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Corbin's Bend Homecoming

Page 27

by Ruth Staunton

  “That being said,” Sebastian continued when neither man spoke. “I’d like to hear more about the community, and specifically domestic discipline. It’s something that my wife has been asking to add to our relationship for a while, but I’ve been resistant.” He paused, looking pointedly around the room. “I think she obviously really wants to live this lifestyle, but I need more information before I agree. Although, I can certainly see the benefit of discipline right about now.” He tried to make a joke of his last words, but they were also very true. Whether or not he decided to give domestic discipline a try, he and Nancy were definitely having a long discussion tonight.

  “I’m a bit shocked you’re not more upset right now,” Jonathon commented lightly, but Sebastian suspected that the seemingly innocuous statement was more than just that by the way Brent watched him for a response. He wasn’t sure what they wanted to hear, but since he’d led with the truth, he decided to keep rolling with it.

  “Oh, I’m very upset right now. Probably the most upset I’ve ever been with my wife, but I can control myself and my emotions. It doesn’t do anyone any good to scream and yell, and frankly I think it makes the person losing control look like an ass. Particularly when that person is a grown man.”

  Brent’s grim expression relaxed ever so slightly at Sebastian’s words, but he let Jonathon continue speaking. “That’s good that you feel that way because losing control has no place in domestic discipline. The Head of Household needs to remain in control at all times.”

  That term piqued Sebastian’s interest. He’d seen it before while doing research on the internet, but never found a clear explanation of what it meant. “How do you define what a Head of Household does? I don’t want to be dictating my wife’s every move. She’s a successful woman who, normally, has a good head on her shoulders.”

  “That’s different for every relationship, and only the people in the relationship can decide what type of structure they want. Some people only have a few rules, while others have many more. But once those rules are established, it’s up to the Head of Household to enforce them.”

  Sebastian turned that over in his mind for a second. “And the Head of Household enforces the rules by spanking the other person?”

  “The Taken in Hand, or submissive partner, is often punished for breaking a rule with a spanking. In fact, we have a discipline board that enforces the community rules and will use spankings to punish community members, either administered by the board or the Head of Household of that person if there is one,” Jonathon explained, to Sebastian’s astonishment. They really were out in the open about discipline here. He almost couldn’t fathom such a place, except for the fact that he was sitting right there. “There are other forms of punishment that Heads of Household may use, like corner time or writing lines. Removing privileges is a popular one as well.”

  “How do we get started with this? Assuming that I want to go forward. Like I said, I don’t want my wife to lose her personality because I’m telling her what to do and when to do it.”

  “That’s where the individual structure I mentioned comes into play. You sit down and decide together what rules are important. Many couples start with just a few and tend to focus on issues that have been causing harm to the marriage or the family.”

  “Like lying,” Brent noted wryly, chiming in for the first time.

  Jonathon glanced at Brent briefly, then continued on, undaunted by Brent’s displeasure. “Yes, like lying. Once you enter this dynamic, you’re the Head of Household and can choose how your household operates. There’s no danger of Nancy becoming anything other than a better version of the woman you love because you’re in control.”

  Jonathon paused, letting Sebastian soak in all the information he’d just been given. It all sounded good and like it could help solve a lot of the issues Sebastian had been concerned about lately.

  “Of course, this is all subject to Nancy’s consent,” Jonathon added. “She has to agree to be in a domestic discipline relationship and to give you the authority to enforce the rules and administer punishments. However, as you said earlier, it seems she’s very dedicated to going down this path.”

  “Looking back, I see that Nancy’s been manipulating me into doing what she wants for a long time, longer than I would like to admit, and I’ve been too quiet about it. She’s never done anything as outrageous as this before, but it bothered me when she made big decisions without any input from me. Now I have to wonder if she made those decisions because I didn’t step up and take control like she asked.” She’d said she wanted this lifestyle over and over again, and Sebastian had dismissed her desires as crazy every time.

  Maybe he should take what she said at face value and give it a shot. The way Brent and Jonathon explained the lifestyle didn’t sound anything like what he’d imagined, and the idea that they would be able to tailor it to the way they wanted to live made it even more appealing.

  “You know, Sebastian, as I think back on the interview I conducted with your wife, I can’t help feeling very manipulated myself. She used her professional opinion as a doctor to sway my decision and allow you to forego the earlier interviews where you would have discovered her deception.” Brent looked Sebastian in the eye and held his gaze. It didn’t come off as a threat, exactly, but Brent certainly had a point to make. “Her behavior concerns me, to the point I’m wondering if we even want her on our staff at the clinic.”

  Sebastian didn’t blink at Brent’s statement since, frankly, he was surprised they hadn’t already been ordered out of town. He maintained eye contact, but chose his words carefully before he replied. “I certainly understand your concerns, Brent, and you’d be completely justified in asking us to pack up and leave. But I can honestly say that my wife has never, ever done something this egregious, and she would never allow her personal issues to interfere with her professional judgment. She’s wanted to be a doctor since she was a little girl and wouldn’t jeopardize her career for anything. I’ve always supported her completely, and in hindsight, maybe I’ve been too much of a push over. I didn’t understand how much she wanted a power exchange type of relationship, and I feel I’m partly to blame for driving her to this extreme. Not that that excuses her behavior, not at all, but now that I’ve spoken to you gentlemen I have a better understanding about how the lifestyle works and I’m ready to try. I believe it will really benefit our marriage and is also the perfect way to deal with Nancy’s lies and manipulation.”

  Silence fell as Brent absorbed Sebastian’s words. Sebastian couldn’t say anything more to persuade these two men. He’d laid out what he wanted, now it was up to Brent and Jonathon to decide what came next for his family. Which was another thing to add to the list of conversation topics for later tonight with Nancy, Sebastian had never been more embarrassed or out of his depth as he had in the last hour. Having to apologize for Nancy’s behavior and leaving their fate in the hands of two strangers, one of whom she’d lied directly to his face, was truly mortifying. He’d plowed through though, hoping to make a good enough impression to allow them to stay.

  “Would you mind stepping into the hall for a minute, Sebastian? I’d like to discuss this with Jonathon before making a final decision,” Brent said, standing and gesturing towards the door.

  “Of course not. I appreciate the consideration.” Sebastian made a quick exit and spent the next ten minutes studying the Community Notice Board, trying not to focus on all the ‘what ifs’ that kept replaying in his head. At least the time wasn’t wasted since he’d spotted a few items of interest on the board, including some possible activities to keep Chloe busy until school started. Finally, he took a seat and gave in to the thoughts and worries running rampant in his brain.

  What if Brent and Jonathon said no? They’d have to leave town and go back to Rochester. What would they tell their family and friends? That they got kicked out of a spanking community? Not likely.

  Then again, what if Brent and Jonathon said yes? That idea caused more a
pprehension than the first possibility. If they said yes, Sebastian had to commit to this lifestyle, and that would start by going home and punishing Nancy. Sure, first they’d have a long talk, but given the town stance on discipline, he’d have to do it.

  Strangely, that idea didn’t upset him at all. His concerns lay more with how Nancy would react. Now that he understood more about domestic discipline, the opportunity to take back some of the control in their marriage pleased Sebastian. He didn’t want to be a dictator or tyrant, but he was through being walked all over, too. Even if Brent said they had to leave, Sebastian would still be having a chat with Nancy.

  A good twenty minutes passed before the door opened and Jonathon waved him back inside the office. Once the door shut behind them, Brent wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. “We’ve talked it over, and I called a few of the other Disciplinary Board members to get their opinions. We’re all in agreement that your situation is the perfect example of a relationship that could benefit from domestic discipline, and because we believe in the lifestyle, we’re willing to give you and Nancy a chance.” Brent’s words were a relief, and an opportunity. Sebastian had struggled with which outcome he’d prefer while he paced the hallway, but at hearing that they were being given the opportunity to stay in Corbin’s Bend, he knew that’s where they belonged. “That being said, you’re going to have to do a lot of work to educate yourself about the lifestyle. Jonathon has agreed to stay here with you for a while this afternoon and answer all your questions, explain our mentor program, and help you prepare for your discussion with Nancy.”

  “I really appreciate that, Jonathon. I do have a lot of questions and I’ll probably come up with a million more once I have time to go over it in my head.”

  “It’s not a problem. As Brent said, we really feel that you and Nancy could be successful in this lifestyle; it will just take time and effort to get there. We’ll expect you both to meet with your mentors regularly for guidance and support as you begin.”

  “Will you be my mentor?” Sebastian hoped so. He liked Jonathon’s open and friendly manner and felt comfortable speaking to him.

  “Oh no,” Jonathon replied, chuckling. “You’ll be paired with another Head of Household. I’m the submissive partner in my relationship. But don’t worry, I’ll be able to help you with what you need to do today.”

  Sebastian wasn’t concerned about Jonathon’s ability to answer his questions, but he was shocked that he didn’t spot any outward clues Jonathon wasn’t the dominant partner. It just went to show the truth of what they were telling him. Just because a person was submissive to their partner, didn’t mean they let people walk all over them.

  “Shattered a preconception you had there, didn’t we?” Brent said, also chuckling at Sebastian’s stunned expression.

  “I’m ashamed to admit you did. I had this idea that a submissive person would be timid or withdrawn, but that’s clearly not true.”

  “No, it’s not,” Brent agreed, then turned serious once again. “The board does expect that you will properly discipline Nancy for her behavior, Sebastian. Her lying cannot go unpunished. If I were you, I would take an extremely firm stance on this issue to prevent future incidents. I’d also recommend that you consider maintenance spankings to help establish your dominance and remind her of her submissive position since you’re embarking on this journey in the midst of a very stressful time. Between moving, starting a new job, getting your daughter adjusted and uncovering Nancy’s deceit, it would be easy to backslide into old habits. Scheduling regular, role affirmation spankings will help cement your relationship, in my opinion.” Brent glanced at his watch before standing quickly. “I have to be going, but Jonathon can explain more about how that works. It was nice meeting you, Sebastian. If you ever need anything, please give me a call.”

  Sebastian stood and shook Brent’s hand, digesting all that the man had said. “It was nice meeting you too, Brent. You can be assured that I will properly address these issues with Nancy, and thank you for the advice.”

  Brent nodded at Jonathon and left, shutting the door firmly behind him. Sebastian sat back down and faced Jonathon, ready to learn more. “Do you have a notebook or something I can take notes on?”

  Jonathon laughed, but found one quickly. “Are you ready to get started, Sebastian?”

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  Chapter 5

  The house sat strangely quiet when Nancy and Chloe arrived home after their excursion. Or maybe the ominous silence was a reflection of the internal turmoil Nancy had struggled with all morning. Last night she’d blown another opportunity to tell Sebastian the truth, instead freaking out when he wanted to drive around their new town. He had to be suspicious, and with every hour that passed the possibility of her exposure increased. Leaving him alone today probably wasn’t a good idea, but the guilt eating at Nancy had propelled her out the door after breakfast, and kept her and Chloe away for hours.

  First they stopped at a playground and spent time on every piece of equipment. Then, they’d had lunch at a little restaurant in Denver. They finally made it to the grocery store a full two hours after she’d originally intended, and then Nancy proceeded to crawl up and down each and every aisle under the guise of making sure she didn’t forget anything. Anyone watching would have assumed she’d never seen the inside of a grocery store before today. Though, in her defense, she’d managed to save quite a bit of money by comparing every item she bought to the store brand.

  Besides, she rarely had the opportunity to spend so much time alone with Chloe, and their hours together really helped Nancy get to know her daughter in a way she hadn’t realized she was missing. Now that they were in Corbin’s Bend that would change, and she and Chloe would plan regular girls’ outings.

  As long as Sebastian didn’t make them leave town once he found out the truth.

  No, she wasn’t going to consider the possibility of leaving. She couldn’t. Sebastian would understand once she explained everything, but she had to do that tonight. No more excuses. Brent seemed pretty adamant about meeting with Sebastian right away, and time was running out.

  “Sebastian, are you here?” Nancy set her purse and keys down on the kitchen counter while Chloe raced up to her room.

  “I’m upstairs,” Sebastian called down to her. “I’ll be right down to help with the groceries.”

  She heard him say hello to Chloe and ask her about her day, so she decided to go out and start unloading the truck to give him a minute. On her second trip he met her at the door, taking two heavy bags from her arms.

  “I said I was coming down to help,” he said, frowning.

  “I heard you, but I can carry bags in too, and you were talking to Chloe.” He gave her a tight smile in response before he turned and headed towards the kitchen, leaving Nancy confused. Why would he be upset with her for taking the initiative to do it herself and get the bags in the house?

  “I’ll get the rest out of the truck,” he replied, depositing the two bags on the kitchen counter and heading back to the door. “You can empty them and put everything away. Did you get my text about buying ingredients for stir-fry tonight?”

  “Yes, I bought everything you asked for.” Nancy bit her tongue before she asked him why he’d made such a specific demand for dinner. Normally he cooked whatever she wanted, but she supposed he could have an opinion on what they ate too. She just wasn’t used to it.

  He paused at the threshold and turned back towards her. “Great, thank you.” He was being weirdly formal, and it was starting to unnerve her. As was the fact that he was still standing in the doorway, looking at her, like he was waiting for something.

  “You’re welcome.” It came out sounding more like a question than a statement because Nancy wasn’t sure if that’s what he wanted, but he nodded and went out to the truck, so she’d apparently guessed correctly. Something was up with her husband, and she didn’t have a good feeling about it.

/>   The evening passed without any more odd behavior from Sebastian. They made dinner and sat down and ate together. Chloe dominated the conversation, telling Sebastian all about the playground and other sights they’d seen on their drive. Nancy watched him closely for any clues to what was going on in his head, but she didn’t pick up on anything out of the ordinary. Maybe he’d been annoyed that she and Chloe were gone for so long earlier, but when she asked while they were chopping the vegetables for the stir-fry earlier, he’d said he was busy all day.

  By the time they tucked Chloe into bed, Nancy had chalked it up to her own worries and guilt making her see things that weren’t there, creating issues where there were none.

  Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be trouble free for long though. As soon as she was sure Chloe was fast asleep, Nancy would have to tell Sebastian the truth. Her stomach fluttered and her heart pounded as the minutes crept past. They’d settled on the couch to watch television and Sebastian appeared engrossed in a crime drama she’d never seen before.

  Maybe she should wait another half hour until it was over? But then it would be almost ten o’clock and they would both probably head to bed early tonight, tired after the last few days. Maybe she could wake up early and tell him in the morning, first thing? That might be a better idea!

  The more she considered it, the more she managed to convince herself that waiting until tomorrow would be for the best. They’d both be fresh and rested, not worn and possibly cranky.

  Decision made, Nancy relaxed for the first time that day. Sure she’d have to deal with everything tomorrow, but she could at least enjoy tonight. Sitting back on the couch, she made herself comfortable and tried to pick up the thread of the show on TV.


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