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Righteous Reign Episode 4 Ragged Remnant

Page 26

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Mom will stay with you for the rest of the day. I need you two to look after each other. My people don't know, yet. I have to tell them all." They nodded as I returned to my desk and tapped in an order to empty both Hangar Decks and remove the retractable dividing wall as quickly as possible. Then, I directed all off-duty personnel and all in Zeta that were able to attend to report to that area in an hour. After that, I sent a quick message to Marie. I told her I'd be there as soon as possible.

  "Will you be okay?" I asked softly as I looked from one to other.

  "Maybe soon. We'll help each other." Fredricka replied.

  "What about you, Daddy?" Bryant asked.

  "This will hurt inside me for a long time. But, each day that pain gets a little less. I will be okay.

  I'll try to be there for you as much as I can. But, this will cause a lot of pain throughout our entire Federation. And, it will mean changes in the OFSA. So daddy may not be there all the time. King David, your Aunt Grace and all your uncles will be devastated. And Aunty Marie will need us the most. She loved your uncle very much.' I explained as tears involuntarily welled in my eyes again. "You two head back home. I'll see you there in a few hours." I finished as I walked them to the door.

  I was startled to find Roh and El quietly waiting outside. I waved them in as my family left in tears. Both were frozen watching my loved ones withdrawing wracked with remorse.

  "What the hell's going on, Kurt? Are you dying, or something."

  "No. But, you better grab a drink. I know it's early, but you may even want to make it a stiff one. Then, we'll sit and talk."

  My system annunciator cried out several times as they were serving themselves. I checked my mail. I was being summoned to a Commission meeting on Rigil. It was scheduled for eighteen hundred hours. I had suspicions. I knew they'd discuss burial rites. But, I also knew there'd be more. It was inevitable.

  "I have bad news.' I explained softly as I headed for a perch on a couch. 'Fleet Admiral George Bryant died a few hours ago. A clot formed from his injuries and caused a massive stroke. He was my mentor and my best friend. And, I know you both loved him, too." I observed quietly.

  Tears sprang from both Officers eyes before I'd even finished. El sobbed, and Roh moaned and rocked as she bawled.

  "When's the service?" El whispered through violent heaves.

  "I don't know, yet. But, other things will happen, too. There will be changes. They will be immediate. The place Admiral Bryant occupied in the OFSA is massive, and everyone will want to fill it quickly, though I don't think anyone can replace, George.

  There's a Commission Meeting on Rigil at eighteen hundred. I want you both to accompany me. Roh, can you make sure the Hangar will be ready. We're supposed to meet most of Zeta there in twenty minutes. I will need you both at my side during that event." I stood up.

  "We're there for you, sir," El said.

  "I know. And, I'll be there for all of you." I whispered.

  I spent the next ten minutes preparing the Zeta notification memo. I put it on the system and set it for Command-wide release in half an hour.


  At eighteen hundred, the remaining C&C are all seated in the Commission's large conference room. I'm not feeling all that well. I didn't take the news well, myself. Then, there was the trauma of informing my family and another when I announced it to twelve thousand people who all broke down, instantly.

  I'm at my usual place at the table as is everyone, except George. As I look about, I note I am not the only one with bloodshot eyes and a swollen face. Grace quickly calls the meeting to order.

  The next hour was expended discussing funeral arrangements. The King wanted a State Funeral with full honors but had been convinced to hold it on Rigil, for a multitude of reasons. It would be attended by all Federation Heads of State and our allies and most trading partners. It would be broadcast live throughout the Federation since we'd seeded all our remaining space with the new communications relays in the last month.

  Then, Grace deftly maneuvered discussion to George's replacement.

  "I know everyone's feeling very miserable, right now. But, this is a topic that has to be discussed. Epsilon is the OFSA's premier tactical Command. And, without the proper leadership, it won't be as capable."

  "What about Stevens?" I asked trying to deflect the most likely suggestion.

  "Tom's expressed on many occasions that he's gone as far as he wants to. He says he's too old to move up that last notch." Steven Nichols explained as Tom nodded in agreement.

  "Then, you're the next best choice.' I responded to him. 'Your tactical skills are exceptional, and you were trained by him."

  I'd run this scenario in my head many times, over the past few hours. I knew how it would end. But, I hoped I could change the seemingly preordained outcome.

  "Maybe that's all true. But, I've been running a regional Command for a long time, now. I haven't had to make wide-ranging strategic decisions in years. There's only one person with the skills necessary whose had his finger in that pie the whole time. And, I think you know who I'm talking about." Steven replied.

  "Look. If you're speaking of me, I already have a major Command that's mobile and gets into tactical situations throughout our territory. But, it's a specialized one. It's Commander needs skills specific to its legal, enforcement, and intelligence responsibilities."

  "There are others who can replace you, there. But, you're the only person that can come close to taking over for George." Grace said as she turned a letter to me.

  The letter was from the King in his official CIC capacity and the Secretary of Defense. They wanted me moved into the Command "whatever it takes to convince him." And, they wanted me to take on the role of Chief of C&C for Tactical Operations.

  "This is all very flattering. But, I think there are better people." I tried to explain.

  "The entire Commission believes you are the right choice." Savign piped in.

  "I need a bit of time."

  "We're adjourned for fifteen minutes!" Grace barked and slammed her gavel.


  "You knew this was going to happen, didn't you? That's why you asked El and me to come along." Rho whispered.

  "Yes. But, don't misunderstand. I am honestly reluctant to replace George because I believe no one can. But, I was pretty sure I'd have to take it. And, I think El should replace me." My Deputy jerked upright as I mumbled the response.

  "Me. You want to make me a C&C?"

  "Why not. You do a great deal of my job now. And, you have expert knowledge and experience in IGB's little intricacies."

  "Yes, but there are a lot of Level elevens with a lot more experience and seniority."

  "Maybe. But, none have your skill set."

  We returned to the meeting.

  "Can we clear the room for a few minutes. I'd like to discuss this with my peers alone." I asked as a commotion broke out at the door. It was King David.

  We all jumped to attention.

  "Relax. This was one meeting I didn't feel I should miss. I need to speak with Kurt before you continue."

  We exited and strolled the halls together as we talked.

  "I know how hard it must be to consider assuming a role that was held by your best friend who has suddenly passed on." David offered.

  "It's not just that, sir. I am feeling pretty guilty. George died to save me!"

  "What do you mean?" He asked inquisitively.

  "The Examiner was severely damaged and taking heavy fire. George was killed because he ordered the Valhalla to shield us until we could maneuver the ship to a safer orientation."

  "George didn't give that order. He didn't see your dilemma because he was busy surveying Epsilon moves. It was Tom who directed the action. And, I can tell you, he's feeling like shit, right now. I spoke to him a couple of hours ago. He's beside himself with
remorse. George was his best friend, too. And, you might want to know, he suggested we look at you to fill the role.

  And you know those final letters you tactical people always write in case you die. In his, George believed you were the best man to replace him as head of Epsilon."

  "I'm stunned. I don't know what to say."

  "Say yes to the offer. Take the position. Everyone but you knows you're the right person for that particular job."

  "If I agree, I'd like you to consider one request. It's not a demand, sir. But, I think you should promote Elasima to replace me. He's level eleven, already. And, I know there are others with longer careers. But IGB is very specialized, and he knows all its complexities. It would take someone else a year or more to understand. And, he'd actually be running it in the meantime, anyway."

  "I hadn't thought that far ahead, yet. But, you're right. I can't argue with the logic. But, the question is you, at this moment."

  "You know I am loyal to you and would do whatever you ask of me, Your Majesty. Of course, I'll take it. And, thank you for explaining the Valhalla's move. I will try to help Tom out."

  "Let's get back in the room. And, by the way, I'd like you and Tom to present the eulogy."

  "That's the toughest job you've ever asked of me," I said as we crossed the sash.

  "I don't mean to hijack your meeting, but I need to say something if you'll calm these people down!" David announced to Grace.

  "The meeting will come to order. King David wishes to address the Commission." She slammed the mallet then gave him a nod.

  "I have convinced Admiral Brubacher to accept the assignment as C&C Epsilon Command and the post of Tactical Chief of the C&C. I would also like your unanimous acceptance to promote Admiral Elasima and assign him as C&C Zeta Command. He's not the most experienced Level Eleven Admiral. But, he's the most qualified for this position."

  Grace placed a motion to support both appointments before the board. There was no discussion. There was solidarity in the group that night.

  "What about Chiefs?" Nichols asked.

  "I'll be happy with Moe. We know each other. And we worked together, before. El knows and likes Roh. I'm sure he won't want a change." I opine.

  "When?" Savigne inquired.

  "Tomorrow aboard the Valhalla at eleven hundred. Epsilon's still here. The Valhalla and several others are just completing testing after all the repairs. We can do El aboard the Examiner at noon and head to Rigil for the luncheon. The two Commands can host their evening's celebrations." Grace suggested.

  "That's fine. But, I will post announcements, immediately. It will allow Moe to prepare for the event and it will answer the questions and doubts Epsilon is feeling." David responded to a room full of nods.

  "Let's get El and Roh in here," I said.

  Everyone in the corridor was summoned into the room. The announcement was made to them. El was asked about Roh, and she was questioned about him. Both were happy with the arrangement.

  "I have one other proposal I'd like to make?" I injected before Grace could gavel the meeting closed.

  "What's that Admiral Brubacher?" She inquired.

  "I'd like to rechristen the Valhalla the FSS George T. Bryant and put a memorial plaque aboard her. I'd also like to retire one flag office with his name on it and designate the George T. Bryant the flagship of the Federation." I suggested.

  "I like most of it,' David observed. 'But, I think you're going too far with the office. It would be hard for others to live with - especially Marie if she stays aboard. And, I'm planning to have the Rigil HQ named the Admiral George T. Bryant campus."

  "Yes, you're right. But, I'd like to propose the rest.

  "Once we've completed your reassignment, we'll conduct the renaming of the ship," David said after a unanimous vote.


  As I stood in front of more than twelve thousand in the Hangar of the Bryant after the Assignment ceremony, I couldn't help wishing the circumstances were different. We'd all be a lot happier if George was still with us.

  I'd been received with great fanfare an hour earlier. Though I could see the remorse in the thousands of faces, I also felt I was already accepted by the majority of personnel in the Command. The Assignment and Transfer of Command rite were relatively short. As CIC, King David read the order, presented me the Epsilon patches and pennants, and shifted all Epsilon and OFSA Tactical Command Codes to me. Then, I made a brief statement.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen and Officers and Crew of Epsilon Command, Mr. Secretary of Defense, fellow C&C Commission Members, visiting Officers and dignitaries, and King David, I am humbled at assuming the job Admiral Bryant handled with such ease and composure. I was part of Mobile Fifth RAC when it was created.

  George Bryant was my mentor and my best friend. I loved him like I would an older brother. I only succeeded because of a second chance he gave me when others might have tossed me away. He saw something in me that many may have missed in those days. There has never been a better friend, and there will never be a more capable Commander. I know I cannot replace him or fill his shoes. But, I can try to walk his path.

  And, I am honored to have been assigned the foremost tactical Command in the Federation. I know it is manned by the best of the finest. You were all loyal to Admiral Bryant. I will try to earn that respect from you, too.

  Like George, I believe it is not the leadership that makes Epsilon a success. It's the more than three million Epsilon people who risk their lives daily to serve our Federation. I also believe I cannot gain your loyalty if you don't feel you have mine. So, I will strive to show you all that I will fight for you - work for you - try to protect you.

  I was proud of Mobile Fifth RAC when I was a part of it, years ago. And, from a distance, I've always maintained admiration for you and George. You are brave, honest and forthright. Each and every person under Epsilon's umbrella would give their lives for their King, Command, and each other.

  It's my hope to change very little. My command style is a lot like George's because I was trained by him and people he directed and trusted. Epsilon is not broken. And you know what they say. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' I had to stop as the entire crowd cheered.

  'What you're familiar with will remain intact. Admirals Stevens, Moahu, and all the other Epsilon leaders are people I respect. I hope to cause little disruption in their tasks and obligations. That way they can maintain stability in your lives.

  I want to thank you all for welcoming me. Our futures will be filled with many trials. But, I believe we'll all enjoy many great times together, too. And, it's my hope we are a family."

  Though I presented it in a subdued and solemn manner, it was received as if it was some great oratory. I could not believe the response as the ovation lasted a full five minutes.

  I finally brought everyone to order explaining I had to be aboard the Examiner shortly for a similar ceremony for my replacement. Then, I announced the party we would hold that evening.

  "I would like to invite you all to tonight's celebration. But, I'd like to add a special note. Many of you do not feel like rejoicing at a time like this. And, that is reasonable and understandable. But, it is customary to hold the event, and George Bryant loved revelry. It was Admiral Bryant who directed Admiral Moahu to create these fantastic Command level events many years ago. And, the other Commands have followed the Epsilon lead, making it an OFSA tradition.

  And, it will be an excellent opportunity to recall and applaud George's vivacity. He was a great man who will always be in our hearts and minds, but he enjoyed life. And, if you'd asked when he was alive, he'd have told you a festive wake is a better way to remember than a solemn funeral.

  So, while we may acclaim the transfer tonight, let's use the occasion to trade Admiral Bryant stories and shout our tributes to the life he lived. There will be plenty of time to show our respect at somber memorials in the coming days. For tonight, let's
all remember the joy he brought us. I hope you'll all find your way to the Hangars of our Epsilon Command vessels."

  Before leaving, I dropped in on Marie and Atina. After spending ten minutes gently consoling both, I asked her to stay on the FSS Bryant and continue to run her Command from there. She'd been uncertain until I made the suggestion, but decided she'd take up the offer. I explained that my family would always be there for them and we felt they were a part of us.

  "I saw your appointment on the viewer. Your speech was magnificent. And, the sentiments it conveyed will never be forgotten by me. Atina and I will make a short appearance at the wake, this evening. It is a delightful idea and the way George would want a memorial."


  Aboard the Examiner the ritual took more time. It involved a promotion ceremony along with reassignment and elevation. So, it was close to two hours, instead of the twenty minutes, it took aboard the Valhalla.

  El made a short speech that reflected on the events around George's passing. It was a masterful presentation that reassured everyone in Zeta. Then, I took the podium and addressed the crowd.

  "I'm not sure - but, I don't think I've been on this end of a reassignment.' There was the low din of soft chuckles from throughout the assembly.

  'But, I am happy Zeta will be run by Admiral Elasima. Besides his competence, he is one of the most loyal people I know. And, that wasn't just bestowed on me. It's freely given to everyone in IGB.

  A great many of you have been with us since the formation of the unit. A lot more came along as we matured and expanded. But, all of you have always given your best and done everything asked of you. You have been unwaveringly devoted to Zeta Command and me. And, you've all worked for El for years - some directly - some indirectly. So, nothing's really changed.

  So, it's my hope you will extend the allegiance you've always had for me to your new Commander.

  For my part, it's been an honor leading IGB. You have made me proud. We have always completed every task assigned us with vigor. I will miss you all." I stepped down and turned away as I finished. I didn't want them to see the tears in my eyes.


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