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Corbin's Bend Homecoming

Page 78

by Ruth Staunton

  “I have to work on that sometimes myself,” Char admitted. “Sometimes I want to tell Brent to take the garbage out and I have to remember to turn it into asking him to take the garbage out.”

  “Exactly,” Kelly said. “But I always forget to do that and then RJ gives me that look where his eyebrow goes way up and I know I’m on the verge of him smacking my ass. And yet, I never correct myself. I just shrug and turn away. Sometimes he’ll ask me if there isn’t a better way I’d like to put that and other times I get a smart slap on my butt. It just irks me that I have to stop and think about how I say something.”

  “When he wants you to do something, does he just order you to do it or does he ask nicely?”

  “Dammit Char, that’s just it. He always asks nicely. He’s always polite and respectful. Except of course when he thinks I should get in the corner or get over his lap. Then it’s an order.”

  “You know, I’m not crazy about every aspect of this lifestyle. But I love Brent more than anything in this world and I can’t imagine life without him. I know I need this lifestyle, I need Brent to keep me from spinning out. I love how together I feel after a long, hard spanking. I love how he loves me. And I’m not talking just about how he loves me in bed.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened and she said, “Okay, Char. That’s enough info about my uncle. I get what you’re saying.”

  Char gave a chuckle and said, “Sorry, I forget he’s your uncle sometimes. All I’m saying is that while I don’t like everything that comes along with all of this, it’s good to remember nothing is perfect. There’s always something that you’re not going to like no matter what kind of relationship you have. But for the few things I don’t care for, what’s good and right more than makes up for it.”

  “I know you’re right, Char. But RJ has to understand that I’m not some meek little woman who can’t think for herself.”

  “By now I’m sure he knows that. He’s still with you, so I’m thinking he’s okay with it.”

  “I guess so,” Kelly said. “To tell the truth, I kind of like the spankings. I like how I feel afterwards. But that standing in the corner shit rubs me all wrong.”

  Kelly felt better after her talk with Char. She felt like she and RJ would be able to work out their differences as far as this domestic discipline stuff went. All she really had to do was think before she spoke and not get herself in dangerous situations. How hard could that be?

  Not even a week went by before she found out just exactly how hard that could be.

  Chapter 8

  RJ was working in the wilderness area just north of Corbin’s Bend and Kelly decided to surprise him with a visit. Her last appointment on Friday was at eleven o’clock and her plan was to stop at home to change and grab her backpack before driving to the trail head of the wilderness area. Even though one little border of Corbin’s Bend backed up to the area RJ worked in, she had to drive around to the other side of it to get to the foot path she needed to take to get to RJ.

  She’d purchased a map of the area from the ranger office located in Boulder the previous week and she’d taken the time to learn how to read the topographic map. She knew exactly how to get to where RJ would be assigned.

  After changing into jeans and a flannel shirt, putting on her hiking boots, Kelly grabbed her light backpack with a few snacks, a couple of bottles of water, a handheld GPS designed for hiking, and her topography maps.

  She drove to where her hike would begin and parked in the small lot. Making sure she had everything she needed, she put on her backpack, locked her car, and headed out.

  This was going to be her first attempt at using the new GPS she had bought specifically for hiking. She’d practiced with it at home, but this would be the first real use of it. After making sure she had satellite reception, she started hiking.

  As she went on, she became more and more enthralled with her new little gadget. She’d always been somewhat of a gadget junkie and she thought this little toy was very cool. She had put in what the device referred to as waypoints the previous night so as she went along her route and approached each waypoint, it made a little beep-beep noise, letting her know that she was on the right track.

  It was going to be a three mile hike to the watchtower where RJ would be working. She wondered if he would be able to see her coming from his three-hundred-sixty degree perch at the top of the tower. She hoped not since she was planning to surprise him with her visit.

  With her digital camera in her hand, she snapped numerous shots along the way. She spotted a doe and her two small fawns and Kelly quietly stopped and took several pictures. The three mile hike that she should’ve been able to do in about an hour, ended up taking closer to an hour and a half. But that was okay. It would still leave her with a few hours to spend with RJ before she’d have to make the hike back to her vehicle.

  She was hoping he’d let her stay the night with him, but knew he most likely wouldn’t want to break the rule that prohibited him from having anyone stay with him in the tower. RJ wasn’t one for breaking rules. She’d learned that the hard way, with her bottom taking the brunt of that particular lesson.

  When the tower came into view, she noticed that it seemed to have an open area all around it at the top, like a balcony that wrapped around the enclosure. She didn’t see anybody standing there, but she supposed that RJ could be inside. She knew they had binoculars and there was every possibility that he spotted her on the trail as she hiked in. When she finally reached the base of the tower and saw the numerous flights of stairs, she wondered if she could just yell at him to come down. But no, she would just take those stairs nice and slow. She walked around to the other side where the staircase began and saw a little gate with a sign on it saying the tower was closed and there was no access for the public until a ranger was on-site.

  Disappointed that she hiked all this way for nothing, Kelly sat down on a log and ate one of the protein bars from her backpack. RJ could be back shortly. He didn’t spend all his working hours up in the tower and he might’ve just gone to check out campsites in the nearby area, or gone to the river.

  She looked at her watch and saw she had at least three hours before she had to worry about making the hike back to the car before dark, so she decided she would just sit there on the log and wait. After about a half hour, Kelly stretched out on the log, using her backpack as a pillow to get a little sun while she waited.

  RJ stepped into the clearing where the tower stood and saw somebody lying on the log. He looked around to see where this person’s companions were but didn’t see anyone else. Shaking his head at the stupidity of people coming into the wilderness area alone, he approached the log calling out, “Hello, can I help you?”

  Only when the person sat up and smiled did he realize it was Kelly.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” RJ asked.

  “Well it’s nice to see you too. I just thought I’d surprise you, get a little exercise in at the same time, and see where you work.”

  “And you’re here alone? You didn’t bring anyone with you?”

  “Of course I’m alone. Why would I bring anybody with me?”

  “This is a wilderness area. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do.” He noted the hesitation in her when he looked at her sternly. “What? I can’t go in a wilderness area? Is that one of your rules you forgot to tell me about?”

  He took his hat off and ran his hand through his hair before saying, “The first four letters of wilderness spell wild. As in wild animals. While a lot of people come here, and there are camp sites and rivers or lakes to swim in, it is still a wilderness and only those experienced in wilderness life come here alone. You won’t find nearly as many people here as you’ll find in the general national parks. The animals know humans aren’t here very much, and there is every possibility that you could have run into a bobcat or even a bear. You took a huge risk hiking alone in this area.”

  “Well, I think you’re exaggerating
a little bit.” She said it lightly, as though she wanted to convince him it wasn’t as serious as he was making it out to be. “Everything was just fine, I didn’t see any animals other than a beautiful doe with her two babies. The trail was well marked and I’m here with no problems so what’s the big deal? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  “Of course I’m happy to see you. But you endangered yourself by coming here alone.” He stepped to the little gate blocking entry to the staircase and unlocked it.

  “Get up to the tower and I’ll be up there in a few minutes. The door has a combination on it.” He gave her a combination number, swatted her butt, and she started the sixteen flight climb.

  He could tell she was a little miffed by his lack of enthusiasm. She’d find out exactly how enthused he was when he got upstairs with a birch switch in his hand. Of all the damn fool things for her to do, coming here alone was one of the most stupid and dangerous things he could think of. She had no experience whatsoever of hiking in a protected area like this.

  Leaving his backpack at the foot of the stairs, he walked into the woods to an area where he knew there was a group of birch trees. Finding a young tree with several suitable switches, he took his multi-tool from his pocket, and selected the blade that was like a miniature saw to cut a few thin branches.

  Swooshing them through the air a few times and then whacking his thigh with them, he decided they would do nicely for Kelly’s punishment.

  Taking in the beautiful panoramic view of the watchtower, she heard the door when RJ came in. Turning around with a big smile, she said, “This view is sensational! You’re so lucky to be able to peer out and see such beauty all around you.”

  When she stopped gushing about the scenery, she noticed he wasn’t looking too happy. He looked stern and determined. Uh-oh, it was the look.

  “What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

  “Did you even bother to think about the possible dangers of coming into this wild area by yourself?”

  Here we go, she thought to herself. Why did he have to turn what she hoped to be a nice surprise visit into such a big deal? She knew he was talking about the safety aspect of hiking alone in a designated wilderness area, but couldn’t he just be happy to see her?

  “No, I didn’t really think about it. I was thinking wouldn’t it be nice, since I got off work early today, to come and see you. I was thinking you would be happy to see me.”

  “I’m always happy to see you. But you need to think more about safety. There are wildcats up here and they will tear you apart. There are bears up here. You run into a mama bear and she thinks you’re a danger to her cubs, you’ll be in more trouble than you can get out of.”

  “Well, I think you’re being just a little bit paranoid,” she retorted. “I don’t know what the statistics are, but I’m betting that the chances of a bobcat or a bear attacking me are probably very slim. There’s probably something like a ninety-nine to one chance of it happening.”

  “I’ll grant you the chances are slim, but you only need one time.” He turned and reached for one of the freshly cut switches.

  Kelly couldn’t believe it when she saw him pick it up. That must have been what he was going to do when he sent her up here before him. Her stomach clenched with dread while her pussy clenched with something altogether different and she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about that.

  “RJ, you’re not seriously thinking about using a switch on me, are you?” Kelly asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.

  “I am,” he replied. “Now I want you to turn around, drop your pants, and lean over the counter.”

  She shook her head. “No, I won’t consent to that. I’ll admit I didn’t think about the danger when maybe I should have, but I’m not consenting to you whipping me with a switch. If you think I deserve to be punished and want to give me a spanking, I’ll agree to that, but only with your hand or your belt.”

  “Do you remember our agreement?” RJ asked, his voice stern and determined. “Do you remember when you agreed to just a few rules and the most important one was to keep yourself out of dangerous situations? Do you remember when you agreed that I was going to be your head of household and when it was time for punishment that it was going to be me that decides what the punishment is going to be?”

  “I do remember,” Kelly answered in barely a whisper. “But we were talking about spanking. And I know people use different things—different implements for spanking—but I thought we were talking about you spanking me with your hand, maybe your belt, or a paddle. I never dreamed you’d be cutting a switch and planning to whip my ass with it.”

  “Don’t you trust me, Kelly?”

  She could tell by the look in his eye that he was going to stand firm; he had every intention of using that damn thing on her ass. He probably thought it was just what she needed to drive home the importance of keeping herself safe.

  “I don’t want to be switched.”

  “You didn’t answer the question. Do you trust me?” RJ asked again.

  Their eyes were nearly at the same level and she looked into his, seeing the unyielding determination in them. She did trust him; but this was different. He wanted to whip her with a fucking switch!

  “Explain this to me, if you can,” he said. “If you’re willing to be spanked by my hand, if you’re willing to have me use my belt on you, then why not the switch? It’s the perfect answer for the seriousness of the danger you put yourself in.”

  “Okay,” she stammered and wondered why the damn butterflies in her belly were fluttering as if being switched was an exciting thing. “I understand what you’re saying, still—I simply can’t wrap my head around being whipped with a switch. I just have visions of it cutting into my skin, slicing me open, and blood being everywhere. I’m afraid of it.”

  She tried to keep her voice steady, but she was on the verge of tears. Despite the flutters in her belly, which generally meant she was excited, she wasn’t willing to go along with a switching and she shook her head and said, “I’m sorry RJ, I know I agreed for you to be my HOH and I know that means giving you the final decision on punishment. But remember when we talked about limits and the things that we would not be willing to do? I never said that I wouldn’t consent to a switching because it never occurred to me you would bring that to the table.”

  “To be perfectly honest, it didn’t occur to me either. I sent you up here alone to give me a moment to gather my thoughts because I don’t ever want to punish you when I’m angry. And then it just came to me that it was the perfect thing to remind you not to come to the wilderness alone.”

  Kelly didn’t say anything for a while, she just stared at the floor.

  “Kelly, either we’re going to do this right or were not gonna do it at all. It’s up to you.”

  She lifted her head and looked at him in disbelief, “So you’re saying you’ll call it quits if I don’t agree to this? And by agreeing to it, it means I’ll agree to whatever other crazy punishment you might dream up. I don’t know that I can do that.”

  He shook his head as though he was denying that, but said, “Either you’re in this all the way or you’re not. You know I love you, but it’s not going to work if you’re only willing when it’s convenient for you or when the punishment happens to be something you’re okay with. Punishments are not supposed to be fun or something you like.”

  He ran his hand through his hair in that way he had when he wasn’t sure he was getting his thoughts through to her. “What I’m trying to say is that while we can do spanking and other things for fun, when it comes to discipline, when it comes to punishment, that’s my call. And the only way it’s going to be effective is if it’s something that you don’t like—that you don’t desire. That’s when it’s going to make you stop and think the next time you’re about to do something foolish or dangerous.”

  Kelly knew he was right. That was the way this whole domestic discipline thing worked. Somebody was the head of the household, and that person
doled out the discipline, they were the one that decided what that discipline would be. She didn’t want to quit this relationship. Dammit, for the first time in her life, she was in love. Really and truly in love. She didn’t want it to be over.

  “How many times were you planning to hit me with that thing?”

  “You know that’s my call too. I’ll tell you what…since you’re so concerned about it, I’ll keep it to five strokes with the switch. That’s after the warm-up with my hand.”

  She knew that was the best she was going to get. She couldn’t actually speak her agreement—it simply went against the other side of her, the side that wanted to be in charge, the side that didn’t want to be told what to do or how to do it—but she nodded her head telling him she would submit to the punishment.

  “All right, then. Lower your pants and your underwear and bend over the counter.” His lips pressed together in a firm line.

  Her hands were shaking slightly as she undid the snap of her jeans and lowered the zipper. She put her hands inside the waistband of her panties and pulled everything down in one motion. She tried to catch his eye to give him one last pleading look in the hopes that if nothing else, he would go light with that damn switch, but his eyes were downcast, so she turned around and bent over the countertop folding her arms under her head. Her height and long legs put her hips higher than the countertop placing her ass at the perfect angle for the swing RJ needed to wield his wicked implement choice.

  He came to stand by her left side and ran his hand over her head. When he got to the nape of her neck, he wrapped her long braid around his hand in a gentle tug and rested it on her upper back to help keep her in place. He ran his right hand over her bottom and squeezed each cheek lightly. Then she felt the light tap that he always gave her before beginning the spanking. She often wondered if he did that on purpose to let her know the spanking was about to commence or if it was something he wasn’t even aware of doing. She wanted to ask, but if it was something he was unaware of, she didn’t want to let him know because she kind of liked knowing when he was going to start rather than be surprised by the first blow.


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