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Gavin’s Song: Road to Salvation: A Last Rider's Trilogy #1

Page 9

by Begley, Jamie

  “Aren’t you going to miss this if you go to Treepoint?”

  “God, yes.” Groaning, he arched his hips to fuck her back.

  “Then don’t go.” She lifted a hand to her nipple and began playing with it as she moved seductively on him.

  “You’ll be so busy you won’t even miss me.”

  “At least none of the women will be going with you.” Leaning forward, she licked his nipple before sucking it into her mouth.

  “No. None of them will be going.”

  “At least that’s a silver lining. None of the women in that hick town will be able to give you what I do.”

  Taylor might have kept him waiting to bed her, but she had damn sure made it worth the cold showers he had taken. When he realized he was falling in love with her, he had turned other women away from his bed.

  Taylor had come to several of The Last Riders’ parties, but Gavin wasn’t interested until she watched him fuck Jewell in the clubroom. The club parties were a free-for-all where sex was concerned, and the women got off being watched as much as the brothers did.

  Gavin still remembered the night when he and the brothers were drunk off their asses and made up rules that everyone had to agree on to join the fun. Taylor hadn’t participated, but she wasn’t shocked either when she found out the rules.

  Gavin wasn’t stupid; he knew the confident woman was biding her time to make her choice. She wasn’t a woman who was willing to share or be shared. No, the man she chose to fuck would want what she could bring to the table—without feeling like he was missing out on the smorgasbord of available pussy, ready and eager to give him anything he wanted.

  Taylor brought a lot to the table. She was sexy as fuck, could give a blowjob like no one’s business, and she didn’t have a shy bone in her body. She might not have let any of the other brothers fuck her, but she didn’t mind them watching. She earned her votes by allowing the men to watch her touch herself to make herself come.

  When he had been fucking Jewell, Taylor had unashamedly hiked her short skirt to her hips and slipped her hand to her bare pussy. There wasn’t a brother in the club who hadn’t stopped what he was doing to watch her fingers delve into her cunt and get herself off. He was still fucking Jewell when she removed her hand and walked around the table to press her wet fingers to his lips. He had sucked them clean as he came inside Jewell. That was the last time he touched one of the women in the club, pursuing Taylor until they started dating. It had taken him even longer to get in her bed. He wouldn’t jeopardize the right to lay by her side.

  Rider had warned him that he was jumping the gun by asking Taylor to marry him, saying that he always dove in the deep end when he wanted a woman. It led to an argument and then they had gone several days without talking before Rider reached out and broke the strained silence, apologizing and promising to keep his opinions to himself from now on. Gavin had regretted the argument just as much, since Rider was only stating his concerns. It was Gavin’s own reflective doubts that had made the argument worse than it should have been.

  Taylor dragging her nails down his chest brought him back to the present. Her eyes went heavy-lidded, and Gavin knew she was about to come. Holding her hips, he turned them until she was on her back, then started thrusting inside her as high as he could go.

  “Fuck me, Reaper!”

  He stopped his hips mid-stroke, that Taylor had to get a sexual rush using the nickname he earned in the military always gave him a pause when he fucked her. Did she need to have the fantasy for her to climax? Would she still want him when he was old and grey and could no longer reflect the image she had of him?

  “Why are you slowing down?” Taylor turned her head to the side and bit his forearm.

  “You’re a vicious thing when you want my dick.” He brought his mouth to her shoulder and returned the bite, careful not to mark her skin as he resumed his thrusts.

  Driving into her forcefully, he jerked her arms over her head as his lovemaking turned rough the way she wanted it. He let her struggle before allowing her hands free, then regretted it a second later when she raked her nails down his back.

  “Next time, don’t slow down when I’m coming!” she hissed.

  “A man needs a suit of armor to fuck you.” Gritting his teeth, he sank down on her body, letting her have his full weight.

  Taylor didn’t laugh at his joke, spearing him with her nails again.

  Knowing that the only way to get her claws out of his back was to give her what she wanted, he thrusted faster to send her over the edge.

  Taylor wrapped her legs around his hips as they furiously fucked each other into oblivion.

  When she finally let her thighs slip to the side, Gavin got up from the bed to remove the condom and see what damage she’d done to his back. Looking at the reflection in her mirror, he then went back to the bed.

  “Next time, you’re wearing gloves.” Lifting her off the bed, he carried her into the bathroom and set her down in the shower.

  Getting inside, he started the water, stepping in front of her to take the blunt of the spray until the water warmed. She slid her arms around his waist from behind to his semi-hard cock. “Why do we still have to use a condom? I told you I was on the pill.”

  “It’s a habit I’ll be happy to break when we’re married.”

  He usually let Taylor have her way sexually, except for that hard and fast rule he had made for himself. He had seen too many lives uprooted by unexpected pregnancies, and until he was settled in one place, children could wait.

  “I want at least two,” she whispered, sliding a hand across the back of his shoulder.

  “What if I want three?”

  “Three is uneven number.”

  Gavin laughed. “Then two it is. Four is one too many for me.”

  Taking the shower gel, he slathered it on his chest as they made plans for their future—describing the home they wanted to buy to the three-car garage it would have to have, interspersing talk with kisses and delicate touches as Taylor made up for the mess she made on his back. When they finished, he wrapped a towel around her to dry her.

  He was still drying her off when she grabbed his wrists.

  “When are you going?”


  “How soon?”

  “A couple of days.”

  “You better not forget that I’m here waiting for you.”

  “Babe, I’ll be gone a week at a time.”

  She bit her nails into his skin, showing she wasn’t happy with his answer.

  Grinning, he tugged his wrists away to lift her up until she was looking down at him. Then he flashed her a wolfish smile. “How could I forget you? You’re the one that better not forget about me. You’re only going to be cake testing with me.”

  “You promise?” Running her hands through his damp hair, her eyes burned down into his.

  “I swear, babe. I swear.”

  Chapter Ten

  Gavin jokingly bumped Natasha’s hip with his as he maneuvered between her and Evie.

  “I would have gotten that for you.” She playfully nudged him back with her own hip.

  “No need. I’m a big boy; I can wait on myself.” Circling the necks of two bottles with his fingers, he hooked an arm around Natasha’s neck to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for offering,” he said before moving away.

  Going back around the bar, he sauntered through the club, feeling like a million dollars now that everything was set up for him to leave and start building the factory. His life was settling neatly in place, his goals coming true, he couldn’t be happier. The Last Riders’ business was flourishing and he was going to marry a woman he loved. Being able to help people make their own dreams come true was a bonus.

  Setting one of the beers down in front of Rider, he sat in the empty chair beside him and took a drink while picking up the cards he’d been dealt while gone. “Anything happen while I was away?”

  “Other than Memphis deciding to raise the bet, no.”

>   Gavin stared at his cards before giving Memphis a smirk. “You’re going to regret that.”

  “You’re not getting me this time. You don’t have shit.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  Memphis lit the stub of a joint. Taking a hit, he blew the smoke at him. “Fuck you.”

  Five minutes later, Gavin smoothly slid Memphis’s money to join his growing pile.

  “You’ve been bluffing all night, and when I bet my paycheck, you have a full house?” Taking another hit, he took the cards from Rider to shuffle them. “I’ll deal the cards this time.”

  When Memphis readied to toss a card to him, Gavin shook his head. “I’m out. I need to talk to Viper, and Taylor will be waiting for me.”

  “You getting pussy-whipped by the cunt you asked to marry you?”

  Gavin lowered the beer bottle he was raising to his lips. “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.” Memphis’s bloodshot eyes didn’t flinch from his.

  “If I hear you call my woman a cunt again, it’ll be the last word out of your mouth.”

  Memphis took another hit before passing what was left to Crash. As he opened his mouth, Gavin was ready for another nasty comment. Poised to go over the table and break his fucking neck, he jerked his arm away from Rider’s restraining hand.

  “Memphis, take a walk. You’re high as fuck. It wouldn’t be a fair fight between you and Reaper.”

  “Shit, Rider. Your taste in women isn’t any better than his.”

  “For the last time, I suggest you take a walk. I won’t tell you again.”

  Memphis flung the cards down on the table, then pushed his chair away so hard that it tipped over when he stood. “Fuck.” Shoving what little remained of his cash into his pocket, he glared at them both. “Why don’t you tell him the truth? If you’re such best buds, at least be straight with him.”

  Gavin turned his rapier gaze toward his best friend. “What’s he talking about?”

  Rider picked up the cards and started dealing them to the three other men at the table as Memphis’s expression dared Rider to explain what he was talking about. “Nothing.”

  “It doesn’t sound like nothing. Are you talking about my relationship behind my back?”

  “Want me to tell him?” Memphis goaded. “Rider and I were at the bar and saw Moon hitting on Taylor—”

  “You should really go take that walk,” Rider’s low voice interrupted Memphis.

  “Keep going.”

  Memphis might have been high, but from Rider’s stiff posture, he didn’t want Memphis repeating what had been said.

  “When was this?” Gavin asked.

  “I forgot to mark it on my calendar,” Memphis smarted off to him.

  Gavin didn’t have an issue with Moon hitting on Taylor before he had claimed her. Several of the brothers tried to get in her bed.

  “What’s that got to do with Rider?”

  Rider threw the cards down on the table. “Why don’t you ask me instead of him?”

  “So, tell me.”

  “There’s nothing to tell that I haven’t already said to you before,” Rider gritted out.

  “Go ahead, Memphis. Finish your story.”

  Memphis righted the chair, shoving it under the table. “Rider laughed and said that Moon didn’t stand a chance at getting within sniffing distance of that tag chaser.”

  “That it?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Memphis smirked. “I think I’ll take that walk now, Rider.”

  Gavin let him go, his anger now directed at the man next to him. “You called Taylor a tag chaser?”

  Rider set his jaw stubbornly. “I didn’t say anything to Memphis that I haven’t said to your face.”

  “Why do you think she’s a tag chaser? If that were true, Taylor would have chased after all the brothers here. She didn’t. None of them were given the time of day except me.”

  Rider narrowed his eyes at him in warning. “Brother, I’ve said my peace about Taylor before. You’re just as delusional over her as I was Delara.” Rider’s eyes darkened in sympathy.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Fine, I’m wrong.” Rider threw a twenty into the growing pile.

  “Don’t placate me,” Gavin snapped.

  Rider threw his cards down again. “I need another beer. You ready for another one?”

  “She’s not a tag chaser!” Gavin insisted, despite Rider trying to walk away from the burgeoning argument.

  Standing, Rider rested his hand on the table and lowered his voice so the other brothers couldn’t hear what he said, making his opinion of Taylor clear. “You’re right; she’s not a tag chaser. She’s a medal hoe.”

  What Rider was saying went through him as deeply as if he rode his bike over tire spikes.

  Gavin stood, confronting Rider before moving away from the table. “Is that what you tell yourself to explain why Taylor picked me over you?”

  “No, I’m telling you because it’s the truth. None of the others are willing to man up and tell you to open your fucking eyes and see that bitch is taking you for a fucking ride.”

  Gavin struck out before he could pull it back, punching Rider across the cheek. As soon as his fist connected, he regretted it. They had sworn a long time ago never to let a woman come between their friendship.

  Rider was entitled to his opinion. Getting physical wouldn’t change his mind, only time would. What had led him to losing his control was the fact Rider didn’t trust his judgment and calling Taylor a whore was showing disrespect not only to her but to him. As much as he hated Rider’s wife, he had always shown her the respect she deserved as Rider’s woman.

  “Fuck you, Gavin.” Taking his money off the table, Rider pushed Gavin out of his way. “Find someone else to take you back to Treepoint. Take Memphis, you both can go to Hell, and I wouldn’t miss you.”

  Feeling like a douche and irritated at himself, Gavin avoided Crash’s, Nickel’s, and Knox’s censuring expressions and walked to the back for the meeting with Viper. Then he needed to find Rider and make amends before going to Taylor’s. Why had he let Memphis get to him? Anytime the brother lost at cards he was a killjoy. He had known that before he sat down to join the card game, still Memphis seemed to enjoy baiting him and Rider.

  “Fuck,” Gavin muttered to himself. Despite the friendship they had, it wasn’t the first time they hit each other. He was as close to Rider as Viper, in some ways closer. While he and Rider never hesitated partying together in sexual romps with women, he never had with Viper. Instead they argued about Viper’s control over him, whereas he and Rider argued over stupid shit, like which bar to go to or who had the better bike—until Delara and now Taylor. It wasn’t so much Memphis causing the fight as Gavin becoming increasingly frustrated that no one—especially Rider and Viper—respected his decisions. When he voiced concerns about Delara, Rider told him that he believed in their relationship; he stood beside Rider and never said another word, not even when they married. Was it too much to expect the same support in return? Fuck, at this point he’d just take everyone getting off his back about her.

  Gavin came to a stop in the doorway of the office. Seeing what was going on inside, he almost left, but he wanted to get the conversation over with, since his evening had already gone to shit and he didn’t want to spend the rest of the night arguing with Taylor about being late.

  “You have a few, Viper?”

  The woman sitting on Viper’s lap wasn’t happy at the interruption.

  “No, he doesn’t.” Evie’s eyes flared as bright as her hair at seeing him.

  Viper leaned to the side to pick up her top, handing it back to her. “I need to talk to him. We can do this later.”

  Taking her top, she got off his lap. “Maybe I’ll be busy.”

  Viper caught her hand before she could stomp off. “Give me thirty.”

  Evie’s displeasure at him vanished.

  Gavin came farther into the office so that Evie would have room to pass him. />
  “Thirty minutes,” she warned.

  Gavin solemnly held his hand up before taking the chair by Viper’s desk as Evie closed the door.

  “You’re late.”

  “Sorry,” he said shortly, not wanting to explain the argument he had with Rider.

  Viper folded his hands over his waist. “What was so important you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “I’ve decided to go to Treepoint earlier than I expected. I’m leaving in the morning.”

  “What’s the rush?”

  “I’ve set up a meeting to secure another loan from the bank there, and I want to take another walk-through of the property.”

  “Rider on board going early?”

  “Rider won’t be going; it’ll only be me.”

  “Then reschedule the meeting until he can. I can’t leave right now with the big order that just came in or I’d go with you. Give me a week, and we can take the trip together.”

  Gavin gave him a disbelieving look. “You’re kidding, right? You think I can’t handle myself in Treepoint?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You might as well have. I’m not a fucking kid anymore. Was making me your vice president just to make the men respect me?”

  Viper straightened in his chair. “Where in the fuck is this coming from?”

  “I’m sick of being dissed.”

  “No one is dissing you!”

  “You are if you think I can’t handle myself in that one-horse town.”

  “That one-horse town has a drug smuggling ring going right through it.”

  “Lucky is there. If I need help changing a tire, I’m sure I can call him.”

  “Watch it, Gavin. You’re the one who’s being disrespectful.”

  “I’m fucking tired of everyone doubting my decisions!”

  “I’m not doubting your decisions; I’m questioning why the change of plans and not taking Rider with you. Besides, I thought it would be a fun road trip we could do together. I could get a look around town so when the buyers ask, I can give directions and know what the fuck I’m talking about.”


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