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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

Page 3

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Yes, Admiral. But, it will take me a couple of days to crunch the numbers."

  "Okay. Let's break until...' Grace looked at the calendar on her datapad. Then she continued. '...until Thursday, April 28, 2270, at eight hundred." She barked as she hammered down the mallet.


  When we returned on April 28, Savign was loaded for bear. She passed out a document that justified her requirements. All the numbers were solid and indisputable.

  It proved she would need at least one-hundred-eighty, seven-ship hunting packs to come close to covering the entire region's targeted systems over each ninety-day period. That amounts to twelve hundred sixty subs - one and a half times the number stipulated in the R&R. It would all require eighteen Fleet Commanders instead of twelve and an additional dozen Task Force Commanders on top of the original twenty-four. Sixty extra officers would need to be elevated to the Captain's rank to run the new hunting packs. Seventy-two supply ships would be able to keep the Subs stocked. But, there would still be one problem. Subs would have to leave their covert missions every week to reach positions where they could be replenished without risking either vessel.

  It was a complicated issue that would necessitate a lot of thought and planning.

  "Though SOCC cannot meet the objectives outlined on April 25, we can continue to run missions inside the occupied regions. We can locate and map enemy fortifications. But, we will be limited to a maximum of sixteen parsecs from Sol. That is the largest area we can currently cover in ninety days and allow the time for Subs to return to safety for resupply. If you all agree to the increases, we will be able to do much more. But, we will still be limited by the visible FSS vessels that must tag along. They will always be in danger and may reveal the position of our Subs, too." Savign finished and sat down.

  "Okay then. It's quite obvious we hadn't thought this out well enough. We need time to look over this report from Savign. Then, we should come back to decide what we're willing to do about it." Grace injected.

  "Yes, but maybe, we need to consider our method."

  "What do you mean, George?" I asked.

  "Do we need to surveil the entire occupied space in ninety-days? Or do we want to do it in stages?"

  "What do you mean by stages?" Steven Nichols inquired.

  "Would it serve our purpose to know the region out to say - ten parsecs? Then, we attack it and take it back. We follow up by reconnoitering the next thirty-five light-years and take that back. Can we leapfrog like that? If so, we would only need the eight hundred forty subs and the supply ships for them. But, I can see a big drawback in that plan. We would not know where the forces are outside our surveillance region. And, if we aren't sure where Kilkos is, we can never know how he'll counter. He could elect to destroy another inhabited planet. And catapulting could also eliminate the possibility of a preemptive strike where we destroy his Headquarters and all the Isesinis pull out. So, personally, I figure we need to expand SOCC to what meets our original objectives. Anyway, we all need to think it over and come back to discuss it and vote on a strategy." George finished.

  "Okay. Let's break until Monday, May 16. We'll all study the SOCC document and consider our goals and objectives with respect to the occupied territories. In the meantime, Savign will continue SOCC operations as she has so far and Sub production will remain as planned. All in favor, please raise your hands.' Grace said. Each C&C indicated agreement. 'Meeting adjourned!" Grace yelled as she thwacked the gavel again.


  Like a canine whose ears perk when he hears something, Gojen Svjosloki had stiffened in his seat when he caught and understood the issue of resupplying a Covert Vessel from a standard Supply Ship while in enemy territory. He'd been sitting with several other senior Flag Officers in the gallery section during the Commission meeting.

  When the session adjourned, he began his study aboard the shuttle as he headed straight back to his office aboard the Examiner which was a day away at Wolf 359. He called up the 3-D CAD drawings of the Supply Class Vessels and began examining them. After an hour, he loaded the schematics for the Covert Class Ships and spent time investigating them.

  Then, he went out into the general office area and began a staff meeting. When it was over, he was satisfied with the ten-person team he had assigned various tasks to. Together, they would determine if his idea for the supply vessels had credence and was attainable affordably.

  Chapter 4 Another Expansion

  Monday May 16, 2270

  "You can not expect loyalty if you do not give it." Gen. George Marshall

  It didn't take very long for us to realize we hadn't thought everything out all that well. Continuous reports from Savign to the C&C COS highlighted the need for a much larger covert force to meet all her objectives and conduct the diverse operations she planned. It also seemed apparent that resupply was a peskier issue than we'd thought - especially for remote "Subs" on deep covert missions.

  But the previous Commission meeting had served to categorically drive the point home. And Savign's statement reinforced the entire issue. Now, her daily accounts seemed to support the need, if you read between the lines. I spent many hours in the days between April 28 and today crunching the numbers. No matter what angle I looked at the problem from, I could see she was absolutely correct. And, examining it from the perspective of George's little thought-experiment didn't resolve the issue. There is no way we could just run covert missions over a thirty to thirty-five light year radius and keep leapfrogging until we took back the whole Federation. It would not work. We would always be susceptible to attack from the regions that are unknown to us. And Kilkos is another issue. If we cannot surveil the entire expanse, we won't ever probably know where he's at. Unless we are extremely fortunate, we will likely never be able to "cut the head off of the snake" and end the entire encounter quickly. In the end, I concluded that Savign has to be able to run endeavors throughout the whole of the Federation. And, to do that, she requires what she specified - at a minimum. And, no matter what we decide, the issue of dangerous resupply appears to be something we're stuck with. It will influence her efficiency dramatically.


  After the session was called to order, I interrupted Grace to head-off everyone else.

  "I would like to make a statement regarding the SOCC objectives and requirements."

  "Please feel free Admiral Brubacher," Grace said with palms upright and extended towards me.

  "I have spent a great deal of time over the last two weeks examining this issue. I considered what George suggested at the end of the last meeting. My conclusion is that we cannot be limited to a ten-parsec window. It leaves us susceptible to strikes and counter-attacks. And, it is likely that course will eliminate the possibility of taking out this Kilkos creep early and ending the war.

  So, accepting the idea that we need to surveil the entire occupied region, I crunched the numbers and analyzed the argument provided by Savign. And, I find she is right, if not conservative. It may take even more than she is requesting to get the job done as we were trying to outline it. And even if we do provide enough resources, SOCC efficiency is definitely reduced by the supply issue. They will need to interrupt covert missions and move Subs to safe locations for resupply. Then they'd have to return to the task. That is the concern that leads me to believe her request may be moderate. But, at this point, I see no other alternative but to grant the application and divert production to fill SOCC needs to reach the goals we would like to impose on them. Does anyone else have a comment?"

  Admiral Nichols cut in. "Yes, I went through the same soul-searching process. We are asking ill-equipped operations to fulfill our pipe dreams. I agree with Kurt. We want SOCC to travel through the entire region. And to do that d
emands the equipment. And, I have the same concerns about efficiency. My calculations indicate it will actually take closer to fifteen hundred SUBs to scrutinize the entire region every ninety days and conduct the deep cover missions we require. But, I concur that we should at least agree to equip Savign's operations as she requested."

  "That falls in line with my thoughts. I don't need to say anymore. Kurt and Steven have said it all." George piped in.

  "I don't usually speak in these matters. But, I struggled through this one, too.' Ian Malcolm paused then continued. 'I had to seek out George and Savign to understand how the assets relate to the assignments and how this supply issue reflects on efficiency. Now that I understand, I agree with them. It is like me asking a mechanized division to engage a Corps equipped with superior armor. If you don't give someone the equipment to meet the objectives, you shouldn't send them, in the first place."

  "Anyone else?" Grace asked and looked around.

  "I motion we leave the SOCC objective as we had most recently set them. To achieve those ambitions, we alter the R&R to increase SOCC maximum wartime strength to fifteen hundred Subs. The appropriate infrastructure and staffs, and ninety supply vessels. But, I also propose we set current numbers at the requested twelve hundred sixty and seventy-two supply vessels with appropriate commands." I offered.

  "We have a motion on the floor. Does anyone need it repeated?' Grace asked as she surveyed the negative head wags around the main table. 'All in favor of Kurt's motion...' She trailed off and watched as all C&C hands were raised in the air. 'The proposal is carried - unanimously.' She whacked the gavel. 'We need King David and the SOD to approve this and the changes required in the R&R. The Chief of the C&C Commission will submit it for authorization. We're adjourned!" She hammered the gavel once more.

  We all rose and left the room.


  The constant chiming forced me to examine a message on my pad from Gojen Svjosloki. I went to see him, as he requested. He explained his idea and showed me the work conducted to date. I asked him if he could come up with a working plan in a week. He explained that it was almost complete, now. I advised my partners we needed to reassemble for a Commission meeting in a week because I had new information that would not alter the asset requirement but could alleviate the resupply issue. Everyone agreed to the meeting.


  I decided enough was enough. I had been stressed by Savign's plight because I should have seen the need. I am the only other person who really understands all the ins and outs of employing Subs this way. SOCC used to be one of my Commands, and I participated in the development of all the special tactics. So, I should have known. So, I texted Bryant. We'd go downstairs for tomorrow and make nuisances of ourselves on the mall. I thought a couple of hours playing video games could be the highlight of the day. I advised Roh while in route to the Examiner. She would ensure all appropriate personnel was notified.

  The next day we had a ball.

  Chapter 5 Admiral Svjosloki

  Monday May 23, 2270

  "When placed in command - take charge." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf

  The man is definitely amazing! It only took Gojen Svjosloki a week to come up with an unsolicited idea that could be the answer to Fleet Admiral Savign's covert resupply dilemma. He is often included with level eleven and ten Admirals in the gallery during our Commission meetings. I choose to invite him because of his active mind. He envisions an idea and its development before we realize the need to reach our objectives. He had been present at both previous sessions and was able to predict the SOCC requirement for covert resupply of units executing deep cover missions. He came to me with a suggestion on Saturday. I accommodated him requesting a special meeting of the Commission only.

  "I requested this session on behalf of Vice Admiral Gojen Svjosloki. Though I am unapprised of the nature of his proposal, too, I have sufficient confidence in him to know this must be significant and will likely result in improvements we can use. So I will turn the meeting over to him." I explained as I extended my right hand toward him.

  "Thank you, Admiral. I will start by explaining that I attended the last two Commission meetings and was privy to the expansion, objectives, and deficiency of SOCC. I spent a little time mulling it over. I came up with an idea for a cloaked supply ship to fill Admiral Savign's unique requirements.

  Of course, this seemed to be a major problem, at first. The nature of logistical vessel's responsibilities means they need to be very big. So, we have always employed the Carrier footprint without the island for them. On the other hand, a covert class craft needs to be smooth-hulled because of their cloaks. And this type of projection system would expend more energy than a standard supply vessel could generate. But, I am also aware that we cannot just design a brand new class within the timeframe required. So, after considering it in my head, an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning.'

  The Vice Admiral stopped to engage the projector and select the appropriate presentation on his datapad.

  'On the front screen, I am projecting a standard Supply Ship. Now, we'll peel away the skin.' He paused as the video graphically removed hull plates, one at a time. 'This is the basic unit without its cover. Now, let's add more power generation.' He paused again as the fission and fusion reactors, turbines, alternators and cooling towers were magically removed and replaced within the framework of the skeletal image. 'These are stock power units employed in the Supercarrier Class models. You will note that there is still adequate clearance between all the systems on the engineering deck. Now, we'll add the receivers, projectors and control system that create the cloak image.' He paused again as the animation put all the appropriate hardware in place. 'Finally, let's put the skin back on this big fish.' Again he waited for the projection to apply the paneling. But, it was different from what had been removed. In the end, the ship boasted an elongated cigar shape with a smooth homogenized surface, free of any irregularities. 'So, what you have now, is a nine deck vessel that devotes two entire levels to logistics and is crewed by five hundred thirty personnel. And, it employs the basic footprint and technology of existing hardware. The only new production requirement is hull paneling. Even its gun turrets are beneath its sheath. We could either build new ones - or skin and rebuild existing supply vessels. Are there any questions or thoughts." He leaned back on his heels in silence - ear-to-ear grin emblazoned across his face. He tapped an icon on his pad, and the animation replayed over and over. For over five minutes, silence dominated the atmosphere of the boardroom as the attendees sat mesmerized by the animations.

  "What's the cost of one of these?" Grace finally broke the stillness.

  "Building it from scratch costs eleven percent more than a standard logistics carrier. Rebuilding existing ones would amount to twenty-five percent more than a full reconditioning of an existing unit."

  "What about defensive weapons?" George inquired.

  "They're the same as a standard supply unit. But, the batteries are all internalized for the cloak."

  "What about production time?" Savign queried.

  "We use the latest three-dimensional Computer Aided Design systems, so we always go right from design to production. And production employs state of the art Computer Aided Manufacturing. There are a few dies to acquire. We could be ready to begin manufacturing in two weeks. Production could have the first hulls available a week later. Assembly time will be the same as regular units. So, the first ones could come out of shipyards in a little over a month. The nine yards would be capable of producing thirty-six of these in two months. But, to accomplish that, they'd have to cease all other production once they begin receiving hull panels."

  A hush ensued again as the Commission members thought and looked for positive signs from each other.

  "Vice Admiral could you wait outside the door while we discuss this?"
Grace requested.

  "Certainly," Svjosloki responded as he turned and stepped out the door.

  "I didn't ask him to leave for a discussion and vote. I think we all agree this is the answer to a big problem. I wanted to discuss the Vice Admiral." Grace offered.

  "What do you mean Grace?" I asked.

  "Well, it seems to me your hogging all of this man's incredible abilities. We lost our OFSA Chief of Aeronautics and Engineering during the invasion. We don't know what happened to him. I believe he was taken by the Isesinis. So, the OFSA needs a new COAE. He can stay on the Examiner. We've proven you can run a central department from any Headquarters. But, I think we should promote him to level ten and assign him as OFSA COAE." Grace finished.

  "Wait a minute! That means I'd have to find a new COE for Epsilon." I yelped.

  "Yes, but if Gojen is still on the Examiner, he can assist in the search and help the new appointee acclimate," George said with a big smile. I think he was enjoying my discomfort.

  "Okay, I agree. And, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of someone's advancement. Especially someone so deserving."

  "Steven, would you be willing to take charge of production and assembly. It'd only be for a couple of months. I was thinking of how you got so much out of the plants and yards during previous expansions. If we could increase production, we could have all the new Supply Ships in service sooner. That way we can return to regular production earlier. Your DC can run your operation for that long." George inquired naively.

  "Yes, I could do that. But, that's really an operations issue. Shouldn't Grace be asking?" Admiral Nichols responded somewhat anxiously. George gave a big smile and a nod. He was enjoying our agitation.

  "And, I was thinking of something else that might speed up the whole process," George added.

  "What's that?" I asked abruptly. I knew the other shoe was about to drop.

  "Well, I was considering that maybe Kurt could oversee the proofing, so the ships move from the yards to assignments much faster."


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