Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant Page 19

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "This must be remarkable. You two have never landed here without notifying me or requesting an appointment. Grab something from the bar and let's sit and talk about whatever this world-shattering news is." I said with a chuckle as I waved a hand to the buffet with its assortment of beverages and treats. Five minutes elapsed as we all selected our preferences and took a seat in the conversation pit.

  "Sir, may I use your projector?" Sparks queries.

  "Of course. Help yourself."

  Chris powered everything and adjusted settings. Then, he lowered the lights and clicked an icon on his datapad screen. The area of space above this end of my office was filled with three-dimensional holographic images of stars and planets.

  "The first reports we received were from the Suvayeek. Their accounts had the enemy completely abandoning their regional command at Chi Draconis. According to our friends, they sent the Station and all its support to join the array at 15 Sagitta.

  I was concerned so I contacted SOCC who verified the observation. Then, I transmitted a request to our agents on the surface of our member planet there. They confirmed that all enemy ground forces had suddenly vanished.

  The next report came from 70 Opiuchi and turned out to be primarily the same. All the hardware detached from there joined the Regional Command at 51 Pegasus. Again, I verified everything including the removal of landed soldiers.

  That was yesterday. And by the end of the day, twenty systems had been cleared, and all their equipment and people moved elsewhere.

  So far today, another ten reports of emptied systems have come in. And, in each case, the forces are redeployed elsewhere.

  It appears they are fortifying a section from RA twenty hours up to seven hours and abandoning the other one hundred ninety-five degrees of our space. And they are only controlling as far in as three parsecs from Rigil. That's nearly sixty percent of Orion Federation Space!"

  "I'm not sure we should be elated. There may be a method to their madness. Please remain here while I arrange a Commission Meeting. We will probably want your attendance." I said as I tapped out a message to my peers.


  From:F. Admiral K Brubacher C&C Zeta HQ Commander

  To: All C&C Commission Members

  Re: Changes in enemy deployments

  Date:October 4, 2271


  I have received confirmed reports of enemy redeployments. These involve the abandonment of a vast region of Orion Federation territory and reinforcement of those areas still occupied by the reorganized forces. I would like to suggest an immediate meeting of the Commission. I will be accompanied by my Marine Army Commander and Deputy since their people received and verified the information.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Thank goodness for the new system. I had responses from all within half an hour. It would take us eighteen hours to complete the eight and a half light-year journey at forty percent of superluminal in FTL mode.

  "Pack your bags, gentlemen. Plan for four days. It'll be eighteen hours each way, and we'll probably need a couple of days to determine a course of action!' I snapped off the order. 'I'll meet you at docking port four. My Admiral's Craft is parked there." I added.

  "Aye, sir." The two Generals harmonized as they snapped to attention, saluted, turned, and exited the room.


  "Please relax while you're aboard. There'll be no protocol unless there's crew present. You can come and go as you please. Sleep if you want. You can eat or drink in the recreation area. You can also work here. The lounge and seating area have full access to the complete Zeta information system. But, try to enjoy yourselves on both trips." I explained.

  "Thank you, sir. We'll follow your rules." Svesion responded with a smile and a mock-salute.

  We all decided to have a drink and order some lunch.

  "Admiral, you seemed reticent about the information we presented to you. May I ask why?" Sparks queried.

  "I have no doubts about the data. Your accounts are always accurate and the sources unreproachable. I won't elaborate, yet. But it's the Kil's motives I'm questioning."

  "You think he might be luring us into a trap?" Svesion questioned.

  "Not really. It's such a big area it would be easy to escape it anyway. I'd rather discuss it with the Commission, first. Sometimes, I'm a little paranoid. Let it rest, for now."

  "Yes, sir. But, regardless of intentions, it's a positive turn. What I mean is that if Kil Kos is changing anything, it's because we're having an effect on him." Svesion observes.

  "Yes, that's true, I guess." I responded as the steward served Gamay to Sparks and me and a "Neat" Scotch to Svesion.

  "What's on today's menu for lunch?" I asked Dave Angstrom.

  "The chef's offering a six-ounce New York cut, a grilled pork chop or a pastrami on rye with your choice of sides. Beef vegetable soup or a salad are available. He also has fresh Chiabata rolls - both regular and gluten-free."

  Svesion selected the pastrami sandwich with the vegetable soup. Chris Sparks chose the pork chop with a side of roast potatoes and another of mixed vegetables. I ordered the New York - medium rare with roast potatoes and the garden salad. Both Sparks and I requested a bun.

  We chatted about baseball until the food arrived. Once they dug in, neither General seemed interested in talking until their plates were empty.

  "Boy, can this guy ever cook!" Svesion mumbled appreciatively.

  "Wait until you have dinner.' I smirked. 'You should let him know how much you liked your lunch."

  "I will."

  "Me too.' Sparks added. 'Mine was incredible, too."

  We reopened the baseball discussion. The sport had become more prevalent with all the Commands so close together over the past couple of years. Someone was always near enough to suggest or accept a challenge.

  "We should also initiate hockey teams and tournaments," Sparks commented after we'd indulged ourselves in a half-hour discussion of hardball.

  "I've thought about it. I love the game. I played a lot in Minnesota when I was younger.' I responded. 'I just don't see how we'd be able to do temporary ice as easily as we do a ballpark."

  "No problem. It used to be done all the time."

  "What do you mean?" I inquired.

  "Back in the day, the old NHL would hold exhibition games in unusual venues and at outdoor parks. They developed portable rinks for the purpose. You set it up. Turn on the refer-unit. Then, you add two and a half inches of water. You top that with lines and your emblem. Then, you enhance it all with a half-inch of additional ice and viola - instant hockey rink. Sections of the floor including cooling tubing snap together. The Compressors go off to the side in a different room to reduce noise levels. Hoses link the two. The coolant is a brine solution that comes in barrels. Five hundred liters does the job. You could set the whole thing up for a few days skating and shinny. Then select teams. As far as equipment goes, it's sold on Earth. It's a popular game there, again. But, most groups went back to the rules of the very early twenty-first century. There's a collective feeling today that the pros tried to make it too much like basketball from 2005 on. It pretty much died during the apocalypse. But, if things had continued, there'd probably have been jump-pucks instead of faceoffs." Sparks sniggered.

  "We have a sizeable chunk left over in our entertainment budget, every year. Maybe I'll invest in the rink and personal equipment. We can have intra-Zeta teams, for now. Maybe later, we'll be able to do inter-OFSA tournaments.' I speculate. 'By the way, there's a gym down the hall on your right if you need to work off your lunch." I directed, though no one seemed interested.

  We yakked for another half-hour before I excused myself to begin some work. The others got their pads out and did the same. At seventeen hours thirty minutes, I suggested we grab another drink and some dinner. They were just as impressed with that menu and the food. Afterward, we enjoyed several hands of poker. No Sovereig
ns actually changed hands. We played for chips that had virtual values, only. But, it was a lot of fun.


  "Come on, let's get this show on the road!' Grace called out over the din as she whacked her gavel on the sound block. 'This meeting is called to order!' She barked and hammered again. 'This is a special meeting to discuss recent changes in our occupied territories.' She added in a quieter tone reflecting the lower noise level in the room. 'Admiral Brubacher has a presentation for us.

  It took an hour for Sparks and Svesion to outline the presentation and discuss its implications.

  "My feelings are mixed about this," I concluded.

  "You think it's a trap?" Marshal Malcolm queried.

  "Not really a trap." Before I actually finished, George cut me off.

  "An offering. Peace at the cost of nearly half the Federation. And, if we accept it, we'll spread out to manage our widened territory and be unable to recover the rest without a massive expansion. But, whatever we do, it means Kil Kos realized he can't hold it all. He's hoping we'll accept it."

  "Maybe we should. Everyone's pretty tired of continuous war." Fleet Admiral Addison Blythe observes.

  "No Fucking way!' Tso Shah blurted. 'Excuse me. I apologize for my outburst and my profanity within this venue. But, that'd be like rewarding a thief by letting him keep half the booty if he doesn't do it again."

  "One of these days I'm going to propose we start a swear jar. We'd be able to throw a big annual binge with the proceeds." Grace's tone was tongue-in-cheek.

  "What the hell is a swear jar?" Savign queried.

  "You put a Sovereign in each time you cuss,' Shah answered. 'But, I could just swear in Navajo." He added with a laugh.

  "We'd have to ding you every time you spoke your native tongue, then.' I observed. 'But, I agree with Admiral Shah. Declaring peace is not the answer - yet. I think we execute our original plan. But we need to change it to adapt to the strength at 82 Eridani. And, I presume the same is true at 15 Sagitta. But, we don't have reports on it, yet. Those two locations and our diversionary target are still relevant. We just have to change our proposal to deal with enemy potency at those places."

  "I concur. If we hit the Isesinis as soon as we can, they'll realize we'll never give up. They may pick up and leave, after another encounter - if it hurts them enough." George expounded.

  In the end, we decided we'd employ the same force at Eta Pegasi since nothing really changed there. But, we'd redouble our mining operations at the other two positions and ask both the Spiel and the Polemista to join us again. Steven Nichols agreed to split his Command for use at the two regional sites. That leaves Beta and Delta Commands to patrol our little corridor. And, we won't try to maintain the regions that were recently abandoned by the Isesinis. We'll concentrate on pushing them right out of the Federation and limiting their future ability to wage war on us.

  So, by the end of the meeting, the ball was in George's court once again. It was up to him to modify the plan to fit current needs. And, it fell to me to discuss it with our two allies.


  We all stopped outside the room when the session ended to just pass the time.

  "So what's Zeta Command up to these days?" George inquired when we finally got together for a moment.

  "Well, we enjoy baseball, still. But, we've been bouncing around the idea of starting up a hockey league - first intra-Command - then, inter-OFSA. Are you interested?" I asked.

  "I love the game. I played a lot of it when I was younger. But, I haven't been on skates in years. And, I rolled the idea around and couldn't figure out how you'd put a rink in a Carrier."George observed inquiringly.

  "No problem. You buy a portable rink. A company up north in what was Canada called Cold Fusion sells them. They specialize in all sorts of temporary sports venue set-ups for special events. I contacted them. They'd supply everything. But, we already have seating and bleachers. A single regulation-sized ice sheet - complete with boards, compressors, and cooling lines - is just under a hundred thousand Sovereigns. They only ask for a visit to teach us the setup. And, I found a wholesaler that can supply three makes of all the different sports equipment including skates. So, I figure we buy the unit and sell the gear to the players. That'll help keep it sanitary. I'm going to set-up skating sessions, first. Then, we'll add shinny to the menu. After that, we'll do organized hockey. It'll take about the same space as baseball does when it's in storage. And, I can have the Quartermaster issue the equipment on a payroll deduction basis - no profit - just recover the funds spent." I explained.

  "Well, it's been so long, and I am getting older. I think I'd take up the skating again. But, I'd probably be smarter to coach or referee. But, I'm in. You get the first one done and work out the kinks. I'll come and visit. We'll go for a skate, and you can teach me how it's done."

  "I think we could all have a lot of fun with this. And, it's another outlet for everyone. Our troops need and deserve it.

  Should we go down for a drink?"

  "Yeah. Let's head to the pub."

  We proceeded down to the bar accompanied by each entourage.


  "That was some experience." Svesion observed when we were back aboard my personal craft.

  "Yes. And, I could see where all the orders come from. They are always small parts of a much larger plan." Sparks added appreciatively.

  "Yes, that's true. But, now that you're privy to the general strategy, you must remember that you can't discuss it outside this group. I will end up describing our limited role with my Tier Commands. They will explain it in more constrained terms to their subordinates and so on down the line. Each Command only receives information on the part of the strategy directly related to their objectives. They are asked to produce a plan of how they'd meet those goals. They submit it to their superiors who edit and modify them, then assemble the pieces into a Theatre-wide plan. Those Admirals will send it to their Tier 2 leaders who may also adapt it. They construct a plan for their entire operation. The two Tier Two Commanders then tender to me. I also make amendments. Then, I present it to George as do all the other Headquarters. He examines all those pieces and constructs a tactical field plan and proposes that to the Commission for approval. Once it's ratified, we're all sent copies. Then, I generate orders to one level below, and they do the same to their subordinates and so on down the line until orders reach each individual Command, installation, and ship.

  Our plans are very detailed. Besides including what tactics we'll use to meet our requirements, they spell out how we'll execute resupply, what our rules of engagement are, and how we intend to withdraw from the battlefield safely. They even set the numbers for what ratio of our force will be active or reserve and how and when these standby Fleets will be used. And, they determine our limitations, like whether or not we are to take prisoners. The next session will be much longer. We'll go through that entire scenario, discuss it, and vote on it." I finished

  "Wow. It sounds complicated. I did not realize these major battles are so choreographed." Svesion declares.

  "It's complicated. But, only because no one knows or considers everything, and no battle ever goes exactly as imagined. Requests go all the way down the line. Suggestions and plans come all the way back up the ladder. Then, orders go all the way back down. And, we have a lot of useful simulation tools. They help us determine if a plan genuinely makes sense. And, though it's very detailed, no one can predict all the little nuances like an individual enemy ship Captain's response to an action. So, there is a certain amount of flexibility that allows independent responses. Our scenarios mostly determine the gross movements all the way down to and including the Fleet level. From there all the way to single ship Commands, there is more flexibility at each stage
. They are still required to meet the objectives - and they know their limitations - but are allowed to respond to changing circumstances. Let's order some lunch."


  "I noticed how new the Rigil HQ looks. Do they always keep it that way?" Sparks asked after swallowing a mouthful of the seabass he'd ordered.

  "Not always. It ages and deteriorates like anything else. Everything is refinished, resurfaced or replaced about every five years. But, it needed major repairs after the Isesinis occupation. They did a lot of damage. The refurbishment took about four months. But, it was like giving it a complete facelift. Even the OFSA badges and Orion Federation Flags and Emblems are new." I explained.

  "Well, it sure looks good, now!" Svesion's comment was followed by complete silence as we all dove back into our meals.

  Chapter 21 Preparations and Practice

  October 25, 2271

  "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace." George Washington

  I'm working diligently on my battle plan. Two weeks ago, I had my Tier-Two Admirals in, gave them each an outline including objectives, and they prepared their Command-specific ones and sent them down the line. Mine was based on an overall plan from George that included employing two Gamma Theatres, Spiel, and Polemista Commands. A week ago their updates informed me the plans were on the way back up the Chain of Command. My two subordinates were working at combining the proposals of their secondary operations to present their homogenized versions to me.

  Now, I have both those tenders, and I am working on editing and combining them into the Zeta combat doctrine while attempting to maintain its suitability in Admiral Bryant's original creation. Every level's proposal is included in its parent authority's composition. This provides additional depth and understanding but has made it a nine hundred page document before my revisions and amendments. I have my first rough draft which incorporates six alternate possibilities based on Isesinis responses. I need to run the simulations before finalizing it. I click an icon on my datapad.


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