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Diana: Story of a Princess

Page 41

by Tim Clayton

Sunday evenings 161

  Hewitt on 163–4

  Camilla at 197, 207, 217, 219

  and Morton’s biography of Diana 231

  Diana moves out 245

  Camilla’s fiftieth birthday party 332

  ‘Highgrove set’ 104

  Hilton grand ballroom, New York 286

  Hindlip, Lord 327

  Hitchens, Christopher 66, 85, 140, 183–4, 262-3, 319, 321, 366

  Hoare, Diane 274

  Hoare, Oliver 274–5, 277, 279

  Hodgson, Bill 136

  Hola! 268

  Holbein, Hans 30

  Holden, Anthony 20, 83, 125, 129–30, 134–5, 248–9, 250, 285, 296, 298–9, 362, 364–5, 366, 369

  Hollingsworth Dinner, Spencer House 258

  Holt, Wiltshire 50

  Home Office 367

  Hong Kong 323

  Honsfield, Pierre 346

  Household Cavalry 1, 44, 74, 171

  Huambo, Angola 312, 314–16, 321

  Hungary 229

  Hunter, Angie 367

  Hussein, Saddam 199, 206

  Hussey, Lady Susan 69, 80, 112, 284

  Hussey, Sir Marmaduke 284

  Hyde, Lady Anne 43

  Hyde Park, London 79–80, 375

  Hyde Park barracks 151, 213

  Independent Television (ITV) xi, 71

  India 52, 54, 224–6

  Ingrams, Richard 45

  Institut Alpin Vidamanette, near Gstaad 22–3, 25

  International Red Cross 253, 259, 270–71, 304, 305, 308, 309, 311–12, 313, 320, 334

  IRA (Irish Republican Army) 26, 70, 254, 258

  Italy, tour of (1985) 131

  Itchenor, West Sussex 6

  ITN 136, 232, 353, 373

  It’s a Royal Knockout! (television game show) 154–5

  James, Clive 283

  James I, King 14

  James II, King 43

  Janvrin, Robin 352

  Jay, Margaret 159, 185, 362–3

  Jay, Sir Michael 352, 353, 355

  Jephson, Patrick 127, 170, 175, 177–8, 184, 194, 195–6, 207, 208, 211, 226, 231, 234, 237, 239, 243, 244–5, 252, 253, 257–60, 268, 283, 286, 290–91

  Shadows of a Princess 68

  JFK Stadium, Philadelphia 133

  Joel, Billy 143

  John, Elton 298, 374

  Johnson, Paul 282

  Jonikal (yacht) 329, 333, 334, 335, 338, 341, 342

  Junco, Eduardo 268

  Jung, Carl Gustav 90

  Junor, Penny 46–7, 54, 59, 62, 63, 76, 89, 115, 117, 149, 238, 256

  Kay, Richard 206, 228, 268, 273, 274, 301, 339, 343, 344

  Kensington Palace 97, 98, 111, 112, 120, 153–4, 163, 164, 191, 197, 204, 210, 213, 234, 245, 252, 271, 281, 282, 297, 298, 323, 329, 337, 363, 374

  Kent, Princess Michael of 150

  Khalid, King of Saudi Arabia 73

  Khan, Dr Hasnat 281–2, 294–6, 300–301, 323, 324, 328, 333–6, 339

  Khan, Imran 300, 301, 324

  Khan, Jemima 300

  Khan, Naheed 302

  King, Martin Luther 25, 192

  King’s Lynn, Norfolk 3

  King’s royal touch xiii, 185–6, 198–9

  Kissinger, Henry 258, 288–9

  Klosters, Switzerland 23, 58, 59, 143, 162, 206, 311

  Knatchbull, Amanda 24, 26, 34–5

  Knight, Andrew 190, 212, 223, 227, 232, 236, 238

  Knightsbridge Barracks 74

  Koenig, Rhoda 282

  Korea 242–3

  Kronenfeld, Danny 173, 179

  Kuwait 199, 205

  LA Fitness Centre, Isleworth 258–9

  La Pitié Salpêtrière hospital, Paris 349, 351–7

  La Scala, Milan 337

  La Spezia 131

  Labour Party 322

  Lacey, Robert 237

  Lahore 300–301, 325

  Lake Como 337

  Lalvani, Gulu 322, 324

  Lamb, Christina 310, 312, 314–15, 318–19, 321, 336

  Landmine Survivors Network 336

  landmines xii, 309–21, 326, 336, 340

  Lanesborough Hotel, Hyde Park, London 297

  Latsis, John 239

  Lawrence, Tim 145

  League against Cruel Sports 92

  Learning Channel (US) xi

  Leatherhead, Surrey no Lech, Austria 229

  Legge-Bourke, Tiggy 290, 293, 32–3-4

  Lennox, Ken 38, 39, 47, 49, 55, 96, 107–8, 109, 204, 232–3, 234, 241, 264, 265, 287, 335, 339, 349–50, 352–3

  Leprosy Mission 257, 304

  Les Diables Bleus polo team 31

  Lewis, Martyn 359

  Liechtenstein 134

  Life Guards 2, 145, 168

  Life magazine 237

  Lindsay, Major Hugh 162

  Linley, Viscount 65

  Livesey, Tim 353

  Lloyd, Alexandra 11

  LS Presse 354

  Luanda, Angola 310–11, 313, 315, 329

  Ludgrove School, Berkshire 208

  Ludlow 43–4

  Luxembourg, Duke of 150

  Lyle, Felix 193–4, 217–21, 223–4, ¿36, 251

  Macault, Jean-Louis 330–32, 358

  McCartney, Paul 133

  McGlashan, Dr Allan 115

  McGregor, Lord 221, 229, 231–2, 233, 236

  Mackenzie, Kelvin 51, 100, 101

  Mackenzie-Hill, Rupert 168, 170

  Maclean, Lord, Lord Chamberlain 70, 71

  Madonna 133, 147

  Magic Roundabout, The (television programme) 22

  Magnusson, Magnus 71

  Mailliez, Frédéric 347–9

  Major, John 245, 253, 290, 340

  Majorca 197

  Malaga 268

  Mandela, Nelson 318, 325

  Mandelson, Peter 366, 368

  Mannakee, Barry 147–8

  Maoris 124

  Margaret, HRH Princess 48, 79, 82, 112

  Marks, Lana 117, 296–8, 301, 336–7, 342

  Marks, Dr Neville 117–18

  Martinez, Christian 347, 348

  Martino, Dr Jean-Marc 349

  Mary, Queen 88

  Massoni (Chief of Police) 355

  Mathews, Ed 280–81, 289, 321, 368

  Maxwell, Robert 50

  May, David 77

  Mellon, Paul 138

  Ménage-à-trois restaurant, Knightsbridge 1, 76

  Mendham, Victoria 293–4, 316

  Menzies, Kate 152

  Meresse, Thierry 349, 351, 352, 354, 355–7

  Michelmore, Cliff 71

  Middlesex Hospital, London 159, 160, 212

  Middleton-Jeter, Verona 173, 175–7, 179–81, 182, 184, 185

  Middlewich House 147, 160

  Milan 337

  Milligan, Spike 136

  Ministry of Defence 313

  Mirror group 50

  Mitchell, Dr David 115

  Mitterrand, François 243

  Monaco 335

  Monckton, Rosa 187, 336, 337

  Le Monde newspaper 324–5, 340–41

  Moore, Sir Philip 43

  Moore, Suzanne 248

  Morton, Andrew 118, 128, 255

  and Diana’s feeling unwanted 5

  Diana’s ‘unhappy childhood’ claim 12

  Diana’s bulimia 89

  Diana’s fall at Sandringham 101, 102

  nickname 132

  Diana flirts with 132–3

  the Liechtenstein row 134

  writes on Camilla 207

  Diana’s thirtieth birthday 212

  office broken into 228

  Diana: Her True Story xiii, 216–23, 226–30, 231–2, 234–8, 247, 256, 258

  Moss, Kate 327

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis 26, 32, 34–5, 46, 57, 70, 73, 136

  Mountbatten family 43

  Mugabe, Robert 257

  Murdoch press 258

  Murdoch, Rupert 50, 51, 100, 190, 280, 281, 288

  Murrell, Ben 343

  Museum of Women in the Arts, Wash
ington 327

  Naïr, Sami 351–2, 355

  National AIDS Trust 160, 185, 302, 304, 305–6

  National Enquirer 239–40, 354» 358

  National Film Festival 97

  National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London 129

  National Gallery, Washington 137

  NBC 71, 83, 84, 360

  Neil, Andrew 226, 227, 229, 232

  Nepal 52, 253

  Neville, Rupert 54

  New York 173–85, 195, 327, 328

  New York Times 339

  New Yorker 328

  New Zealand 64, 97, 120, 124

  New Zealand Herald 124

  News International, Wapping 189–90, 211, 223

  News of the World 120, 161, 281, 331, 358

  first stories of Diana’s rows with Charles 92

  notes alleging a Charles-Camilla affair 189

  breaks the story of Diana and Hewitt 205–6, 213

  Hoare story 274

  the Brompton photographs 283

  Kelly Fisher story 335

  and the accident 352, 353

  Newsnight (television news magazine) 285

  Nicholas, Sir David 136

  Nixon, Richard 288

  Nobottle 21

  Northampton General Hospital 23

  Northern Advocate 124

  Northolt 362

  Norwegian People’s Aid 336

  Observer 365

  Occasional Nannies 27

  Oldfield, Bruce 131, 132

  O’Mara, Michael 217, 226, 228

  Orbach, Susie 251

  Owen, Nicholas 367

  Paglia, Camille 248

  Pakistan 300–301, 324

  Palazzo Vecchio, Florence 132

  Palm Beach 141

  Palmer-Tomkinson, Charles 36, 37, 59

  Palmer-Tomkinson, Patti 36, 37, 59, 149, 162, 197

  Palmer-Tompkinson family 37, 115

  Palumbo, Lord Peter 20–21, 61, 191, 220, 261, 262, 280, 286, 299, 301, 308, 335–6, 368

  Panorama, Diana’s interview for 1995 xii, 19, 283–7, 288, 290, 291, 293

  Paris 299, 334, 343, 344, 360

  Paris Match 243

  Park House, Sandringham

  Diana’s first home 3, 8–9

  Sarah stays in 7

  described 9

  Princes Andrew and Edward visit 11

  Parker Bowles, Andrew 76, 231, 250

  at Balmoral 36

  and the Beaufort Hunt 44

  marries Camilla 44

  and Charles’s proposal 59

  Commanding Officer of Knightsbridge Barracks 74

  and Diana’s wedding 85

  Diana’s suspicions 98

  moves to Middlewich House 147

  Hewitt’s commanding officer 171

  watches polo with the Queen 231

  Parker Bowles, Camilla (née Shand) xiii, 49, 120, 134–5, 158, 166, 285, 298

  relationship with the press xiii, 249

  and Anna Wallace 31

  at Balmoral 36

  Diana visits at Bolehyde 43–4

  relationship with Prince Charles 44

  marries 44

  lunches with Diana before the wedding 1–2, 76

  bracelet from Charles 75, 77, 79

  at Diana’s wedding 84, 85

  love letters 101

  moves to Middlewich House 147

  ‘Camillagate’ 149, 240–42, 247

  Charles resumes relationship with 149, 161–2

  Diana confronts 171

  watches polo with the Queen 230

  fiftieth birthday party at Highgrove 332

  Parker Bowles family 37, 76

  Parker Bowles, Tom 84

  Parry, Vivienne 205, 250–51, 254, 271, 284, 293, 295, 341, 372.

  Pasternak, Anna 273

  Princess in Love 274, 277

  Paul, Henri 344–7, 358–9

  Peck, Gregory 141

  People magazine 238

  Perón, Eva 183

  Perón, Juan 183

  Petrie, Mrs 8

  Petworth 32

  Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh 49, 134, 213

  attends Johnny and Frances’s wedding 4

  relationship with Charles 53, 54

  personality 54

  ‘ultimatum’ to Charles 54, 58

  at Diana’s wedding 84

  and press harassment of Diana 100

  correspondence with Diana 239

  and Diana’s death 362

  Phillips, Mark 229

  Pimlott, Ben 148

  Planet Hollywood 254

  Pontypridd 93

  Portofino 338

  Press Association 100

  Press Complaints Commission (PCC) 221, 231, 232, 236, 242, 259, 376

  Press Council 221

  press, the

  relationship with Camilla xiii, 249

  Diana photographed at Cowdray Park 32

  Diana’s tactics at Balmoral 39

  Prince Charles and 39, 54

  the kindergarten photographs 41–2

  tabloid press changes character (early 1980s) 50

  Diana tires of their attention 54–5

  the Queen and 56

  Diana keeps her head down 67

  the Queen and press harassment of Diana 100–101, 107

  rumours of problems in Diana’s marriage 119–20

  Prince Charles on 124

  ITN interview 136–7

  steps taken to curb 220

  history of the tabloids 276

  briefed by Diana, and by Charles’s friends xiii

  Prince Charles: A Royal Portrait 71

  Prince’s Trust 136

  Private Eye magazine 45, 46, 49, 51, 66, 74–5, 119, 120, 359

  Privy Council 64

  Purves, Libby 248

  Puttnam, David 283

  Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham 197

  Queen’s Speech 134

  Rainbow House children’s hospice 212

  Rat, Romuald 346, 347, 348

  Rather, Dan 83

  Reagan, Nancy 113

  Reagan, Ronald 138, 139

  Red Cross Federation 270

  Reenan, Cyril 188

  Rees-Jones, Trevor 338, 343, 344, 345, 348

  Rees-Mogg, William 287

  Reese, Shirley 174, 176–7, 179–82, 184, 185

  Relate 192

  Relate Guide to Marital Problems 192

  Remembrance Sunday services 98, 118, 258

  Repossi showroom, Paris 341, 343

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua 3, 30

  Rhodes, Zandra 327

  Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe) 45

  Riddell, Sir John 195

  Riddlesworth Hall preparatory school 7, 8

  Rippon, Angela 83

  Ritz Hotel, London 48

  Ritz Hotel, Paris 334, 343, 346

  Rivett, Jenni 245–6, 251, 323

  Robertson, Geoffrey, QC 279–80

  Robertson, Mary 27–8, 29, 35–6, 40, 43, 55, 60, 72, 77–9, 140–41, 142, 234–5

  Robertson, Pat 78

  Robertson, Patrick 27, 28, 29, 35, 55, 78, 141, 142

  Roche, Ruth (Diana’s maternal grandmother) 4

  Rogers, Rita 251, 336

  Romsey 86

  Romsey, Lord Norton 57, 107, 108, 112, 238

  Romsey, Lady Penny 57, 77, 107, 197

  Romsey family 37, 59, 125, 197, 239

  Rothermere, Lord 221–2

  Royal Albert Hall, London 35, 118

  Royal Ascot 143, 254

  Royal Ballet 211

  Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading 208

  Royal Brompton Hospital, London 282–3, 294

  Royal Family xii, 61, 129, 188, 219, 220, 223, 237, 246, 284

  and the Spencer family 15

  and a new breed of editors 51

  Lady Fermoy warns Diana 56

  apartments in Buckingham Palace 64

  royal staff 67–9

  Diana’s wedding 85

  sides with Charles against Diana 1

  Diana brings glamour 130

  Murdoch and 190

  Diana’s view of 193, 235

  and Morton’s book 234, 236

  Colthurst and 251

  Diana the most popular member 254

  German origins 275

  Mathews on 289

  police warning after Diana’s death xii, 367

  Royal Festival Hall, London 322

  Royal Institute of British Architects 128

  Royal Marines 86

  Royal Marsden NHS Trust 304

  Royal Opera House, Covent Garden 143, 209

  Royal Opera House Development Appeal 63

  Royal Scots Greys 4

  Runcie, Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury 84–5

  Russell, Adam 30

  Rutland, Duke of 31

  St David’s Cathedral 95

  St James’s Palace, London 4, 238, 256, 258, 275, 292, 362, 363

  St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington in, 128

  St Paul’s Cathedral, London, Diana’s wedding 70, 78, 81, 82

  St Tropez 329–32

  Salter, Guy 195

  San Lorenzo restaurant, Knightsbridge 152, 208, 249

  Sanders, Joseph 103, 196, 216, 233, 245, 251, 252, 271–2, 274–5, 278, 279–80, 282, 283–4, 294, 324, 342

  Sandringham House, Norfolk 9, 24, 56, 98, 244

  Royal Family’s country seat 3

  Johnny meets Frances 4

  Diana and Charles visit as children 11

  Diana’s fall 101–3, 106, 235

  Santer, Jacques 258

  Sarah, Duchess of York 293

  marries Prince Andrew 65

  on Buckingham Palace 65

  impresses Prince Andrew 143

  personality 143

  engaged to Andrew 145

  pranks with Diana 145–6, 213

  and It’s a Royal Knockout! 153

  marriage fails 213

  and astrology 217

  and Steve Wyatt 224

  separation 228

  Bryan incident 238

  My Story 68

  Sarajevo 336

  Sardinia 334, 340

  Saudi Arabia 201

  Saunders, Mark 265–70

  Savile, Jimmy 161

  Savills estate agents 26

  Savoy Hotel, London 212

  Saxe-Coburg family 43

  Scott, Rory 30

  Seil, Isle of, near Oban 14

  Serota, Angela 211, 213, 223, 227, 230

  Serota, Nick 211

  Serpentine Gallery, London 262

  Seth-Smith, Kay 27, 40–41, 42, 51, 167

  Setterlen, Peter 251–2

  Sevenoaks Voluntary Service 17

  Shakespeare, William 154

  Shand Kydd, Frances (Diana’s mother, previously Spencer née Roche)

  leases Park House 3

  meets and marries Johnny 4

  birth of her children 4–5

  relationship with Peter Shand Kydd 5

  divorce from Johnny 6

  marries Peter 6

  relationship with Diana 6

  and Diana’s wedding 70, 84

  Shand Kydd, Janet 5

  Shand Kydd, Peter 5, 6

  Shanley, Kevin 61, 81, 134

  Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, Lahore 301

  Shea, Michael 50, 56, 100, 107, 136


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