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Bachelorette for Sale

Page 31

by Gail Chianese

  Of course, there was nothing in the BFF rulebook that said a little liquid fortification couldn’t be called upon. Just enough to enable her to plaster on her yay-it’s-hump-day smile and not ruin everyone else’s day. Not enough to plot out acts of revenge and end up wearing orange coveralls for life. Orange was seriously not the new black.

  Caressing the sharp tip of the dart with her thumb, Tawny studied the board and imagined her next target. Image firmly visualized, she let that baby fly with everything she had, taking great satisfaction as the needle embedded in the soft material.

  “You’re leaning a little to the left when you release. Hold steady and you’ll get a bull’s-eye.”

  Tawny turned to the luscious but taken male specimen giving her advice and smirked. “Actually, I hit exactly where I was picturing.”

  “Oh yeah, and what where you picturing?” Her best friend, Cherry Ryan, studied the board as she laid her purse on the table next to Tawny’s empty glass. “Or should I not ask?”

  “Doglover12’s left nut sack.”

  Jason, the luscious male specimen and Cherry’s fiancé, flinched. “I think that’s my cue to hit the bar for drinks. Tawny, what are you drinking tonight?”

  “Already got one on the way, sweetums, but thanks.” She planted a wet one on his cheek before he scurried off.

  Cherry picked up the next dart, lining up the target. “So what did Doglover12 do to deserve losing half of his pride and joy?”

  Tawny waved her off as she took the drink from the waitress. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Already forgotten. Besides, you called saying you needed me, not the other way around. What’s up?” She took a sip of her drink, savoring the burn as the vodka slid down her throat. “By the way, you look pretty hot in that sundress. I like how the purple brings out the blue in your eyes, and you’re going to have to show me how to do that braid thingy with my hair.”

  “Nice try, sister. We’re not talking about me until I know why you’re slicing and dicing some guy I’ve never heard of before now.”

  Propping her elbows on the tall table, Tawny rested her chin on her laced fingers. “Really, it’s nothing. Not even the bad part of my day.”

  “Which is why you’re sucking down Cosmos like they’re Kool-Aid. You may as well spill your guts because you know I’m not going to give up until you do.”

  “Dios! A Chihuahua with a bone has nothing on you. Fine. He stood me up at lunch today. Actually, that’s not true. Apparently he showed, saw me in person, and left. Then he sent me a text saying, ‘Sorry, I like my women a little less voluptuous.’ ”

  Cherry flinched. “Where do I find him and how do you want him to die?”

  And that was why Tawny loved her friend. Not only would she bail you out when needed, she’d hide the body for you.

  “Let me have that dart. You can’t have all the fun.”

  “I can see why you were on the verge of giving up dating when you met Jason. Hey—” Tawny looked over toward the bar. Over six feet of deliciousness, with spiky dark brown hair and serious blue-green eyes. Yeah, the world could do with more of his kind. “Do you think we could clone him? You know, with a different face, of course, because that’d be creepy.”

  Cherry smiled dreamily as she glanced toward the love of her life. They’d make beautiful babies, with Cherry’s auburn hair and Jason’s eyes. “Trust me, Prince Charming has a few personality faults. Impatience tops the list. Why do you think he keeps pushing for a wedding date?”

  “A guy who’s crazy about you and in a hurry to spend the rest of his life with you is a fault?” Tawny sputtered.

  “You’re right. He’s pretty damn hot. But he has other flaws. He leaves the toilet seat up and he can’t cook more than a few basics, he’s stubborn, and . . .” A sigh escaped as Cherry glanced once again toward Jason. “What I’m trying to say is, everyone has their warts. It’s just a matter of finding the one you can live with. The one who sets your soul on fire with one look.”

  Tawny had met that guy, the one who turned her into a jittery schoolgirl with her first crush. The one who made her want to throw caution to the wind and say the hell with her plan and let life happen on its own. The one who made her burn for his touch. Unfortunately, she wasn’t that girl anymore. She had a mission, goals to achieve, and she would. Whether it would be alone or with a man at her side remained to be seen.

  The waitress walked by and Cherry ordered a Bay Breeze for herself and another Cosmo for Tawny. Cherry waved off Tawny’s protest. “I get the feeling you’ve earned a double shot today, and don’t worry, Jason will drive us home. Now, hit me with the big bad. What else happened?”

  Heat rushed to Tawny’s cheeks, flooding her body with embarrassment as she remembered her boss’s hand on her ass, him pushing her against the wall. The panic that set in, freezing her brain instead of fighting the bastard off. Did she let the anger rule when he told her she could be his mistress, but would never hold a management position in his bank? No. She caved. His word against hers, he gloated. No point filing a complaint, he said. So she took the coward’s way out and quit.

  Modify it, she told herself. Go with the simpler answer, one that won’t drag everyone into your hell.

  “I got fired.”

  “Whaaat?” Cherry reached for her drink, chugged the last quarter of an inch and slammed the glass down. “Give me a sec, my brain is still trying to wrap itself around what you said, but it keeps coming up with what. The. Heck. I thought you were up for a promotion. What happened?”

  “Imagine what my brain is doing.” Tawny absently stared out the window, trying to figure out what she could have done differently. “I came back from the disaster known as lunch, and Mr. Leduc—the guy who got Mr. North’s job—called me in. Basically he thanked me for applying for the position, however, they felt Mark was a better fit, and he was terribly sorry to have to tell me they were letting me go. Economic setbacks, blah, blah, blah.”

  “You’ve worked there for eight years, and Mark’s been there, what? Two?”


  “What about your recommendation from Jane, or Mr. North’s promise?” Cherry asked, clearly stunned.

  “Figments of my imagination?” Tawny suggested.

  “This makes no sense. You were the stronger candidate, especially with your degree. I remember you saying Mark didn’t hold one.”

  “Honestly, the new guy strikes me as the old-fashioned kind. You know, it’s a man’s world.” Just let it go, she silently begged as she sat at the nearby booth.

  “Seriously? Do you have proof?” Cherry asked, scowling at her empty glass and taking the spot across from her.

  “No, and I wouldn’t want to get Mark fired anyway. He’s a good guy, and he is the sole moneymaker for his family. So there you have it. I got stood up and axed all in one day.”

  “Fired. Wow.”

  “Who got fired?” Jason asked as he slipped into the booth next to Cherry.

  “Me,” Tawny said.

  “What?” David Farber, Jason’s best friend, asked as he slid onto the seat next to Tawny.

  Just great. The day just kept getting crappier and crappier. Not that she hated David—in reality, the man did things to her she’d rather not address. Things like making her heart race and urging her to scoot closer without saying a word. Usually guys with light hair did nothing for her. Maybe it was his piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through a woman’s armor straight to her heart. Whatever it was, his playboy ways put him at the top of the “never doing” list.

  On most days his c’est la vie attitude balanced everyone out, kept tensions low and the environment happy. Today she wasn’t in the mood. Cherry and Jason would understand the severity of the position she was in. David, he’d probably think of it as a summer vacation. Total Peter Pan syndrome.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it,” Tawny said.

  “You sure? These shoulders can take it, if you need one,” David offered.

sp; She looked into his smiling blue eyes and fought the urge to smack him. “Seriously? You’re going to pick the worst day of my life to hit on me? Getting stood up and fired isn’t enough?”

  “The guy’s an idiot. My offer was one of friendship. Nothing else.”

  Cherry and Jason both sat with their mouths hanging open. Tawny wasn’t sure if they were shocked at what she’d said or at David. “Look, can we table this discussion for the night, please? Neither event is the end of the world. Didn’t you have something you wanted to talk about or tell us?”

  Cherry sat with her hands intertwined with Jason’s. She looked up to Jason, then back to Tawny before looking down at her hands. “It’s not important, we can talk about it later.”


  Her friend glanced nervously at her fiancé and smiled. “We’ve set a wedding date.”

  Tawny whipped out her smartphone and pulled up the calendar. “That’s fantastic. When’s the happy day?”

  “The second Saturday in October,” Cherry hesitantly told her.

  David reached across the table to exchange some kind of man-code handshake with the groom. “Congrats, Cupid. It’s about time you made an honest woman out of our girl here.”

  “Trust me, I’ve been trying for weeks,” Jason responded.

  After noting the date on her calendar, Tawny shut that app down and brought up her notes app. “October of this year, correct?”

  Cherry gave her a small smile and nodded.

  “Three months to plan a wedding? Lucky for you, I’m a very organized person, and between the two of us we should have no problem. Thank goodness your classes don’t start until the end of summer.”

  A quick look passed between the lovebirds, and Tawny waited for the other shoe to smack her upside the head.

  “Actually, I’m going to need a little more help from you than I would normally ask. See, the director of the community center found out about me going back to school for a degree in counseling, and she asked if I could do an internship-type thing now. It’s in the evenings after I get off work, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for wedding stuff.”

  “No problem. Tell me what you need me to do and it’s done. You know you can count on me.” Tawny started making a list of all the essentials that would need to be done.

  “Dave, we were hoping as Jason’s best man, you’d be willing to help Tawny out. Maybe check out some venues together, some cake tasting, that sort of thing.” Cherry looked at the two of them with mournful puppy eyes and pink staining her perfect Irish complexion.

  “Anything you need from me, sweetheart, I’m happy to do.” He turned to Jason. “What about Brody?”

  “What about me?” The third of the three amigos slid into the booth, shoving David totally into Tawny’s personal space. “Sorry I’m late. This client is going to kill me, if I don’t kill her first.”

  The guy looked beat. Strain lines laced out from the corners of his eyes, while dark circles shadowed the area underneath. Somewhere between the office and the pub he’d ditched his suit coat and tie and rolled up the sleeves of his button-down shirt. The man was a total one-eighty from David, who dressed in jeans, a faded T-shirt, and work boots. Different styles, different personalities, all linked by a shared past and the same wary look in their eyes. Mama mia, they were a potent dose of testosterone when put together.

  The edgy boy next door, the charmer, and the rake. It was the first thought that had come to her mind when she’d met Jason, David, and Brody, and after getting to know them, she’d realized her instincts had nailed it dead-on.

  “I’m the best man. You cool with that?” David asked.

  “Yep, more work for you, and I get to sit back and watch the circus.” Brody flagged down a passing waitress, asked if they’d ordered, and then put in his drink and food order. “You two need anything from me, just say the word.”

  Jason’s smile spread from ear to ear. “How about you help Fubar plan the bachelor party? This way none of us will end up in jail and I’ll still be able to get married.”

  “Oh, sure, leave the most important task up to the stuffed suit. No worries, Cherry, we’ll all be sitting around playing Bingo and be home in bed by nine o’clock,” David teased.

  The guys ribbed each other, exchanging insults as only true friends who’d known each other a lifetime could. Tawny sat back in her space, lost in her own thoughts. Mentally she listed what she’d need to do tomorrow: check bank balance, update resume, scour LinkedIn,, and every other job website out there. She’d hold off telling her parents for now. If she got lucky, she’d find another job before they even knew and she could save herself the headache from the multitude of lectures they’d dish out. Speeches about how if only she’d find a good husband she wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job, or how it was a woman’s place to take care of the home and raise the children. It might be the new millennium, but her parents were squarely stuck in the 1950s, living between Ward and June Cleaver and Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.

  “You okay?” David had leaned over to whisper in her ear, and if she turned just right her lips would match up perfectly with his.

  Turning her head only far enough to acknowledge him, Tawny noted his usual playful smile was gone. This serious David pulled at her with an intensity she’d never felt before. “Couldn’t be better. Hanging with friends, a drink in one hand and all the free time in the world ahead of me.” She tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Tried, keyword.

  “My offer still stands if you need someone to talk to. Anytime, day or night.”

  Tawny cocked an eyebrow at the offer.

  “Honestly, I’m offering as a friend, and I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  When he looked at her, it was as if no other women existed in the universe. No one else mattered more to him. Warmth spread through her body, setting her on fire. Her breath slowed. Her gaze dropped to his lips. Were they as soft as they looked? She caught herself before she reached up and ran her fingers along his jawline, felt the stubble of his beard tickle her palm, or tasted his lips.

  “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  Photo Credit: Julia Gerace

  Gail Chianese’s love of reading began at the tender age of three, when she’d make her grandpa read Fourteen Country Rabbits over and over and over again (and correct him when he skipped parts). While she’s branched out over the years by reading mystery, women’s fiction, and urban fantasy, she always circles back to romance in the end. That’s probably because she’s married to her real-life hero. Her wonderful hubby has served in the US Navy for the past twenty-six years and he’s done things he can’t tell her about. But it doesn’t stop her from being extremely proud of him and the sacrifices he makes for her, his family, and his country. He’s also über-supportive of her dreams and of their three children. A member of Connecticut Romance Writers of America living in Mystic, CT, Gail loves to hear from readers. Visit her online at, follow her on Twitter@Gail_Chianese, or send her an e-mail at

  To the extent that the image or images on the cover of this book depict a person or persons, such person or persons are merely models, and are not intended to portray any character or characters featured in the book.

  LYRICAL PRESS BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2015 by Gail Chianese

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Lyrical and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.

  First Electronic Edition: June 2015

  eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-404-1

  eISBN-10: 1-60183-404-7

  ISBN: 978-1-6018-3404-1




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