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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

Page 6

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "I need to inform the Committee of an SU mission. It was planned and is executed by General Chris Sparks. He now has eyes within 15 Sagitta. We have confirmed Chan heads sixteen humans in an advisory council. No one knows the officer's identity but Sparks. The NTK chain was very short, until now. It only included Sparks, me and Savign. We need SOCC for drops, pickups, and extractions."

  "That's amazing. Does the agent know if we are seeing Governor Kilkos in our intelligence?"

  "I cannot confirm many details, yet. But the agent says his name is not Kilkos. It's just Kos. Kil is his rank. He is Supreme Commander of all forces in this operation. And the General is not small like his confederates. He is a six-foot-tall Isesinis - a giant within their society. Chan's committee has his ear.

  That is already more than I should say. This is a fluid situation, and it is very sensitive. But, I needed to fulfill my obligation to the Commission as outlined in the R&R. Any intelligence of tactical importance resulting from this mission will be forwarded to all of you by the fastest possible means as we receive it."

  "Do you personally have confidence in the agent?" Steven Nichols asked.

  "That's not the way it works. To protect the agent, only the handler knows who it is. I don't know who this person is. I do have the spy's code name, for communications purposes and I am his or her backup contact. And, SOCC will only see this Officer if extraction is needed. They will be doing blind drops and pickups, monthly."

  "Thank you, Admiral Brubacher. A motion is now on the floor to authorize this mission, its needed assets, and any OFSA assistance required. All in favor, please raise your hands." Grace's volume was a little higher than conversation level as everyone jabbered about the amazing accomplishment. The motion passed unanimously.

  "Admiral Brubacher, I am assigning Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412 to this motion. We will all refer to the operation by that number from now on. All communications will be encrypted at the Ultra Level. I remind everyone that even discussion of the assignment's existence could jeopardize it and endanger the agent. Your mission is authorized, Admiral Brubacher.' Grace thwacked the gavel. Then, inquired more softly; 'Should we issue an arrest warrant, for Chan?"

  "Not yet - we don't want to tip our hand. It's too soon after placing the agent. A new addition would be the obvious suspect." I explained

  "Okay, let's get this show on the road. Bring everyone else back in.' Grace ordered.

  "There is a motion to replace next Wednesday's meeting with this one. All in favor?' She observed as all hands went up.

  'The motion carries. This meeting will replace the next regularly scheduled one. Is there any other unusual business before we hear the Headquarters' Reports?"

  "I have one issue, Grace." George inserted.

  "The chair recognizes Fleet Admiral George Bryant."

  "It concerns the R&R and the section that describes the Headquarters' Commands and the C&C Commission.

  I realized before our last major combined mission that there is a problem. I've had lots of time to consider it, and I still feel that way. We disagreed on the timing. The Commission had agreed to give me a veto in tactical matters but was still willing to override my decision to hold off. That in itself doesn't bother me. We can disagree, and mistakes could happen. But, what concerns me is that there is no determinative voice within our group. Everything is by majority vote. And, in that case, my argument finally won out because everyone at this table listens and considers all the details carefully. This entire topic is not a problem if it's a matter that requires the CIC and/or the SOD. It is problematic if it falls entirely within our purview. So, I would like us to propose to our superiors that the Chief of the General Staff should be able to employ some kind of overriding force. I know this could have worked against me before, but we need to reach finality on these matters. At some point, discussion has to cease, and a decision must be made. We are rather uncoordinated without that leadership."

  Discussion on the matter went on for several hours. Towards the end of the day, King David appeared in the room. He had arrived for an appointment scheduled for early the next day, with Grace. He heard an impassioned argument from Fleet Admiral Tso Shah supporting Fleet Admiral Bryant's original proposal.

  "We may need to execute a hastily arranged and urgently required tactical operation lacking a majority agreement of this Commission. It is imperative that final authority should rest in one person's hands. And, that Admiral should always be one who will consider all the other's arguments. In such a case, the Commission could become too unwieldy to be efficient. And, I agree with George. That power should rest with Grace. She handled it well when the C&C was a two-person job." Shah finished just as the King entered with the SOD and stood quietly at the door.

  Everyone jumped to attention as David moved further into the room.

  "Please sit. You are discussing an issue I've pondered for a long time. In fact, I've been surprised you have been able to function so smoothly, until now. There is no one to break a tie vote. I also think the OFSA C&C Commission needs a single face to represent it. It's very cumbersome when the Secretary and I wish to order an operation. Technically, we need to coordinate getting you all to Rigil, Earth, or some other central point to discuss it. Can you adjourn for half an hour so I can read the meeting transcript and discuss this privately with you?"

  "We will take a one-half hour break!" Grace called as she whacked her gavel.

  King David read silently for a few minutes. Then, he handed the minutes to the SOD pointing to something on the first page. After they were both up to date, the two men circulated through the room discussing the proposal with the C&C and even some gallery members.

  "This meeting is called to order. I would like to note for the record that King David and the SOD are now in attendance and participating. King David, you have the floor." Grace directed.

  "My feeling is that those arguing for a Supreme Commander are right. There are circumstances where an expeditious response is needed within a timeframe not possible if the entire Commission had to be included. And, there is the possibility of tie votes.

  I am also satisfied that I can work with Grace. We've done that before. But, I still believe we are better off with a system employing some degree of consensus. So, here's what I'm thinking.

  First of all, I don't like the term Supreme, so I will suggest we call this position Chief or First C&C. And, I think in matters of ultimate tactical urgency a First C&C should have the authority to order all others to conduct operations. And on large-scale multi-HQ Operational affairs, a Chief should have the mandate to dictate execution. But, that license should be subject to review by a majority vote of the rest of the Commission within a fixed period - say thirty days. That would temper whoever that leader is to consider what the other members would think of any order. But, those two channels of influence should be split. That was the intent of the original R&R that inaugurated the dual C&C concept. And, only in cases of tied votes on all Commission matters the First C&C would exercise two votes each.

  In the minutes, I read Admiral Bryant's initial argument, and I understand that he was not referring to being on the losing end of an argument. He was just expressing the notion that someone has to be able to make a final decision in matters within the bailiwick of the Commission members. And I agree.

  And, I would think Grace would be best for Operation First C&C. But, I think George would make the wisest choice for Tactical Chief. Anyway, you all need to decide on your preference and give me your proposal. This has to be something you can live with." David sat back in his chair as he finished.

  There was an awkward moment as we all looked at each other to start the discussion.

  "Do you mind if we take a five-minute break for a huddle, your Majesty." Fleet Admiral Addison Blythe requested.

  "No, of course not."

  We discussed the King's notion in whispered tones in a corner of the room. We were all surprised at the wisdom of his suggestion. But, it took as long a
s it did because both George and Grace needed to be convinced. We returned to our usual places at the table.

  " I would like to offer a motion which proposes we recommend to the CIC and SOD the adoption of a modification to the C&C definitions within the R&R. We wish to have one member having preferential authority in service-wide Operations, and another in all-inclusive Tactical matters. The selected Fleet Admirals with the approval of the CIC and SOD would have the power to unilaterally order OFSA-wide operations subject to review by the entire C&C Commission within a one-month period. Further, these representatives' votes would weigh as two in matters falling within their particular expertise the Commission is unable to resolve by majority vote. These Officers will be known as Chief of C&C. All other tactical or operational topics involving a single Headquarters' Command matter will remain under the control of that C&C within the bounds of the OFSA R&R and otherwise immune from outside interference. We recommend the selection of Fleet Admiral Grace Tonaka as Operations Chief of C&C and Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant as Tactical Chief of C&C." Stephen Nichols announced.

  "A suggestion has been tendered regarding a change in the definition of the C&C within the R&R. Are there any objections' Grace paused. 'Okay then. We will vote on the application presented on the screen as described by Fleet Admiral Stephen Nichols. All in favor, please raise your hands.' Surprisingly, six assenting votes were recorded. 'Any opposed, please raise your hand.' No hands went up.

  'Okay. I will record the vote as six for and one abstaining. Admiral Shah, may I ask why you're abstaining?

  "Yes, you may Grace. I understand why everyone wants this and to a large extent, I agree. But, I resist because this does put absolute authority within individuals' hands - even if, it is only for thirty days and only regarding matters affecting the entire OFSA. I am not worried about Grace or George. But, the future concerns me. So, I elect to abstain."

  "We understand, Admiral. The motion carries by a significant majority. My COS will prepare it and send it off to the CIC and the SOD. Do we have any other unusual business?" Grace inquired.

  "I have an SU matter," David said.

  "Clear the Room, please!" Grace called out. It took a couple of minutes to empty the space.

  "Your Majesty...?" Grace let it hang.

  "Yes, I noted a previous break on SU grounds and the issuance of the Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412. I would like an update on the matter."

  I took over and spent ten minutes filling in the King. He was satisfied, and we returned to regular business just long enough for Grace to gavel an adjournment, until the following morning.

  Chapter 8 Pleasant Surprises

  August 2, 2270

  "If everyone is thinking alike then someone isn't thinking." Gen. George Patton

  I am not yet sure if we can use their help or not, but, another species has offered assistance against the Isesinis. They are somewhat reclusive, almost to the point of xenophobia and anchor their group of worlds on a planet in the Beta Ursa Minor system just over forty parsecs from Sol. That's eleven light-years from the new border, so needless to say that between their location and quest for isolation, we were completely unaware of their existence.

  George advised Captain Nedrif Elantham Captain of the FSS Shenzhen to forward the information to me, when people calling themselves the Suvayeek contacted Ned directly, on July 28. It was ship-to-ship communications initiated by a crew that had traveled a great deal out of their way to reach out to us. George felt I should handle the meeting and any negotiations because I'd conducted so much diplomacy since the Isesinis attack. Our new friends gave only a communications position and advised Elantham they would wait for a response for a couple of weeks.

  I ordered the Examiner, her security group, and two Fleets from Zeta T1-1 to accompany us to Lambda Bootes just over three parsecs from the parked ship. We raced there at forty-percent so we could reach our destination in enough time to meet the rendezvous deadline. On August 11, we began transmitting continuous hails to the location via the laser communications system.

  Communications' lags were nearly nine hours each way. We did not receive a response until midday August 13. We were invited to meetings on Beta Ursa Minor. However, it is a yellow/white star emitting incredible amounts of solar, ultraviolet, and infra-red radiation. So, we advised the Suvayeek of our inability to cope with their environment. A day later, they suggested we meet at Delta Bootis which falls somewhat between us in neutral space and is a very familiar system to us. We had used it to begin our lunge into the wedge of territory we have recovered. I agreed.

  When we finally arrived in the stellar arrangement, we were treated to an extraordinary display by the Suvayeek, who uncloaked nearly one hundred fifty vessels of all types and sizes. Every single ship in their combined fleet enjoys the protection of this technology.


  Shoy Cap almost reaches the ceilings and has to duck through the hatchways of my Admirals Craft. He commands the Suvayeek HQ ship. His species generated some shock when he and his compatriots came aboard on August 15. I will endeavor to describe them as best I can. But it is hard to put into words.

  After getting over the initial amazement, I actually found these creatures somewhat cuddly in appearance - kind of like giant childrens' Teddy Bears. The five-member contingent ranged in height from almost two hundred to about two-hundred-twenty centimeters tall and weighed in between a very thin forty-five to a solid one-hundred-twenty-five kilograms. Their bodies are segmented into three sections and covered by tan and gray sections of folded hide and natural armor that make them seem dressed in oversized, overstuffed, hooded snowsuits. Eyes peak from beneath a fold near the top of the head. Mounted on either side of the skull below the same crease are two openings I assumed were comparable to human ears. There is no nose, and the mouth is perfectly circular with snow-white lips adorned with six black dots.

  Six appendages protrude in pairs from either side of the middle segment and are employed as arms. Only the top twosome are jointed, and all six end in three sharp talons extending from paws. A fourth shorter set of legs are mounted at the posterior of the rear body portion and are double hinged at the equivalent of knees and ankles. The Suvayeek can walk upright on these or use them to sit in a crouch.

  In the eight hours of our first meeting, it became apparent how valuable this species would be as allies. With a civilized record of over half a million years and a fossil and DNA history dating back seventy thousand millennia, they believe they are the oldest advanced life forms in the entire galaxy. It was also obvious they are incredibly intelligent. Later, we discovered their multi-lobed brains are exceptional at problem-solving and pattern recognition. Though they communicate amongst each other with telepathy, this analysis capacity gives them an amazing ability to acquire and use languages effortlessly.

  We would class the Suvayeek as vegetarian, but they don't actually consume vegetation. Instead, they subsist on juices and saps from succulents and meaty fruits and vegetables they suck the fluids from. Six siphons extend from the dots in the lips to pierce and penetrate their meal offerings.

  They can withstand near absolute zero and temperatures higher than the boiling point of water without damage. And, they can exist without food or water for up to ten years. This gift is facilitated by cellular-level control of fluid levels and pressures, protecting them from cell damage. Self-repairing DNA allows them to tolerate radiation levels a thousand times higher than humanoids can stomach.

  Though they usually speak very modestly, they love to profess that a form of their species exists on every planetary system they have investigated, so far. And, though nearly microscopic in size there are trillions of a related genus on both Earth and Rigil, and we have found them on other planets in the Federation.

  The Suvayeek are exceedingly technologically advanced and enjoy the protection and exploratory benefits derived from their Fleet of over
six thousand spacecraft. Formations of these patrol their own territory and travel through the entire region extending over seventy parsecs from their borders. However, it is not normally their way to accumulate intelligence. It is more a matter of satisfying their curiosity. But, they do observe and note anything that may become a threat to them. And, it was this aspect of their operations that led to the breach in their profoundly guarded concealment.

  Shoy Cap explained that they have watched the Isesinis closely for two centuries because of their very aggressive nature. The Suvayeek had long ago concluded they were a threat to a large part of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. But, they stressed it was not the Isesinis who triggered the invasion of the Orion Federation, in April 2267. Admiral Chan had already entered the picture by January of that year when the Suvayeek began to comprehend that some kind of offensive military operation was being initiated. By February, Chan had completed seven round trips between the Federation and the Isesinis Empire returning with additional associates, each time. By mid-March, the human advisors numbered twelve ex-OFSA officers. Cap declared the Suvayeeks' unconditional conviction that these traitors were responsible for the entire invasion plan.

  The Suvayeek became concerned about their own sovereignty when the April attack began and spent the next couple of years debating whether to get involved or not. Now, they were certain the Isesinis needed to be repelled and contained.

  Cap explained their surveillance of the region had also included the Orion Federation. And, he noted that they had observed our wars with the Grays, Spiel, and the Sec. I had to ask who the last ones were. When he was done explaining, I realized this is the species we referred to as the Inscrutables. Shoy clarified, explaining they'd monitored as we defeated each of those attackers, then settled back into peaceful life without taking revenge. And, they've concluded we are essentially a passive group that doesn't impose our way on others.


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