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Page 8

by Jani Kay

  “Come, Harrison. Fill me with your cum. Mark me as yours. I need you to erase every cock that’s ever been inside me. Especially his. Please.”

  I gripped her hips and lifted her, my cock still inside her pussy. She was begging for me to pound into her, and I always gave Eva what she wanted.

  Shuffling toward the table, I set her ass on the smooth surface. My brain was about to explode and my cock wasn’t far behind. She leaned back onto her elbows, opening her neck to me.

  “Bite me. Fuck me. Take my pain away,” she cried out, her voice echoing in the empty room. Her chest heaved, and she trembled with need.

  I understood. The only way to get rid of her pain was with more pain. Better pain.

  I bit into her skin, first her neck, then the top of her breast where the swell met the fabric of her dress.

  “Oh God, yes.” Her eyes closed and tears sprang from their sides and rolled into her hair.

  Close to breaking point, I pounded into her, slamming my cock into her pussy so that the loud slap of our skin meeting with every thrust sounded out in the dark.

  “More. Harder.” Her voice was strangled. Desperate.

  At this pace, even I couldn’t keep up. Sweat dripped from my brow as I exerted every atom of energy into giving Eva what she wanted, but somehow it didn’t feel as if it was enough.

  It dawned on me what she needed. With every grain of tenderness I had in me, I held her close, hugging her body to my chest and slowing my pace as I captured her mouth and kissed her gently.

  She moaned against my lips and finally let go. Her pussy gripped my cock as her body convulsed around mine. I found my release at the same time, pumping into her as she kept milking me for more.

  “Harrison,” she rasped in a shaky voice.

  Hearing my name tumble from her lips as she climaxed was like heaven to me. Mine was the name she called out when she finally reached nirvana. Mine.

  “Baby,” I said, catching my breath. “You okay?”

  Before she could answer, the door opened and a bright light pierced my brain. I screwed my eyes closed as I huddled over Eva. Some idiot had walked in on us. Fuck!

  A voice roared. “For fuck’s sake. I’ll fucking kill you.”

  I opened my eyes and turned my head, glaring at the intruder.

  The fucker had found us. My cock was still inside Eva. His mouth gaped open as he stared from me to her, and back again.

  My instinct was to protect her. I covered her trembling body with mine as she buried her face in my neck.

  “Fuck off,” I yelled. “Can’t you see we’re busy?”

  “How fucking dare you?” Gone was the smooth silky charisma.

  My blood pressure rose to dangerous levels. “Get the fuck out of here, asshole. I’ll fuck my woman when and where I want. Eva’s mine. Best you remember that, Senator.”

  Chapter 17 – Eva

  Harrison picked me up in his arms and carried me out into the dark hallway, his footsteps creaking on the wooden floorboards. My whole body shivered in spite of the warm balmy weather. I snuggled closer to the hard, muscular chest I was pressed against, loving how comforting it felt to be so close to his beating heart.

  “I’m taking you home, baby.” He grunted against my ear. “I should never have brought you here.”

  He kicked a side door open, and only when my lungs sucked in the fresh air did I realize I’d kind of been holding my breath. The sweet scent of honeysuckle and gardenias mixed with citronella oil from the tall outdoor candles spiked into the grass along the path.

  On a long exhale, I leaned my head back far enough so I could look up at Harrison’s face.

  With his jaw set tight and his lips pursed together, he appeared intimidating and scary. But then he looked down at me, and his eyes softened as he searched my face. He carried me to a bench away from prying eyes and sat down, holding me on his lap. His hand held the back of my neck and we just sat with our eyes locked for a long moment. Taking a few deep breaths, I struggled to calm myself and gain control.

  “Feeling better yet?”

  I did. All the pent-up rage and frustration I’d bottled up for months and months had found an escape.

  Placing my fingertips softly against his pounding heart, I nodded, totally bemused. “Who would’ve thought it possible to fuck away one’s anger?”

  “Works for me. Mostly.”

  “Figures. That’s such a male thing to do.”

  Harrison chuckled. “Well, there is always boxing or hardcore drinking. I prefer fucking. It hurts less after. Usually.” His voice was low, teasing and oh so fucking sexy.

  “Hmmm . . . I’m not convinced of that.” I rubbed over the areas where he’d bitten into my skin. There would be bruise marks for at least a few days. He noticed what I was doing and gently moved my hand away, then softly kissed my neck and the tops of my breasts. Goosebumps scattered over my chest and arms, and my breathing pattern changed to short, sharp pants. I liked rough, but what he did to me when he was gentle completely undid me.

  I felt him smile against my skin. The cocky bastard was completely aware of the effect he was having on me.

  “What would girls do?”

  “You really want to know?” God, this is a weird conversation.

  “Yeah, try me.”

  “Shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. That’s number one. And then there is wine. Wine helps everything.”

  “That’s such a girl thing to do.”

  I still hadn’t shaken what just happened inside and my mind kept going back there. I changed the subject. “Nolan was really mad as hell.”

  Instantly, Harrison’s jaw set tight again as he clenched his teeth. Tension hung between us.

  “Let’s not talk about him. Unless you want me to go back and use him for a punching bag.”

  “No. Let’s just go. Tonight was bizarre enough without the two of you getting physical.”

  His eyes flashed dangerously. “You’re right. The only one I wanna be physical with is you.”

  I swatted his arm.

  “Is that right, Mr. Summers?”

  “You can bet your life on it, sweetheart.”

  He stood up from the bench, still holding me. “You okay to walk to the car? I don’t want to draw further attention to us. If the guys from security think something weird is going on—”

  “I’m fine. I can walk on my own.”

  He lowered me to the ground, still holding me across my back for support. “I’m not going to break, Harrison. I’m not a porcelain doll.”

  “Um . . . yeah, I know . . . but we were pretty rough in there. I’m just worried about you.”

  “That’s sweet, but I can take as good as I give. I got this.” I gave him my best smile, even though my knees felt weak and I missed the feel of his arms around me.

  Harrison was such a contradiction that he made my head spin. One minute he was carnal, primal even, the next he was concerned that I was okay.

  Signaling the valet to bring the car around, we stood in silence for a while, each lost in our thoughts.

  “Oh crap,” I said, breaking the silence.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My purse. It’s still on the table inside. I should go get it.” I ran a hand over my hair, trying to straighten it. “My keys are in there.”

  “Baby, you have that just-fucked glow all over you. Not to mention a bite mark on your neck and breast that’s plain for everyone to see.” His fingertips ran reverently over the affected areas as he held my gaze. Admiration and lust mingled in his eyes. “The elegant Eva Ryder has never looked sexier, but that’s for my eyes only.”

  He removed his hand, took his phone from his pocket and made a call.

  “Savage, listen, buddy, where are you?”

  I listened as he instructed his partner to find my purse and deliver it to his place on his way home.

  “Guess you’re staying at my place again tonight,” he said with a cocky grin. “You may as well move in, you know.”
  His words knocked the wind right out of me. For a commitment-phobe, Harrison was saying things I never thought I’d hear coming from his mouth. Yet, I was the one who’d not be up for it. After kicking Nolan out, I’d made up my mind that I wasn’t moving in with a guy ever again until I had a ring on my finger. That would never happen with Harrison, so the chances of me ever moving to his place were as good as zero.

  Chapter 18 – Eva

  Sundays were my favorite day of the week. Don’t get me wrong—I loved my job and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. But Sundays had a special kind of magic to them. Especially those mornings when I woke up with sunlight streaming through the window, and Harrison’s warm body was spooning into my back, his leg draped over mine, and his breath on my neck.

  But this wasn’t such a Sunday morning. A storm from hell raged outside, bashing tree branches against the window as the wind howled. Shivering, I pulled the covers up to my chin and sighed. No Harrison to cuddle into either.

  For a few seconds, disappointment washed over me that he’d left the bed. I was still thinking about it when the delicious aroma of bacon snaked its way to my consciousness and I took another deep sniff. My stomach growled and I remembered that I hadn’t had a decent dinner the night before.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Harrison stood in the doorway of his bedroom, his hair ruffled from where my fingers had been the night before. I smiled, remembering how I’d yanked the smooth strands every time his head had disappeared between my thighs. I’d never had a lover who could eat me out like Harrison, and sometimes the sensations were just so intense that my hands did the communicating for me.

  I laughed—a genuine laugh from the belly. “Good morning, handsome.”

  Wearing nothing but a chef’s hat and slippers, Harrison folded his arms across his bare muscled chest and waved his cock at me. He looked fucking ridiculous, yet so achingly adorable at the same time.

  “Ready for breakfast?” He beamed.

  “Um, anything else other than your sausage on the menu?” I said, eyeing his erection while I held onto my side as fits of laughter shook my body. “I thought I smelled bacon?”

  He fisted his cock and gave it a few tugs. My eyes widened as my mouth watered. It turned me on like nothing else watching a man play with his tool in such a confident way.

  “This handsome specimen is dessert, baby. ’Cause I know you can’t get enough of my cock. But first, I have pancakes with crispy bacon and runny eggs and maple syrup, and freshly brewed coffee. How does that sound?”

  “Really? You made all of that?”

  “Sure. It’s Jade’s favorite breakfast. I used to make it for her on Sundays . . . especially on stormy days. She hates storms, you know, and there’s nothing like the smell of bacon to take your mind off the miserable weather.”

  The way his eyes softened when he spoke about his sister made my heart melt. In those rare moments that Harrison gave me glimpses of his inner self, his gentle side that he fought so hard to hide from everyone, I couldn’t help but let him crawl just that little deeper under my skin.

  “Well, that makes two of us. Since I was a kid I’ve always been unnerved by storms.” Lightning cracked just outside the window. I jumped, my whole body tensing up. “Nobody ever made me pancakes and bacon to get me through the storms though.”

  He pushed his large frame off the doorjamb he was leaning against and crossed the room with a few long strides. “Wait till you taste mine. You’ll forget everything else when you sink your teeth into my fluffy pancakes.” He sat on the edge of the bed, took both my hands in his and rubbed my palms with his thumbs.

  “You crack me up. You look so—”

  He pulled a Zoolander expression. “—Ridiculously good-looking?”

  “Yeah. The chef’s hat makes you look like a master chef and the slippers are adorable.” Just like that, and I was laughing again.

  “It’s fucking cold when you slip out of a warm bed. Especially after being snuggled into a hot and curvy naked body.”

  “So why aren’t you wearing clothes?”

  “What, and deprive you of the amazing sight of my sausage?”

  Laying my hand on his chest, I caressed over the taut skin. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  I loved this playful side of Harrison. Not many men had the confidence to pull off being silly and sexy at the same time.

  “It’s you that brings it out in me, Eva.” He leaned forward and kissed me. It was sweet and tender, but with just enough passion to show me that he meant what he said.

  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I better go get those pancakes before they go rubbery and make a liar out of me.” He pulled the bed covers up to my chin, kissed my forehead and marched out of the room, leaving me with a perfect view of his ass, a smile and a warm, fuzzy feeling in my heart.

  Careful, Eva. This Harrison could catch you off guard and sneak into your heart so, so easily.

  I scarfed down the pancakes, which were drizzled in maple syrup. The contrast between the sweet and the saltiness of them and the bacon was the perfect taste combination.

  “Oh my God, that was the best breakfast I’ve ever had.” I rubbed my tummy as I held my mug out for a refill of coffee.

  “Yeah? You sure of that?”

  I knew where he was going with this.

  “Of course I haven’t had dessert yet, but to be perfectly honest I think I over-ate and I’m a little bit too full now,” I teased. I wished I could burp on demand as most men were able to do, but all I could manage was a small one while I patted my stomach and handed him my empty plate. “Your fault for feeding me so well.”

  Harrison’s face was priceless. “Well guess what, baby? I saved a space for your sweet pussy. Come here.”

  He grabbed hold of the bottle of syrup, ripped the hat from his head and dove under the covers at the foot end of the bed, his head bopping up between my legs.

  “Argggh, you are a naughty, naughty boy,” I said, only half joking as his wet mouth covered my mound.

  I heard muffled sounds and lifted the covers to inspect what he was getting up to. Harrison was drizzling the sticky golden liquid all over my pussy and stomach. He threw the covers off and moved up, pouring the dripping syrup reverently over my breasts, as if he were an artist.

  “This is what I call breakfast. Just the right amount of sweet and salty,” he murmured in a husky voice. God it was hot watching him lick it off me. I forgot all about the raging storm outside as I moaned, gripping the sheets as he sucked and licked and kissed his way over my body until he reached my lips.

  I licked the syrup off his chin and tasted the sweetness on his tongue.

  “Hmmm,” I hummed into his mouth.

  “You’re good enough to eat, baby, and I can’t get enough.”

  “My turn,” I said as I rolled him over. “I’ve gotta find out what sausage and syrup taste like.”

  His eyes gleamed as I took the bottle from him and poured a copious amount over his cock, watching it drip down like an ice cream sundae.

  “Fuck, woman, get your mouth on me.”

  Harrison gripped my hair and held it to one side as I went in for a taste of dessert. I rimmed the head with my lips, causing heavy groaning to rumble from his chest. I licked and nipped and sucked, teasing him, swallowing the sweet liquid suggestively and smacking my lips. His grip tightened on my hair, pushing me down as he raised his hips, fucking my mouth with his delicious cock.

  He threw back his head, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he spoke. “I’ll make you breakfast every Sunday for the rest of my life if you’ll suck my dick like that.”



  Chapter 19 — Eva

  After we’d washed the sticky residues off one another’s bodies in a warm and relaxing bath, Harrison suggested my second favorite thing to do on a Sunday.

  “Let’s go down to the bookstore and get a coffee,” he said while we got dressed. He’d given me a pair o
f sweat pants and a T-shirt from the drawer, and I sniffed deeply as I pulled it over my head, loving the smell of Harrison on his clothes.

  Okay, maybe it was my third or fourth favorite thing now that he was part of my life. Being fucked by a man like Harrison had to be number one, right? That moved everything else way down the list.

  My breath hitched. “Oh, I’d love to go. There’s nothing better to do on a lazy day like today.”

  Harrison raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Well, I’d argue with that. If it were entirely up to me, I’d tie you to my bed and fuck you all day long.”

  “Yeah? You wouldn’t get bored?”

  He looked at me as if I’d grown a pair of horns between my eyes. “Eva, don’t you get it? You are my favorite thing. Trust me, there is nothing remotely boring about you. But I’d be a selfish boyfriend if I didn’t take you out sometimes too.”

  Did he say boyfriend? I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face.

  He moved closer and slapped my ass playfully before nibbling at my ear. “I am your boyfriend, yeah?” His voice was low and gruff, with a nearly imperceptible hint of uncertainty. I loved when in spite of his usual cockiness I could still detect his vulnerability. Sure, it was only rare glimpses, but it was there never the less. It was the complexity of this man that attracted me and kept me hanging on as I tried to unravel him, layer by layer.

  “You can be anything you want if you keep making me breakfasts like that.”

  “I did commit to every Sunday for the rest of my life, you know. That’s a big deal for me, baby.” He kissed my neck, slowly and deliberately. “But with you, I can’t think of life in any other way.”

  Funny, neither could I. Every image I had of the future somehow included Harrison. I’d never articulated it, or consciously thought about it. It just was.

  He helped me into a black jacket that hung on a hook by the door. It smelled of him and I took a deep sniff while he rolled the sleeves so that my hands showed before he tied the belt around my waist and smacked my ass again. “Ready to go?”


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