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Shattered Love_Heart_Rending Love Story

Page 10

by Ivy Rose

  He tilts his head. “I didn’t know someone like you existed. I dreamt every night of someone saving me like a superhero. Never did I think it would be a five-foot, six-inch angel. All this is more than I ever dared to dream.”

  He kisses my lips with the softest of kisses. “I love you, Avery.”

  He rolls on top of me, showing me just how much he loves me.


  Fridays at school are my favorite. The kids are full of energy even though they can’t wait to leave.

  I wave them out. “Don’t forget your weekend diary. I would like photos or drawings and some writing of everything you did on the weekend. We are doing a show and tell on Monday.”

  They all race for the doors, shouting their agreement over their shoulders.

  I turn back to room to see Reese has moved to the front of the class. Reese hasn’t been with us long. He was extremely bullied in his last school. Due to the bullying, he has a stutter which is worse when he has to talk out loud.

  Cecelia pops her head in. “Mrs. Stone, can I have a word please?”

  I smile at Reese. “Look over this book. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  I walk over to Cecelia. I’m surprised she’s still here as it’s the weekend. She normally leaves straight away to go visit Brax. I close the door behind me.

  “Hey, everything okay?”

  She smiles. “Yes, sorry. Dominic working late tonight?”

  I nod, confused. “Yes, he’ll be home around eleven.”

  Cecelia looks at Reese. “I’ve got to do some stuff, but I was thinking of grabbing pizza and maybe having a girls’ night. We could ask Molly? I feel terrible I missed that shopping trip a few days ago.”

  I shake my head. “Hey, don’t be silly. We know you go see Brax and if Dominic or Carter lived that far away, we’d do the same. Molly is away for work and her new boss is a tyrant asshole, but I’d love some pizza.”

  I don’t question Cecelia on why she’s not seeing Brax. I’ll wait until we’re in a good food coma and she can’t run off.

  I walk back into the classroom after Cecelia leaves with the promise of the biggest pizza and chocolate chip ice cream, which I’ve had a craving for all day.

  Reese looks up at me. “Do,do. I do. I…have have…do I have to to…do I have to speak?”

  I wait patiently for him to finish. The fear in his eyes makes my heart hurt. I take a seat opposite him. “No, you don’t, but you can do it with me in private. Would that be okay?”

  Reese worries his lip before nodding his head.

  I have done a ton of research on the internet about stutters and how to help him. We go over the sheets for an hour before Donna, Reese’s mother, comes to collect him.

  “How’s he doing?”

  The worry on her face is heartbreaking. She’s a single mom who’s working two jobs. She worries that she doesn’t get enough done with Reese to help him, but if she cuts back her hours, they would be out on the streets. I offered to help.

  “He’s doing well. I’m doing some confidence building exercises with him. They have a homework task they have to read out loud on Monday.”

  Donna pales, looking at Reese.

  “It’s okay. I told him he can come to me privately on a break. He’s made friends with a few children in the class but he’s still not speaking very much.”

  Donna lets out a deep breath. “I’m home early on Sunday and we can go through it then. I wish that I could do more, it’s just—”

  I stop her. “Donna, I know how much you love Reese. He’s a special, bright boy. He’s incredible. That’s all due to you. I’m happy to stay a few extra hours a week.”

  Donna eyes glass. “Thank you, Avery. Honestly, you have done more than any other teacher.”

  I wave them both off before grabbing my things.

  As I pull into my drive, I notice a haggard look man and woman seated on the porch, an empty bottle of vodka laying by their side.

  I jump when I hear a knock at my window. I take a deep breath when I see Cecelia outside holding a pizza and grocery bag. I get out of the car.

  “Who are they, Avery? Stay away. They could be dangerous.”

  I turn to face her. “They are my in-laws.”

  Her eyes widen. “Dominic’s parents?”

  I nod. There is not a single person in town who doesn’t know who Dominic’s parents are. They are usually passed out in a bar somewhere by now or too high to wander this far out of town. They’ve never been here before, so I’m curious about why they’re here now, after all these years.

  I bend down, trying not to gag on the smell. “Mrs. Stone?”

  A noise comes from her that sounds like her chest is rattling. She lifts her head and stares at me. Her eyes are the same deep green as Dominic’s, but they are dead. It’s like she is just an empty carcass. There’s no warmth in them. “Little shit knocked you up?”

  I’m confused until I realize that little shit is Dominic. I nod. “Yes, we’re having a baby.”

  She makes another sound. “So I’m going to be a grandma.”

  I smile. “Yes, our daughter is due in a few months. Wou—”

  I’m cut off by a voice that sounds like he smokes eighty cigarettes a day.

  “I’m surprised the little shit had it in him. Don’t go asking for money when he fucks off, because we ain’t got any.”

  I frown down at Dominic’s father. “Dominic wouldn’t leave us.”

  The man looks much older than he should. His skin has a yellow touch to it, he has only a few teeth left and his fingers are yellow from nicotine.

  “The bastard is his father’s kid. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.”

  My eyes widen when I realize he’s telling me he’s not Dominic’s father. I stumble back. “Does he know?”

  He laughs, which comes out a hacking cough. “He’s a bastard to a rapist that ruined his mother’s life. Yeah, he knows. I made sure of it.”

  I suck in a breath just as I hear screeching tires. “Get the fuck away from him, Avery.”

  The cold tone of his voice has me spinning, but for the first time, his eyes are not on me but the people who raised him.


  “Dominic?” there is confusion in her tone, but for once, my eyes are not on my girl. I watch his every move.

  The fucker smirks and I look to Avery. “For once, Avery, just listen.”

  She takes a step back, nodding her head. She doesn’t know this man I kept away from her. She goes to speak when he starts spitting his fucking poison.

  “Why you got to spoil it? I was giving the beautiful Avery a family tree lesson.”

  Well I’m not a little boy anymore and I already know what this “lesson” of his really entails.

  I can’t help but recall my last vivid memory of him.

  “You want a drink? I’ll give you a drink.” He grabs my hair and I clench my jaw tight as to not make a noise. The bastard loves it when I make noises.

  I frown when we go to the kitchen. Is he really getting me a drink? The water in the barrel made me sick, so I wouldn’t drink that again, but I am so thirsty.

  He runs the water and fills the sink. He smiles. “Have a drink., lap like the fucking dog you are.”

  I do want a drink. I am so thirsty my mouth is dry, my tongue is hairy. I take slow steady steps keeping my ten-year-old body steady. I bend over and lap at the water. The cool engulfs my mouth. I’m grateful until he grabs my head. I suck in a breath not knowing what’s going to happen next.

  Everything in me fights as I try to hold my breath. My head goes under the water and light spots cover my vision.

  The garbage disposal turns on and I’m scared he’ll pull the plug, drain the water and somehow push my head inside.

  Tension is relieved from my neck. I can breathe again. Water droplets fall from my face and to the ground as he reaches to turn off the garbage disposal.

  “Yea, you remember that lesson, little shit.”

sp; I hated Malcom then, and I hate him now. I pick him up and my entire body is shaking. I slam him against the back wall. Was that fear in his eyes?


  It only makes me hungrier for his blood. My demons can smell his hesitation and they want revenge on the monster that created them. I was only a young boy for fuck sake. One who couldn’t fight back, who didn’t understand the why he was always getting punished.

  Malcolm sneers, showing the few yellow teeth he has. The smell of stale beer is on his breath. “Did you rape her the way your daddy did your momma? Did you make her scream?”

  I wrap my fingers around his neck. Malcolm Stone is the sickest bastard I know.

  The truth is, he is my father. The man that raped my mother.

  I watch as the woman that gave birth to me, picking up the empty bottle of vodka unscrewing the cap and trying to suck out any drops available.

  Malcolm puts his hand on my shoulder. “That’s Avery in a few years, son. Weak, broken just how us Stone like our women.”

  I growl. “That’s where you’re wrong. Avery is sweet. She is so fucking strong.”

  My hands are about to go back to Malcolm’s neck, but a hand touches my shoulder. “He’s high, Stone. They both are, they’ve been kicked out of the trailer and they need money.” Carter’s lips are pulled tight.

  Malcolm lips curl up as his eyes narrow. “Watch it Carter, I don’t want something to happen to you. You have a wife to think about.” I push him back to the wall, leaning in so close, I can see my refection in his eyes. “Don’t threaten him, you won’t like what happens.” Carter squeezes my shoulder. “He not worth it stone!”Before turning away, I watch him pick up Jillian.

  Malcolm sneers. “You won’t always be here to save your sweet Avery.” Grinning, something shifts in his eyes. “Not long now.” He looks me directly in the eyes. “ I am going have fun breaking her.”

  Something in me completely snaps, I pull back my arm landing it straight his nose. It cracks under my elbow. “I’ll break you, you bastard.”

  Like a wild animal, I attack the darkness tinting my vision.

  “Dominic!” It’s Avery.

  Her bright sapphire eyes appear in front of me, making me jump back. I look down to see the bloody mess in front of me. My hands are clenched together, my breathing is rapid and my chest rises and falls.

  My eyes automatically look toward her as if they were trained to, there’s a small frown on her face, her eyes wide. I turn my head away from here, she was never meant to see this man the one I kept hidden in the darkest depths of me. She was never meant to hear the vile truth of where I came from.

  I pace like a caged animal as Carter sorts everything out, after the medic turns up there’s restlessness still alive in me.

  Carter approaches, concern in his eyes—for who, I am not sure. “You okay man?”

  I stare him down and walk closer. “Get me out of here.”

  “Come on man.”

  I follow Carter, my eyes staring straight ahead as I fight every instinct in me not to look at Avery, I don’t want her to see my demons up close. Right now, I am truly unworthy of her love.

  “Dominic.” Her voice makes me flinch, when I feel her soft fingers on my arm, I don’t want her touching me. I don’t want the darkness to touch her.

  I don’t move, I don’t look at her.

  “Dominic.” It’s a beg. A plea.

  I finally make eye contact with her. Even now, her brightness is pulling me out of my dark past. I close my eyes and lean my forehead against hers.

  I brush my lips against hers and pull away without looking at her again.

  Turning, I do the one thing I never thought I do: walk away from my girl.


  I can't stop pacing. I’m looking at my phone and looking through the curtains.

  Carter messaged me to let me know that Dominic was okay after Dominic wouldn't answer any of my calls.

  At midnight, there’s a knock on my door. I race to answer it and see Molly on the other side.


  She smiles, but it’s tight, nothing like the free smile I’m used to. “Dominic asked Carter for me to come stay with you.”

  My eyes widen when the truth sinks in. “He's not coming home, is he?”

  Shaking her head. “No, I think he's in a pretty bad way, from what Carter said. Was it really that bad?”

  I nod, taking a seat. “Molly, I always knew his past was bad, but I only got a glimpse today and it tore my heart out. The stuff they said to him…” Tears roll down my cheeks.

  As I remember the cruel words Malcolm slung at Dominic, my heart shatters.

  “He walked away from me.” I look up at Molly. “He walked away after kissing me like it was the last time. He's left me.” My lips tremble as I try to makes sense of everything.

  Molly races over to me. “No, Avery. He just needs time to get his head together.”

  I go to bed shortly after.

  Grabbing my phone, I text Dominic.

  Avery: I miss you.

  Avery: Please come home.

  Hours go past without a reply.

  Avery: I love you Dominic Stone.

  I fall into a restless sleep. When I wake the next morning, there is still no word from him. Instead of feeling sad, I’m pissed, seriously pissed. How dare he walk away? How dare he not just send a text to let me know that he's okay and send Molly over instead, like I’m some little kid? We were a team isn’t that what he said?

  I shower and yank my clothes on.

  Molly makes me a cup of tea. “Hey, how are you this morning?”

  I grab the tea, blowing before taking a sip. “Last night, I was upset and scared. This morning, I’m pissed.”

  She leans against the counter. “Yeah, I get that. If it was Carter, I’d be pissed too. He called this morning. Dom got drunk and passed out in some dive bar. He’s at our house.”

  Dominic doesn't get drunk. He has a few beers with Carter and Mac sometimes, but he never loses control.

  “I’m sorry he brought you both into this.”

  Molly gives me a quick hug. “It's fine. You're my best friend. I would have been here, whether Carter had asked or not.”

  I squeeze her. “Thanks. I love you too.”

  I decided I’m not just going to hang around at the house. I need to get out.

  Dominic is still radio silent. I haven't texted him since last night.

  I spend the day shopping alone. I’m not in the mood for anyone's company. I go from being mad as a wet cat to scared that Dominic may never come back. After shopping I couldn’t stay in the house it was too quiet too empty so I walked to the local park.

  I grab my phone and my lip trembles when I see it’s my mom, not Dominic.


  Her worried voice comes through. “Avery, darling what's the matter?”

  I can't stop the tears. I swear I’ve never cried as much as I have since being pregnant. I take a seat on the bench. “Dominic left.” At those words, a sob breaks through.

  “What do you mean? What happened? I can't imagine Dominic leaving. Are you sure?”

  I explain to Mom what happened yesterday—every sordid detail.

  “Baby girl, what that boy went through, no child should ever have to live like that. Not all scars are visible. Some go so much deeper.”

  I suck in a shaky breath. “I know, I love him regardless, mom. I love him so much. But we are a team. We don't work without each other. He doesn't trust me to help him.”

  There is a sigh through the phone. “Avery, Dominic knows how much you love him, and you’re probably the only person he does trust, but that doesn’t mean he wants you to see him that way. From what I know of Dominic, he would protect you from anything. And that includes himself. Give him time, darling. I promise you, he’ll be back, and when he does show up, give him hell.”

  I smile. “Thanks, Mom.”

  A sniffle comes through the phone. “I missed this
, darling. I love you.”

  We haven't said these words since they came back to my life all those months ago.

  “I love you too, Mom.”


  It's been three days since Dominic walked out. I haven't texted him since. I even ignored Carter and Molly’s calls. If my pig-headed husband wants to know how I am, he can damn well come and ask me himself.

  Cecelia is also worrying me. Ever since leaving quickly on Friday, she hasn't been the same. She has been even more quiet, and I’m pretty sure she’s avoiding me.

  I walk into my house. My feet are killing me. I’m nearly seven months pregnant now. My belly feels like it has literally grown overnight.

  As soon as I step in the house, I know he’s here. I look up and he's sitting on the sofa. His hair is disheveled and he looks like he hasn't slept at all these past few days. Everything in me wants to go to him and hold him in my arms, but all my anger comes back instead. I walk straight past him.

  I feel his eyes on me as Cooper runs up to me. “Hey, boy.” I scratch his head and he licks my face. “Aww, I’ve missed you too, boy.” I laugh at his excitement.

  “Coop.” Dominic’s commanding voice has Cooper backing away.

  I look up at my husband for the first time. I’m torn. I want him to cross the distance and hold me tight, but at the same time, he can piss back off where he came from.


  I shake my head. “Oh, it’s beautiful again now.”

  I know he’s waiting for me to look at him so he can look in my eyes and check that I’m okay, but I keep my head turned away as I walk toward the stairs.

  “Don’t walk away from me.”

  I spin, facing him and crossing my arms. “No, because that’s your job, isn't it? Well, fuck you, Dominic.”

  I storm up the stairs, locking myself in the bathroom. I know he’s standing against the door. I can feel him there. I place my hands against the wooden door frame. I cover my mouth to stop the sobs.

  “Baby, you’re crying. I can hear you, baby. Open the door.”

  I suck in a shuddering breath. “You walked away from me, Dominic. You walked out on us.”


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