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Troubled Hearts

Page 16

by Jolie Cain

  Beau looked questioningly at Clay who nodded. Then he answered. “Sure, kitten. Let’s go.”

  Katherine’s condo was a bit stuffy from being closed up for the past week, but she turned the air down, and it didn’t take long before they were all comfortable. She showed the guys the two extra bedrooms so they could stow their gear. The three men would take turns sitting up in the living room while the other two slept. Since it was already close to six o’clock, they ordered a meal from a local pizza place. After they had finished eating, Beau walked over to Katherine where she sat desultorily flicking channels on her television. “Sweetheart, Clay and I are going to run over to Aaron Maxwell’s apartment. Clay just wants to take a look inside. The cops aren’t able to go in, but … well…” He winked, and she knew that Clay planned to break in.

  She grabbed his hand. “I don’t want you to go, Beau. What if he’s there? What if he has a gun?”

  He reached out to stroke her hair behind her ear. “Hush. Nothing is going to happen to me. Neither Clay nor the police think he’s there. The papers have piled up in front of his door, and no one has seen him for several days. We just want to take a look inside to see if there are any clues as to where he’s gone. I promise, we’ll be very careful. We’ll take Derek with us. You and RJ just sit tight, okay?”

  Somewhat reassured, she finally agreed. When they had left, the apartment seemed very empty. The three men had taken up a lot of room and had distracted Katherine from her morose thoughts. She looked at RJ. “So … do you play poker?”

  He grinned.

  * * * *

  It was a good three hours later when Beau and the others returned. By that time, Katherine was pacing the floor, the poker game completely forgotten. When she heard the knock on the door, she rushed to open it. RJ stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Not so fast, Katherine. Let me check first, okay?”

  He walked up to the door, reaching around to the small of his back to draw a gun, which Katherine hadn’t even known he had tucked into the waistband of his jeans. It struck her then just what danger she was in and how seriously Clay, Beau, and the others were taking this threat to her. And the fact that they were willing to risk their lives to protect her. It was a humbling thought. RJ looked through the peephole but still didn’t open the door. “Yeah?” he called.

  “No problems.” Clay’s voice sounded back in response. With that, RJ reached out to unlock and open the door.

  As Beau walked in, Katherine threw her arms around his neck. “What took you so long? I was worried sick. Do you know how long you’ve been gone? And RJ wouldn’t let me call on the cell.” She shot an accusatory glare at him over Beau’s shoulders, but he just shrugged.

  “Just following orders, ma’am.”

  Beau hugged her tightly and pushed her back. After studying the worried expression on her face, he became apologetic. “I’m so sorry, kitten. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  She punched him in the arm. “Well, you did. So … did you find anything?”

  He shook his head as Clay answered. “Nothing. The apartment was empty.”

  She looked back and forth between the men. “What does that mean?”

  Clay shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  She looked outraged. “You don’t know? You worried me to death for nothing?” She reached out and punched Clay in the arm.

  The other men laughed and Clay said, “Ouch. Sorry, sweetheart.” He looked around at the grins everyone wore. “Okay. I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I’m pretty beat. And beat up. Think I’ll head to bed. We need to be up early in the morning.”

  After another quiet chuckle, they all agreed. RJ was taking first shift, so he settled himself on the couch with the remote control in his hand, and everyone else made their way down the hallway.


  When they entered her bedroom, Beau pulled Katherine into his arms. For a long moment he just held her against him, inhaling the scent of her hair as it tickled his nose. Her arms crept around his waist and held him tightly. He pulled back a bit to look down into her eyes and could still see lingering traces of worry there. “I really am sorry to have worried you, my sweet kitten. And the truth is, after we left Maxwell’s apartment I asked Clay to stop by the mall.”

  She looked at him incredulously. “The mall? For what?”

  “I wanted to get something for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a flat jewelers’ box. “I just … I couldn’t stand the thought of that guy’s bracelet on your wrist, even for a second. And I didn’t want you thinking about it there. So I got you a replacement.”

  He opened the box and held it out to her. She just gazed into the box with a stunned expression on her face. Beau knew what she would see. He had carefully selected the bracelet with the dangling heart charm to replace that ‘other’ charm bracelet—to remove completely her memory of it and replace it with one given to her in love. He hoped that she would understand what he was trying to do. When she blinked up at him, tears trembling on her lashes, he knew that she had. He picked up the bracelet, setting the box aside. “Your wrist, kitten.”

  She held out her wrist and watched as he fastened the clasp of the bracelet. As soon as he had finished, she flung her arms around his neck, crying. “I love you so much.” He could barely make out the words through her sobs. Weaving his hand into her hair, he pulled her head back and kissed her, tasting her salty tears and the flavor that was uniquely hers … a taste he was addicted to.

  Her tears diminished as he deepened the kiss, and he lingered there, letting his tongue leisurely explore the interior warmth of her mouth. Opening wider, she entwined her tongue with his. He drew her tongue deeper into his mouth, sucking on it as his hands roved over her back and cupped her buttocks. Pulling her tightly to him, he nestled his hardening cock into the notch of her thighs. She moaned lightly into his mouth. He briefly pulled back to readjust the angle of his head and then returned to the kiss. He wanted to devour her with his mouth, his tongue, his teeth.

  Finally he released her. While she stood motionless, he stepped back and began to unfasten his shirt. Unbuttoning it as she watched, he became even more aroused at the expression in her eyes as she followed the movements of his fingers as they slowly moved down a button at a time. She licked her lips and he could feel his cock jump in anticipation. Finally he shrugged out of his shirt and reached for his belt. Quickly dispensing with it, he toed off his shoes and began unfastening his pants. He saw her move as if to help him, but he stopped her. “No, baby. You just stand there and watch.” She nodded her agreement, and he pushed his pants off his hips, taking his boxers with them. In moments, he had removed his socks and stood before her naked.

  He moved his hands to his cock and began stroking himself. Her eyes gazed as though mesmerized at the hypnotic movement. The look on her face had him more aroused than he could ever remember being. He moved toward her. When she reached out, he told her, “No, stand still, kitten.” She dropped her hand and stood there as he moved around her. His hands reached out to gently caress her hair, as fascinated with the color and texture as he had been the first time he had seen it. It was so red he thought it should burn as he pushed his fingers through the long, straight locks. He felt the slight shiver she gave at the caress. He picked up a handful and brought it up to his face, rubbing it over the rough skin of his cheek and inhaling deeply of its scent. He wondered briefly what shampoo she used that made it smell so sweet. So delicious.

  His hands moved lower, and he grasped her shoulders, squeezing gently, and her head dropped back to brush against his chest. Sliding his hands lower still, he caressed her arms, feeling their gentle strength. He grazed his fingers across her belly, still covered by the cotton shirt she wore. Moving his hands lightly over her crotch, he felt her indrawn breath. He didn’t pause but moved back up, dragging her shirt with him and pulling it over her head. He unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, he took in the sight before hi

  Her back was beautiful. Pale skin molded over sleek muscles. Stroking his fingertips across her shoulder blades and down her spine, he could see every ridge and curve. He traced over her skin as a blind man would, not leaving a single inch unexplored. Katherine moaned and attempted to move closer, and he knew she wanted a firmer stroke. But he wasn’t ready and told her, “Be still, Kat. Let me rediscover you.” She subsided beneath his touch.

  He bent down and traced his tongue over her neck. Drawing her taste into his mouth, he went back for a second sip, closing his mouth over the tender skin at the place where her neck and shoulder met. Apparently it was a very sensitive spot for Katherine, because the shiver that shook her body was strong enough to almost jar him loose. He bit down softly, and she cried out in arousal. He sucked, wanting to mark her skin, to brand her as his for all time. His hands moved up to cover her breasts, and she moaned weakly, her hips pushing back against him unconsciously.

  “Please, Beau,” she whispered.

  “Not yet, baby.” He moved his mouth lower, letting his tongue travel the same paths his hands had earlier. Kneeling behind her, he reached around to unfasten her pants and began slowly inching them down her legs. She stepped out and he tossed them aside, leaving her clad in only her lacy panties. He stroked his hands up the outside of her legs and her hips and then down again, pulling the panties over her hips and off. Leaning in he tasted, licked, sucked. He savored her. There was no other word for it. Savored her as if she were a fine wine or an expensive cigar.

  Finally he rose and turned her to face him. Her need blazed from her eyes as she stared up at him. Her nipples were tightly beaded nubs and he closed his hands over them and tugged gently. She moaned and pushed them into his grasp. “Please. God, Beau, I’m begging you. Please suck them.”

  He bent to do as she asked, and her hands rose to grasp his head as he made a meal of her offering. Reaching down he pulled her up into his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, his cock rubbing against her belly with each step he took towards the bed.

  He lowered them both onto the mattress and looked down into her eyes. “I love you so much, kitten.”

  “I love you, too, Beau.”

  “Tonight, no games, no orders. Just love. Okay, sweetheart?”

  A smile trembled on her lips as she nodded and pulled his head down to hers. When their lips met, Beau slid his hands down her belly and between her legs. She was wet, so wet and ready for him. He didn’t think he could stand much more and knew she felt the same. He ached to feel his cock inside her empty channel, his body pressing her down into the soft mattress, his chest hair scraping across her sensitized nipples.

  When he rose above her, she eagerly parted her thighs for him. His hips thrust forward and his hardness slid into her inch by inch. He stared down into her eyes as he entered her, and she stared back. It felt as if they were truly becoming part of each other. Never had he felt such a connection with another person. As he began moving slowly inside her, she reached around to pull him closer, and he bent to kiss her. They moved faster and faster, spiraling into some distant place where nothing and no one existed except for the two of them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Katherine woke slowly the next morning, a smile on her lips. Reaching out to touch Beau, her hand encountered only an empty bed. She opened her eyes and looked. Then she blinked and looked again. Resting on top of Beau’s pillow was a small, blue velvet jewelry box. A ring box. Her heart stopped. She sat up abruptly, her hand going to her mouth, which had dropped open. She heard a rough chuckle, and her eyes darted toward the sound. There he was, sitting in the armchair across the room. When their eyes met, he leaned forward, elbows resting on his jean-clad knees, and said, “Open it.”

  “Beau…” She didn’t know what to say.

  He stood. “Open it, kitten.”

  Slowly she stretched out her hand and, trembling, picked up the small box. Beau stepped nearer. “Come on, baby. Look inside.”

  She snapped open the box and froze. The most beautiful engagement ring she had ever seen rested on the white satin interior. “Oh, my God. Beau … Beau … oh, my God.”

  He crossed the room to sit beside her on the bed. He stroked his hand over her face and picked up her right hand. The heart charm dangled on her wrist, and he leaned down to kiss the skin next to where the chain rested. “I love you. I gave you my heart. A long time ago. And now, I want you to share my life. Marry me, Katherine.”

  Gazing into his eyes, seeing his love for her blazing there, Katherine knew without a shadow of a doubt that they belonged together. “Oh, Beau, yes. Yes, I love you so much. Of course, I’ll marry you.” He smiled widely and leaned down to kiss her on the lips before taking the box from her hand and lifting out the ring. He dropped another kiss on the ring finger of her left hand before sliding the ring into place.

  “I know that this might seem an odd time for a proposal, what with so much going on and so much unresolved. But I wanted to show the world that you are mine and I am yours, sweetheart. That we belong together. And this crazy bastard, I want him to know it, too. You are mine. And nothing, and no one, is going to take you away from me. Not now. Not ever.” His eyes burned into hers before he pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, and she could feel the love flowing between them.

  Later, they got dressed and went to join the others around the breakfast table. Katherine showed off her ring to the men.

  Clay and Derek grinned. “Ah … yeah, we’ve seen it, darlin’.” Clay volunteered. “We were with Beau when he picked it out yesterday. Why do you think we were gone so long? He must have looked at every damn ring in that shop before he found the right one.”

  She cast a quick glance over at Beau, who was actually blushing a bit. “Really?” Wanting to hear more, she prodded Clay. “Do tell.”

  He sent a sidelong glance at Beau, who glared at him, but he just smiled. “He said it had to be just perfect because he was giving it to the perfect lady. He wanted it to be … now how did he put it, Derek?” He turned to his companion, who rubbed his chin as if in deep thought.

  “Something like … oh, yes … delicate but strong. Simple yet intricate. Subtle, but obviously a symbol of love.” Derek’s eyes glowed with humor.

  “Okay, that’s enough, you two.” Beau growled at them. And all of them burst out laughing. Even Beau couldn’t maintain his snarly attitude in the face of such hilarity, and his lips began curling up into a grin of his own.

  Katherine rose to go stand behind him, wrapping his arms around his neck and bending down to kiss his cheek. She whispered, “It was a beautiful ring before, Beau, but it’s even more beautiful to me now, knowing how much thought you put into buying it.”

  He drew her down into his lap and gazed into her eyes. “If you don’t like it, kitten, you can always exchange it for…”

  But she just shook her head before he could finish. “There is not ring anywhere in this world that I could love more than I love this one.”

  He pulled her head down to his and gave her a lingering kiss. Just before the kiss became a bit too heated, Katherine heard RJ talking. “Ah … excuse me. But this is the breakfast table, you two.”

  Beau’s eyes opened and stared into hers as they began to pull back. “All right. All right.”

  Just then Clay’s cell phone rang. The humor died on their faces as Clay dug his phone out and flipped it open. They all sat and waited as he carried on a brief conversation. As she listened to his responses to whoever was on the other end of the line, Katherine’s heart lightened. It sounded like good news.

  But the time he ended the call, he was smiling. He didn’t prevaricate. “They’ve found Aaron Maxwell.”

  “What? Already?” Katherine couldn’t believe how relieved she felt at his words.

  The prime suspect in the case had been found. It was like a great weight had been lifted. “Where is he?”

  “They picked him up in Hattiesburg. He was heading north.” Clay lo
oked at her meaningfully.

  Beau arms tightened around her. “Heading to Jackson? Chasing us?” Beau stated what was on her mind.

  Clay nodded his head. “That’s what the police think. Anyway, they’re bringing him to Jackson. He should be here in a couple of hours.” His head turned to Beau. “They’ve said we can come and watch the interview if we want. I was pretty sure that you would, so I told him to call me as soon as he arrived.”

  “Damn right.”

  Katherine could feel the tension in Beau so she rubbed her hand soothingly over his shoulder and then stood up.

  “I want to come, too.” She spoke out.

  “No way, kitten.” Beau didn’t hesitate.

  Clay was just shaking his head. “Not a good idea, sweetheart. You need to stay here, just in case. RJ’s gonna stay with you. We’ll call you as soon as we’re done.”

  RJ grinned at her. “Looks like it’s you and me again, babygirl.”

  She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to argue but stopped at the look in Beau’s eyes. She could tell that she was wasting her breath. She wanted to argue, and felt as if she deserved to be there, to see the man who had made her life such a living hell. The man who had so brutally killed Harper. It just wasn’t fair.

  Clay spoke up. “Katherine, this is not going to be easy or fun. The police will be very tough in their interrogation and … well … there will be some details that come out that are going to be pretty unpleasant. It’s really best that you stay here. I promise you that we’ll tell you everything just as soon as the interview is over. Plus,” he reminded her, “we only think that this guy is our man. What if he’s not? You’ll be safer here with RJ than traveling through the streets of Jackson, Mississippi.”

  She blew out a breath and said, “Okay. Okay. I get it. I’ll be a good little girl and wait here with my sexy babysitter.”

  RJ barked out a quick laugh and stood up to quickly walk around the table and enfold her in a quick hug. “And we’ll have a blast, baby. How do you feel about hanging out at the pool?”


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