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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

Page 8

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  The second concern is the number of OFSA personnel in this consulting group. It will lead to concerns there are more, and some are still active within the service."

  "You mean, this material creates a need for a counter-intelligence operation?"

  "Exactly. So, the time has come where I must ask you for the hidden details of the mission. I will have to share them will the Commission, and we will need to include General Svesion."

  "I understand, sir.' Sparks paused to compose his thoughts. 'Well sir - when we believed we saw former Admiral Chan helping the Isesinis in that video, I got an idea. I thought we might be able to place a spy. Chan - if it was him - seemed to have quite a contingent of humans in tow. It kind of seemed like his personal staff. I got thinking that if he's helping our enemy, he is probably using a group of similarly disaffected Orion citizens to aid him.

  I realized I might be able to place a spy. But, it had to be someone he'd accept without question. A person who might be equally pissed at us. And, I believed the agent needed to be someone he knew who was in a similar situation. So, I went to the prison to interview former Admiral Naabaahii. What I came away with is that he is a patriot. He did what he did because he believed it was the right thing to do, at the time. He says he could see over his years in prison that everything worked the way the King and Admiral Bryant thought - and that he knows now he was wrong. I spent four hours with him. When I left, I firmly believed him."

  "All the people involved in the rebellion of 2257 were patriots. They were sure the proposed Constitutional changes were going to destroy the Empire and that it would not survive as a Federation. Anyway, continue with your report."

  "Sir, I asked him if he'd like the chance to redeem himself. He convinced me he would use an opportunity like that effectively. So, I filled him in regarding our suspicions of Rear Admiral Chan and asked if he'd like to go undercover for ISIE and attempt to infiltrate Chan's operation. He approved. So, I had him sign an agreement, and I arranged for his parole on the grounds of Federation Security needs but instructed all parties the parole warrant and the prison files could not reflect that purpose. So, he was released three months ago."

  "...the secret Court Order?"

  "Yes, sir. Meanwhile, I arranged for him to steal an FTL capable shuttle from us. His cover is that he was finally paroled, after thirteen years and promptly pilfered a shuttle and went looking for the like-minded Admiral Chan. The appropriate reports have been filed on the theft, and Investigative Command is probing the crime without knowledge of the underlying mission. His Parole Officer reported him missing, six weeks ago. He would have been due to appear at his office on July 10, so he's well overdue, now. He is now wanted as a fugitive, and even ISIE Enforcement is searching.

  So the cover is well established, and everyone is playing their part to the tee - unwittingly. He's in. It turned out to be Chan, and he was so happy to see Naabaahii, he threw a big bash in his honor, and he made him the number two.

  I advised the Admiral he may have to actually participate with Chan to support his cover and that would be okay. I offered him immunity for any involvement. He has no secrets to share with them. He's been out of touch too long. So there's no conflict there. He's been in prison for thirteen years and out of the loop." There is a long pause. So, I assume Chris is finished.

  "When did Svesion receive his last clearance?"

  "We ran it two months ago. The General is as trustworthy as they come. We renewed our recommendation for his Ultra Clearance level."

  "That's right. I remember it, now. I okayed his new Identification based on that. So, let's call him in here. I have a reason for wanting him included. But, you better let me take the lead. I will take the blame for initiating the mission without his knowledge."

  "Okay. If that's the way, you believe we should play it."

  "Yes. I do." I said as I tapped out a message for Svesion to appear, immediately.

  When he arrived, he showed his surprise at being invited to a meeting already attended by a subordinate.

  "Grab something and take a seat, General. I'll explain everything.' I said as he headed for the bar - then to a sofa with coffee in hand.

  'This meeting is Ultra Secret Need to Know only. An agent's life depends on keeping this circle as small as possible.

  A few months ago, when it became apparent former Rear Admiral Chan may be involved with the Isesinis, I asked Sparks in for a secret meeting because of the Intelligence nature of my request. I asked him to see if he could find a way to infiltrate the human participants helping this enemy. He did and has an agent in place as we speak. But, I have two reasons for widening the NTK circle. The first is that this is an extremely hazardous operation and Chris is your subordinate. I will discuss the second reason with you after we finish this update. For now, I'd like General Sparks to fill you in on all the details since taking on the mission.'

  Chris began repeating the same dissertation he had already presented to me.

  " Naabaahii - he's a fucking traitor! How can you consider using him?" Svesion snapped when Sparks got to that part.

  "He's not a traitor. He's a misguided patriot who committed a treasonous crime. There is a big distinction between the two. He believed in what he was doing, even though he was wrong. He's served thirteen years and only wants to make amends. And, he's the right kind of agent for this particular job. It's easy to convince someone like Chan that Naabaahii would want to join. And, Chan knows him. There is already trust there." I injected, then extended a hand to Sparks to continue.

  "I have to admit, it's a damn good plan. And, you're right, Admiral. I know what you're trying to convey. He is a man who believed what he was doing was best for the Federation. I'm sorry for the outburst."

  "So, you're okay with this? You're on board?" I asked.

  "Yes, sir. You can keep me within the chain. I will not expand it unless I clear it with both of you."

  "Our communications must be verbal on this. You can both keep a detailed journal to support your recollection of the details, but make sure it's properly secured. Record this as Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412. The only communication between us should be to request a meeting, and it should reference that ID. There should be no other written documents, except encrypted messages to the agent."

  "That's understood, sir. I'm amazed you've already gotten results." Svesion observes.

  "What results?" I query.

  "You already know it is Chan. Confirming that was important. And, your man's been placed in a leadership position. Naabaahii is obviously the right choice."

  "Is that it? Is everyone okay? Or, do we need to discuss anything else about this or any other subject?"

  "No, sir." The two men chorused.

  "Will you stay behind General. I need to discuss another matter with you." I directed at Svesion as Sparks rose to leave.

  "With your permission sir?" Sparks said as he stood at attention bearing a salute.

  "You're dismissed, General." I snapped as I returned the gesture.

  "What do you need, sir?" Svesion inquired when we were alone.

  "I was thinking of Sparks. Unless a spot opens as an Army Commander, he will be stuck at Level 10 General. He's a good man. I was thinking of all the different planetary resistance operations he keeps functional. And then there's this latest mission. Though I may have started the ball rolling, the entire scheme is his plan. It's absolutely ingenious. So maybe we could do something for him. I need an idea for something that would show our appreciation and maybe even give him a little reward for all his hard work."

  "What if I nominate him for the Federation Award for Tactical Distinction. That's approved by the King and carries a cash award. If he grants it to Chris, we can present it at one of those big dinner/ dances for the entire Zeta Command."

  "Great idea. Can you prepare the submission without any details on this mission? You may mention a special intelligence operation and the mission number without any specifics, and we can explain it to King Da
vid when he reviews your suggestion. He's one person we can add to the NTK circle. I need to expand it to include the other C&C and the King, anyway."

  "Okay, sir. I'll get right on it." Svesion responded enthusiastically as he rose and saluted.

  "You're dismissed, General." I snapped.

  As soon as Svesion was gone, I requested "Ultra Secret" time at the next meeting and asked Grace to invite the King and SOD. She responded later, advising me that both had agreed to attend.


  "Clear the room!" Grace yelled as she slammed her gavel on the sound block, after formally opening the meeting at nine hundred hours on Thursday, September 15, 2270. Everyone but the C&C, the SOD and the King rose and left. Not even the Fleet Admirals' COS are included in these sessions. I spoke when the room was clear.

  "I need to advise the Commission and the King of details of US Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412 being run under the direction of General Sparks for Zeta Command. For the record, I initiated it. General Svesion is informed. General Sparks is the operator, and one agent is conducting the covert mission. To this point, no others outside the C&C Commission have been included in the Need To Know circle except Sparks and Svesion. All communications are verbal, but we three Senior Officers are keeping encrypted and appropriately secured journals of the operation.

  You all remember the video we had a few months ago that appeared to display former Rear Admiral Chan in collusion with the enemy. At that time, I asked General Sparks to see if he could come up with a plan to get an agent close to Chan - if it was him.

  Sparks reasoned it would have to be someone Chan or anyone in cooperation with the Isesinis would easily trust. The person would need to have a background known to Chan and easy to verify. He felt we could not risk building a cover for an agent in this position. It had to be someone with the proper history already in place.

  So, he approached Admiral Naabaahii in prison and interviewed him. He rightly determined that the Admiral was not treasonous but was a misguided patriot who committed a seditious act. He tested him on loyalty and found Naabaahii now views his past disloyalty as a mistake and would do anything to aid the Orion Federation. He knows he was wrong back in 2257 but says he believed the changes proposed to the Constitution would destroy the union, at that time. He went into that operation thinking he was saving us all. And, I must say that I concur with that perception. I supervised all the investigations, then. These people all felt they were patriots doing what was best for the Orion Federation.

  So, Sparks explained the current situation and the belief Chan was involved, and his contribution may have actually precipitated the incursion. He expressed the thought that because of his record and their previous friendship, Chan or any other human it may be would likely readily accept Naabaahii as a compatriot. The Admiral agreed to the plan. So, General Sparks had him released. They faked the theft of a shuttle and Naabaahii made his way to the Isesinis formation. He has subsequently confirmed our suspicions. The leader of the human component of this attack is former Rear Admiral Chan. He accepted Naabaahii without question and installed him as the number two in the organization. It is now an ongoing mission. And, he has been the source from within."

  There was absolute silence in the room. It went on for what seemed like an hour.

  "So, you're saying we released Admiral Naabaahii from prison and helped him get to the enemy. And, with your approval." Grace inquired.

  "Wait a minute.' The King interrupted. 'Think about it. It's a brilliant plan. And, yes - it could fail or backfire. But, we needed to get an agent in there. You're never going to place one unless it's someone like Naabaahii." David finished.

  "I agree. It's brilliant! Who the hell thought this up?" Fleet Admiral Tso Shah inquired.

  "I asked Sparks to look for a means. He came up with the entire plan and executed it to the point we're at now. He's been receiving regular reports. That's why I asked for this time. I have information that is probably going to force me to widen the operation."

  "So, there was automatic trust there?" George queried referring to Chan.

  "Yes. It sounds like it was immediate acceptance."

  "That's because you two chose the right person for the job. You're right. Naabaahii never thought of himself as a traitor. He believed he was a patriot and probably still is.' George observed. 'It is inspired." He added with a chuckle.

  "I must reinforce that I requested and approved it, so if it fails, it's my fault. But, Sparks developed the plan and executed it. He deserves any credit if it goes well." I injected.

  "Do you need any tactical or equipment support from us?" Nichols asked.

  "No, Admiral. All I need is your moral support and the approval of the Commission and the CIC. We have everything under control. If it's successful, I will ask the King for special considerations for Sparks. And, he may want to do something for Naabaahii if he serves the Crown well."

  "Is everyone okay with this. This is a motion to approve the US mission outlined by Fleet Admiral Brubacher. All in favor?" Grace called out.

  All hands went up quickly.

  "The motion carried unanimously. I will enter it in the record under the reference number which will refer to the entry in my private journal - also secured and encrypted.' She yelled as she slammed her mallet. So, what is the new information Admiral Brubacher."

  "We now have a list of all of Chan's human compatriots. And, it is extensive. All of them are former OFSA. This led... ."

  "Do you think there are more still active in the service?"

  "That's what I was about to say. So, I believe a CI operation is warranted to seek out any spies."

  "I agree! But, don't we always run CI?" King David inquired.

  "Zeta constantly looks for spies in our ordinary course of business. But, this is different. We would need to focus a group of agents on the specific task of searching for Chan's moles. It requires a different approach.

  But there's more. We now know where each Headquarters is and its position in the authority structure. And, I have Governor Kos' calendar for the next six weeks. I don't think that's enough time to use it effectively. But, I believe we can use it to discuss how we can react to the next six-week schedule after this one. This data means we'll probably get an opportunity to grab or assassinate him."

  There were several murmured expressions of amazement and a couple of low whistles from around the table. Then, there was complete silence.

  "Do we need a short break?" Grace called out finally breaking the hush. There were nods all around.

  "We're adjourned! We'll reconvene in half an hour!" Grace slammed the mallet.

  We all went about the business of washroom breaks and retrieving refreshments silently. As we returned, the swelling congregation stood in groups speaking in soft whispers. We slowly worked our way back to our table positions.

  "The meeting will come to order!' Grace thwacked the gavel on its sound block. 'Does anyone have any questions or comments about what we heard before the break?"

  "As far as CI activity goes, I believe we should agree it's necessary and leave it all in Kurt's hands. It's his area, anyway. But, I think we need to form a sub-committee to look into possible actions around the calendar. We may or may not be able to plan and execute around the current one. But, it's more likely Kurt is correct, and we'll do better with a future version. I know he's a busy guy but, I feel Kurt should be part of that unit with Admiral Nichols, Savigne, and me." George offered.

  "I agree with both views. Counter Intelligence is definitely Kurt's area. I think we should just authorize it. And, I concur with his view of the Calendar operation, except that, I'd like to be included in the sub-committee." Fleet Admiral Tsoh Shah injected.

  "I agree with Admiral Shah, entirely!" King David added to our surprise. He did not usually insert himself into our OFSA operational discussions.

  "Okay. A motion is on
the table to authorize a CI operation under US Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412. All in favor?' Grace paused and looked around. 'The proposal is unanimously passed.

  A second tender recommends we form a sub-committee to insinuate a military operation into the Calendar schedule previously discussed. Before we vote, I would like to add a comment to this topic for consideration.' Grace paused and looked around for assent. Then, she continued. 'I believe this should also fall under the direction of Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher since it has the smell of Covert Special Operations to me. I envision a small secret force engaging the target. Should we reopen discussion or should we vote on the original proposal?" Grace concluded.

  "I think we should vote on the original proposal because the subcommittee will also look at the method and may determine it should be a Zeta operation. But, they may also end up viewing it as best handled as an offensive military one. Either way, they'll have to come back here for endorsement." Fleet Admiral Bryant offered as the others around the table nodded agreement.

  "All in favor of the initial plan?' Everyone raised their hands including Grace. 'The request is approved unanimously! Let's go on to regular business!" She banged the hammer again, and several of us rose to invite the gallery in. The meeting continued.


  Two days later, I sat in my office with Svesion and Sparks.

  "The Commission has authorized another mission - or rather, an expansion of US Mission Number OFSA-CC-7128412.

  We are to branch-off a Counter Intelligence covert operation. We will be combing through the regions of the Federation and the OFSA Commands we can reach looking for any who may be Admiral Chan's confederates. The two of you have to determine how wide you want the scope to be. Then, you'll build a plan, enlist your candidates and execute the assignment. And, it goes without saying that this motivation must also be articulated to our regulars in enforcement and investigation who may be able to pick up clues in regular audits and examinations. But that must be done without a hint of the Intelligence or Covert Counter Intelligence actions.


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