed, and Miranda turned to Katherine. “So, tell me, when are you leaving?”

  “I’m going to try to get out of here Wednesday afternoon. That’ll give me time to see a few patients Wednesday morning and still put me in Gulf Shores before dark.”

  “So how does Harper feel about your leaving town?” Miranda’s eyes narrowed on hers.

  “I told you we were finished. It’s over. I haven’t told him that I’m going because it’s absolutely none of his business.”

  “Is he still calling?” A knowing look entered Miranda’s eyes as Katherine shrugged.

  “He’s called a few times, but I’m screening my calls so I haven’t had to talk
to him again.”

  “Excuse me, ladies. This was just left for Dr. Montgomery.” Eric stood next to the table holding out a gaily-wrapped gift.

  Katherine’s eyes widened and she looked at Miranda, who shrugged as if to say “Not from me.”

  Katherine reached for the gift. “Thanks, Eric.”

  “No problem, Doc.” He turned and left as Katherine lifted the gift and gave it a slight shake.

  “Well, open the card and see what it says.” Miranda urged her.

  Katherine slit the envelope and pulled out the note. Her brows raised and she passed the card to her friend, who read it aloud. “ ‘I’ll be watching you.’ No signature. Well, well. Have you been keeping secrets from me, hon? I didn’t think you were seeing anyone now.”

  “I’m not. Honestly,” she emphasized when Miranda gave her a hard stare. “In fact, I think that card is just a bit creepy. ‘I’ll be watching you’?” She waggled her brows a bit.

  Miranda chuckled. “Okay. Whatever you say. I happen to think it’s kind of intriguing. Even a bit sexy.” Katherine laughed and shook her head at her friend’s remark. Miranda blushed and then barked. “Would you open the box already?”

  She methodically loosened the tape and carefully pulled the gift from its wrappings. When she opened the box, she pulled out a charm bracelet with a single charm, a teddy bear, dangling from the chain. As she lifted it from the box, Miranda giggled.

  “Well, that’s cute. A bit young for you, though, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, it’s precious, but it looks like something I would have worn back in high school. Not quite my style these days.” She draped it across her arm and, on impulse, fastened it. She turned it this way and that. “Yes, a bit too teenage for me.” She took it off and placed it back in the box.

  “So, who do you think it’s from?”

  “I have absolutely no idea. Obviously someone who doesn’t know me very well. Maybe Harper?” She laughed. “He never knew me well at all.”

  “You’re sure you’re not keeping something from me?” Miranda teased.

  “Really, Miranda, does that look like something one of the men I usually date would send?”

  Miranda just laughed and shook her head. “Well, looks like you have a secret admirer, then.”

  Katherine just shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe it was delivered to the wrong person? I’ll check with Eric when he comes back by.” But Eric assured them that the delivery was for her.

  “I wouldn’t make a mistake, Doc. The deliveryman asked for you specifically. He knew you would be here and asked me to give it to you personally.”

  “Okay, Eric. Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He winked and grinned at her before walking off.

  “Hey, maybe it’s from Eric,” Miranda teased. “He sure seems taken with you. And he always makes sure we get the best table when we come, Doc!”

  Katherine blushed a little. “He just likes to flirt. He probably flirts with every female that comes in here. After all, he needs good tips.”

  Miranda shook her head. “He doesn’t flirt with me. At least, not like he does with you. No, I think sexy Eric has a thing for you, hon.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Miranda. He can’t be more than twenty or so. A little young for me, don’t you think?”

  “Hey, these days a woman can have a lover of any age. Look at Demi Moore.”

  “I’m not exactly Demi Moore, Miranda.”

  “You know what I mean. For years, men have been free to pursue younger women, and no one has thought a thing about it. Well, the worm has turned, and now women have the same privilege. And I say, it’s about damn time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman being with a younger man. In fact,” she leaned in toward Katherine, “I myself have indulged in just such a relationship in my wild and wicked past. And truth be known, so have you.”

  At the reminder of her misadventure with Beau, Katherine’s eyes narrowed. “That was a long time ago, hon.”

  “So? Just because it has been a few years, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Or that you didn’t enjoy it.” She reached out and patted Katherine’s hand as it rested on the table. “I know you’ve always carried a huge load of guilt over what happened between you and your former stepson, but it’s time to let it go. You’re not some evil, wicked stepmother who seduced a young and impressionable babe in the woods. From everything you’ve told me, he was probably more experienced sexually than you. I mean, you’d only been with Raymond. You might have been older in years, but I’ll bet he was leaps and bounds ahead of you in experience. So get over it, already!”

  Katherine met Miranda’s eyes. “You’re right. I’ve been telling myself that exact same thing. That’s one of the reasons I think it’s time to go back. To prove to myself that things weren’t as bad as they seemed at the time.”

  “Good. It’s about damn time. Get things settled once and for all with Beau, and then get on with your life. Who knows? Maybe this secret admirer is the man of your dreams.”

  She smiled. “Considering his taste in gifts, I wouldn’t count on that.” They both laughed. Just then the waiter came with their lunch order, and they dug in.

  * * * *

  Wednesday morning was quite hectic, what with seeing her last scheduled patients before her two week absence and running some last-minute errands. But finally all was in readiness. She quickly changed into a pair of comfortable jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt. Pulling her hair up into a casual ponytail, she fastened a band around it. After a last look in the mirror, she walked into the bedroom and finished packing. Then she headed to the kitchen for some lunch. Just as she was rinsing out her dishes, the ring of her phone startled her. She reached across and picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

  Again, the familiar strains of “Every Breath You Take” sounded over the phone line. After a few moments, a loud click signaled the end of the call.

  “What in the world?” Was this the same caller from before? “Oh, I don’t have time for this!” Brushing off the mysterious calls, she grabbed her purse and headed to the front door. She had opened it and begun walking out when she noticed the box lying on the welcome mat. Quickly she looked around but saw nothing unusual. Her car, a white late-model Mustang convertible, was parked in front of her condo in its usual spot, and there was no one walking nearby.

  Everything looked perfectly normal. Everything except the package sitting on the ground in front of her door. She reached down to pick up the box before stepping back into the foyer. Quickly she closed the door and locked it. With trembling fingers, she tore the paper off the box and opened it. Another charm, this one in the form of a ballet slipper. And another note. She opened it with trembling fingers. Every step you take, every move you make. Shit! What the hell was going on? Totally spooked, she backed into the living room and sank down onto the couch.

  “Okay. Let’s think. So somebody is giving you some small gifts and is calling on the phone. That’s not bad. It’s really kind of flattering, right? Nothing bad has happened… Then why do I feel so freaking weird? It’s probably just Harper trying a new tactic to get me back. The bastard.” Yes, the more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that he was playing some kind of warped game with her. She shook her head as she gave herself a pep talk. One thing was for sure, though—she was not going to wear the bracelet—ever! She pulled the box with the bracelet from her drawer and opened the lid. The new charm had a clasp, and she added it to the bracelet. After staring at the bracelet with its two dangling charms for several long moments, she put it into her purse and stood up. “All right. Enough is enough. I’ve got too much to do to let this sidetrack me.”

  Once she had loaded the trunk with her suitcases, she walked around and got into the front seat. She set a ball cap onto her head and pulled the ponytail through the back, then fastened her seatbelt and dropped the top on her car. As she pulled out of her parking slot, she did not notice the tan pickup that pulled out behind her onto the busy
roadway or that remained a few cars behind her once she’d reached the highway that would take her to her former hometown.

  Much later Katherine pulled her Mustang into the motel parking lot in Gulf Shores. She was worn out. After checking in, she called Abby, knowing that she would be worried. It was a little past six, but Abby had expected her closer to five. She was really surprised that her cell phone hadn’t rung in the car, but her sister knew that she didn’t like to talk on her phone while she was driving. As soon as Abby picked up the phone, she said, “Katherine, this had better be you. Where the hell have you been?”

  She laughed. How typically Abby. “Yes, it’s me, sis. I just checked into my motel.”

  “Motel? I can’t believe you. I thought we had that all settled. I told you that you were more than welcome to stay here with us.”

  “Please. I am not going to room with a soon-to-be married couple. Talk about a third wheel.”

  “Okay, okay. I refuse to have this argument over the phone. I’ll come over and get you. Jack and I want to take you out to eat. You’ve got to meet him. I know you’re going to love him, just like I do.”

  “Look, Abby, I can’t wait to see you and to meet Jack, but I am pooped. Let me have tonight to recuperate from that drive, and we can get together first thing tomorrow. Okay?”

  Abby’s sigh came to her over the phone. “I guess that’ll be all right. Now that I know you’re here, I suppose I can wait a few more hours to see you. I’m just so glad that you came. I miss you living all the way up there in Jackson.”

  Katherine grinned into the phone, trying to get a word in edgewise. Abby sounded like she’d overdosed on happiness. “Look, let me go. I’m really worn out. I just wanted to touch base because I knew you’d be worried.”


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