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Troubled Hearts

Page 7

by Jolie Cain

  She just leaned her head back onto his shoulder. She heard his breath released in a quick huff and then she felt the probing of his cock between her legs moments before he shoved inside of her. He pulled her back against him with one arm wrapped around her waist, the other clasping her hip and holding her steady.

  The stranger watching them pressed a hand against the windowpane as Beau began thrusting over and over, sending Katherine higher with each movement. The hand on her hip crept down to cup her cunt, his finger nudging her clit with each stroke of his cock. She began moaning helplessly, rolling her head against his chest, and he bent down to bite her shoulder to force her to remain still. Katherine could see the stranger moving, his hand sliding over his own erection, pulling it out of his pants to stroke it as he watched their frantic coupling on the beach below him. The watcher's own movements began to mimic theirs, and Katherine could not hold back her climax as it rushed over her. With a low cry she came, her pussy clenching tightly around Beau’s cock. He didn’t stop his thrusting, only continued pounding into her with stronger strokes. Weakly she leaned back against him, her own body drained of strength from her powerful release. Finally, when she thought she could take it no more, Beau shouted out his own release and poured his cum into her welcoming pussy.

  The stranger disappeared from the window. Beau’s hands caressed her arms before he pulled out of her. Drawing her up to her feet, he helped her dress. After he adjusted his own clothes, he took her hand and led her back down the beach the way they had come. No words were spoken between them during the long walk back. When they had almost reached the spot on the beach where they had started from, he paused and turned to her. “I know you’re submissive, Kat. What I want to know is whether or not you’re in a relationship with someone? A Dom?”

  Seeing no reason to equivocate, Kat blushed but replied honestly. “No.”

  “Good.” He smiled when he saw the look of surprise on her face. “What? I’ve always been pretty dominant, Kat. That can’t be a surprise to you. Especially after what just happened. I think sexually we’re very compatible.”

  Katherine didn’t know why she was so taken aback by that statement. His commanding nature was as natural to him as breathing. What else would he be? Was this why she had never been able to forget him? Why she had always found him so attractive?

  “I want us to be together while you’re here. I want us to see where this can go. Will you agree?”

  Admitting to herself that this was what she had always wanted, she brushed aside her concerns and answered. “Yes.”

  * * * *

  A short time later, Beau drove into the motel parking lot and pulled his car into one of the empty slots in front of Kat’s room. He turned to look at her as she sat apprehensively beside him, noting the white knuckles of the hands that gripped the strap of her purse. Ever since she had agreed to a sexual relationship with him, she had become quiet and introspective, and he could tell that she had begun to have second thoughts. He realized that one of the first things he was going to have to do was clear the air of some old issues and spell out just what kind of relationship he wanted with her. “Kat, I think that we need to talk about some things. Can I come in for a little while?”

  She bit her lip and wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Look, Beau. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea…”

  “Stop it, Kat. Just stop. Quit second-guessing the decision you’ve already made. Let’s go inside and talk—just talk,” he assured her when she turned to look skeptically at him. “That’s all I want right now. We haven’t done much of that, and I think we need to. Let’s go ahead and deal with whatever issues you’ve been agonizing over on the ride here, and then we’ll see where to go from there. Deal?”

  She studied his face carefully, noting the sincerity she saw in his deep brown eyes. She nodded. “All right. Deal.”


  They exited the car and he waited for her to find her keycard. Taking it from her hand, he efficiently unlocked the door and stood back to let her lead the way into the room.

  After they’d entered, Beau stood for a few moments observing the details of his surroundings. It was a typical motel room for Gulf Shores. Dominating the room was a king-sized bed covered in a pastel-covered spread with a white wicker headboard. A long white dresser occupied one wall and next to it were a small refrigerator and microwave. To the right of the door where Beau stood were a small table and two chairs. After a moment, Beau sat in one of the chairs next to the window. Abby flitted around for a few minutes, depositing her purse and key card on the dresser before finally settling stiffly in the other chair. A serious look came over his face as he watched her trying to relax. “Kat, there’s no need to be so nervous around me. It’s me, remember? Beau. I’m not going to do anything to hurt or embarrass you, I promise.” He reached out to clasp her hand in his own large one. “I care about you, kitten. All I want is to make you happy. Do you believe that? I need you to trust me to take care of you.”

  She thought about what he had just said and what she knew about him, both from her own experiences and his relationship with her sister. Realizing that she did believe him, she began to feel more comfortable, losing some of the edginess she had been experiencing. “I do believe you, Beau. I’m not sure why this is so difficult for me. I’m not normally so, well, wimpy. I thought I had gotten over all those feelings of inferiority I used to have, but apparently I was mistaken. It’s just … well, I think our history together has me just a little cautious, you know?”

  “Yes. I do know. Don’t you think I’m a little nervous myself?”

  She laughed. “You, nervous?”

  He nodded, leaning toward her. “Me. Look, Kat, twelve years ago, I was crazy about you. It almost killed me to see what my father had done to you. And when we made love, I thought we were starting something together. That morning, as soon as I woke up, I knew you were gone. It was all I could do to not race after you and bring you back.” Her eyes had widened more and more as he expressed his own feelings and perceptions about their past. He pinned her with his stare, seemingly determined for her to understand his point of view. “I didn’t do that because I knew that you needed some time, so I let you go. But it’s been twelve years now. My father, bastard that he was, is dead. We’re both adults, single, and certainly able to make our own choices about what we want now. And I, for one, know what I want. I want you, in my bed to start, and maybe, in my life if things go how I want them to. And if what happened earlier is any indication, you are not indifferent to me.”

  Katherine was stunned at Beau’s revelations and knew that she owed him the same honesty he was offering her. “Oh, Beau. No, I’m certainly not indifferent to you. And if I’m going to be completely truthful, I wasn’t back then, either. I wanted you, and it was all I could do to keep some kind of wall between us. I guess it’s become something of a habit with me now. I’ve never been very good at relationships. The sex is one thing. And I think you were right when you said that we were very compatible. But,” she glanced over at him to see how he was reacting to what she was saying, “I think with you … I want more. More than simply the sex. I’m just not sure what it is that you want from me. And I don’t know if I can give you what you need, Beau. That scares me. Not you. I’m not afraid of you. I’m afraid of me. To be honest, I’ve had some trouble with intimacy in the past. I can handle the sex; it’s the emotions that I have difficulty with.” She confessed this softly, needing him to understand.

  He stood and drew her up against him tenderly. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close and rested his head against her hair. Gradually, she relaxed against him. “Kitten, as long as you’re willing to give us a chance, to find out what it is that we have between us, then everything will be fine. All right?”

  She nodded her head in agreement against his chest. After giving her a final squeeze, he guided her over to the bed and sat down beside her, his arm wrapped around her waist. “Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk
about your agreeing to allow me to dominate you in bed. Have you ever been in a D/s relationship before?”

  A flush stained her cheeks at his words. She was a little hesitant but knew that she really wanted to be with him. “I have to confess that I don’t have a lot of sexual experience as a submissive, Beau. I’ve only been in one real relationship that was D/s, and it didn’t turn out very well. I just know that I need to, well, submit sexually to the man I am with. I don’t want to live 24/7 in a D/s relationship, and I don’t do the party scenes or anything like that. I’m not a slave, and I won’t act like one for any man. And I don’t really like a lot of pain, either. Although a little can be … very nice. I just need to be sexually dominated, controlled.” She peeked up at him through her lashes, trying to gauge his reaction to what she was saying.

  He nodded as he listened to her explain her expectations in their relationship and smiled reassuringly when she finished. “I think that the most important thing for us, kitten, is that you are always honest with me. We can explore some things and, if you get to feeling uncomfortable, we’ll stop and talk about it. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, that’s okay”

  “I know that you are a very strong, independent person. I mean, hell, you’re a psychologist. You’ve worked really hard to become the woman that you are, and I cannot tell you how much I admire you for what you have made out of your life. That’s fine with me. I don’t want some passive woman who lets me boss her around all the time. That’s all right for some people. Not for me, however. I have no desire to live the lifestyle, own slaves, that kind of thing, either. However, like you, I do need something different in the bedroom. The important thing is to realize that there is no right or wrong except what we decide. It’s vital that we are completely open and honest about what we want … what we expect from one another. As long as we’re clear about our expectations, there should not be any problems.”

  Kat listened carefully to what Beau was saying. She couldn’t help but experience a feeling of relief at what she heard. “I agree.”

  He smiled at her. “All right. Now, why don’t we do this? Tonight make me a list of the things that you know that you enjoy and the things that you do not want to try—ever. Then maybe another list of things you haven’t done but would be willing to give a shot. We’ll start there and see how it goes.”

  She smiled at his understanding. “That sounds fine. I can do that tonight after you leave.”

  “You look like you feel a little more comfortable now than when we arrived,” Beau observed, his hand gentle on her waist as they sat close together on the edge of the bed.

  “I do. Thanks for being so patient with me. I guess what happened earlier kind of surprised me. I’ve never done anything like that before. Not with an audience.”

  He smiled. “Well, let me just say that it was an unforgettable experience that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I hope we can try it again some time.”

  Her eyes darted up to meet his, and she saw the grin that was on his face. Her own lips curled up into a smile. “We’ll see, you perv!”

  A startled laugh broke from him at her joking response. “Oh, kitten, you’d better watch out. I don’t take that kind of insult sitting down.” She returned his smile, relaxed and more at ease with him than she could remember ever being before.

  He stood, and she followed him up. His hand reached to cup her chin. “All right. Now that all of that is out of the way, I’m going to leave. Get some rest. I’ll call you early tomorrow. I’m sure that Abby has a full agenda planned for you in the morning, but maybe we could get together for lunch. And don’t forget that you’re going to help me with the engagement party tomorrow night.”

  “You can stay if you’d like,” she offered softly, but he shook his head.

  “No, I want you to relax tonight and think about what we’ve talked about. But I would like for you to consider spending the night with me tomorrow night at my house after the party.”

  She licked her lips and his eyes were drawn to the sensuous fullness. “Just one kiss, kitten, and I’ll go. I need just one more taste.” He bent forward and softly brushed his lips over hers. Tantalizing her with the promise of more, the pressure of his mouth remained soft on hers. He continued the teasing, taunting caress until she parted her lips, silently pleading for more. He sent his tongue foraging briefly into the warm depths of hers. He pulled back, resisting the pressure of her hands to keep him close.

  “Lock up after me, okay, Kat?” He turned to walk to the door and opened it. When he looked back at her as she stood beside the bed, it was all she could do not to beg him to stay. But she knew that they had done enough for one night. She had a lot to think about. She really appreciated the fact that he did not want to pressure her, that he wanted her to willingly enter into this relationship with her eyes wide open. Finally shaking herself out of the spell cast by the sweet kiss, she walked to the door he had stepped through.

  “See you tomorrow,” he whispered.

  “Yes. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Kat. Dream of me.” One last smile and he was gone.

  Chapter Six

  Most of the next morning was spent with Abby. Katherine was glad of the time with her sister and felt they were getting closer than they had been in a long time. Around ten-thirty, Abby dropped Katherine off at the motel. Beau had called bright and early, and had made arrangements to take her out for lunch. He was going to pick her up at twelve, so Katherine had an hour and a half to rest and get ready. Abby had not concealed her delight in the unexpected romance she saw blossoming between her sister and her best friend.

  When Katherine reached her room, she found a note on the door saying that she had a message at the front desk. Curious, she turned and walked toward the front and entered the lobby area. Crossing over to the girl at the counter, she spoke. “Excuse me, I think you’ve got a message for me. Dr. Katherine Montgomery.”

  The girl smiled. “Yes, of course.” She reached toward some cubbies behind the desk and pulled out a piece of paper. Then she took out a small box. “And this, too, Dr. Montgomery.”

  She accepted the box and the message, opening the latter up curiously. As Katherine read the note, she stiffened. It was from Jonas. There had been a break-in at their office. After thanking the desk clerk, she went to her room. As soon as she got inside, she pulled out her cell phone and called her assistant. “Mary? This is Dr. Montgomery.”

  “Oh, Dr. Montgomery. Thank goodness you called.” Mary’s worried voice came over the line.

  “What’s happened? The message said there’d been a burglary?”

  “Yes. When Dr. Albritton and I arrived this morning, the place was a shambles. We called the police right away.”

  “Oh, my lord. Is everyone all right?”

  “Everyone is fine, but your office… Oh, Dr. Montgomery, your office was completely ransacked. It looks like someone went through your files and just threw things around. Someone broke the lock on your desk as well. And your appointment book is missing.”

  Katherine felt a twinge of fear. “What about your office? And Jonas’s?”

  “They didn’t touch Dr. Albritton’s, but someone went through my desk.” Mary continued, her voice strained. “The police think they were trying to find out something about you, Dr. Montgomery. Like where you live. Or where you are now. They think maybe it was one of your patients. And I had the address of your motel in my Rolodex. Along with your phone number.”

  Katherine could hear Mary’s voice getting faster and higher. She knew she was near hysteria. “Calm down, Mary. Everything is all right. I’m sure that it was just a simple burglary gone bad.” Her soothing tone seemed to calm the secretary down somewhat. “Why don’t you buzz me through to Jonas’s office, Mary.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Just. Be careful. All right?”

  “I will, Mary. Goodbye.”

  A few moments later she was talking to Jonas. He basically just repeated what Mary had told her. The police suspected a patie
nt. Jonas had refused to give them any information on her patient files, however, and they had not been pleased with him. “They seemed to think the doctor-patient privilege was something to be ignored.” Katherine could hear the anger in his tone.

  “I’m sure they’re just doing their job, Jonas.”

  “Perhaps. In any case, I am concerned about this, Katherine. Especially about you. It was obvious that whoever broke in here was angry. Some of the things they did in your office, well, it seemed very personal.”

  “Like what?” she asked, not sure she really wanted to know.

  “Well, that painting that you bought at that art gallery downtown. They took it off the wall and destroyed it. And the little glass paperweight. It was obvious those things were special to you, and they went out of their way to ruin them.”

  Katherine thought of Harper and bit her lip. “Jonas, I need the number of the police who are investigating the break-in. I think I may have some information for them.”

  “Information?” Jonas asked.

  “Yes. I—I recently broke up with Harper, and he hasn’t been taking it well.”

  “You think he might have broken in?” She could hear the astonishment in Jonas’s voice.

  “I just don’t know,” she replied honestly. “He’s been very upset. He’s called several times and gotten extremely insulting and crude. I’m just not sure what he’s capable of. I’ve also been getting some odd—well—gifts, I suppose from someone anonymously. It’s just a bit disturbing when added to this break-in. You know as well as I do that some people can react very irrationally in certain situations. Anyway, I think the police should know so that they can question him. Just in case.”

  “Yes, of course, you’re right.” After he rattled off the number to her, they spoke a bit more about the insurance, and what would have to be repaired and replaced. “Don’t worry about anything. This will all still be here when you get back, unfortunately. It’s probably a good thing that you are out of town right now. Whoever it is will, hopefully, get tired and just move on.” They said goodbye. Katherine sat down on the bed and stared off into space. She hoped Jonas was right, but, knowing what she did about the human psyche, she wasn’t counting on it. Could Harper have broken in to her office? Or one of her patients? God, she hoped not. She really preferred to think of it as just a random break-in.


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