Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant Page 18

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Let's get Sen-Com, Nav-Com, Weaps, Tac-Com, Communications' Com, and Intelligence into a meeting, right away," Basi ordered Boets.

  The Vice Admiral moved from station to station ordering the various Commanders to the boardroom in twenty minutes. As they were being relieved by their substitutes, he directed his stewards to have sweet rolls and beverages in the room in a quarter-hour.

  "Group!" An officer barked as the two Admirals entered the room. Everyone snapped to attention.

  "Relax. Everyone make sure you have what you want. Then, please take a seat.' Basi said as he waved his right hand toward the buffet. Ten minutes were consumed as people rattled about acquiring their favorite snacks as the traded barbs and laughs.

  'This is an informal meeting to discuss targeting. First, I want to know if we've identified all the government facilities?" Basi inquired.

  "We've had sensors focused on three locations that appear to be planetary administration, sir." The young Lieutenant who is the First Shift Sen-Com answered.

  "Intel, have we confirmed those locations?" Boets asked the young Marine Lieutenant.

  "Yes, sir. We have designated them T-one, two, and three. Our operatives on the ground say the first is the ruling counsel's chambers. The second is the military headquarters. And the final one is the Emperor's complex including personal residence and offices."

  "Tactical, I assume you have translated those into target coordinates. What about military bases and weapons and ship manufacturing facilities?"

  "Yes, sir. All potential objectives have been mapped for weapons action. And, there are another two hundred fifty supporting bases, defensive platforms and production facilities on the list that have been confirmed by ISIE agents and plotted by Weaps. Those marks have been forwarded to the appropriate Frigate or Sub for bombardment."

  "Intel, I'd like your ground personnel nearest the capital to locate and monitor Kil Kos. I have reason to believe he just landed on the surface, and I need to confirm his presence and know where he is when we execute our operation. I also need to be aware of any unusual troop movements on the ground." Basi ordered.

  "Yes, sir." The Officer responded.

  "Tactical, I need to be apprised of any changes out here in space over the next three day."

  "Aye, sir. The Lieutenant Commander replied.

  "All of you please make sure all departmental operations throughout our Fleet are aware of these critical points. And we still have three days, so let's make sure we have all the strategic objectives but don't accidentally hit a school or hospital. We're not trying to annihilate this enemy - just limit their ability to make war and draw their attention back to their homeworld.

  Does anyone have any questions?' There were negative head wags all around. 'Finish your snack, but you're all dismissed!" Basi snapped, turned and headed out into the corridor followed by Boets.


  This is the first time since adopting the new communications systems that George has needed to employ it to monitor sensor data while in FTL flight. The Comm station appears capable of continually shifting communications' clustered lasers from one relay to the next, smoothly. So, throughout the trip to the staging point near 15 Sagitta, there has been a constant stream of up-to-the-minute information. Connections between all other Commands and the Valhalla are similarly steady and reliable. There have been some delays as distances from the Sub Strata Relays change, but they have been minimal. For the first time in his career, Admiral Bryant is able to conduct near-real-time operations, while traveling through outlying regions in FTL mode.

  When they exit into open space a half parsec from their goal on May 25, George will spend the next half-day confirming all the intelligence they have on their opponents before completing a review and last-minute modifications of the plan.


  Likewise, I am enjoying the ability to talk to my distant counterparts and receive outlying transducer information nearly instantly during my flight. It removes the doubts created by time lags. But, my thoughts drift from my tactical goals to one particular defensive worry. Five hundred and sixty-five vortices develop quite a disturbance. Space is very spongy, and a Minkowski spacetime essentially bends it by compressing a region while expanding another. And, the wormhole traveling through this bent expanse pushes against the void further squeezing space-time that is in contact with it. All this is perceived as changes in the ambient field strength within a section. Multiply that by a factor of nearly six hundred, and it is understandable that I'm concerned about detection by our antagonists.


  My fears came to fruition when one of our covert vessels was captured near Mu Arae. This is a most multifaceted Sol-like system with six planets orbiting a star similar to ours. A century and a half ago, the fourth satellite was thought to be a Jupiter class one with a mass around half that of our most prominent gas giant. But, close visitation revealed it to be a super-Earth with five large moons. The planet and two of its companions support life.

  There is an Isesinis Regional Command Center there. It is comprised of a GPHC accompanied by three hundred fifty Cruisers and five Carriers. That Base Station runs operations within a radius of nearly eight parsecs in all directions from Mu Arae.

  The supply ship FSS Purveyor made a mistake when dropping one of the new communications relays there. The transceiver became visible during the operation making it apparent a ship was present. Though the Isesinis attempted to capture that vessel, they accidentally discovered and seized the Sub FSS Mysterious. The Purveyor escaped and used the newly planted and undiscovered transmitter to provide an instantaneous account of the incident.

  We called an emergency Commission meeting and quickly developed a plan to either recover or destroy the apprehended Covert vessel. A flurry of orders were issued. All other offensive tactical operations were temporarily suspended.


  By May 24, a majority of Zeta Command is relocated exactly a parsec from Epsilon Eridani between it and Luyten 726-8. A twelve-member squad of Epsilon's covert Frigates and two of Savign's packs are already at the target to provide cover during landing. We will launch at forty percent of luminal from here at seven hundred this morning and attack the Isesinis Epsilon Eridani contingent at fourteen hundred. The two covert operations will begin their assault ten minutes ahead of our reentry into normal space.

  This strike is diversionary. It's designed to make a lot of noise and cover the main charge. George is scheduled to confront the forces at Mu Arae at sixteen hundred. The Zeta objective is the destruction of ten percent of our antagonists - then get the hell out.

  Because of that, we will not activate any mines currently planted in or on the vessels in our focus. But, our lunge will be furious. We will form a hollow sphere surrounding all the enemy ships and fire in on them. We do not want to enlighten the Isesinis to our booby traps, and we need to take enough time to draw more forces towards this location. We are looking to accomplish our goal over about a two-hour period.


  George looks out at his vast Armada currently placed at Gliese 676A. It is a small red dwarf that mothers four planets and is barely massive enough to facilitate fusion. It's uninhabited, and intelligence indicates that it is unused by the Isesinis. And, it is just three and a half light-years from Mu Arae. Though he can't see them all from this vantage point, Admiral Bryant can distinguish nearly half of the almost twelve hundred ships in his arsenal. Leaving a six hundred meter safety region around each craft means it takes up practically a cubic kilometer. This indicates his entire command uses o
ver one thousand cubic kilometers for parking, plus the space required for Headquarters, Security, Hospital, and Supply ships. That places the most distant ones around six and a half kilometers from the Valhalla if it is in the center of either a cubical or spherical arrangement. Those are the standard parking patterns for flotillas parked in open space. Whichever formation is used, all vessels face out in a staggered configuration to endow the group with maximum protection against unwanted arrivals from any direction. This setup also allows all Carriers to launch Raptors without interfering with each other.

  Since Epsilon is the primary assault body, it will employ mines. SOCC has prepared over half the enemy warships and the GPHC at this location. Booby trapping the Orbs involves three charges located in the central Hangar. A fusion cooling line and a magnetic conduit passing through the compartment each receive one. The third is planted on the hangar bay doors. Savign has provided Tom Stevens with detonation codes for this particular Polyhedron. He will trigger both the second and third units. The other would eventually lead to catastrophic failure. So, they will save that device until they've rescued the Mysterious or determined its recovery is impossible. Epsilon's objectives are to recover or destroy the Mysterious and annihilate all enemy vessels in this system so none can report on cloaking technology.


  As we cross into the system, we are forcefully buffeted by the heliosphere which is exceptionally intense along this avenue of entry to Epsilon Eridani. It is unique because though it is a young star, one planet is inhabited. When we first entered this star's area a century ago, we found a peaceful space-faring society who called themselves the Teal. Tealians do not know how they got here. That information has been lost to history. But, their recorded chronicle indicates they've lived on this world for around six centuries and were technologically advanced when they arrived. Studies by paleontologists, geologists, anthropologists, and archeologist all point to a limited history. And, though their planet is green and blue and plentiful, they have been plagued by its very active mantle and tectonics, and a barrage of asteroids and comets during their tenancy. This is likely a result of Epsilon Eridani's youth. Our scientists believe it is just half a billion years since the sun ignited. It is a fast rotating and very active star. Despite that, Teal orbits its parent at a distance of almost exactly one hundred million kilometers giving it a warm but comfortable climate ideal for vegetation. And its relatively dense ozone layer protects it from the radiation created by all the solar activity and this world's proximity to it.

  As we close the distance to the planet, I see the extensive enemy formation is trying to defend itself against a constant onslaught from an unseen and moving opponent. The twenty-six covert units are wreaking havoc without out aid. But, we swoop in from above ferociously firing all batteries and launching Raptors at a breakneck pace. The space around the Isesinis is filled with buzzing hornets within minutes of our appearance.

  All subordinate commands are conducting their missions as anticipated but I ask the Tier 2-1 leadership to order a Fleet to concentrate on a group of vessels on the perimeter of the Isesinis flotilla to its western flank, on the side facing our galaxy. Then, I ask SOCC to detonate those mines under cover of our withering fire. There is a brief lag as the subs determine which mines are in that region. Then, there is a series of fusion eruptions that appear to be the result of our blitz. I repeat the same process but on the rim opposite the previous deluge. Twenty enemy Cruisers and a Carrier are destroyed in less than ten minutes with no casualties on our side. There is panic amongst our opponents. They are staggered by the realization we seem much more formidable - and considerably sturdier than in our initial encounters.

  Following the original plan, and without additional new orders, our Fleets heap more and more havoc. An hour after entering Epsilon Eridani, we have destroyed fifty-two and disabled or severely damaged another nineteen without loss to our contingent. But, I am now getting reports from remote SOCC units and Suvayeek surveillance that enemy fleets within six parsecs are launching towards us. I advise George who is in route and almost at his target. He suggests we've done enough and should get the hell out of here. I agree and send out the appropriate orders.

  While our unseen forces maintain their merciless attack, our overt units set course and leap back to our staging point. After meeting up with the rest of our outfit, we all jump back to Wolf 359. One Frigate and fifteen Zeta Raptors had been destroyed. I estimated our loss at around eleven hundred people.


  Epsilon's approach to Mu Arae is handled in the same manner. Concealed forces fire ceaselessly on the already crippled opponent. Mines have been detonated throughout their formation including the one that blew the doors off the giant Base Station's large lower hangar deck and another that interrupted ion flow to its reactors and engines. The GPHC is running on auxiliary power without weapons or engines.

  Because of the Isesinis' continuing mayhem, George's ample convoy is almost unnoticed as a portion bears down on the array's western edge and another contingent attacks upwards from the same side. All the way in, they lay down a barrage of mixed ammo as they launch Raptors by the hundreds every minute. But, the orders require all his vessels to avoid firing on the disabled Orb.

  OFSA Frigates are much larger than Isesinis Cruisers, so the FSS Tokyo barely fits through the Polyhedron Hangar doorway on its way to rescue the FSS Mysterious. Admiral Bryant had decided to use this class because the Sub may need to be towed and another sub would labor under such a load. All the way in, the Tokyo hails the Mysterious offering identification codes. And it finally locates the captured ship by using positron beams. They are bounced off it like radar despite its cloak which was still active. The Tokyo responds on the tenth summons. They had been a week in the bay without penetration by their antagonists who never did gain entry.

  A few minutes discussion determines she is space worthy and able to leave under power. The Tokyo advised it would escort the Mysterious to the Epsilon staging area. Both would travel in covert mode. Mysterious would follow Tokyo's transponder signal.

  Meanwhile, the battle outside persisted. The remaining functional enemy vessels waged a fierce defense. But, they had suffered overwhelming losses at the beginning of the encounter and were outnumbered nearly four to one, now.

  As the Mysterious cleared the hatchway, the Tokyo advised the Fleet of their departure and the previously ignored GPHC became a target. As all Epsilon ships backed away from it, the last mine was detonated while anti-matter torpedoes were fired into its expansive opened doorway. It pulsed and flashed angrily. Then, it erupted in a fusion flare that sent more than fifty of its escorts to hell with it.

  After that, things went a lot easier. Every passing minute saw the destruction of another Isesinis ship. But, the effort was not without sacrifice. Six hours into the battle, Epsilon Commands were reporting the loss of four Carriers, six Cruisers, fifteen Frigates and one hundred ninety-six fighters and their pilots. George estimated quickly in his head that they'd lost nearly forty-six thousand personnel. It was quite a price to pay to recover a single ship. But, the intelligence reversal caused by its loss would have been profound.


  We were debriefed in a Commission Meeting on Monday, June 5, 2271. The losses we sustained were severe enough to hold off on any offensive actions for a while. Eleven of George's Fleets are affected in one way or another, as is one of mine. We need to replace the demolished vessels and slain people. And, we'd want to train with all the new elements in place before attempting anything major confrontation. We set the end of October as a potential launch period for our plan.

  In the meantime, we also directed the Theatre Commander to reprimand the Captain of the Purveyor. His ship managed to turn a simple tas
k into a near disaster. And, they put the nearly five hundred aboard the Mysterious at significant risk.

  But, the Captain of the Mysterious was to be awarded a commendation and promotion. She'd made it impossible for the enemy to gain entry to the sub for over a week and managed to save her crew. She displayed a stubborn defiance that could be a great asset in the future.


  Things went back to the routine we knew before the abduction. We ran our particular patrol missions while we restored lost hardware and people. We trained together to integrate our affected Fleet. But, Epsilon required much more extensive replenishment and exercises to bring it up to a full fighting complement.

  In the meantime, we dealt with the sporadic Isesinis lunges at our boundaries.


  I closed the application I was using to prepare my annual report. There'd still be another couple of months to edit it. But, I now have the basis for the year's chronicles. It's much too long. I'll have to revise it. But, it's always best to include everything in the first draft - though the sixty thousand words will have to be taken down to around ten - including the balance of the period.

  The exercise also serves two purposes that are much more personal. It allows me to refresh my memory. We've been so busy that some incidents become blurry - as if they'd happened several decades ago. And, it helps me in the construction of my journal which I may put in print someday.


  Part Two

  Chapter 20 Shock, Evaluation, Judgement

  Wednesday, October 4, 2271

  "A lot of my work is a matter of reacting to surprises." Alexander Wang

  Sparks and Svesion appeared at my office door this morning - unannounced. They'd arrived at a conclusion that required my attention, immediately.


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