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Shattered Love_Heart_Rending Love Story

Page 4

by Ivy Rose

  His fingers pull and twist the other nipple as his tongue torments the other. The pleasure mixed with pain makes my hips move against him, feeling him between my legs, but it’s not enough.

  I raise myself up, spreading my legs wide. As I start to take him in, he stops me.

  “Slowly, baby. I want to feel every inch of you taking my dick.” My head falls back as I sink down slowly, inch by glorious inch.

  Letting out a moan as I’m finally filled with him. I lean forward, claiming his lips slowly, biting and sucking his lips. His fingers dig into my waist as I ride him slowly. My breathing increases and his hands roam up my rib cage. I’m unable to hold back any longer.

  Dominic quickly flips me on all fours. “My turn.”

  Watching him over my shoulders, his eyes are wild as he sees himself push into me.

  Leaning over me, he brings his lips close to my ear. “You don’t ever need to be jealous. I’ve been with a hundred Sienna’s, but they only ever got my body.” He bites my earlobe before devouring the back of my neck.

  He slams into me, causing my back to arch. Mercilessly thrusting into me. “Only you got my heart…only you.” He grits his teeth as he pulls my waist up higher and we meet, thrust for thrust. I clench around him as I get closer, causing him to curse.

  Crying out in pleasure, Dominic growls as we both fall over the edge together.

  Our bodies are still slick and our breathing ragged as he collapses on me. Careful not to put his weight on me, he takes my mouth in the gentlest kiss.

  “Baby.” I move my head toward Dominic’s voice, keeping my eyes closed.

  He runs a finger down my cheek. “You jealous was hot as fucking hell, but you know, don’t you?”

  My eyes open. He looks at the ceiling, then covers his eyes with his arm. I lean up, pulling his arm away. “Know what?”

  His eyes search my face, my lips, and my eyes. “That she would never be able to have me.”

  My eyes widen. I’m completely shocked by his words. “Of course, I know you’d never cheat on me. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to kick someone if they try.”

  His lip curls up on one side as he watches me.

  I place my hand on his face. “Baby, I know how much you love me. You prove it all the time. I love you just as much.” But I am still human, and I get jealous. Especially right now, my emotions are all over the place. Weddings, love.

  Dominic has a sleepy look in his eyes.

  My heart warms. This little interlude will likely happen again and my body clenches at the thought of what Dominic will do next time to prove to me he’s mine.

  His arms tighten around me and he places a kiss in my hair. I hear his soft whisper. “It’s not possible.”

  Just before I fall asleep, I make a silent promise to show him just how much I love him.

  The next morning, Carter and Molly invite us to spend the day with them after the guests leave. Molly apologizes for Sienna again who left before any of us woke up this morning. We have nothing to rush home for, so we decide to accept the invite.

  Carter and Molly are stealing secret smiles at each other like a cute, high school couple as we’re walking down the street.

  Dominic has been extra attentive today, his hands constantly touching me and stealing kisses whenever he can, but I’ve been the same way. It’s like we’re reassuring each other for different reasons.

  I feel him stop beside me and I look for what’s caught his attention. There are a few puppies in a box and his eyes don’t leave them.

  “Let’s go see them.”

  He hesitates before nodding.

  I instantly kneel, rubbing their heads and laughing as their little tails wag. Dominic stands behind me. He frowns before kneeling beside me. The black scruffy looking one tilts his little head before licking and dancing around Dom’s hand. A deep laugh comes from him that makes my eyes widen. I look at him and he’s smiling one of the most beautiful smiles that I have ever seen. His green eyes are bright and his face more relaxed. This is the side of Dominic only I get to see.

  “They’re $175,” a man says, blowing out smoke from his cigarette. He looks at the black and tan one Dominic was playing with. “Don’t bother with that one. He’s the runt.”

  I look at Dominic. “Do you want him?”

  He looks at the puppy with something like resignation in his eyes and shakes his head. “No, we haven’t got anything for him.” I notice that he turns twice, looking back at the puppy, before we return to the hotel.

  “Shit, I forgot I needed something.”

  Dominic frowns. “What do you need? I’ll get it.”

  Molly quickly steps forward. “Women stuff! Why don’t you two grab some beers at the hotel while we go and grab Avery’s stuff.”

  Carter looks uncomfortable, but Molly doesn’t realize Dominic will pick up tampons and chocolate for me the day before my period.

  I lean up, kissing his cheek. “Go spend some time with Carter. They leave tomorrow.”

  I can see the question in his eyes, but he nods his head. “Okay. Be quick.” He places a kiss on my lips before slapping my ass, making Carter and Molly laugh.

  As soon as the men are out of sight, Molly grabs my arm. “Please tell me the real reason is not tampons and that we’re getting the puppy.”

  I grin excitedly. “I have to get him.”

  She laughs. “Who would've thought badass Stone could be brought to his knees by a puppy? You’ve changed him Avery.”

  The man is leaving.

  “Wait.” I run toward him waving my hands looking like a complete crazy lady.

  He looks up startled, but smiles when he recognize me. “You wanted one, after all.”

  I pant and nod. God I really need to start going to the gym again. “Is the little black and tan one still available?”

  Frowning putting down the box. “Yeah, but like I said, he is the runt.”

  I shake my head. “That’s exactly why I want him. $175, you said?”

  He lifts the puppy out of the box. His little tongue hangs out and he’s curled up as if he’s scared.

  “Hey, boy.” I hold him close, his little body shaking against mine, as Molly grabs my wallet to pay.

  We stop at the store and get what we need for the ride home.

  Sneaking into the hotel without the boys seeing us, we set everything up, then Molly goes downstairs to grab Dominic.

  I hear the door open.

  “Baby…” His voice is wary

  Before he can finish, the puppy, who’s been subdued up until now, wags his tail. His head shoots up and he wines and races toward Dominic.

  His eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn’t hesitate to pick up the puppy, laughing as it tries to lick his face. “I don’t understand.”

  I smile, rubbing the puppy’s head. “Nothing to understand, baby, he’s yours.”

  He looks at the puppy. “You’re mine, buddy.” It’s no louder than a whisper and there’s sadness in his eyes.

  “Hey, everything okay?”

  He looks at the puppy, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip before nodding. “When I was growing up, I always wanted a puppy so I wouldn’t be alone.”

  My heart hurts for the little boy Dominic was. “You’re not alone anymore. You’ll never be alone again.”

  He’s pulls me against him, holding me tight. “Promise me, because I never want to go back there, not now that I know what’s it’s like to have you. That would destroy me.”

  “I promise.” I smile kissing his lips softly. “Now, what are we going to name him?”

  He rubs the puppy’s head, smiling. “Cooper.”

  Cooper lifts his head, as if he already knows his name, before snuggling into Dom’s chest, yawning.

  Dominic buys half of the store, more than any puppy could ever need, but he is having too much fun. The vets look over Cooper, and he is in good health apart from being a little underweight. The vet thinks Cooper is around four months old and is a German Shepherd
crossed with Collie.

  As soon as we walk in the house, Cooper runs around smelling everything, but he never strays away from Dominic. He lays out the bed, toys and enough food and water for three dogs.

  I wake in the middle of the night, the space beside me cold. I get up when I hear the soft rumble of Dom’s voice. Standing at the top of the stairs, I listen. “It’s okay, buddy. We’ve got a home now.” There are shuffling noises. “You’re going to love my girl, but not too much, okay? She’s mine.”

  The dog lets out a content sigh and I smile. Leaning over to catch a glimpse of him in the other room, I see him and Cooper snuggled up together on the couch.

  “I don’t know what we did to get so lucky. Sometimes I think it’s all a dream, that I’m going wake up and still be living in that broken-down trailer, sleeping on the floor.”

  A tear slips down my cheek. I wait a second before making my way down the stairs.

  He turns to me, smiling. “Hey didn’t wake you did I?”

  I shake my head, making my way over to him. “I woke up, and you weren’t there.”

  He looks down at Cooper. “He didn’t like it down here by himself. He was whining.”

  I rub his shoulders and they instantly relax under my touch. “Then why don’t you both come upstairs?”

  A soft smile pulls at his face. “What do you say, boy?”

  Cooper lets out a small whine before jumping down from Dom’s lap.

  He yawns before settling into his own bed in the corner of the room.

  Dom smiles, kissing my nose. “Thank you.”

  I try and smile but it quickly turns into a yawn as I snuggle into his side. He has a nook that is perfect for me to fit into. A few minutes later, there’s a bounce on the bed. I feel Cooper circle the blankets before settling down.

  A small chuckle comes from Dom, his chest vibrating. “Just tonight, boy,” he says in a soft tone before burying his head in my hair. Soon, his breathing evens out.

  I wake up to a wetness on my cheek. I open my eyes to see two big brown eyes looking at me. Cooper jumps down, running toward the door. I sit up to see Dominic still fast asleep.

  “This is how’s it's going be? He gets all the love and I get toilet duty?”

  Tilting his head as if he understands. I let Cooper out while I make coffee. I open the door when I hear scratching and he runs straight past me upstairs.

  “Traitor,” I grumble, and start on breakfast.

  Just as the bacon is ready, Dominic comes in. “Something smells good.”

  “Bacon sandwich. Got to feed my man.”

  Cooper whimpers.

  “Men,” I correct. I grin as Dominic laughs.

  “So, you’re on late tonight?”

  He nods wiping his mouth after devouring the sandwich in two bites. “Yeah, Mac’s picking me up around six. I’m going to take Cooper for a walk and hit the gym, so I should be back around lunch.”

  I grab our plates. “I’ve got work to catch up on, so I’ll just grab a sandwich with Cecelia.” Placing a kiss on his lips, but he wraps his arm around me, bringing me to his lap.

  He grabs the back of my neck, bringing my head down to his lips, his fingers digging into my waist. Every concern of running late leaves me as Dominic takes over my body and I lean in to him. I grab his hair, taking the kiss deeper. He lifts me onto the table spreading my legs to give him more access. Leaning over me, sucking my lower lip and dragging it between his teeth.

  My hips automatically lift. He slowly lifts my night shirt off me, drinking me in. His eyes are hooded with lust and dark with want as he traces a fingertip between my breasts and down my stomach. Slowly removing my panties. I should tell him to hurry—I’m already going to be late for work. I don’t.

  My panties fall off my ankle. Nipping the skin there, his eyes darken as I take a sharp breath. He spreads me wide for him and I feel the first touch of his tongue.

  He holds my hips down to stop me from moving as he teases me before sucking my aching nub. His eyes darken, watching my every reaction.

  My head falls back. “Dom.”

  He growls against me, the vibrations echoing through my body.

  “Please.” I pant.

  His eyes find mine. “Grab those gorgeous tits, baby.” My hands instantly massage my breasts as his licks become more furious. I start to pinch my nipples, the pain making me climb higher, faster and harder.

  He nips at my begging nub, and I break, fall apart, shatter. I don’t worry because I know Dominic will be there to catch me. Always.


  I run into the staff room. “I’m sorry I’m late. Car trouble.”

  Mr. James, our head teacher, frowns but nods for me to take a seat.

  I sit next to Cecelia, who’s smirking.

  “Your top is on the wrong way and you have the best bed hair I've ever seen.”

  I smirk. “It’s kitchen table, actually.”

  She snorts back, the laughter causing Mr. James to shoot us an annoyed look.

  The meeting wraps up. Thankfully, I have my first class free, due to a talk on stranger danger. I quickly change my top around and try flattening my hair.

  “How was the wedding?”

  I smile “Beautiful. Molly was the prettiest bride. Carter fell in love with her all over again.”

  She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  “Hey, everything okay with you and Brax? You look tired.”

  Chewing her lip, her body sagging as she drops the chair. “He wasn’t feeling very well. I was up most of the night with him, and then I had to finish my assignment.”

  I look Cecelia in the eyes. Her normally beautiful face has dark rings under her eyes. “Go home. Have a sick day.”

  She shakes her head, her eyes wide in horror. “Nope. I need full attendance. I can’t screw this up, Avery. I can’t.”

  I grab hold of her hand. “Hey, hey, you work harder than anybody I know. You’re passing all your classes with the highest grades. It’s okay to give yourself a break.”

  She swipes a loose tear. “I used to be that girl, Avery. The one that let loose, handed her assignment in last minute, partied all weekend. I made mistakes, Avery. Picked the wrong men. It wasn’t only me who paid for my choices.” She bites her lip hard to stop it from trembling. “I need my parents to stop having to pay for my mistakes. I want my dad to look in my eyes again. I need to be the best I can for Brax—he’s deserves it.” Her eyes are begging me for something.

  I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder. “Brax loves you, doesn’t he?”

  She nods. Her smile transforms the way it does whenever Brax’s name is mentioned.

  “Honey, stop worrying so much. You’re an amazing person, Cecelia. And as for your parents, I don’t know what you did, and you never have to tell me, but they’ve got to see what you’re achieving now. They’ve got to be proud of you.”

  She lets out a deep sigh, nodding as she smooths out invisible creases on her skirt. “You’re right. Thank you, Avery. We had better get to class.” Her voice is soft again.

  I nod, looking at the time. “I’m just going to grab a sandwich from across the road. Fancy meeting in here for lunch?”

  Cecelia quickly agrees before leaving for class. What is going on with my best friend?

  Monday mornings are always the worst with the children. They are still wound up from the weekend, the morning drags past painfully slowly, then the line at the sandwich shop moves equally as slow. At ten past twelve, I finally fall into the seat opposite Cecelia. “I hate Mondays.”

  She grins, her mood much better than this morning, as she bites into her sandwich.

  I open the bag of tuna salad. As soon as the smell hits me, I cover my mouth and run for the bathroom. This damn flu. I thought I was over it.

  “Avery, you okay?”

  I open the door. “Yeah, my stomach is still weak from the flu.” I wash my hands, putting the cool water against my skin.

you been sick a lot?”

  I look at her through the mirror. “Only the other night when we had Chinese and when Cooper farted. I swear, he needs a plug up his butt.”

  “Cooper?” There’s an undercurrent of curiosity in her tone.

  I grin, totally forgetting that I hadn’t told her about our new addition. “Cooper is our new puppy that we bought this weekend. You should see Dominic with him and Cooper with Dominic. I swear, I’m starting to feel left out.” I grin. “He’s a gorgeous black and tan. The vet thinks he’s around four months. A German shepherd crossed with collie, which explains his size. He’s going to be big, but one look in those dark puppy eyes and I was gone.”

  “I’ve always wanted a puppy. I’ll have to come see him. Brax saw one at the park the other day and it’s all he’s talked about since.” Her grin stretches.

  We walk back to the staff room.

  “You should get one!”

  She nods, biting her thumbs nails before smiling. “Yes, maybe when I’ve finished college and I have enough money to get us an apartment.”

  I stop dead. “What do you mean when you get an apartment? Shouldn’t Brax be helping?”

  Her eyes widen like she’s been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and she laughs nervously. “Yeah, of course.” Waving me off before she walks faster.

  The afternoon drags past as slowly as the morning had. When I finally get home, there is a note on the fridge from Dominic, saying he had to go into work early and he’s taken Cooper.

  I open the fridge, my stomach rumbling, reminding me I haven’t eaten. Nothing seems appealing until I spot the bacon. My mouth waters. As soon as I have the bacon cooked in butter and wrapped with bread, I moan at the taste. This bacon is amazing. I inhale the sandwich in two bites, my ass is really going love me, turning on the TV and grabbing my pile of grading.

  Something wakes me. I wipe the drool from my face when I realize it’s a knock on the door. I open my eyes to see Cecelia.

  “Hey, everything okay?” She has only come around a few times and normally would call first. Where Molly was more erratic, Cecelia was calm. She thought of everything thoroughly.


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