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Troubled Hearts

Page 11

by Jolie Cain

  “Yes. No. A little.” Katherine licked her lips and tried to answer him with the ripples of pleasure stealing her focus.

  He chuckled softly. “Well, then, I think you might be ready for a little more.”

  “Yes. I’m ready.” The thought of him pushing his large cock into her small passage had her trembling with eagerness.

  “Good.” He finished washing her and rinsed her off thoroughly. Then he quickly did the same to himself. The shower was turned off, and they stepped out onto the plush rug. Katherine stood silently as he handed her a towel, his eyes lit with anticipation. After quickly drying off, they returned to the bedroom. He lay her down on the bed on her stomach, positioning her just as he wanted her, and used a couple of pillows to prop her hips up higher. With her knees drawn up and her shoulders pressed down into the mattress, she couldn’t help but imagine the view he must have of her at that moment as he stood silently looking down at her.

  Moving around the bed to the bedside table, he opened the top drawer. With her head turned sideways Katherine could see him reach in and get a small vibrator and a tube of lubricating jelly. She squirmed in anticipation, and he let out a low laugh. “Anxious, are we?”

  “Umhmm.” That was all Katherine could manage.


  Beau shook his head, grinning, and moved onto the bed, positioning himself behind Katherine. His hand reached out to smooth over the white cheeks of her buttocks, still imprinted with the outline of his hand from her earlier spanking. Bending forward he placed soft kisses over the reddened area, lightly tracing the sore spots with the tip of his tongue. He could feel her trembling and moved his hand around so that it cupped her mound. Oh, yes, she was wet and ready for him. He eased his finger inside the hot tunnel and used his thumb to graze across her clit. She gasped at the caress. When his tongue brushed against the puckered rose of her anal opening, she jerked. “Beau, I don’t know…”

  “Be still, kitten,” he ordered firmly, and she quieted obediently.

  He felt her muscles slowly relax, and he began to touch her as he wished. He continued licking and kissing her all around the virgin entrance. Picking up the tube of lube, he squeezed out a large dollop to spread over his finger. When he pressed it against the puckered opening, she tensed automatically. “Relax, kitten. This is smaller than the plug. It shouldn’t hurt.” His finger slipped inside, and he worked it in and out a few moments before adding a second finger. She groaned as he widened his fingers and moved them around, and then he added a third digit. He twisted and turned the fingers, pressing against her walls and stretching them for the larger penetration yet to come.

  Picking up the vibrator, he turned it on and reached around to press it against her hard clit. When her hips were arching into the motion, he began teasing it against her vaginal opening. He pushed it up into her pussy as his fingers continued pumping into her anus. The double penetration surprised her, he could tell, and he saw her clutch at the bedcovers as if she were trying to anchor herself in reality. Moaning and tossing her head from side to side, she was the epitome of wanton beauty. As Katherine cried out, Beau knew she was experiencing a pleasure that just rode the edge of pain. “Shhh, baby. It’s all right.” He pumped into her a few more times and groaned, “You’re so perfect.”

  Beau finally withdrew his fingers and the vibrator. When he began probing against her anus with his cock, she froze, and he knew that she had realized the time had come for him to fuck her ass with his cock. “Relax,” Beau bent down to whisper in her ear. “You’re doing great, Kat. Stay relaxed for me now, or it will hurt. Press down for me, baby.” As soon as he finished speaking, Beau pushed against the anal ring with a steady pressure that forced his cock past the tight muscle. Katherine took several deep breaths, and he could feel her bearing down as he had ordered. He paused when he had the head inside.

  “Are you all right, kitten?”

  “God, yes, Beau. Fuck me. It feels so good,” she whimpered in reply.

  Once he knew that she was okay, he resumed pressing into the tight passage, and she aided in his entry by pushing back against him. Slowly easing forward, he continued the steady pressure until he was fully seated in her tight channel. Little mewls of pleasure were coming from Katherine’s parted lips, and Beau held onto his control grimly, resisting the urge to pound himself into her ass as he had earlier done with her cunt. Hurting her now was not what he wanted. He held himself still for several heartbeats before Katherine began shoving against him, urging him on. At that sign of her readiness, he pulled out and pushed back in again, the tightness squeezing around his cock with every movement. “Good, it’s so fucking good, baby,” he gasped out.

  Again he reached around her and began fingering her clitoris as he set a regular rhythm of thrusts into her hot, stretched passage. Meaningless words and phrases tumbled from her mouth as he sped up the pace, and Beau couldn’t resist their urging. He began tunneling back into her, harder and harder as she moaned and twisted beneath him. He could no longer tell if the cries coming from her were of pleasure or pain, but he couldn’t stop. Faster and faster he fucked her ass, his fingers plunging into her wet cunt in a synchronized movement. At last a long moan came from her, and hot wet liquid flooded his hand as she climaxed. He quickly followed her into bliss, pumping and pumping his cum into her quivering ass until he felt like he had emptied his very soul into her. He collapsed against her back and then turned, withdrawing his penis from her aching rear and cuddling her close against him. “I love you, Katherine.”

  He waited for her to say something … anything … in response to his declaration, but Katherine lay so still against him that he thought for a moment that she had fallen asleep. Then he felt the shudders shaking her body. Raising himself up, he turned her so that she lay flat on the bed. Tears were pouring down her face.

  “Don’t look at me. I look like crap when I cry.” Katherine sobbed out the words and pushed him away, trying to turn her head to the side. But Beau would have none of it. Grasping her hands in one of his, he dragged them above her head and pressed them to the bed. Using his other hand he gently turned her face back around.

  “What’s the matter, kitten? Why are you crying?”

  She stopped struggling and lay still, staring into his eyes. “You said you … you love me.” Tears continued to trickle down her face, which was turning all red and splotchy.

  He smiled. “Is that so horrible you have to cry about it?”

  She tried to laugh at his joke, but it turned into an odd grimace. “I never thought that I would hear you say that to me.”

  “Was it important to hear it from me?” He wanted to know, although he had a pretty good idea.

  She nodded her head so hard that the whole bed shook.


  “Because I love you, too.” She whispered the words so low that he could hardly understand them, but that didn’t matter. He did hear them, and he did understand them.

  “Thank God.” He released her hands and cupped her face, tilting her lips up to his. His mouth met hers in a kiss so gentle and sweetly passionate that they almost seemed to merge into one body. When the kiss ended, he pulled back and gazed into her eyes. After studying her face a long time he whispered, “You know, you’re right. You really do look like crap when you cry.”

  Katherine’s lip tilted upward slightly, and he grinned back.

  * * * *

  Late the next morning when Katherine awoke and opened her eyes, Beau was watching her, his head propped on his hand. She smiled at him and he leaned over to drop a kiss on her lips. “What are you doing?”

  “Watching you sleep.” He reached out to brush her hair back from her forehead.


  “Well, because you’re beautiful. And…”

  “And what?”

  “Well, I was just remembering the last time I fell asleep with you in a bed, and I didn’t want to wake up alone again. I thought if you had any plans to run this time, I’d have to head y
ou off at the pass.”

  Katherine bit her lip and then shrugged. “You don’t need to worry this time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Damn right,” he said as he bent over and kissed her again, more deeply this time, and moved over her to prove to her once again how irresistible he found her.

  An hour later, they sat together on the balcony outside his bedroom, sharing a continental breakfast of croissants, orange juice, and coffee. The view stretching before them was stunning, bright blue skies meeting the bright blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Not a cloud drifted in the sky. Colorful sailboats competed with larger fishing vessels heading out into the gulf.

  After carefully chewing and swallowing a bite of the delicious pastry, he looked broodingly across at Katherine. “So, kitten, tell me about this bracelet you got.”

  Katherine rose and walked to lean against the railing. Her hands clasped across the rough wood, and she gazed off into the distance, gathering her thoughts. Finally, she drew a deep breath and began to tell Beau what had been going on. When she finished her recitation, she waited for his reaction. It wasn’t long in coming.

  “Are you telling me that some freak is stalking you, spying on you?” His voice betrayed his anger and alarm.

  “I really don’t know what’s going on, Beau.”

  His arms reached out to draw her against him, and he rested his chin atop her head. “I love you so much. If anything ever happened to you, I couldn’t handle it. We’ve just found each other again after all these years. You have to take care of yourself. I want you to go and report this to the local police.” When she would have drawn back he tightened his hold. “No, I mean it. If nothing else, it will make me feel better. Do it for me.”

  Katherine knew that he was right. She did need to do something. “Okay. I love you, too, and I know you’re right. I think it would make me feel better, to tell you the truth. I may be acting like a moron, but I’m really not one. The detective in Jackson also suggested that I talk to the police here.”

  He smiled. “Good. Now, sit down and finish your breakfast. As soon as you’re done, we’re going to go.”

  “Oh, I forgot and left my overnight bag in my car. It’s on the back seat.”

  “No problem. I’m going to grab a shower first. Then I’ll run down and get it for you.”

  “Okay.” She pressed a grateful kiss against his mouth and moved to sit back down. Leisurely, she finished her breakfast and was taking a last sip of her coffee when he walked back in. In his hand was a small wrapped gift. Smiling she reached out her hand. “What’s this?”

  He shook his head, his features grim. “I don’t know. It’s not from me. I found it on the front seat of your car when I went to get your suitcase.”

  She snatched her hand back, looking at the wrapped box as if it were a snake. “I don’t want it.”

  He agreed, turning it over carefully in his hands to examine it. “Let’s take it with us to the police. It may be nothing. But I really don’t like the idea that someone got onto Ono Island and put this in your car in my driveway. This island is supposed to be pretty secure. Of course, if someone really wanted in, I suppose there are ways to get past security. But the idea that someone would go to all that trouble makes me even more concerned.” He paused, a thoughtful look on his face. “It had to have been last night during the party. He could have been here, watching you—watching us. Maybe one of the guests? Or the staff? Or hiding somewhere nearby.” He shrugged. “I’m going to call Clay to come over this afternoon.”

  “Clay? But why?”

  “He’s a private detective. He’ll know how to handle something like this better than I do. I don’t want you spending any time alone. If you’re not with me, then I want you with someone I can trust. And … you’re moving in here with me.” He could see from the expression on her face that she wanted to protest. “Don’t even think about arguing with me on this, kitten. I refuse to take any chances with your life. And this guy sounds like he’s got some very serious problems. Hell, you’re a psychologist. You should realize that.”

  Reluctantly she admitted, “I do. I just hate the idea that my life is not my own any more. That there’s someone out there who might want to hurt me. Having to take all these precautions just makes it all the more real.”

  “Well, ignoring it isn’t gonna make it less real, either.” The exasperated tone of his voice rang out clearly.

  She nodded. “I agree. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m willing to do whatever you and Clay advise. I promise. I’m taking no chances with this.”

  “Good. Now, go get ready. I want to get to the station as soon as possible.”

  Chapter Ten

  After filing the report with the police and giving them the package, Beau took Katherine to her hotel to pick up her belongings and check out. While she packed, he called Clay and arranged with him to meet them later at Beau’s boat, The Green-Eyed Lady. After stopping at his house to change clothes, they headed to the pier where the boat was docked. The twenty-eight foot Catalina sailboat sparkled in the sun. “Oh, Beau, she’s gorgeous.”

  He grinned at her enthusiasm. “I’m glad you like her, kitten. I’ve had her for a couple of years now. I remember how much you used to like to go out on Dad’s boat. I thought this might take your mind off of all this other mess.”

  She turned to look at him, her expression darkening momentarily at the mention of her ex-husband. Then her face cleared and her eyes lit with delight. “I haven’t been out on a boat since I moved to Jackson. I’m so glad you thought of it. It’s just what I needed.”

  “Come on, let’s get on board. Clay should be here pretty soon. Once I’ve filled him in on everything, we’ll take her out. I’ve got some scuba gear onboard if you’d like to dive later.”

  She smiled brightly at him and turned to climb on the boat. He gave her a quick tour, and they had just finished exploring the main cabin when they heard Clay’s shout.

  “Permission to come aboard.”

  Beau laughed. “Stay here and make yourself comfortable. Let me go get him. We’ll be right back.”

  Katherine sat down on the comfortable cushions, looking out the porthole at the water as it glinted off the clear, blue-green water. She turned back when Beau and Clay entered the cabin. Clay crossed to take her hand and drop a kiss on her cheek. “Hello, Katherine. It’s good to see you again.”

  She smiled up into his grinning face. “Hi, Clay. Thanks for coming.”

  “No problem. When Beau explained what was going on with you, I told him that I would be glad to do whatever I could.” His expression grew concerned, and she squirmed a bit under his close appraisal. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m fine. Really. Just a bit worried.”

  “That’s understandable.” His hand tightened on hers. Then Beau interrupted, breaking the tension that had crept into the room.

  “Okay, Clay. You can let go of her hand now.” His irritated tone made Clay laugh.

  He winked at Katherine. “Got it bad, does he?”

  She blushed and smiled. Then Clay dropped her hand and moved away.

  Beau sat next to her and gestured to Clay, who took a seat across from them. “Beau has told me what he knows, Katherine, but I would like to hear it from you, if you don’t mind.” He pulled a small notebook out of his blue jeans pocket, and Beau handed him a pen.

  Katherine repeated everything she’d told Beau and the police earlier. Clay listened intently, jotting down notes occasionally. He nodded when she told about the latest box they’d found. “And you took it to the police?”

  She nodded. “They opened it, and it was another charm—a rose.”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “What did the police say?”

  She shrugged. “They didn’t seem too concerned, actually.”

  “In other words, they brushed us off.” Beau’s words sounded pissed. “No crime has been committed, apparently. Not here, anyway. And they aren’t convinced that what’s going
on here is connected to the break-in in Jackson. They say it’s probably just somebody playing a joke on her. Or a secret admirer. Can you believe that bullshit?” He stood up and began pacing back and forth. “I mean, what has to happen? Does she have to be raped or killed before they become concerned? She’s being fucking stalked, for Christ’s sake.”

  “Take it easy, man. The cops are limited in their resources and their hands are tied in a lot of ways. Mine aren’t. You did the right thing in coming to me. We’ll take care of Katherine. You know, this is becoming kind of a habit of mine. First Abby, and now you, Katherine. What is it about you Montgomery girls that attract the nuts?” His grin told her he wasn’t serious. She knew he was just trying to calm Beau down, so she played along. “I don’t know. Is it the red hair, you think?”

  “Maybe the green eyes,” He responded. “They do make a man feel crazy.”

  Clay laughed, and Katherine joined him. Beau looked at them both like they had lost their minds for a minute before a reluctant smile teased across his face. “You’re both a couple of comedians, aren’t you?”

  “Just trying to lighten the atmosphere. It’s not going to help anyone to get mad. When you get mad, you make mistakes. We need to stay cool and calm. That way, we can be prepared for anything that happens. Now,” he grew serious, “I disagree with the cops. I think there is a connection here. I think this guy is very dangerous. I believe he’s developed some weird fixation on Katherine, for whatever reason.”

  “I agree,” Katherine added, drawing on her knowledge as a psychologist. “I’m not a criminal psychologist, but it’s easy to see that something set him off in the first place. Made him start contacting me. But he could have been watching me before that. I had just broken up with someone—I told you about him, Harper Hunt.”


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