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Bloodlines: Currents

Page 11

by Mechele Armstrong

  Henri spoke in a hushed whisper. “I’m sure.”

  “How sure?”

  “Very sure.”

  “Can you see better as a vampire?” The moon cast a faint glow over the ground, the only thing allowing Nathan to see at all. Jacques would be having the same problem. But would Bellario?

  “I can. Hear and smell better, too.”

  “Hmmph. Aren’t you lucky?”

  Considering all the times I could scent your arousal dripping in my presence, I’d say so. The words were almost growled.

  Nathan’s head came up with a start, considering he had an erection right now. If only he could look up at the man in the tree to see his expression, but he didn’t dare. You’re teasing me.


  The seriousness the man displayed most of the time had shown Nathan that he didn’t tease or play often. A warmth spread across Nathan’s stomach. He teased me. That was special. His cock tightened even more.

  His head shot up straighter. The last few sentences of banter hadn’t been spoken aloud. They’d been speaking in each other’s minds. How the hell had they done that?

  He didn’t have long to ponder anything. Jacques stepped out of the trees surrounding them. Holding a gun.

  You didn’t tell me about the gun.

  My nose isn’t that sensitive. I’m coming down.

  No. We have the advantage with you being up there. I’ll tell you when.

  Or at least, they should still have an advantage if things worked out. Nathan’s heart pounded as his palms sweated. The gun made all bets go crazy. He straightened up from his crouched position.

  Henri would tell him when this was all over, why they could talk in each other’s mind, but it was rather helpful about now. They could plot with no one knowing what they said. Stupid man would never seen Henri coming. “Hello, Jacques.”

  “You’re one hard son-of-a-bitch to kill.” Jacques leveled the weapon at him. “But I think now I’m going to get my wish.”

  Nathan scrambled back a step or two, grabbing a few small stones to take with him from his pile. “You can try.” His stomach rose. How dare Jacques want him dead? It wasn’t fair to be so cruel just because he hadn’t wanted to be with Jacques again. What a sad little man.

  “This gun says I’ll succeed. Hey, where’d your fuck buddy go? The one who you left town with. He get tired of you already, you lousy lay?”

  The growl sounded in Nathan’s head. The rage bubbled up in Henri. Great. Henri mad was good for fighting, but if he became too enraged, he’d make mistakes. Calm down.

  “Or maybe he died. People do tend to do that to you.” Jacques laughed. “We did fill him full of holes back at your house.”

  “Shut up.” Nathan shouldn’t have given him the satisfaction but couldn’t control his outburst.

  “You know I killed a bunch of animals in your name, right? Made you look as if you were the demon you are, you freak.”

  Nathan. Henri sounded impatient.

  Let him walk a little further.

  Nathan backed up again, making Jacques take halting steps forward. “You’re a no-good, freak of a bastard, who I’m going to enjoy putting a hole in.” He aimed the gun, took another step.

  Now. Bellario is closer than I sensed before!

  One more step.

  “It was so easy to get the villagers against you. They all hated you. Everyone did. Who’d want a freak like you? Not as a neighbor. Or for fucking.”

  Nathan stayed silent, egging Jacques on to talk more and more. As long as he kept walking, things would work out fine.

  Jacques took the step they’d needed at the same time that Bellario bellowed, “Jacques!” Jacques swung around to face one angry vampire, backing off from the perfect spot Henri had been in to drop onto him.

  “Shit.” Nathan took up a fighting stance. This was not going according to the plan.

  Shit. Henri dropped down from the tree. “Hello, Bellario.”

  Before anyone could move further, Jacques’s face twisted, his mouth curling upward. “Fucking freak.” And he aimed the gun at Nathan. Blam.

  Definitely not according to plan, was Nathan’s last thought as red-hot pain exploded across his chest.

  * * * * *

  Henri heard the gun blast, saw Nathan fall to the ground. “Nathan!” He was at his side in two steps. Blood poured from a wound in his chest. “Nathan!” He shook him a little, pulling aside his shirt to see the gaping edges marring his perfect skin.

  Nathan roused to consciousness. “I’m shot.” His breathing came high and frenzied with rasps along the airwaves.

  White rage clouded Henri’s eyesight. Nathan had been hurt, and the one who had done that would pay. Henri turned at a strangled sound from behind them as the gun landed by Nathan’s outstretched arm.

  Bellario had Jacques by the neck. His mouth was clamped to him, biting, as Jacques struggled weakly against him. Good. At least the bastard would be taken out of this world. Not anything he wished on humans, but this one deserved to die a thousand times over.

  However, the damage had been done.

  Nathan was dying.

  His air croaked from his chest in a sound that labored his breathing. It scratched along Henri’s nerves.

  He cradled him closer. “Shhhhhhhh.” Time was running out. He had to save Nathan, had to turn him. He couldn’t...wouldn’t lose him now, not after he’d found him. He clutched Nathan even tighter. So this was what love was. Nathan wasn’t the only one dying. Henri’s heart was being ripped into pieces. The acknowledgement hit him like a sack of grain.

  He loved Nathan.

  With all his being.

  Bellario dropped Jacques’s body as if it were a child’s rag doll, letting out a low growl. “Get away from him. He’s mine.” He bared his fangs at Henri.

  Henri arched a brow at the challenge. “Not in this lifetime.” The beast rose up at Bellario trying to claim what was his. Nathan is ours.

  His whole body tensed around his own anger as a coldness seeped along his skin. Sweat broke out in cooling pools, chilling him further. “You’ll never have him.” He released Nathan as gently as he could, not wanting to hurt him. As it was, Nathan groaned. Getting to his feet, Henri flexed his arm muscles as he took a defensive stance in front of Nathan. He tried to keep his control dead center.

  “You’ll regret this, Henri.” Bellario stalked in front of him, snarling. “You’ll regret going up against me.”

  The beast moved within Henri, fanning up his rage and frustration. Mixing up his emotions. Henri howled with the onslaught. He couldn’t fight two battles at once, unable to control his animal and take on Bellario. Bellario was the more important fight. He had to get back to Nathan. Had to save him. The best way to do that was to kill the interloper.

  Henri let the beast rage loose and unbound. His teeth gritted, wanting to sink into flesh and rend it to the bared bone underneath. He crouched before springing onto Bellario, tackling him, tearing with hands, snapping his jaws, trying to get a mouth-hold upon the squirmy vampire.

  Bellario twisted his body, trying to escape, digging in with his hands before he knocked his head down to butt Henri. Hurt imploded in Henri’s skull. He ignored it, gnashing teeth, ripping into the flesh of Bellario’s shoulder along with his clothes. Bellario’s shock emanated from him. He hadn’t expected full body contact.

  “Nooooo!” Bellario screamed, wriggling his hips. “You’re crazy.”

  “You’ll die...”

  Bellario brought something down on Henri’s head. He bashed with it, slamming it down three times before Henri loosened his hold. Bellario struggled free, his shoulder leaking blood. “I thought you were supposed to be civilized.”

  Henri didn’t answer, but leaped for him again now that the pounding no longer echoed along his skull. Must kill. Must kill.

  Bellario raised his arms, the rock that he’d banged on Henri’s head tightly clutched in his hands.

  Must kill. Must kill.

bsp; A clicking sound, so quiet Henri almost didn’t hear it, was followed by a bang that the whole forest heard.

  Bellario looked down at the blown out hole in his gut. His head swung to Nathan, who held Jacques’s gun. “You shot me.”

  Nathan lowered it, collapsing back down to the dirt. “I missed. I aimed for your head.”

  Henri sprang, this time coming down with his body fully on Bellario’s. The momentary weakness of the blood loss from the wound cost him. Henri had attached himself and wouldn’t let go before Bellario gathered his senses. Not even when Bellario shook, nor when he screamed did Henri’s hold loosen. Only when ash had eaten Bellario up did Henri release what he couldn’t hold.

  His breath galloped from his nose in short bursts. Must...get...kill...control must...kill...get...kill...control...Nathan. Nathan. Nathan.

  On shaking legs, he maneuvered to his lover. Had to get control for Nathan. He shoved the blood lust, shoved his beast, back into its dark hole.

  Nathan’s breath rattled around his chest. A gurgle popped out along with red-tinged spittle. His heart stopped pumping.

  Henri grabbed Nathan’s head, forcing it back, lowering his own head. His teeth clenched a spot, sinking into Nathan’s flesh. He took the little remaining blood up in short suckles.

  Cradling Nathan’s head more upright, he opened the skin on his arm with his teeth. With his thumb keeping Nathan’s mouth open, he trickled his own blood over Nathan’s pale lips. Drop after drop of his vitae spilled in as Nathan swallowed.

  Nathan’s breath caught. His heart pounded again. As his eyes shot open, he coughed heavily.

  Henri patted his back, letting go of his tight hold. It had been too damn close. He’d almost lost him. Never again.

  “The moon’s still out, but it looks as if it were daytime.” Nathan struggled to sit further up. Henri helped brace him so he wouldn’t fall backward. “The sounds. God.” He clasped his ears with his hands. “It’s so loud. Everything’s loud. Even me.”

  Henri stroked gently along his back. “You’ll adjust. Give it time.” As Nathan trembled, he kept him close.

  “You made me. A vampire.” It wasn’t accusatory. A simple statement. Nathan could sense the changes in himself.

  “Yes.” Henri steeled himself for whatever reaction the man might have. Anger, sadness, joy, they all were possible.

  “You saved my life.”

  “Yes. You were dead.”

  “Why? Why save me?”

  Henri pulled him as close as he dared. Nathan would not be as coherent as usual for a few hours as his powers kicked in. He had so much to adjust to, especially with his senses. It was best not to attempt anything strenuous until most of the adjustments had gone through.

  Would Nathan still be able to be empathetic, sensing feelings? Would he be able to draw off emotion? What new powers might he turn up with? Suppose his animal was too... No, he wouldn’t let that happen. Nathan would learn control. From him. But what if Nathan didn’t want to be with him? It wasn’t anything they’d ever talked about.

  “I know I’m fucked up in the head. But I know I asked you why you saved me,” Nathan whispered. “And you didn’t answer.”

  And Nathan deserved an answer not the silence, but what to say? “Because...I...” How did one say what had never been said from one’s own lips before? “I love you, Nathan.”

  Nathan trembled more . With surprising strength, he pulled Henri’s head to his to claim his lips. Henri tasted the metallic flavor of blood. His own. Nathan parted his lips with his tongue before pulling back. “I love you, too.”

  Nathan rubbed his neck where the bite wound was already healing. His gunshot would be healed by morning, sooner if they found a meal.

  “I’d kill those who hurt you.” Henri’s rage rose up as if it were a rearing stallion inside of him, threatening to break free. No. Not now. He clamped down on it, taking the reins, trying to jam it back into its compartment.

  The light feeler startled him as emotion rolled back through the psychic tentacle. Henri’s rage eased into something he could manage. His eyes sought Nathan’s as he shuddered, working to keep control of himself. Henri rubbed his arms, making soothing sounds.

  That answered that question. Nathan could ingest his emotions still. And he’d done a damn fine job of it. Rarely was Henri so at ease as he was now. Nothing was trying to break free from its leash. “Are you all right?”

  “I am. How do you live with that? Day after day?”

  Henri shrugged. “I just do.” With Nathan able to take away his emotion, maybe he’d live under better control. They’d have to take that one step at a time, though. Who said Nathan would even want to be with him forever?

  Nathan fought against the new sensations, emotional and sensory, before relaxing and taking them in slowly.

  “In time, you’ll learn to control your senses so you don’t overload.”

  “Will you help me?”

  Maybe Nathan would want to be with him. It was a start at least. Henri rested his temple on Nathan’s. “Of course.”

  Chapter Ten

  Nathan watched as Henri shut the door to his room. “I like your house.” He lowered himself to the bed in one resounding bounce.

  Henri waved a hand as he pulled out a decanter of wine. “It suits me.” He poured the red liquid into a small glass.

  It did more than suit. Henri owned a large house in the heart of Paris. It was triple the size of Nathan’s little farmhouse. “You’re taking wine? I didn’t think we could eat or drink anything but blood.”

  They had arrived in Paris an hour ago. Henri’s servants had seemed glad to see him and had fussed over Nathan.

  “I take a little wine on occasion. We can eat small amounts of food. Anything more, and you get sick.” Henri took a sip, lowering himself to a padded chair.

  “I’ll have to make the food I eat count. Make it something I enjoy. Something sweet.” Being a vampire was a little overwhelming at first. Nathan was slowly adjusting to his increased senses. They’d stayed where he’d been made until sounds no longer hurt, until the light didn’t make him blind.

  “I’m sure you’ll find something.” Henri set down his glass with a clink. “Speaking of eating, are you hungry?”

  Nathan grinned, his eyebrows wiggling up and down.

  Henri arched his own eyebrow. “I meant for blood.”

  “I know what you meant.” Nathan slid up and off the bed. “But I know what I mean.” He stalked over to Henri, settling himself between Henri’s thighs. Henri laid his head on Nathan’s stomach.

  “Are you sure you are up for it? You’ve been through a lot today.”

  Nathan reached down to grasp Henri’s arm and pull up his hand. He stuck the hand on his erect cock. “I’m up for it.”

  Henri’s hand roamed, squeezing and touching. “I see.”

  “And I need to...feel someone love me.” The hand stopped. “I need you to love me.” Nathan planted his legs further out. “Please.”

  The hand went back to massaging. “Of course I will.”

  Nathan’s hips swung in and out as he panted. And with each breath, it brought new scents. Things he couldn’t have noticed before. Sweet smells like the rolls baking in the kitchen. The overripe smell of grapes on the table. And the heady scent of Henri’s arousal. Nathan’s breath scissored in and out of his mouth. “You’re leaking. I can tell now.”

  Henri gave his balls a squeeze. “Cheeky.”

  “Damn right, I am. But I’m right. So sweet. Salty.” He couldn’t wait to bury his face in Henri and get himself coated with Henri’s scent.

  Henri pushed him slightly back. “Let’s go to the bed.”

  “You have a thing for beds, don’t you?” Nathan followed behind him, enjoying his view of Henri’s nice ass.

  Henri chuckled. “They’re comfortable. But they’re not the only places I have sex.” He turned as he reached the bed.

  “Oh, really?”

  “You’ll be finding out.
Everywhere. Might take me years to show you.”

  “Decades.” Nathan stopped in front of Henri, looking at the man he’d taken as his own. Henri’s dark hair was disheveled. His clothes were rumpled and dirty from their journey. And, somehow, he had an air of sophistication pulsing from him that no one could take away. Long lashes came down to shade those mahogany brown eyes. And without a doubt, Nathan could look into that face for an eternity and never get bored. “We should probably clean up. Your sheets are so clean.” They had briefly dusted off when they’d come in. Henri’s servants had been concerned with any wounds and hearing about what had happened. Henri treated them like friends, insisting that he and Nathan hadn’t needed assistance. The sheets looked so soft. He reached a finger to touch the material. It flowed under them.

  “They’re silk.” Henri pulled Nathan to him, his fingers lifting the bottom of Nathan’s shirt.

  Nathan looked down at the material. He’d never seen silk before. “We could clean each other.” He waggled brows at Henri.

  “That was my intention.” He grasped the top of Nathan’s breeches in one hand, hurriedly undoing them.


  Nathan quickly divested himself of his pants. Henri left, coming back with a basin of water and a cloth. Nathan helped Henri shuck off his clothes. His eyes took in Henri’s nakedness. The man could look so good clothed, but naked, he was magnificent.

  Picking up the washcloth, Nathan proceeded to wring out the water. Henri’s eyes watched his every move.

  Nathan gently rubbed the cloth against Henri’s cheeks, sponging off his face. He moved down to Henri’s neck and broad shoulders. Blood and grime had coated him wherever the skin had been exposed. Each drop of blood that Nathan wiped away reminded him of how Henri had saved him. Three times today.

  He rinsed the rag, wringing out the extra water again. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Henri let out a grunt as the cloth grazed a nipple.

  “Saving me.” Nathan flicked the cloth across the other nipple. They were such a deep brown color.

  Henri chuckled. His chest moved under Nathan’s roving hands. “Somehow, I have a feeling it won’t be the last time.”


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