Book Read Free

Corbin's Bend Homecoming

Page 55

by Ruth Staunton

  The day flew by as items flew out the door. At five o’clock, Abby was again straightening items, moving things around to fill in the empty spaces left behind by sold merchandise. Quincy walked towards the front to flip the sign on the door to closed when it opened.

  “Hi, honey, I missed you,” Henry said.

  Quincy put her hands on her hips. “Really? I’d not be able to tell as you didn’t even wait until I could help you with your list.”

  “Abby managed just fine,” Henry said, bending to give her a kiss. “I kept you up late two nights in a row and wanted to let you catch up on your sleep. However, seems you might need a bit more as you seem a bit grouchy. I sure hope you haven’t been badgering Abby all day.”

  Almost as if hearing her mother’s voice reminding her of the old adage, ‘you could catch more flies with honey than vinegar’, Quincy gave him a smile. “No, no, you have it all wrong. I’m so glad she could come in early to help you find whatever it was that you needed,” Quincy said, moving her arms to wrap around his waist. “I was just sorry I missed helping my favorite cowboy get the very best price.”

  “Darlin’, you are skirting the edge of fibbing,” Henry said, giving her bottom a pat. “You can help me recover some of my hard earned funds by letting me know if you are interested in what I’ve got out in the truck.”

  “Of course I’m interested,” she said, kissing his cheek. “So, um, might you have some foreign items?”


  “She means things from Scotland,” Abby said. “Seems she can’t remember if she had three or four tawses.”

  Henry chuckled. “I can’t promise you’ll find anything from Scotland, but I’m pretty sure there might be something you’ll like when you open those trunks.”

  “Trunks?” Quincy said, his words chasing the previous mission from her mind. “The trunks that were in that unit?”

  “The very same,” Henry confirmed. “Jim was over starting work on the ventilation system and I was moving things around. The trunks are already in good condition. There’s one that needs a new strap but otherwise, they are good to go.”

  “So you want me to take them on commission like we discussed?” Quincy asked.

  “Either that or we can work a deal on purchasing them flat out.”

  Quincy was in full businesswoman mode. “You understand that I can’t guarantee we can offer top dollar until we carefully inspect them.”

  “I’d expect no less from the woman I witnessed bidding so successfully,” Henry said. “Shall I bring them in?”

  “Yes!” Two voices chorused together rather empathically. Henry was chuckling louder as he nodded and left to get the first of the trunks.

  “Now remember, don’t show too much interest,” Quincy said. “We don’t want him to think we simply must have them.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Abby assured her and then giggled. “But, I think you’ve already ruined that plan. After all, the moment he mentioned trunks, you forgot all about tawses.”

  “Smart ass,” Quincy mumbled and then hurried to clear the top of an old table as Abby opened the door to admit Henry, a large steamer trunk in his arms, followed by Harris carrying another.

  “Hi, babe,” Harris said after setting the trunk down on the floor. “Seems every time I see Henry, I’m carting his things around.”

  “I know, isn’t it fun?” Abby said as she kissed him.

  Harris agreed and they watched as Henry pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the larger of the trunks, opening the lid.

  “It even has the original tray!” Quincy exclaimed as Henry lifted it out and set it beside the trunk.

  Exclamations were made as items were pulled from the tray. There were no rat skeletons but there were several old books that they carefully stacked onto the table. Henry lifted several items wrapped in old newspaper that turned out to be McCoy pottery.

  Quincy held up a piece that was a woman’s head complete with bright red painted lips, blue eyes and curly black lashes. Yellow hair framed the pretty face. It was flat on the backside and Quincy explained it was hung against a wall. “I’ve seen these used for small ivy plants or even to hold combs or makeup in a bathroom. It’s hard to find these little ladies anymore. There are at least four in here as well as ones of various animals. McCoy was quite famous for their pottery.”

  “I don’t know, this one is chipped, see?” Abby tapped her fingernail against the edge of a green frog. We’ll need to consider the condition of each piece.” She set the planter aside when Henry pulled out an antique quilt.

  “This one needs a lot of repair,” Abby said, running her fingers over a ripped binding. “Still, there might be a small profit left even after paying Ever or Tory to repair it.”

  “We can mark this one as sold,” Quincy said, lifting a faded quilt from the trunk. “These appliqued butterflies are simply gorgeous. Look at these tiny stitches. It’s amazing to imagine a group of friends sitting around a frame carefully hand stitching every single piece of fabric. This one is going to its new home on my bed.”

  “What happened to pretending we thought the offerings weren’t fantastic?” Abby asked with a huff, her efforts obviously doing no good. “Granted, I’m glad there aren’t any of those bones you fantasized about finding but, good grief, you’re oohing and awing over everything as if they were part of the crown jewels!”

  Quincy looked at her niece and then shrugged a bit sheepishly. “Hell’s bells, I guess I need some acting lessons.”

  Henry grinned. “Keep cussing and I’ll show you exactly what sort of lessons you need, my girl.”

  Quincy felt her stomach flip and could only nod. Far too many implements were within easy reach to chance questioning whether ‘hell’s bells’ could truly be considered as cursing.

  “So much for Abby keeping secrets!” They all laughed and setting the quilt aside, she watched as Henry replaced the tray and moved the empty trunk to the floor while Harris lifted the second to the table. Just seeing the treasures piling up on the table, Quincy knew she’d buy them all.

  “Oh, isn’t this adorable?” Quincy asked as she ran a hand across an ivory gown. “I can just see a baby wearing this for a christening.”

  “It will look great displayed with the bassinet you bought at the auction,” Henry said, pulling a small bonnet with satin ribbons from the trunk.

  “That’s a fantastic idea,” Quincy agreed. Looking at Harris and Abby, she smiled. “I admit I’m hoping that someday soon I’ll see a baby cradled in the bassinet. There is plenty of room behind the counter for the stand if a mother wanted to keep working.”

  Harris grinned, his arms around Abby. “That sounds promising but before we try out the bassinet, I believe we’ll go home and try out a tawse that future mommy sold me.”

  “Harris!” Abby squealed.

  “What? You agreed it would be a great addition to our collection.”

  Abby giggled. “I know but it was just so much fun watching Aunt Quincy squirm wondering where that fourth tawse had gone.”

  Quincy laughed and the younger couple left to go home to her call of ‘have fun’. Once the door closed behind them, she turned to see Henry grinning.

  “Good to know that Abby can keep my secret though she spilled yours. Now, what’s this about bones?”

  Quincy had the grace to flush as she explained that believing the trunks contained nothing but skeletons had helped soften the blow of losing the bid. “Can’t blame a girl for trying, can you? Let me make it up to you. I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

  “Are we talking about an offer for these?” he asked, sweeping his hand across the table, “or an offer of a more personal nature? For if it is the latter, I’ll tell you now that offer is priceless.”

  Her pulse raced as she looked at him. “How about both?”

  Henry drew her to him, cupping her cheek in his palm. “I remember how wonderful that offer was the last time I heard it.” He kissed her until she was breathl

  It was several minutes before they came to an agreement that Quincy insisted was too low.

  “Fine, but I still feel as if you are giving these treasures away,” Quincy said.

  “It’s what I want,” Henry assured her. “Now stop arguing before I insist you throw one of those tawses in as well.”

  Swallowing hard, Quincy quickly agreed to his price. They left all the items on the table except for the butterfly quilt. Henry had refused to accept a single dime for it, stating he’d enjoy knowing his love was sleeping beneath it with him far more. He waited while she locked the door before leading him upstairs. The aroma of the roast in the crockpot met them the moment they entered her apartment, though it was another hour before they sat down to supper. Quincy had been correct, the quilt looked beautiful on her antique brass bed even if no sleeping had yet been done.

  Chapter 9

  The week passed in a flurry. Quincy met Venia and Lizzy for lunch on Wednesday. They decided to meet at Lizzy’s house, each bringing a different salad to share. After preparing their plates, Quincy prepared herself to be grilled just like the chicken she’d added to her Caesar salad offering and realized she was loving every moment.

  “I think I can save us a lot of time and just state he is wonderful and I haven’t been this happy in years,” she said.

  Venia shook her head and said, “Tell us something we can’t tell by simply looking at you.”

  Lizzy nodded. “Yes, tell us, in detail mind you, exactly how did that apology go over?”

  “That’s old news,” Venia said, waving her hand. “Tell us, how many times have you been over his knees and what implements share in that love/hate relationship all spankos experience?”

  “Let’s see,” Quincy said, appearing to be thinking hard. “I’d say several would just about cover both those questions,” Quincy began and when both of her friends rolled their eyes, she giggled. “And yes, with every spanking I’m remembering exactly how being taken in hand feels.”

  “In a good way, I hope,” Lizzy said.

  “Maybe not during the spanking, but definitely during the after care. And, in case I haven’t done so already, thank you for that little gift you left me. It’s come in handy a few times already.”

  “Good to know, but I was kind of hoping that reference to after care was a bit more enjoyable than just a soothing cream,” Lizzy said.

  “Does it make me a loose woman if I admit that care is quite intimate? We’ve only known each other a short while,” Quincy asked.

  “Hell no,” Venia practically shouted. “If it did, well, there would be quite a few members of that club wouldn’t it?”

  “The better question is exactly how intimate?” Lizzy asked unabashedly. “As your mentor, it’s vital that I’m quite satisfied that you are agreeable with all these new experiences.”

  “Vital my ass,” Quincy quipped. “Nosey is far more likely.”

  “Guilty as charged,” Lizzy admitted.

  Quincy blushed. “I can say that Henry satisfies me every single time we make love and even when he spanks me. I feel like I’m some naughty, randy teenager.”

  She blushed as the two lifted their glasses and waited until she did as well. Clinking their glasses together, Venia said, “I can state unequivocally that despite a tender tush, our Quincy is in love, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  Quincy found she repeated the same information at the book club meeting on Friday night. Well, the being happy and fulfilled part was shared without going into anywhere near as much personal detail. She did tell them about the fact that she could now consider herself a cougar. They all laughed and then laughed harder when she told them a bit about their play based on that famous movie. She even admitted to teasing Henry about sharing their book club selections.

  “So did he enjoy this month’s book?” Jonathon asked.

  “Oh, I didn’t really send it to him,” Quincy admitted. “I’m not too sure I really want him to know the exact books we read. Maybe I will if we pick one about some wimpy HOH instead of those only featuring very strict, dominant partners. Henry is quite alpha enough thank you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Ever stated as she dropped onto the sofa next to Jonathon. “I think that since you coerced my dear husband into purchasing some awful leather torture tool, you’d owe us a chance for a bit of payback even if it means using Henry as our surrogate in delivering that payback.”

  “You too?” Jonathon asked, reaching over to pat Ever’s hand. “Was there a kilt involved? I have to admit, Benjamin looks incredibly sexy in his.”

  “I bet you looked just as cute,” Ever said, a gleam in her eye. “I’m going to suggest Rob takes Benjamin’s lead. If my husband is going to wield that tawse against my ass, the very least he can do is pull me over his knees while wearing a nice sexy kilt.” She giggled and wiggled on her seat. “Just picturing what lies beneath will make those strokes a little easier to take, don’t you think?”

  “You do understand that there was no real coercion involved, right?” Quincy said as she made room on the loveseat once she saw Abby coming towards them. “Both your men practically begged to purchase a piece of authentic Scottish history.”

  “I can only blame myself,” Abby said, joining them after grabbing both a glass of wine and a nice fat pillow she discovered Venia thoughtfully provided for these book club meetings. “I suggested he buy the tawse but didn’t even consider him wearing a costume. Harris thought it would suffice to simply consider my school girl skirt as the kilt as it is plaid.” Sinking carefully down onto the pillow, she squirmed a bit. “Of course, pointing out that only men wear kilts didn’t keep him reminding me that undergarments were not proper or from, and I quote, ‘tawsing my naughty little arse crimson’.”

  “I’m hoping that he provided some nice arnica cream to your poor abused arse,” Violet said with a giggle before adding, “God, don’t you just love that word. It sounds so deliciously naughty.”

  “Yes, he did and yes I get goosebumps whenever I hear him say ‘arse’, but I was actually thinking more along the lines of this.” At that, she lifted her left hand, her fingers wiggling, a flash drawing gasps of surprise and then squeals of congratulations as they all saw the engagement ring.

  After receiving congratulations as well as hugs, Abby sat down again with a soft moan even as she grinned. “At least all you have to worry about is Aunt Quincy selling your loves an implement or two. As for me, well, she isn’t exactly subtle. She coerced her cowboy into refinishing an antique bassinet we bought at the auction.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful,” Ever said.

  “I can’t wait,” Tory added, her eyes shining. “You’ll adore motherhood.”

  “Well, we both adore my wonderful aunt so I’m hoping Sam and Hope have a playmate sooner rather than later. You certainly couldn’t find a better place to raise a child.”

  Ever reached over and gave Tory a hug. “I agree, it is wonderful knowing that we take that saying ‘it takes a village seriously’.”

  “That’s true,” Tory said, with a smile. “You couldn’t pay me enough to leave Corbin’s Bend. Your baby will have tons of parent figures, all whom will help teach good old-fashioned values.”

  “As a new partner in a wonderful antique store, I feel I must remind you that we prefer the word ‘vintage’ to ‘old’. And as a new member of this fabulous club, I must say, I’m having a great time. Who knew there were such deliciously ‘educational’ books dealing with the wide range of erotic lifestyles?” A chorus of agreement filled the room before they settled down to actually discussing last month’s book selection.

  “Speaking of which,” Violet quipped as she opened her copy of the book, “who wants to agree that Daddy David was a very hot parental figure?” To the one they all agreed that the heroine of the book had been wise to decide that the love and care of a strict Dom who was also an adoring Daddy was far more satisfying than the stress of being a CEO of a major advertising corporati

  After the book had been discussed and refreshments consumed, they tossed around ideas for the next month. Quincy just rolled her eyes when an erotic western was chosen in honor of the newest HOH in Corbin’s Bend. “I’m thinking cowboys are the ones being spoiled instead of little girls,” she said but then added her vote of approval making the choice unanimous.

  At the door, Venia hugged Lizzy and Quincy goodbye and asked, “I know the sale was a big success but you never said if you’d discovered what happened with the fourth tawse? Who bought the last one?”

  “I have absolutely no idea,” Quincy admitted. “I sold one to Benjamin and one to Rob, Abby sold one to Harris but as for the last one? I don’t know and she won’t tell me, the little minx.”

  Venia laughed. “Well, at least it is just a tawse and not one of those,” she said pointing to the crock with the two canes that sat in the far corner of the room.

  “Don’t blame me, I didn’t sell that to you, I just sold you that cute little folding bookcase for your newest bestsellers.”

  “I know but Abby sold Jeff the crock when I asked him to pick up the bookcase and take it to Henry to refinish! Abby may be a minx, but she’s also a very good saleswoman.” The three friends laughed, all knowing that Venia wasn’t the least bit upset about the purchase.

  Lizzy hooked her arm with Quincy’s as they walked outside to see that Marilyn had arrived to pick Lizzy up. “As you always state, life is too short to worry about things. Like a good novel, let it surprise you.”

  Quincy rolled her eyes and gave Lizzy a hug before turning to Marilyn. “Marilyn, I think your love has the delusion she might give Venia a run for her money in writing a book. She might need a bit of help though as her proposed topic sounds a bit like some Carolyn Keene novel. I’ve heard there are penalties for plagiarism.”

  “I can’t even write a recipe correctly,” Lizzy quipped. “I’m simply stating that a bit of mystery and spice make life so much more intriguing.” She gave Venia a final hug before sliding into the car. “And as they state, life is stranger than fiction but that’s what makes it such fun.”


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