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Shattered Love_Heart_Rending Love Story

Page 6

by Ivy Rose

  He still searches my eyes every time he looks at me. I was happy to be his lighthouse to guide him out of the darkness and into the home where he belonged.

  We only got out of bed to take Cooper for a walk. Travis’ training was coming along amazingly. Cooper was still playful, but he listened to every command Dominic gave him. He was amazing and completed our family.

  Cecelia rested her head on the desk. “My uterus is a raging bitch.”

  I laugh as she throws daggers my way. “Come on, that was funny! Plus, I may have a chocolate bar.”

  Her eyes narrow. “You better not be joking. You don’t mess with a woman and chocolate when shark week hits.”

  I smirk, handing over my Galaxy bar which she devours in seconds.

  “Damn you, Mother Nature.” Cecelia snorts, making me laugh.

  Dominic is on the latest shift tonight. I was a mess the first night he worked but Molly came over and stayed the night with me. She also hated staying in the house on her own and Carter was back now, as their three-week honeymoon was over. But I am getting better now.

  All I want to do tonight is have a bubble bath and fall into bed with my Kindle. There is a new book I can’t wait to jump into. The author is K.L. Humphreys, one my favorites.

  I run the bath, even lighting a few candles. Dom should be home in the next few hours, but it still gives me anxiety knowing he is putting himself in danger. There is a real possibility of him getting shot again, but he was made for this job. It was built into him to protect others.

  I am grabbing the towel when I realize my tampon box is unopened. I frown, trying to remember the last time Mother Nature called.

  Was it just before I was sick? But that was over three months ago!

  I run into my bedroom, opening my bottom drawer where I hid the pregnancy test that Cecelia gave me a few weeks ago.

  I grab one, ripping the box open and rushing back into the bathroom.

  I look at the little plastic like it’s the devil. Seriously, how can something so little, something you just piss on, give you the result that could possibly change your life?

  I pace back and forth. I hadn’t realized how long ninety seconds was until I am waiting for it.

  I turn the test over. “You have got to be shitting me!” There are no pink lines like the box says there should be. Am I meant to press something? Say something?




  I run downstairs, grabbing some bottled water and drinking as much as I can before grabbing the other test.

  But there is a big problem—I can't pee. I try running water, humming, but nothing works.

  I take a deep breath. Why am I stressing? I’m not pregnant. I take the pill religiously. With everything that’s happened, I can’t be pregnant. Dominic and I discussed it once, but we were speaking about the future—the distant future.

  I decide to take my bath. The warm water instantly relaxes my muscles and the stress disappears.

  I’m lost in my book when I feel someone watching me. I look up to see Dominic at the door, Cooper sitting dutifully by his feet.

  There’s a soft smile pulling at his lips. “Hey.” He crosses the room with a swagger only Dominic could pull off. Staring into my eyes, his smile widening. “Hey beautiful.” He bends his head, kissing me softly, as if he has all the time in the world to explore them.

  We break apart, just staring at each other. That’s when I notice how tired he looks.

  I place my hand against stubble. “Hey, you okay?”

  He nods before turning his head and kissing my palm, but there something in his eyes—a shadow.

  “Carter and Mac okay?” I sit up. Something isn’t right.

  He lets out a deep breath. “Just a case I am working on.”

  I massage his shoulders. “Talk to me.” I know he can’t give names or details but it’s eating him up. Every muscle is bunched, his eyes are dark, and his jaw is tight.

  “I am okay, I have you. I am not going break.” He watches me before dragging his hand through his hair. “There’s a gang of drug dealers hanging around. This was the second death this week, he was just a fucking kid, fucking sixteen and he’d been dead for two days. No one reported him missing.” He shakes his head.

  I watch as he walks to the bathroom. I wait until I know he’s in the bath and follow him in. His eyes are tired. I sit down beside him on the tile and he doesn’t take his eyes off me as I grab the sponge. He looks at me confused.

  “It’s my turn to take care of you.” I whisper. I know that tonight hit close to home for him. That darkness that he tries to hide from me is strong. I know he thinks he hides it well, but he forgets that I’m not afraid of the dark.

  After I get him clean, I wash his hair. I grab the towel, holding it up, but Dominic looks at it strangely before standing. I wrap it around his waist, kissing his chest. I don’t stop there. I flick my tongue over his small, dark nipples. I lightly bite, causing him to hiss and push his hips out.

  I continue to lick and nip my way down to the towel, using my teeth to open it. His eyes go nearly black. I love seeing that look in his eyes.

  Grabbing his dick, squeezing just like he likes, before I lick from his balls to his tip. He chucks his head back, saying my name like a curse as I take him into my mouth as far as I can. His hips buck as he winds his hands in my hair, causing me to moan around him. He is never able to fit all the way in, so as I start to suck, I use my other hand in a twisting motion. I know it drives him wild when he starts to fuck my mouth. I love the power I have over him. Nothing can bring Dominic to his knees. But having my lips around him and seeing him withering underneath me is the most powerful thing.

  “Beautiful. Stop. I’m. Going. To. Cum.”

  Instead, I suck harder. Dominic grips harder, his stomach tightening and his thighs shaking. My eyes stay connect to him as he drowns in the orgasm.

  He pulls me up, kissing me like he’s using the last of his breath.

  Dominic goes to lift my shirt, but I shake my head. “That was a part of me taking care of you.”

  Laying me on the bed, he looks over at me. “No one has ever done that before.” He looks up at the ceiling.

  I lean up on my elbow. “A blow job? Because I remember two weeks ago…” I wink, making his lip twitch.

  Shaking his head, looking me in the eyes. “Cared for me.” His voice is the softest I have ever heard it.

  “Did you like it?”

  A boyish grin that makes him look half his age covers his face.

  I bend down, kissing his lips. “Good, then I'm adding it to our vows to give Dominic a bath and a blow job once a month. We can call it B.B. night.”

  His whole body shakes with laughter, his eyes jade green as he grabs me around the waist and brings me on top of him, placing a loud kiss on my lips. “I love you, Mrs. Avery Stone.”

  I smile. “I love you, Mr. Dominic Stone.”

  The smile tells me he’s finally starting to believe it.

  I wake to the smell of coffee and the sound of Cooper barking. I look at the clock and it flashes eight.

  Shit. I’m late. I jump up quickly, tying my hair up before jumping into the shower. Making quick work of it, I get dressed. As I run downstairs, Dom looks over his shoulder. “I’m late! You didn’t wake me!”

  He frowns. “You never leave until nine on Fridays.”

  I grab my bag. “We have a special meeting.” I hop around, trying to put my shoes on. Handing me my travel mug and I lean up, kissing him quickly.

  I make it just in time for the meeting. Cecelia saved me a seat and I fall next to her, blowing out a breath. The meeting drones on about the inspection we have in a few weeks and everyone in the room groans. Every teacher’s nightmare is the dreaded inspection.

  I have a free period for the first lesson, so I mark all the work and sort out school projects to go home this weekend.

  I go to freshen up before making my way to class.
I grab the second test out of my bag, laughing to myself as I pee on the little stick.

  I open my phone, looking through Instagram. It’s the only social network I like. Most of the people I follow are book bloggers and authors, plus a few friends from high school.

  The timer goes off on my phone.

  I pick up the test and frown at it. What the fuck? There’s a smiley face! What the fuck is a smiley face?

  I shove the test in some tissue and wash my hands before I race back to the staff room, hoping Cecelia hasn’t left. She is packing her bags as I walk up to her.

  “I got a smiley face.”

  Raising her eyebrows, smirking. “Okay, did you take your tablets before you came to work today?”

  I shake my head. “No, on that stupid test you gave me. I just took it and it’s a smiley face.”

  Her eyes widen, her mouth the perfect “O”.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  “No, I just told you. I got a smiley face.”

  She nods slowly. “A smiley face means you’re pregnant.”

  I open my mouth and close it a few times, then a wave of love washes over me. I can’t explain it. My hands go to my stomach as a grin breaks out on my face.

  “I’m pregnant.”



  The world whizzes around me all day. I can’t believe I’m going to have a baby! A little human.

  A part of me and Dominic. Who will it look like?

  I hope it’s a boy, and he looks exactly like his daddy, or a girl with my chocolate hair and Dom’s green eyes.

  Cecelia waits for me at the car. She waves nervously. As I smile, she lets out a deep breath. “Oh good—you’re happy! I was so worried!”

  I can’t help but let my smile grow. “It was a shock, but I’m happy. It’s wonderful. Dominic is going to be the best dad.”

  She laughs. “God help us if you have a daughter! He will lock her away until she’s thirty.”

  I nod, knowing already how protective he will be over the baby.

  I can’t keep the grin off my face. Instead of going home, I stop off at our bakery, grabbing a dozen donuts for Dominic before he goes to work.

  I pull up just as Carter does.

  “You’re looking happy, Avery. Good news?” He has a big grin on his face.

  I smile, nodding. “How is Mac?” he winces. “He is still feeling like shit for that night.” I shake my head. “Tell him he better get his ass over here, I don’t blame him. I never did.” He grins saluting me. “So you are going tell me what’s got you smiling like that?” I grin shaking my head. No else is going to know before Dominic. I walk in. “Honey, I’m home!”

  He comes racing down the stairs with Cooper behind him. He looks at me before kissing me. It’s meant to be quick, but he can’t pull his lips away.

  I hand him the box of donuts and his lips lift at the idea of it, but he doesn’t know the note I’ve hidden inside.

  Eat up, Daddy!

  Mommy doesn’t want

  to be the only one with a


  Love, Baby Stone

  I watch as he walks out of the house, second-guessing myself. I wanted to see his reaction when he found out. As I turn to grab a drink, the front door flies open. Dominic is standing in the frame, filling it, the sun just coming in behind him.

  My dark angel.

  His chest is rising and falling, his eyes moving from my stomach back to my eyes. He knows.

  Then I see the note crushed in his hand. I didn’t think of the possibility of Dominic hating the idea. What if he wasn’t ready? I should have told him in private, gently, not with a note in a damn box of donuts.

  I can’t read his face. He still hasn’t said a word, but his eyes remain fixed on me. I see Carter approach from behind.

  “What the hell was in these donuts? As soon as he opened the lid, he bolted.”

  My eyes snap back to Dominic. He takes a few steps forward.

  “Is it true?” He holds the note up.

  Carter’s eyes widen when he sees what is written on it.

  “You’re having a baby? My baby?”

  I bite my lip, still unable to read him. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

  Before I can finish, Dominic has scooped me up in his arms, planting kisses all over my face as he swings me around. I can’t help but giggle. “You’re happy?”

  He stares at me, trying to find the right word. “Knowing you're carrying my baby—that I put it there—it’s…”

  Grabbing my face, kissing me, his tongue pushing in my mouth as he grabs my ponytail tight, holding the kiss and telling me, showing me, everything his words won’t allow.

  We break apart and Dominic smiles down on me, his eyes the clearest green I have ever seen them. The sight makes my heart flutter.

  “Congratulations, man, you're going be a dad!”

  He pulls Carter in, doing that man hug thing and taking poor Carter by surprise. I don’t think he has ever hugged him before.

  “I knocked you up! My swimmers are awesome.”

  Carter snorts, trying to hold back a laugh. Even I can’t stop the smile, seeing Dom so happy. He’s like a kid at Christmas.

  “Sorry, Stone, but we need to leave.”

  He frowns, looking at me, then his eyes travel to my stomach.

  “We will still be here when you get home.”

  Picking me up, he places me on the sofa. “You don’t move.”

  I smirk. “What if I’m hungry or need to pee?”

  His eyebrows pull together. “Okay, you're allowed to move only for food and the toilet.”

  I nod, knowing full well I won’t listen.

  Narrowing his eyes. “I mean it, Avery. Your sexy ass stays on the sofa.”

  I roll my eyes. “You can’t be serious, Dominic. I’m not the first woman to get pregnant.”

  He shakes his head, the stubborn asshole. I should have guessed how protective he would get.

  “It’s the first time my wife is pregnant, so when I’m out at work I need to know you’re safe. That both of you are safe.”

  I nod. “Okay, here’s the deal. I have to get changed, grab my Kindle and something to eat, then I won’t leave here unless it’s to use the toilet.”

  I hold out my hand, making Carter laugh.

  Dominic’s lips twitch and he leans over the back of the sofa, kissing me like he is Spider-Man. “Deal, beautiful,” he whispers against my lips.

  I grin.

  I must have fallen asleep because I wake to soft kisses on my eyelids. My eyes flutter open to see Dominic standing over me and Cooper standing next to him. I smile sleepily.

  “Hey.” I rub Cooper’s head.

  Dominic kisses me softly. “You’re tired, babe.”

  I yawn as I nod.

  Picking me up, kissing my forehead as he carries me upstairs. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m asleep.

  I wake, stretching like a cat, my body more relaxed than it has been in months. I turn to see Dominic already staring down at me, looking like he hasn’t slept all night. I instantly gather the quilt around me, as if protecting myself. After Officer Devon, I never know what’s around the corner.


  He sighs. “Promise me if I’m no good at being a dad, you’ll leave.”

  I can’t help my sharp intake of breath. I shake my head. “Never. I will never leave you.”

  His body relaxes only slightly.

  “Dom, look at me.”

  I grab his face in both my hands. “You listen here. You are going be a great dad. This baby is going to love you just like I do, like Carter and everybody else do, because Dominic Stone, you are impossible not to love.”

  He lets out a deep sigh. “Promise we will love our kid. We will never leave them alone, they will never feel lonely, we will give them baths, and take care of them.”

  Tears run down my face. “I promise you this, baby will know from their very first breath how much we love th
em. We will never leave them alone. They will never be lonely or question our love. We will take care of them, be there to watch them walk in on their first day of school, be there to pick them up, and go to their football games or dance classes. We will have picnics in the sun, build sandcastles, and read them a story every night before tucking them in. They will never be scared of the monster who lives under their bed because you will chase it away. For every scraped knee, broken bone, tear, heartbreak, trophy, birthday, Christmas, passing their driving test, we will be there.”

  Dominic sucks in a breath. “I like that. I want to be that man you just described. I want to read them stories, tuck them in, teach them to swim. I want to chase their monsters away.”

  He looks at me as if I hold the answer to everything before closing his eyes tight, not wanting to hear the answer. “Do you think I could be that man?”

  I nod, climbing so I’m straddling him. “You already are.”

  Dominic is frowning down at his phone when I walk into the living room. He doesn’t lift his head up as I take a seat.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Turning towards me. “We need to make a doctor’s appointment and we can’t do that until Monday.”

  “I called them already. The only appointment is at four o’clock, but I know your afternoons, so I don’t mind going on my own. It will only be a confirmation.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll call Mac and see if he can cover me for a few hours. I’m coming.”

  I smile. “I would love for you to be there.”

  He looks at my stomach. “I’m going be an overbearing asshole.”

  I snort. “More than normal?”

  Dominic nods. “Yes, I want to take care of you both. I’m going to protect you both. It’s my job, my honor.”

  I purse my lips. “I can deal with that, because baby, I’m going be hormonal. I’m going to cry over nothing. I’m going to get angry at you for no reason, then cry because I got angry. I’m going to get fat.”

  He snorts. “No, you’re going to get ripe with my baby growing inside of you. I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed. Your tits are already fuller, your curves softer. You look like you have this light inside of you that’s shining bright. I’m going be walking around with a permanently hard dick for the next nine months.”


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