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Landscapes of the Heart

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by Elizabeth Spencer

Brown, Tom, 218–21

  Browning, Robert, 14, 114, 162, 181

  Browning, Taylor, 3, 4

  Bryan, Christopher, 124

  Bryant, Alton, 290

  Burkhead, Bill, 3, 92–93, 115, 151–52, 153, 155–56

  Buzzard Roost, 153–54, 157

  Byron, George Gordon Lord, 114, 164

  Caesar, Gaius Julius, 14, 122

  Caetani, Marguerite, 264

  Canada, 66, 308, 322–23, 330–31

  C. & G. railroad, 48, 127

  Carroll, Charles, 6

  Carroll, Lewis, 121, 282

  Carroll Academy, 129

  Carroll County, Miss., 10, 56, 132

  Carrollton, Miss., 3, 6–7, 11–14, 22, 27, 34, 44–50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61–66, 69, 70, 74–79, 83, 87, 111, 112, 122, 127–39, 141, 149–51, 153, 156–57, 160, 182–83, 206–7, 226, 231, 235, 236, 252, 254, 265, 286, 289, 291, 303, 313, 325, 328–29

  Carrollton massacre, 156–57, 183, 236

  Carter, Hodding, 259, 288–89

  Carter-Foy, Alice, 266

  Cater, Dorothy, 304–5

  Cather, Willa, 177–78, 323

  Catherine of Aragon (Mattingly), 265

  Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams), 301

  Cellini, Benvenuto, 120, 279, 318

  Centennial Park, 173, 194

  Chapel Hill, N.C., 332

  Charbonneau, 213, 215–16

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 162

  Cheever, John, 251, 302–3, 310–11, 324

  Cheever, Mary, 302–3, 310–11

  Cheever, Susan, 310–11

  Chekhov, Anton, 33, 209, 264, 266

  Chickasaw Indians, 45

  Choctaw Indians, 11, 39–47

  Christian Science, 199, 321

  Ciardi, John, 247

  Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 34

  Ciocciara, La (Moravia), 269

  Civil War, 10, 12, 43, 49, 71, 79, 91–92, 123–24, 132, 155, 163, 164, 176, 233

  Clark, Eleanor, 251, 302–3, 304, 311–12

  Clay, David, 196–99, 200–201, 205–6, 249, 255, 299–300, 304, 312–13, 318–19, 321, 323

  Clay, Justine (“Dusty”), 198–99, 255, 299, 304, 321, 323

  “Clementina” (Cheever), 311

  Colman, Ronald, 130

  Columbus, Miss., 204, 234

  Conrad, Joseph, 178, 208

  Cornish Childhood, A (Rowse), 309

  Cornwall, 307–10

  Cory, Daniel, 265, 280

  Cory, Margot, 265, 280

  “Country Husband, The” (Cheever), 302

  Coward, Noël, 162

  Craig, Harry, 266–73

  Cranes on Dying River, The (Olson), 142

  Crawford, Joan, 130

  Crosby, Bing, 130

  Cully, Nina, 87

  Curry, Walter Clyde, 123, 166

  Curtain of Green, A (Welty), 167–68

  Damnation of Faust, The (Berlioz), 228

  Dante Alighieri, 210, 272–73

  D’Arcy, Father, 275

  Davidson, Donald, 167, 173–85, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 196, 246–50

  “Death of Little Boys, The” (Tate), 180

  de Gaulle, Charles, 331

  De Havilland, Olivia, 319

  Delia Robbia, Luca, 279

  Della Wedding (Welty), 203

  Depression, Great, 111, 124, 133, 137, 149, 189, 194

  De Sica, Vittorio, 262

  Dickens, Charles, 34, 35, 54, 123

  Dinesen (pension), 261–63, 265, 277, 280, 281

  Dinosaur Fund, The (Vartan), 257

  Dodd, Edward, 198, 249

  Dodd, Mead, 196–99, 205–6, 249, 255, 286

  Donatello, 279

  Donley, John, 40

  Donley, Priscilla, see Leflore, Priscilla Donley

  Donley, Rose, see Leflore, Rose Donley

  Donne, John, 181

  Dreiser, Theodore, 33, 177

  Duse, Eleanora, 209

  Eggleston, Frances, 135–37, 157

  Eggleston, Hallie, 135–37, 157–58

  Eggleston, Sara, 135–36

  Eggleston, Sid, 136

  Eliot, George, 122, 123

  Eliot, T. S., 166, 174, 180, 220, 258, 277

  Ellison, Fanny, 312

  Ellison, Ralph, 183, 251, 312

  “Equilibrists, The” (Ransom), 181

  Erskine, Albert, 183, 250, 263

  Erskine, Edith, 73–75, 135

  Erskine, Peggy, 250–51, 263, 266–73

  Evers, Medgar, 292, 296

  Fairchild, Diane, 316

  Family, The (Ivey), 249

  Fathers, The (Tate), 257

  Faulkner, William, 45–46, 136, 141, 164–65, 167, 175, 176–77, 178, 183, 204, 208–9, 210–11, 256, 270, 273–75, 293–95, 322, 326, 329

  Fédération Libération de Québec

  (FLQ), 331

  Felice, Iole, 310–11

  Felice, Maria, 311

  50 Wall Street (Vartan), 257

  Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 179

  Fire in the Morning (Spencer), 199–200, 205–6, 210, 235, 246

  Fischer, John, 252

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 133, 258

  Fletcher, John Gould, 184

  Florence, 120, 225–27, 275–77, 278, 279, 281, 300, 319

  Foote, Shelby, 325

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 124

  Forster, E. M., 253

  France, 175–76, 226, 229

  Franklin, Benjamin, 77

  Freed, Arthur, 319

  Freedom Riders, 292

  Frost, Robert, 247–48

  Fulco, 213–14, 215–16

  Gable, Clark, 130

  Gee, Charlie, 133, 135, 148, 155

  Gee, Recie Gillespie, 73, 132

  Gee family, 132–35

  George, J. Z., 76, 129, 132

  Germany, 192, 212, 217, 218–22, 225, 226, 228

  Gettysburg, Battle of, 49, 56, 124

  Gill, Brendan, 312

  Gillespie, Guy, 160–61, 164

  Glenn, Elizabeth, 73

  Goldman, Raymond, 190–91, 197

  Gollancz, Victor, 277–78

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 123, 292

  Goodbye to Berlin (Isherwood), 255

  Gordon, Caroline, 176, 182, 183, 263–65, 274–75, 302

  Goyen, William, 323–24

  Grace Episcopal Church, 66, 136

  Grant, Ulysses S., 155

  Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 176

  Green, A. Wigfall, 290

  Greene, Graham, 178, 263, 275

  Greenville, Miss., 75, 259, 287, 289, 325

  Greenville Delta Democrat Times, 259, 289

  Greenwood, Miss., 28, 36, 44, 45, 63, 73, 76–78, 128, 130, 137, 138, 141, 148, 149, 320–30

  Grey, Duncan, 293

  Grimm brothers, 220

  Guggenheim Fellowships, 216, 259, 260, 265

  Guggenheim Foundation, 260, 284

  Gulf Coast, 230–45, 246, 252, 325

  Gulfport, Miss., 231, 233, 237, 242–43

  Hamilton, George, 319

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 166

  Hardy, Thomas, 162, 175, 178

  Harlow, Jean, 130

  Harmonium (Stevens), 255

  Harper’s, 252

  Harris, Frank, 178

  Harris, James, 43

  Harris, Joel Chandler, 184

  Harris, Mr., 62–63

  Harris, Rebecca Cravat Leflore, 43

  Havana, 213–15

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 34, 123

  Hemingway, Ernest, 178, 258, 322

  Henderson, Lizzie George, 76–78

  Henderson the Rain King (Bellow), 216

  Henley, J. C., 145–46, 154

  Henley, Laura, 145–48, 154–55, 313

  Henley, Mary Elizabeth (“Snookums”), 148–49, 153

  Hepburn, Katharine, 161

  Hershey Foods Corporation, 204–5

  Herzog (Bellow), 216

  Hesse, Hermann, 277

  Hiroshima, 192

  Hollingsworth, W
illiam, 162

  Hollywood, 208, 262

  Home Before Dark (S. Cheever), 311

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 180

  Horn Island, 230, 244

  Hoskins, Harvey, 29

  House of Breath (Goyen), 323

  House Un-American Activities Committee, 247–48

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 263

  Hughes, Howard, 57

  Hugo, Victor, 35, 139

  Hurricane Betsy, 241, 244

  Hurricane Camille, 230, 241–45, 326

  I’ll Take My Stand, 184

  Inferno (Dante), 273

  Intruder in the Dust (Faulkner), 204

  Invisible Man (Ellison), 183, 312

  Isherwood, Christopher, 255

  Italy, 209, 212, 216, 222, 224–29, 259, 260, 261–85, 287, 290, 294, 302, 310, 314, 319–21

  Ivey, Caroline, 246, 249

  Jackson, Andrew, 42, 46

  Jackson, Miss., 6, 40, 69, 96, 160–61, 163, 167, 168, 202–3, 205, 226, 230–31, 234, 252, 262, 295, 330

  Jackson, Stonewall, 56, 124, 176

  Jackson Little Theatre, 161–62

  James, Henry, 14, 200, 208, 211–12, 263–64, 274, 275

  Japan, 142–43, 192, 248, 308

  Jefferson, Thomas, 77

  Johnson, Lavada, 90–91

  Johnson, Vivian, 90

  Johnson, Walter, 89–91

  “Jolly Corner, The” (James), 200

  Joyce, James, 178–79

  “Judith of Bethulia” (Ransom), 181

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 123, 195

  Keats, John, 163, 164

  Keenan, Frances, 111, 116

  Keenan, Kay (“Miss Willie”), 111–17

  Keenan, Meade Marian, 111, 116

  Kennedy, John F., 292, 321–22

  Kenyon Review, 193

  Kenyon Review Fiction Fellowship, 184

  Kilmer, Joyce, 182

  Kimball, Hunter, 248–49

  King, Morton, 290, 292–93

  Kipling, Rudyard, 14, 114–15, 174

  Klappert, Charles, 265, 277, 280

  Klappert, Darr, 265, 277, 280

  Knights & Dragons (Spencer), 320–21

  Korean War, 248, 329

  Ku Klux Klan, 157

  Lachine, 315–17, 322, 328

  Last Gentleman, The (Percy), 326

  Last Supper (Leonardo), 223–24

  Lattimore, Owen, 248

  Laurence, Margaret, 323

  Lawrence, Gertrude, 161, 301

  Layton, Irving, 322

  Lee, Eloise, 126, 139

  Lee, Mary Ida, 130

  Lee, Robert E., 124, 176

  LeFleur, Louis, 40–41

  Leflore, Greenwood, 39–47

  Leflore, Priscilla Donley, 39, 40

  Leflore, Rebecca Cravat, see Harris, Rebecca Cravat Leflore

  Leflore, Rose Donley, 40

  Leflore County Court House, 76

  Leibling, A. J., 243

  Leonardo da Vinci, 223

  Lewis, Sinclair, 33, 178

  Liddell, Dr., 138

  Liddell, Frieda, 138

  Liddell family, 143, 152

  Light in the Piazza, The (movie), 319

  Light in the Piazza, The (Spencer), 276, 318–19, 320

  Lincoln, Abraham, 91–92

  Lindsay, Vachel, 166

  Lippi, Filippino, 279

  Littleton family, 70–72

  London, 211, 230, 277–78, 283, 304–6, 310

  Long, Rosewell, 30

  Long, Sam, 5, 30

  Longstreet, James, 45

  Lord Jim (Conrad), 250

  Loren, Sophia, 262, 269

  Losing Battles (Welty), 326

  Louisiana State University, 183, 206, 235, 332

  Lowell, Robert, 183

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 274–75

  Lyell, Frank, 262

  Lyell, Louis, 262

  Lytle, Andrew, 173, 176

  McBride, Annie, 162

  McBride, Jennie, 62, 109–11, 115, 117, 124, 151

  McCain, Elizabeth Young, 11, 13, 14, 16, 35, 50, 80, 313

  McCain, Esther May (“Aunt Esther”), 25–29, 30–31, 33, 35, 43, 66, 159, 259

  McCain, Harry, 11, 15–16, 206, 212

  McCain, Henry Pinkney (“Uncle Pink”), 13, 189

  McCain, John (“Gan”), 8–10, 11, 13, 15–17, 18–23, 48–49, 66, 91–92, 99–104, 118, 121, 125–26, 128, 136, 313, 314

  McCain, John Sidney (“Sidney”), 11, 14–16, 36, 61, 192, 206, 212

  McCain, Joseph, 10

  McCain, Joseph Pinkney (“Uncle Joe”), 4, 5, 10, 11, 15–16, 24–37, 43, 44, 47, 55, 66, 122, 130, 157, 159, 200, 206, 212, 259, 279, 288, 329

  McCain, Kate, 14

  McCain, Katherine Louise (“Katie Lou”), 11, 34, 66, 122, 140, 265

  McCain, Mary James (“Mimi”), see Spencer, Mary James McCain

  McCain, Rebecca, 36, 159

  McCain, William Alexander (“Bill”), 11, 14, 15–16, 206, 212

  McCain family, 8–17, 27, 33–34, 41, 43, 48, 50, 55, 65–66, 70

  McCarley, Miss., 48–50, 52, 54, 57, 61, 131

  McCarthy, Joseph, 248

  McCarthyism, 269

  McCullers, Carson, 270

  McDill, Joseph Moody, 165–67, 168, 169, 174, 293

  McDill, Margaret, 167

  MacDonald, George, 15

  McEachern, Mr., 69

  McGehee, Edward, 194, 195, 212, 216–18, 222

  McGraw-Hill, 304, 319, 323

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 209

  MacLennan, Hugh, 323

  McMillan, Lee, 91–92

  McQueen, Steve, 136

  Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 250

  Magnani, Anna, 269

  Mailer, Norman, 222

  Malmaison, 39–47

  Manassas, Battle of, 79, 88

  Mandragola, La (Machiavelli), 209

  Mann, Thomas, 276–77

  Mattingly, Garrett (“Matt”), 265–66, 277, 280, 300

  Mattingly, Gertrude (“Gert”), 265–66, 277, 280, 300

  Maugham, Somerset, 174

  Maybry, Dr., 5, 30

  Meeks, Arnie, 30

  Memphis, Tenn., 6, 33, 58, 82, 85–86, 88, 90, 163, 187, 190, 255–56

  Meredith, James, 292–93

  Meridian, Miss., 207–8, 234

  Meuks, Armistead, 12–13, 158

  MGM, 313

  Michelangelo, 226, 279, 300

  Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan), 226

  Milan, 222–25

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 166

  Miller, Gilbert, 304

  Miller, Henry, 218

  Miller, Henry (theatrical producer), 304

  Milton, John, 164, 174

  Mimieux, Yvette, 319

  Miserables, Les (Hugo), 34, 139

  Mississipi, University of, at Oxford, see Ole Miss

  Mississippi: The Closed Society (Silver), 294–95

  Moby Dick (Melville), 34, 263

  Money, Senator, 132

  Montgomery, Andrew, 43–45, 46

  Montgomery, Frances (“Miss Fannie Eva”), 43, 45

  Montreal, 241, 314–15, 328, 329

  “Moon Lake” (Welty), 203

  “Moonlight Sonata,” 139–40

  Moore, Merrill, 182

  Moore, Willie, 95

  Morante, Elsa, 273

  Moravia, Alberto, 266–73, 275

  “Mountain Victory” (Faulkner), 45

  Moviegoer, The (Percy), 234

  Movie Mirror, 130

  “Music from Spain” (Welty), 203

  Mussolini, Benito, 269

  NAACP, 293

  Naipaul, V. S., 178

  Naples, 272–73

  Nashville, Tenn., 40, 44, 123, 173–85, 189–90, 196, 199, 205, 213, 229, 235

  Nashville Tennessean, 191

  Natchez, Miss., 7, 39, 40, 69, 135, 231

  Negro in Mississippi, The: 1865–1890 (Wharton), 156

  Neill, Mary Dora, 329

  Neill, W
ill, 329

  Nelson, Flora, 73

  New Criticism, 165, 174–75, 177, 183

  New Deal, 176, 191

  Newman, Miss, 166

  New Orleans, La., 36, 138, 163, 213–15, 231, 237, 242, 325

  New York, N.Y., 161, 196–99, 205, 209, 211, 215, 222, 246, 249, 252–57, 286, 290–91, 299–306, 325

  New Yorker, The, 204, 262, 296, 302, 312, 314, 317–19

  New York Times, The, 255, 299, 300, 304

  New York Times Book Review, The, 324

  Night Travellers, The (Spencer), 323

  Nims, John Frederick, 275

  “1941” (Olson), 142

  Nixon, Mrs., 213–14, 229

  No Place for an Angel (Spencer), 321

  North Carolina, University of, at Chapel Hill, 330, 332

  North Carrollton, Miss., 51, 76, 127–28, 129, 131, 134, 148, 254

  Nuremberg trials, 212, 218–19

  Ocean Springs, Miss., 240, 243, 244

  O’Connor, Flannery, 264

  “Ode to the Confederate Dead” (Tate), 180

  O’Donnell, George Marion, 183

  O. Henry Award, 302

  “Oil from Strange Lamps” (Young), 209–10

  “Old Mansion” (Ransom), 181

  Ole Miss, 129, 134, 137, 141, 157, 165, 206, 209, 258, 284, 289–90, 292–95, 297

  Olson, Jeane, 142

  Olson, Lawrence, ix, 138–44, 226

  Olson, Lawrence, Sr., 138–39, 140–41

  Olson, Wanda, 138–39, 141, 328

  Olson family, 143, 151, 152

  Ondaatje, Michael, 322

  O’Neill, Eugene, 209

  Order of the Sacred Treasure, 143

  Othello (Shakespeare), 166

  Owsley, Frank, 182–83, 185

  Oxford, Miss., 45, 83, 87, 92, 114, 136, 141, 165, 206–7, 208, 211, 212, 250, 274, 290, 292–95

  Painter’s Psalm, A, 244

  Paris, 40, 141, 187, 212, 216–18, 222, 228, 310

  Partisan Review, 254

  Pass Christian, Miss., 231, 235–39, 243

  Pavillion, The (Young), 211

  Peacock, Virginia, 123, 128, 166

  PEN, 324

  Percy, “Bunt,” 325, 332

  Percy, Walker, 234, 325–26, 332

  Perkins, Maxwell, 304

  Perseus (Cellini), 120, 279, 318

  Pershing, John Joseph, 13

  Philadelphia Story, The (Barry), 161

  Phillips, Robert, 324–25

  Piaf, Edith, 229

  Pio, Padre, 267, 270–72

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 114–15, 123, 166, 296

  Poetry Magazine, 261

  Ponder Heart, The (Welty), 203, 262, 303–4

  Porter, Katherine Anne, 168, 183, 214, 237, 251

  Portrait of a Lady (James), 275

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 178–79


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