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The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017)

Page 17

by V Bertolaccini

  Chapter 24

  The Final Solution

  The voyager was tremendous and they had surrounded it with all their equipment, even embedded through the ice below, as they attempted to study it as far as they could. Its powers were immense and it was found to have many other powers existing beyond the universe, in outer dimensions and time zones.

  A Russian scientist announced to Willis and Weaver, “We have the technology to communicate with it!”

  “I will still have to create a first contact situation mentally with it!” Willis answered firmly. “It is not going to easy!”

  “So what’s happening?” Weaver asked, anxiously waiting for a reply to what was occurring, after days of watching them at work, and Willis preparing himself.

  “I’ll tell you what I know!” Willis stated, wishing Weaver to know what was happening. “It was damaged and the controller/entity crashed it into this world and next to the ice station, mainly due to the transmissions from the equipment and telescope that they have below the station that has been repeatedly transmitting first contact messages throughout the stars for many years! I believe it intended to repair itself or have us do it for it! Even in its dormant state it attempted to revive its voyager! Its energy was also exhausted, and it crashed deliberately, where it believed if it was not helped either that it would be revived someday if it remained on a world like this! They would find a way to revive it or something!

  “It chose me and in its dormant state had shown me what had happened to it, but it had been unsuccessful in what it had intended to do.

  “It chose to allow one of the Russians to make another contact attempt to check if it had missed something in its dormant state and it was unsuccessful again, and it had rewarded him with what he had wanted and an ultimate weapon that could win world wars.

  “It could not use him or me in the state we are in! It could not alter us without killing us! It is far too weak to think properly and control the voyager and needs an altered human that will be able to do what it wants, and I believe that it has enough energy to get to a powerful energy source to revive its energy supplies and its own energy and repair itself.”

  “Did you get that from it?”

  “I got most of it through communications and from experiences with it! I am ready and I am going to persuade it to take me aboard again!”

  Willis rested and concentrated on thoughts that he had accumulated and moved near the voyager, and where the entrance was located, and they all watched the entrance hole appear and they fitted a ramp under it and he climbed up into it.

  Weaver gasped and felt something from somewhere like something incredible was about to take place.

  “I believe that what’s active now is the equivalent to our subconscious mind!” a scientist announced from Weaver’s side, sitting at some equipment monitoring what was happening. “While it is in a type of sleep or suspended animation, which carries out various functions for it.”

  Weaver was left confused in what Willis intended to do and started to see the problem in more depth, and it might not work.

  “I am picking up communication thoughts from it!” the scientist announced. “I believe that he is persuading it to make a copy of him for some reason! No! He wants it to make an altered version of him that can carry out what it wants! It has accepted it and is creating the copy!”

  Weaver watched all the scientists stop work all around the voyager, waiting for something to happen!

  Chapter 25

  The Voyager from Beyond Reality

  Colossal explosions of energy blasted out with so much force that they threatened to start doing damage to the physical universe, and he imagined space and time becoming unbalanced and warped, and he wondered what damage the world could be subjected to!

  Echoes of conversations haunted his mind as he considered why they had not moved away when they had activated it!

  The vast powers surrounding them were staggering and Weaver wondered why he had not considered the entity as being dangerous and he felt sorry for Willis and wondered if he could escape alive, and he contemplated the dangers and his chances of survival!

  The voyager had formed a perfect energy form of itself, clearly of transcendent origins, and pulsated in the center of the cavity, as all the scientists sheltered around the rim of the cavity, and he wondered why nobody attempted to try to make it to the doorway into the Russian base, and looked there and saw people near there were rushing there.

  An immense whirlpool of energy lines magically began shifting around it like the rings around Saturn, and he studied it for a long time and realized that it had no proper presence there any longer and was some form of force formation, while the rest remained in other dimensions! There were signs of the vortex reshaping by its energy patterns!

  The voyager frequently turned visible in a translucent energy state, and he heard it functioning, and he had sensations and visualizations of the depths of the universe.

  Everything around him seemed to alter into a mind-bending dream of altering displacements as the voyager completed its mission, and he felt dizzy as everything transformed and the voyager vanished, leaving emptiness and a massive empty cavity.

  For a moment he had a weird sensation about something happening, and he saw Willis walking calmly up towards them, along the cavity edge.

  He watched some scientists nearby calibrating their equipment and anxiously checking what their equipment had recorded!

  All the scientists there seemed to realize that it had worked and that it had achieved its mission!

  “What happened?” he immediately asked Willis as he arrived at where they were. “Did it fully work?”

  Willis smiled brightly, and replied, “Yes! It has returned to where it came from!”

  “Wherever that is?” Weaver gasped, and felt deep excitement!

  He realized he had survived it, and the most dangerous mission he had undertaken so far, and at the bottom of his pocket he felt the two parts of the alien sphere, where the microfilm had been, and he wondered if they noticed! The material was the material the voyager had been made of and the indestructible material, and he considered what value it would have if they recreated it!

  Part II

  Novel 2

  The Alien Sphere

  V Bertolaccini

  The Alien Sphere

  Chapter 1

  The Alien Sphere

  In the outer fringes of the black hole, shifting wildly about itself, within the opened up alien sphere, a metallic gleam of light was magically suspended, motionlessly in mid-air, from the surface of an electronic clock, by the scientists.

  The clock held at the end of an almost invisible cable, of translucent material, had its precision digital numbers frozen in fuzzy multidimensional forms (in a suspended cluster of partially transparent layers).

  Professor Bergman, the leading scientist, had it released further, edging it into the black hole, creating more spectacular optical effects from the clock, making it distort in twisted forms (shaping beams of light with matter like a form of glass sculpture).

  Its numbers shifted fast forward, until they froze again, and the clock almost vanished, and they stopped its progression.

  A loud cheer erupted from all of the scientists and technicians crowded into the laboratory, applauding.

  Dexter realized that it was more than a rupture in space. It had properties of suspending time! It was a hole in the fabric of space and time, and a gateway into the depths of time.

  He had staggered when he had first observed the pulsating alien sphere, when he had entered the laboratory of the UN Space Agency – where leading scientists were carrying out a series of basic experiments on it.

  They had not been able to determine its origins, so they had brought it back to the Earth, to allow leading scientists to investigate it.

  He had shuddered as he had studied its cleaned surface and perfect sphere shape, with no blemishes or openings.

  The abnormal antics of t
he laboratory scientists had captivated him – mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness, and fear of something! Some still repetitively studied the controls of an immense laboratory laser, with alarm – preparing themselves!

  What were they going to do? Had something gone wrong in their earlier experiments?

  A swift flash of light had exploded out, and the laser’s flickering beam had blasted into the sphere – silencing all the scientists.

  It had triggered it to unlock, open (with a deafening bang), and reveal its inner chamber, where it was – by the manipulation of gravitational forces – suspending a black hole.

  Professor Bergman calmly raised his hand, quickly giving a signal to a technician.

  “As you see,” he announced, “it manipulates perceptions of space and time – within its outer radius! It suspends, accelerates, and suspends it. And if you’ll look – to the clock – suspended at its outer radius – it decelerates it too.”

  The cable emerged outwards, pulling the clock back, with its numbers going swiftly backwards, until its numbers once again became motionless.

  “And if you examined that clock, you would see that the numbers don’t move backwards!”

  Dexter copied Basinger, Burrell, Selina, and the others, and clapped wildly.

  He briefly wondered if it could be a form of time machine.

  “Professor Bergman!” a scientist, next to him, called out. “If something fell in there, would it go on a quantum leap? Would you say that it would appear at some stage after its collapse?”

  “I personally believe that it would travel into the future. But where it ends up is not in my field of knowledge!”

  Dexter wondered if in reality the black hole was different from what they perceived. But he dismissed the idea. He did accept their philosophy!

  “What are your intentions?” another scientist called out, from behind the group. “Are you going to send something in there?”

  “We have investigated it little, so far, and if we do, I can assure you that I shall have you all informed about it!”

  “What uses to industry do you think it may have?” the scientist continued. “Could science not use it? It has the power to stop time in its outer radius!”

  “We do not know at present how safe it is! We shall test it much further, and we may find a use for it – as you mentioned.

  “If you will take an observation of its shifting movements, which we have been studying closely over the past few days – which some of you may have observed – as its constrained pattern of movements has dramatically altered.”

  Dexter examined its lethal appearance. It resembled a large black bubble of pure energy – buzzing wildly and dangerously about – ready to discharge somewhere.

  “Do you believe that space is full of black holes like this?” another scientist asked. “Is space full of them from events such as the big bang? And how long do you think it will last?”

  “There may be many, scattered throughout the universe, and a danger to any explorations of space! Thus we can study this one, and learn to detect them.

  “The length of time that they exist may depend on their size and the conditions that they exist in. We just don’t know how long they last! However, I can give you other details about this one. Our fact sheets have all our findings, from our experiments, which may interest you.”

  A technician entered, nervously listening to everything, and began handing the documents to the scientists at the doorway, and they queued up to the back of the laboratory.

  While Dexter stood waiting for them to finish, he sensed something peculiar, but he kept his sight on the queue, where the scientists were having captivating discussions.

  As he listened more, a gentle draught appeared, and he discontentedly tried to detect where it was coming from.

  But it increased, and he realized that it was not a draught – the air was being sucked away. And he glimpsed a hideous black shadow over the floor, with a horrific shape emerging.

  He then stood frigid, watching the black hole crawl through the laboratory’s protective screen material.

  In an instant it vanished and reappeared across his path. And he could not escape: the strength of its pull was far too great.

  The whole laboratory erupted into a frenzy of activity, and he plunged into it – hurtling into blackness – with existence rapidly vanishing.

  Chapter 2

  The Fringes of Eternity

  In a blur, he was floating over all the stars of the universe, and tumbling through the depths of eternity – far from the nearest stars – out beyond reality.

  Obscure illuminations endlessly shifted, as he wildly spun around, with no real awareness of anything.

  A tranquil abyss flowed surreally against him.

  A shape gradually emerged, of a stretch of shininess.

  He came to, from his state of disarray, studying it.

  How had he managed to end up in such a far-out place? Where was he? How could he survive?

  He felt as though he had been falling through something, and he tried to grasp the concept, and where he had been.

  There was no longer any light of the outer universe!

  Large stars magically appeared about him, with incredible dimensions, and shone with blinding rays.

  Howling air suddenly blasted at him, and around him, and he plunged down, and he saw the night sky, swirling about him.

  He was over water, and falling out of the sky.

  He realized he could survive, and prepared himself.

  A roaring and blinding surge of water hit him, and he dived through it, swiftly sinking downwards. And he automatically put out his arms, pushing away water, stroking and tugging, pulling himself from the endless depths of water.

  Chapter 3

  The Shifting Jungle

  The rhythms of the waves, skimming over the surface of the black sand, gently brought him out of his sleep.

  He felt the warm air tenderly caressing his lifeless body.

  He had vague recollection of him swimming ashore, the night before, and then hearing Selina, screaming, and her splashes, and him pulling her ashore. Then, before he had rested, and had fallen asleep, a dog had come splashing out of the water, at them, and he had discovered that she had brought her dog, Darwin, with her, which she must have had concealed in her luggage in the laboratory.

  He watched her, with curiosity. Her laboratory jacket was ripped to pieces, and she held it around her.

  He was sure that they were the only two to go through.

  The warm colors of the red sun blazing down, and the bright celestial objects shining through the sky, turned the world about him into a wonderland.

  The stars, and color of the sun, made it apparent that they had traveled further into world’s future than he had imagined possible. He estimated the length of time that had passed as being at least many millions of years.

  What would humans have turned into over such a long time? Would there actually be anything left ...?

  With astonishment, he focused his eyes further, to view the tropical beach, with the crimson glow of the sky over it; and, at the end of the beach, he saw an immense perpendicular cliff, curving out to the sea.

  With an abominable thud, Dexter felt something crash against him, and he swiftly rolled sideways, to see a chunk of vegetation.

  He shaded his eyes, and clabbered upwards, startled at the fascinating sight behind him. A jungle of unknown variations of trees and plants went along the beach, in both directions. Many overhung the shore like palm trees, with types of fruit clustered at their tops. Some nearby plants resembled strange forms of cactuses, with animal-like hairs thickly scattered over them, instead of spines.

  The sun was blazing, and the air was turning roasting hot. Golden patches of sand, through black sand, glowed in bright red sunbeams, while the turquoise sea sparkled it.

  He stretched out his painful limbs, feeling slightly dizzy, and he turned his blank expression to a smile. He had ac
tually survived, and he was on an island.

  Their main task now would be to find food!

  Why had he not seen any fish ...? He had to check again – there had to be some.

  Sounds of rummaging came from behind him, from something strange in the undergrowth.

  “Where are we?” Selina suddenly groaned, rubbing her eyes.

  “We’re resting on the shore of an island!”

  Why had he not seen or heard any birds? Surely there would still be forms of seabird on an island.

  “There’s something peculiar about this place!”

  “How far in time do you think we have traveled?” she asked, holding her head, looking at the bright tints of the sun.

  “At present, I don’t have a clue!”

  “Is there anything to eat?” she spoke, throwing a pebble along the sand.

  Darwin shook himself, and he ran after it. Once he reached it, he smelt about the sand, looking for things to eat.

  The sand was starting to burn the soles of their feet.

  Splashes of water sprayed over the sea, at his side.

  “There’s a giant fish!” Selina shouted, gaping outwards.

  “A fish ...!” Dexter answered, moving to the water’s edge, looking downwards. “It is more like a sea snake! It looks dangerous – it has spiked jaws!”

  His eyes stayed on the clear water, where the creature’s orange shape, covered in thick scales, floated by.

  The fantastic island glowed with fabulous spectral colors, in the intense red sunshine. It was fantastically surreal – there was vegetation everywhere behind the beach. Colors of nearly every conceivable variation of the entire spectrum glowed all over it, like a mind-bending cartoon. Vegetation of all shapes and sizes mingled. Loud eerie sounds appeared, from creatures within it, which he felt vibrating in his ears.


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