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Four Weddings & A Vendetta (Remington Ranch #5)

Page 10

by SJ McCoy

  Carter had to smile. He wondered how Uncle Chancey dealt with her.

  After he’d dropped her off and watched her safely inside the building, Carter headed back up the driveway, his shoulders set. He was half-expecting Guy to be out by the road again.

  He wasn’t.

  When he got up to town, he decided to stop by his house before he went into the nursery. He wouldn’t disturb Alex. He’d no doubt still be sleeping since he worked as a bartender at the Mint. He’d been renting the place this last couple of months, and it was working out well. Alex was a good guy. He’d been tired of the houseshare he had in town, and this worked well for Carter since he had someone on site. He smiled to himself. He liked having someone here to keep an eye on Buster and the other cats who hung out in the shed.

  He parked up and went to check on them. Buster came out and curled around his legs with a baleful meow. “Hey, buddy, how’ve you been?” Carter asked as he scratched the cat’s ears. “Have you missed me?” He opened the shed door and was pleased to see full food and water bowls inside. Alex had said he loved cats and he certainly seemed to take care of them.

  Carter felt a bit dumb. He’d only come to check in on the cats. He was a caretaker at heart. He’d taken care of Ruby this morning, he needed to take care of the cats who’d come to depend on him. He wished he could keep Summer by his side and take care of her the whole while. He made his way back to the truck and dug his phone out of his pocket. He’d give her a quick call before he started the day. He knew she’d be worrying about whether Guy had been outside school this morning.

  It rang for a long while before she picked up, and when she did, her voice sounded terrible.


  “Hey, you don’t sound too good. I won’t make you talk. I just wanted to let you know that I dropped Ruby off with no problems this morning. There was no sign of him.”

  “I know,” she croaked.

  “You do? How?”

  “Because he was here.”

  “What?! Summer, what do you mean? Are you okay? His heart was thundering in his chest as he hauled the truck around sending gravel flying. He was back out to the road by the time she answered.

  “I’m okay. I’m fine. He just scared me.”

  “How? What happened? What did he do?”

  “He didn’t do anything. I’m okay, honestly. He just sat there, in his truck, in the driveway. Carter, he just stared up at the house. I thought it was you coming back, that you’d forgotten something so I went out to the front deck and when I saw him I just ran back inside and locked the door behind me. I peeked out the window at him, but it was like he could see me. He looked right at me and smiled.”

  “Why didn’t you call me, darlin’?” Carter hated the thought of her being home alone and terrorized by that asshole. This had to stop, and it had to stop today!

  “I didn’t want you to do anything stupid.”

  Carter closed his eyes briefly and opened them again to concentrate on the road ahead. “I’m not going to do anything stupid. I’m going to do what we should have done right from the beginning.”

  “Carter, no!”

  “It’s okay, darlin’. I’m coming to see you first. You hang tight.”

  “Okay, drive safely.”

  As soon as he hung up, Carter dialed Mason’s number.

  “What’s up?”

  “While I was making sure Ruby got to school safely this morning, Preston was outside our house spooking Summer.”

  “Shit, really?”

  “Really. He’s fucking with us, Mason, and I’m not going to stand for it anymore. He messed with my head last night. First his truck was empty, then he was in it. He’s just fucking with us and I have to stop him.”

  “Whoa, slow down, big man. You can’t just go and beat the crap out of him.”

  “Oh, no? You watch me.”

  “Carter! Don’t. You’d be playing right into his hands. A beating won’t stop him. It’ll just make him worse, and you’ll end up in all kinds of hot water. It’s not worth it.”

  “Don’t tell me Summer’s not worth it, Mason. You’d be the same if it was Gina.”

  “I’m not saying that and you know it. You’re right, I would do the same. But we have to keep calm heads. You don’t want to get locked up and leave Summer at home by herself.”

  “She wouldn’t be by herself. She’d go to the ranch; she’d have to stay with mom and dad. Or you and Gina.” Carter stopped for air as a thought struck him. “In fact, that’s what we should do.”

  “What? Calm down and tell me what we should do.”

  “I am calm. I just figured it out. Instead of everyone creeping around scared, we should move everyone to the ranch till we sort him out. There’s only Summer and Cassidy who aren’t there most of the time anyway. When Cassidy needs to go to the gallery, she and Gina can at least go together.”

  “You think they’re going to agree to coming to stay down here? I can’t see Cassidy agreeing to that.”

  Carter sighed. “You’re probably right, but I think it’s what we should do. Guy might just be fucking with us, but I for one don’t want to gamble on him not actually doing anything.”

  Mason was quiet for a long moment.


  “I’ll talk to Shane and let him talk to Cassidy. If you want to bring Summer down here, you go ahead and do that. She can stay at the cottage with us if she likes, or Mom and Dad would love to have you guys up at the big house. Whatever you want to do. But, Carter, I know the one thing you really want to do right now is go beat the crap out of Guy. I need you to promise me that you won’t.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You have to. Your first priority is Summer, right? So, you go get her and you bring her down here. We’ll talk.”

  Carter blew out a big sigh. “Okay. But I’m not just sitting around anymore, waiting to see what he does next. Is Chance at the ranch?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want the two of you riding out for vengeance.”

  “Just see if you can round him up for when I get there? If you and Shane are there, it’ll be two on one trying to talk me out of it. If Chance is around, I’ll have someone in my corner.”

  “I’ll find him, but you know we’re all in your corner.”

  “Yeah, course I do. Sorry. But I’m not…”

  “I know, I know. You just drive. Go get Summer and I’ll see you in a little while.”


  ~ ~ ~

  Mason hung up and shoved his phone back in his pocket. He’d had a hard enough time keeping Carter and Chance on a leash. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to for much longer. Part of him wasn’t sure he wanted to either. He’d love to go find Guy himself and solve it with his fists. But it just wasn’t that simple. They weren’t kids anymore. And Guy was a wily opponent—if not a worthy one. He’d already lost too much to the man. He wasn’t going to underestimate him again.

  He grabbed his hat from the hook by the barn door and strode out into the sunlight. He needed to find Chance. He spotted Shane coming up the driveway from the lodge.

  “What’s up, Mase? You look like you’re about to commit a murder.”

  Mason rolled his eyes. “I’m out to try and stop Carter and Chance from doing just that.”

  “Oh, shit. What’s happened now?”

  “Walk with me and I’ll tell you.”


  They set out for the bunkhouse where Chance had an office in the back.

  “I just got off the phone with Carter. He’s racing back down the valley as we speak. Apparently while he was taking little Ruby to school this morning, Guy was sitting outside his house scaring the life out of Summer.”

  “Shit! Is she okay?”

  “Pretty spooked by the sounds of it, but he didn’t do anything. Just sat in his truck in the driveway watching her.”

  Shane ran a hand through his hair. “He’s a fucking freak! Why would he do that? He’ll be wearing a clown suit next.”<
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  Mason had to laugh. “It wouldn’t surprise me. I think he’s really losing it.”

  “And that just makes him more dangerous, right?”


  “So what do we do?”

  “First things first. We need to keep Carter and Chance from finishing it off here and now.”

  Shane nodded grimly. “Yeah. I wouldn’t want to be Guy at the best of times, but….yeah. So assuming we can corral the two of them a while longer. What do we do next?”

  Mason wasn’t sure what Shane would make of Carter’s idea. “Carter thinks we should move everyone down here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He thinks you and Cassidy and he and Summer should come stay down here. He doesn’t want Guy to be able to catch anyone else alone like he did Summer this morning.”

  Shane rubbed a hand over his face.

  “You think Cassidy might go for that?”

  Shane laughed. “I think she’d be more likely to ride out after him with Carter and Chance than to meekly come and hide down here.”

  Mason laughed. “I suspected as much. I’m just glad we already live here; I can’t see Gina going with it otherwise.”

  “I think it’s a good idea. Cass can handle herself, no doubt about it. But I hate the thought that she might have to.” He shook his head as if he were trying to get rid of thoughts of what could happen. He met Mason’s gaze. “I’ll talk to her. Summer and Carter can have one of the cabins if they want.”


  Shane laughed. “That’s easy for you to say.”

  “I know, that’s why I’m laughing. I don’t envy you one bit.”

  They’d reached the bunkhouse and Mason knocked on the office door, hoping Chance was there and not gone out checking fences yet. He’d gotten pretty paranoid the last few weeks that Guy might try to do something to the cattle.

  “Come on in.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Whoever was knocking, Chance intended to get rid of them just as fast he could. He’d just gotten off the phone with April and he needed time to think.

  He stared at the door as it opened; his mind was racing.

  “Jesus!” Shane grinned at him. “Should I go get you some coffee? That look can only mean you haven’t had any yet this morning.”

  Chance stared at him wondering what he was talking about.

  Mason raised an eyebrow. “What’s up? If looks could kill, you’d be down two brothers right now.”

  Chance nodded and dragged his mind to the present. “What do you want?”

  “A welcome would have been nice, but since we’re not going to get one of those, how about you tell us what’s got you rattled?”

  Chance narrowed his eyes. He loved Shane. He still thought of him as a little, little brother. He might be six feet four of strapping cowboy with a great head on his shoulders and a great business under his belt, but he wasn’t the first person Chance wanted to talk to when things got nasty.

  Mason was giving him a long measured look. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to talk to Mason. Not this time. Chance was starting to think it was time to ride solo. Guy was going off the rails. Every one of the brothers had something to lose. Something Guy could use to hurt them—someone they loved, a home, a business. Chance himself had nothing to lose.

  He shook his head. “Nah, I just need coffee, you’re right.” He got up from his desk and went through to the little kitchen area, to brew a fresh pot.

  Mason followed him and stood in the doorway. “You know you can’t bullshit me. What’s happened?”

  Chance shrugged. He might want to ride solo, but he wasn’t sure he could lie to Mason’s face either. He turned to stare out the window. “I’m just in a bad mood this morning.”

  “Come on.” Shane had joined Mason in the doorway. “You normally can bullshit me,” he said with a rueful smile. “But even I can tell that something has got you well and truly rattled. And even I know that it’s something to do with Guy.”

  Chance pursed his lips and stared at him. It’d be too easy to shoot Shane down and shut him up. But he couldn’t make himself do it; it’d be like kicking a puppy who was trying to please. He turned his gaze on Mason. Even if he brushed Shane off, Mason wouldn’t let it go.

  “What brings the two of you out here anyway?” They didn’t know that he’d been talking to April; they must have come on business of their own.

  Mason held his gaze. “I’m not sure I even want to tell you.”

  That made Chance smirk. “So we’re going to go about this like grade schoolers instead of men, are we? I won’t tell you what’s eating me, so you won’t tell me what’s eating you?”

  Shane chuckled, but Mason’s face was stony. “No. It’s just that what I have to tell you is going to piss you off, and you’re already pissed.”

  Chance nodded. “I am. So go ahead. We may as well get it over with.”

  “You have to pinky swear,” said Shane. “We tell you ours; you tell us yours.”

  Chance couldn’t help but smile. How could he stay mad when Shane was such a goofball? He was determinedly optimistic. He couldn’t stand to see people angry.

  “Okay, Mr. Sunshine, I’ll tell you.” His smile evaporated. “But I’ll also tell you right now that I’m going to deal with this as I see fit.”

  Mason sighed.

  “Just tell me. None of us have got all day.”

  “Okay. Guy seems to be stepping it up. He was sitting outside Carter’s place this morning when Summer was home alone.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine, just scared silly.”

  Chance nodded. She would be. He saw Summer as the most delicate of the girls. She was sweet and kind. She was no weakling, but she wasn’t a badass like Gina or Cassidy. “Do I need to go find Carter?”

  “No. Carter’s gone to get her. He’s bringing her down here.”

  “I know you didn’t come to tell me I can go get Guy. So…what?”

  Mason shrugged. “I wanted to find you before Carter does. I didn’t want the two of you getting together and…”

  Chance nodded again. “Fair enough.”

  “That’s it?” asked Shane. “Fair enough? You’re not going to go hunt him down?”

  Chance shook his head. “Not yet.” He caught Mason’s eye. “Don’t get me wrong. It’d be my first choice, but I’m trying to play this your way. You can keep me on the leash for now, but I’m not going to be able to hold back much longer.”

  “See, now you’ve got me worried. Whatever was on your mind when we walked in here, is even worse than him going after Summer. I know it is, because you’re not flying off the handle. You’re all cool and calm and calculating.”

  Shane nodded. “It’s scary, it’s like the calm before the storm.”

  He didn’t know how close to the truth he was.

  “So what is it?” asked Mason.

  Chance shrugged. He could tell them some of it, he just didn’t need to tell them what he was thinking—what he was planning.

  “April called me this morning.”

  “How is she?” asked Shane.

  Mason’s eyebrows had come down. “And?”

  “And Guy has been calling her, making threats.”

  “What kind of threats?”

  Chance stared out the window. He could hear April’s voice shaking as she’d told him. “He told her he’s going to kill her.”


  Chance nodded.

  “Do you think he means it?” asked Shane. “He can’t mean it, can he?”

  Chance looked up to meet his gaze. “Do you want to risk finding out?”

  He turned to Mason. “I have no intention of taking any chances whatsoever. I will stop him.”

  Mason nodded. “Has she talked to the police?”

  “Yeah. Her man, Eddie, he made her go straight to the local police down there. And they’re going to be in contact with the Sheriff’s Department up here. I’m going to talk to Luk
e. Apparently, he’s been dealing with the Summer Lake P.D. for a while already about Guy. He had someone break into her house to deliver threats and divorce papers, remember?”

  Mason nodded. “But why do I get the feeling that you’re not going to leave it to the boys in blue?”

  Chance shrugged. He wasn’t about to answer that.

  Chapter Eleven

  Corinne looked around the cabin. It was strange to be here as a visitor, rather than for work. Normally the cabins were just guest rooms to her—places to be cleaned, allocated, checked, and stocked—not somewhere she met up with her friends. For now, though, this cabin was Summer and Carter’s temporary home. They’d moved down here a couple of days ago so that Summer wasn’t going to be home alone anymore. Corinne peered at the cat sitting in her bed in the corner. She’d have to have this place thoroughly cleaned when they moved out.

  Summer came out of the kitchen and handed her a glass of wine. “Cassidy’s on her way and Gina shouldn’t be too long either. She’s been down in the park this afternoon taking photos.”

  “Thanks. I can’t believe I’m the first here, I’m usually the last.”

  “I’m glad you are. I wanted to talk to you.”

  Corinne took a sip of her wine and waited, wondering what Summer might want to ask her while they were on their own.

  “Is Ruby excited about the weddings?”

  “She can’t wait. She keeps talking about making everyone her family. She started calling Beau Daddy last week, just out of the blue.”

  “I know! Carter told me. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “It is. I was glad at first that they’d come up for their own names for each other. She decided he was her Beau that first night we all came down here for the cookout before I started working here. She does have a dad. We never see him or anything, but I just didn’t imagine her ever seeing Beau as her daddy, you know?”

  Summer grinned. “I don’t think anyone did, least of all Beau! But their relationship has grown, I think it’s natural that she should call him that now. He might not be her biological father, but he is her daddy, in every sense that matters.”

  Corinne nodded. “He is, and a better one even than I could have hoped for.” She pulled herself together and wiped the silly smile off her face then gave Summer an apologetic look. “Sorry, I think now I’m finally getting used to the idea that we’re getting married, I’m starting to relax about it all. I’m starting to let myself enjoy how I much I really love him.”


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