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The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017)

Page 15

by V Bertolaccini

  The conversation finally ended with Weaver asking the Russian commander to allow them to bring some men there and he agreed and told them that he would have some of his men at Ice Station X1 bring them over to the base in one of the large vehicles.

  Chapter 16

  The Alien Voyager

  The colossal black alien voyager rested shining in bright light, beamed from intense spotlights all around it, with vast amounts of classified equipment of the Russian scientists surrounding it, with them monitoring and trying to explore what was there.

  Weaver and Commander Craven stood together stunned with their mouths open studying its dark form vaguely buried in the Antarctic ice, astonished at its colossal perfect symmetrical shape and its power!

  The Russian scientists there continually told them of its powers even existing beyond the universe, in outer dimensions and time zones, which they claimed they had detected.

  The Russian base commander shifted next to them, and also stood dazed as though he had not seen it in a long time.

  “Have you the technology to communicate with it?” Commander Craven finally gasped, to the Russian commander.

  “We still haven’t been able to create a proper first contact situation! We now believe that it was trying to communicate with visitations! Like the dead man in spacesuit that arrived at your dinner table, and the thing that tried to appear as an energy cloud!”

  “All that stuff was created by it! Have you entered it?”

  “We were unable to open it or even scratch its surface, especially when we attempted to create an entrance point! But one of your scientists helped us though! One of your scientists called Willis entered this cavity down here and entered it!”

  “Willis?” Weaver replied.

  The Russian commander called over one of his men and had him go and get him, and Willis soon arrived.

  “Tell them what happened!”

  “I explored the cavity and spacecraft!” Willis replied. “I fell asleep near what I believe was the front, and an entrance was opened when I awoke! I entered it and I transported into a region inside, where I became part of it and saw visions from its voyage!”

  “Where did it come from?” Commander Craven gasped.

  “I do not know! I was unable to realize much!”

  “What happened then?”

  “When I climbed out I was captured by some of the Russian soldiers! Who started questioning me! They believe it opened in response to my dream, where I mentally opened an entrance in it!”

  “What happened then?”

  “The soldiers were part of the same soldiers that were behind the shootings!” the Russian commander declared. “As you have been told, we were only to dig it up and investigate it, which we fully have not done! We are trapped here! We cannot leave such a dangerous object here!”

  “So the deaths and shootings were done by a Russian renegade group that you told us of? Where are they?”

  “They were after technology from it, which they were unable to get until Willis managed to enter it! They were stopping anyone for getting anything before they could get it! They managed to get something from it and have left! They left some of the soldiers working for them behind!”

  “So they copied Willis and entered it again?”

  “Yes! They copied what Willis did and sent a man into it!”

  “What did they get?” Weaver gasped, wondering why they were all gasping at the incident so much.

  “We are not fully sure what they got! They sent a man into it and we believe it tried to make contact again, but it seems to have not been able to do what it wanted! Which we do not fully know what! We believe it rewarded the man for the attempt by giving him something! We believe it could be a danger to mankind!”

  Chapter 17

  The Investigation

  What the hell had they done? Had they contacted the voyager with the telescope beneath the ice station?

  Now that Weaver knew the situation he realized that it was worse! The technology, power, and size of the voyager was far greater than anything he thought mankind could ever create, and he could not even explain its existence!

  All the scientists from the ice station were there and staggered, and some looked as though they were making plans to abandon the Antarctic! The thing was a danger and indestructible, and had not been properly checked, and they had only been able to check a few of its basic functions from the two people who had entered it, and nobody had really shown any proper awareness of the function of it as far as he was concerned!

  They had not found a way to activate its entrance into opening again and making contact with it, and that was the only final way of finding out what it was for. Yet they had Willis who was confident in doing it again, but totally refused to contact it unless there was a good reason!

  He stayed with Willis and kept him near, and he knew if something was going to happen that he would be there, as he was sure it had chosen him for something and that they would need to use him for anything!

  “We haven’t found a way to communicate with it!” a scientist with the scientists from the ice station underground telescope announced, as he walked over to him and Willis, as they stood next to where the entrance had opened on the voyager.

  “What have you been trying?” Weaver asked curiously, amazed at all of the scientists crammed around the voyager, and into the massive cavity.

  It was incredible the way the scientists from the ice station had all burst into life when they all had seen it, and he and most of them were astonished at the experience and knowledge the Russians had on the things to do with the voyager!

  It was as though the scientists had been waiting all their lives for the opportunity, and that they never knew the deadliness of it!

  “It has not replied to anything we have done!” the scientist continued, showing all the equipment that they had brought over from the ice station. “We used the telescope and the telescope equipment over there to communicate with it! We have finally got a chance to test out stuff and it is not replying!”

  “Incredible!” Weaver gasped.

  “We have also gone by all the instructions given in the Alien Source Code – which is a combination of old and updated procedure put together for basic first contact situations!”

  “So we are still trying to find a way to talk to it!”

  “Correct!” he replied firmly, hoping for an answer from Willis.

  “Well!” Willis answered. “I’ll add what I think! I believe that what’s active is equivalent to our subconscious mind, while it is in a type of sleep or suspended animation, which carries out various functions for it. I think it is either part of the voyager or attached to it! And for some reason it wanted us here, especially by crashing into this world and at this exact site! And I think it was unable to do something when it made physical contact with me!”

  Weaver was left confused, as he started to see the problem in more depth and that they could be stuck with it.

  “I think we should find another way to enter it!” a scientist from another nearby group announced, to their amazement.

  “How will we go about doing that?” Weaver asked. “The thing is indestructible! They could not even scratch it!”

  “We found the place where the entrance opened and found some faint markings near it, which we believe is sensitive to reactions from something, and we believe that it could be another way to open it!”

  “We could try using different things on it!” Weaver replied, and the scientists returned to working on finding a way to open it.

  A scientist suddenly moved over and whispered in a nearby Russian scientist’s ear, and he suddenly looked aware of something and agreed with the scientist and left to do something.

  The scientist returned with other scientists and set up equipment at the region of the entrance with the markings and they activated equipment, and laser beams blasted at the region where the markings were near, and started firing thousands of laser blast sequences at it.

  “What’s it doing?” Weaver asked, wondering if they had found something somewhere, and wondered what would happen if they forced entrance to its voyager!

  Chapter 18

  The Helicopters

  The massive helicopters lifted up and rushed off into the distance and Weaver rested into a seat at the back of one, with the other soldiers, preparing himself for what could be his last day alive!

  They were Russian military helicopters and they had been hidden away in one of the Russian base’s underground chambers.

  They had discovered where the renegade Russian soldiers had gone! By using recorded satellite information they had been able to trace their path to a distant secret Russian ice station, where they were going to hide out and wait for a plane to arrive to take them away.

  If they had a plane there already or it had just arrived they would have escaped, and he was sure that they would never see them again! They could easily make it to some part of the world where they would not be able to find them, or be able to do anything to stop them.

  He wondered if they had not shot the people that they had if they could take what they had taken from the voyager back off them? Who owned an alien artifact?

  The scientists that had been near them had claimed that they had called the artifact that they had taken an alien sphere and that they had claimed it was some form of ultimate weapon, and the Russian base commander had given them the use of the helicopters and information about the secret ice station and the arrival of the airplane there.

  If the mission was successful they would get it off the gunmen, and he wondered if they could destroy it or what they would do with it! Would it cause immense future problems?

  He had realized that the scientists mainly wanted the voyager to leave as it was a great danger to the world. There could be many future problems with it being there!

  The voyager seemed unwilling to let them aboard, but they were still working on opening it and he wondered if it was the scientists themselves that were the danger! It was them that invented atomic bombs and had them introduced! Perhaps the scientists were secretively worried of what other scientists might do if they got the technology!

  Chapter 19

  The Russian Ice Station

  The massive helicopters rested behind them, below small hills, and they watched the light from the sun vanishing as the early night engulfed the region and the soldiers rushed on faster, to avoid being caught in the dark.

  It was lucky that it was not night and there were no signs of airplanes having landed there, and Weaver wondered if they would land in the dark and studied his surroundings repeatedly trying to explain why such an occurrence could happen! The entire mission had been planned down to the smallest detail!

  What was it that they had taken from the voyager? How had they persuaded what was there to give it to them?

  He had tried questioning Willis about what he had come into contact with and he had been unsure, and never saw anything of it, and it only replied to some of his responses with things like mental images of things. It had originally been activated and opened by his dreams and thoughts!

  The Russian ice station was further ahead and small and looked ancient and from a century ago, and he imagined figures like Captain Scott arriving there.

  When they finally got near enough to see it properly they started to see buildings had been burnt down, and some smoke and steam still coming off them, and being blown around in gusts of cold polar winds, while gusts of snow blew around them.

  Some form of battle had clearly taken place there! There were bodies lying around everywhere! The snow around Weaver was too deep and the terrain virtually impossible to get quickly across!

  It was incredible that they had actually not landed later than when the sun was going down.

  What had happened? It looked like the seen of a small battle!

  They approached slowly and they saw that many of the Russian renegade gunmen had been killed there! It proved that they were more maniacs than he had predicted! They could easily have met and held up the inhabitants of the ice station with guns. Instead they had a battle with them!

  He was also sure that they had not been able to do what they had intended! He was sure that someone had warned them about their arrival!

  He believed the pilot and airplane that was to land was with them, and would see them if it appeared and landed.

  They swiftly shifted about the small ancient building structures, searching for signs of them, and found that they had all gone into one building, which was the largest there, and they searched all the other structures and about the base and surrounded the building.

  He thought of the incredible operation the Russians must have carried out getting the voyager at the other ice station and wished that he had been part of it, and the digging up of the black object beneath the ice, and them digging out the cavity.

  The amount of equipment and men they must have used must have been tremendous, and they must have gone to incredible lengths to get people into the ice station, and to monitor it and prevent them discovering what they had been doing.

  He wondered how long they had been there trying to enter or make contact with it, and then a stray scientist from the ice station entered the cavity and simultaneously made it into the voyager.

  He recalled when one of the Russian scientists had told him and that Willis had entered it and it had shown him its flight in space!

  He was sure that it had wanted something, and perhaps it wanted someone to pilot it, and he was sure he never gave it what it had wanted.

  He went over and over it through his mind trying to grasp some clue that would show him what it wanted.

  He examined the soldiers ahead of him moving in closer, preparing themselves for action and were ready.

  A loud blast of a gun exploded out and he saw one of the front soldiers beside Commander Craven was hit and Weaver swiftly moved behind a wall, preparing for the gunmen to attack.

  The bullet had instantly killed the man and he was heaped over the snow and he realized that someone had blown their cover and they had given away their element of surprise, and he realized it was one of the Russian soldiers from the Russian base that had given them away! He then realized that they could very well be in it with them! The Russian soldiers with them had not been checked out and had even been with them!

  It was lucky there was cover for all the soldiers and they rushed into position and he watched the Russian soldiers and what they did and wondered what he was missing about them.

  Suddenly soldiers rushed forward fast shouting at them to throw down their guns and started blasting at them with everything, and bullets flew out everywhere hitting the snow all about them, and the gun battle stopped and they shouted to them the gun battle was over and they all moved in.

  He rushed in the building and realized that there were only six of them left, and two were dead on the floor!

  A Russian soldier with them translated what the Russian gunmen said and they started questioning them, and Weaver noticed that he was holding a hidden conversation with them as he asked their questions and gave their replies.

  “Where and when will the airplane land?” Commander Craven asked them, and the Russian translated what he said and replied.

  “It is not going to land until they ask it to! They cancelled it landing until the alien sphere was found!”

  “What does he mean by that?” Commander Craven replied.

  “After their battle with the people at this ice station the person that had it was killed and someone took it, and nobody saw who or what he did with it!”

  Weaver listened confused! How can someone lose an alien artifact? Then he considered what size it was!

  “How what size was it?” Commander Craven asked, amazed, wondering what the hell it was.

  “He does not know!”

  “How did you see anyone carrying it?”

  “No! It was in one of the dead men’s pockets!”

It was clear that the people that saw it were now all dead, except the person that took it!

  Commander Craven was staggered, and clearly wondered how they could they possibly have an ultimate weapon capable of destroying the world in someone’s pocket?

  Someone there took it so they searched all their pockets and belongings, including the bodies, and they found nothing and decided to stay the night!

  Chapter 20

  The Battle

  They had been at the Russian ice station two days searching everything and had not found the slightest clue to its whereabouts, while they curiously watched the Russian soldiers with them!

  There clearly were soldiers amongst them that thought they could get hold of the alien sphere and sell it!

  Their mission was a disaster, even though they had killed or captured the remaining renegades!

  The ice station, huts, and buildings were small and cold and he had never slept in anywhere so cold, which was exaggerated by the coming winter! He could see now why the people that stayed in such places and conditions were rugged and hardy.

  The Russian food supplies were feeble and left them longing to get out of the place, and to find the alien sphere!

  Who the hell took it? What had they done with it? Where had it ended up? And what the hell was it? Its size made everyone gasp! What if they got its technology and increased its size?


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