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Golden Stagecoach

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  The talk went on until midnight. Coffee and cake was served and everyone had a good time. Joel said he was bushed and needed some rest. He took his leave and went to his room above the stagecoach office. He could feel he was being watched. He lit a candle and changed clothes into resembling a cowboy. Inside the saddle bags was his father pistol. Joel didn't know if it even worked or not, but it would probably work as a bluff.

  Joel blew out the candle as if going to bed. It was pitch dark and he waited until his eyes adjusted to night vision. Five minutes later he slipped out the back door hearing the Old Man snoring up a storm. Joel knew the town like the back of his hand. Very few lights were seen and the only two places he noticed were the saloon and hotel. He kept to the back of the buildings and the shadows all the way to Aunt Jane's house.

  True to the stable boy's word, the horse was tied up to a bush in back of the house, but far enough back so as to not be noticed by anyone inside. Joel quietly talked to the horse rubbing its neck. He placed the saddle bags over the back and behind the saddle. He mounted and walked the horse to the south and west to the Gulch. He had a date with some gold.

  After a mile he stopped to see if anyone was following him. He looked up at the sky seeing billions of stars. He'd missed seeing so many stars living in Boston. The clean clear air agreed with him. Nevertheless, it was cold out and he turned up his coat collar. He gently spurred the mare to a trot. She obeyed perfectly. Soon they were one with the road.

  Joel liked this ride very much. He would miss the west when they returned to the east coast. He made a note to acquire a few horses to ride once he was set up on Bethlehem. Joel came back to the present time noticing they were rapidly approaching Gloomy Gulch. He need not have to look hard to where that fate experience happened. He didn't have a lot of time so he set about his business.

  In no time he found the entrance to the cave. He'd brought a candle with him. He found the gold as it was put there fifteen years ago. Joel filled up the saddle bags and struggled out of the cave back to the horse. He guessed he had over a hundred pounds of gold. The mare wasn't going to like the extra weight, but nothing he could do. It was only about a quarter mile to the top of the hill; so Joel walked the horse to the flat spot on top. Then they rode slowly back to town.

  Joel stashed the gold in his usual hiding place just outside of town. He'd pick it up later when they took the carriage to Golden. By the time he returned to Denver it was only an hour till daylight. He dropped the horse off and silently slipped back to his room. He crashed on top of his bed; except his boots he took off. At nine a.m. Bessie banged on his door yelling his name. Joel struggled to wake up and said, "Just a minute. Hold your horses, I'm coming."

  Joel opened the door and she sucked her breath in. He looked terrible and she said, "Joel, have you been out drinking all night?"

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her in. He said, "Sit down on the bed honey. Let me wash the cobwebs out of my eyes and I'll tell you a story."

  He took his shirt off and washed the best he could. He used his finger on his teeth and rubbed them with a hand towel. Joel didn’t want to lie to her so he said, "Honey, I went to Gloomy Gulch. There was something I needed to do there. It was almost daylight when I got back. I'm sorry for missing breakfast. Now that we are alone, give me a hug and kiss please."

  She jumped into his arms. Ten minutes later she said, "We must stop Joel. I can't go home smelling like we just mated. Tonight maybe we can finish what we started.

  "Okay, but I can only wait so long. Now I'm hungry as a bear. Let's go to your house and eat some breakfast." They both got ready to go. She in his mirror making her dress looks presentable and he changed clothes to casual dress for the day. Later he wanted a haircut and a bath.

  Joel noticed the guy watching from across the street at the hotel. Joel smiled thinking that the guy would be in for a long ride today. He was sure the guy had never ridden a horse very much. Today would be more than thirty miles round trip.

  It was almost eleven a.m. by the time they rode a buggy out of town. The house keeper, Louise, fixed them a box lunch for the road. Joel said, "First we stop at the place where my father died and then we will go on to Golden to see my mother's grave. I want to hire someone to care take the property and keep the old homestead looking good."

  "I with you all the way. I too want to see and feel what you feel. We're almost one now. Come Sunday we'll be one. I'm sorry we won't be able to stay longer, but I understand we must get on with our lives." Joel nodded his head and refrained from looking back to see if they were being followed. He was sure the guy was back there. He was also sure he never brought a lunch either. He laughed to himself and Bessie said, "Why are you laughing Joel?"

  "Because, nobody should be this happy, my darling bride to be."

  As they approached Gloomy Gulch, Bessie could feel his tenseness. She moved closer to him and stuck her arm under his arm and rested her hand on his leg for comfort. He turned and smiled at her. When they were almost to the place where it happened, he stopped the two horses. Joel set the brake and put a rock behind the wheel. Joel knew exactly where his father died; even though no sign was evident after fifteen years. He helped Bessie down and then he crossed the rutted road to the side where his father lay bleeding to death.

  Joel felt like he had become that little boy many years ago. He sat on the ground picturing his father laying there with a mail bag under his head talking to him. Clearly he could see his father writing the note to him. He turned to look at his father's friend Lefty to see if he was still alive or dead. He told his father Lefty was not breathing. After his father gave him life instructions, little Joel sat there for a long time waiting for his father to die. He held his hand. He could still feel the warm rough hand in his tiny hand. Then the hand went limp telling him his father had passed on. The tears were the same now as back then: big and were streaming down his cheeks. Bessie, standing behind him, put her two hands on his shoulders. She too had tears running down her cheeks.

  Joel stood up and hugged his bride to be. That's when he heard a horse coming down the hill. He thought sure it was the 'Shadow' coming; but no it was the same grey haired Indian as before on the same horse. He raised his hand in greeting. Joel raised his hand back to him. The old Indian stopped and said, "Welcome back Joel. Your father and all the guards are smiling down at you right now. Be assured, they are all in wonderful place; along with your mother too. Farewell and your future is long and prosperous." The old Indian rode off down the hill and like before, seemed to fade or disappear into thin air.

  "What was that Joel? I think I was dreaming for a minute there. I could have sworn I saw an Indian on a horse."

  "You did my dear. It was an old friend I met many years ago. He just stopped by to say hello. Never mind. Let's go see my parents and the old homestead."

  Just outside Golden, the Stanten place occupied forty acres mostly at the foot of the mountains. As they rode up it looked like he expected it to look like: desolate and over grown. They had waited until they arrived before having lunch. It was middle afternoon and the spring sun was doing its best to warm the day so high in elevation they were.

  It took Joel a few minutes to find the graves. The markers had been knocked down probably by animals. He took his hat off and said a few prayers. Bessie walked up and held his hand. Joel put his arm around her and said, "Mother and Father. I want you to know Bessie and I will be married Sunday. We know you'll be with us in spirit only. Our joining is a match made in your memory: happy and with your blessing. Rest in peace."

  Because their backsides were a bit sore, they stood up and ate fried chicken and biscuits. Cherry pie was gobbled up for dessert. On the way back to Denver, they stopped in Golden at the feed store. There he gave the owner enough money to hire a caretaker for the property for a year. The feed store owner assured Joel that he would personally take care of the place and not to worry. Joel left town thinking good thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the 'Shadow' lurk
ing behind the saloon.

  Going back Joel picked up the pace. It was getting colder; even though they brought a few blankets for the trip. Bessie was cold and she had wrapped herself up in a wool blanket snuggling close to her man. As they passed the deadly place at the Gulch, Joel tipped his hat and pushed on up the hill.

  As they neared town, it was plum dark out. Joel pushed the horses a little harder. Once back at home, he let Bessie off and took the buggy and team to the stables. He once again had the boy prepare the mare for another midnight run. He felt sure the Shadow would be sleeping like a baby by then. Regardless he would not take any chances.

  By two am he was back in his room with the saddle bags tucked into a large trunk. He felt confident no one would rob or break into his room. He'd had this trunk special made with a false bottom in it. He spread the pouched gold in the false compartment then put back all of his school books on top so if anyone picked it up, they would think it was full of books.

  The next day, up early again, Joel walked over to the house. He stopped by to have the buggy made ready again. It was not so far this time as the ranch house was only five miles out of town. He was met at the door by his future wife. She looked radiant in a pastel green spring dress and white hat. Joel commented about how beautiful she looked as she led him to the kitchen. Louise had a pile of bacon and scrambled eggs ready for a hungry man.

  Aunt Jane wanted to go so it would be a threesome to Beth's house for lunch. The day was clear and without any wind. Spring was nice and so was the short ride out to the ranch house. Beth was standing on the wide porch as they rode up. She too was dressed befitting a big rich rancher. After a short tour of the barn and viewing some of the finest horses he'd seen, Joel and his host and hostess led them to the back yard where a lunch was being prepared. Rex Rodgers was a bit of a pompous man, Joel thought. He flaunted his wealth making sure Joel knew who was king of the ranchers around Denver. Joel was polite and really enjoyed the beef that had been cooked on a spit.

  Rex said, "You know Joel, we've got over 5000 head of cattle grazing out there. Someday, when you return I'll sell you some stock to get started with."

  "I thank you Rex. I'm sure we'll take you up on that fine offer when the time comes," Joel said, a little on the sarcastic side of things.

  Bessie managed to nudge him with her shoe. However nobody caught it but her. Then Rex proposed a toast and all drank lemonade to the future.


  Sunday was a lovely day out. It was neither hot nor cold. Joel had already had a hair cut on Saturday and now he just finished a morning bath and shave. A lot of men had a moustache or sideburns, but Joel was clean faced. After a bath he had to help the best man get dressed. They had the local seamstress for when they first arrived to make a coat for the overweight Old Man. Joel helped him with his tie and had to listen to the Old Man complain about how tight the collar was. Joel said, "This will only last a few hours Old Man so quit complaining. Afterward you can take off the coat, unbutton the shirt and drink all you want. I hired the two livery boys to carry you to your bed after you pass out," Joel joked. But seriously Joel said, "Old Man you've been like a second father to me. When you're ready to retire send me a telegraph message. I'll make life easy for you."

  The Old Man looked at his adopted son and once again big tears rolled down his fat jowls. "I'll retire soon son, very soon. Wells Fargo wants to take over and they would never hire me as I'm too old and fat."

  "Never worry and I'll take care of you. You can stay here or come to Pennsylvania and live with us. If you want you can work as watchman at my factory."

  "God love you my boy. I'm ready if you are," said the Old Man.


  Someone had decorated the church. The pastor had early service and then at 1 p.m. the wedding would take place. It was unlucky for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. Joel was placed in the back office of the church. The Old Man was with him.

  At the house, it was frantic and busy. Beth had come early and Rex was downstairs with her father. They were, of course, talking business oblivious to what was going on around them.

  Louise was calm and attentive making sure Bessie looked her best. She was putting the final touches on the white wedding dress that mother Jane had worn many years ago. Beth too wore the same dress. After Bessie, it would be placed in the family cedar chest for the next family member to marry.

  Bessie said, "Why am I so darn nervous?"

  Beth laughed as she piled her sister's hair on top of her head. "At my wedding, if you remember, because I can't remember any of it, you laughed at me. Well, now turnabout is fair play. Before you know it all will be over and you'll be on the train back east."

  "Okay, enough chattering girls. Let's get this show on the road. It's time to go to the church," said mother.

  A piano player was playing "Here comes the ……….." when Beth came up the short stairs with her father into the church. Joel standing at the front with the pastor and the Old Man looked down the aisle at his future wife. She is so beautiful, he thought. Instead of being shy, she held her head high and locked eyes with Joel. The message sent was one of pure love. He flashed a big smile.


  After the reception, all of the family was standing on the train platform about to board the train. Joel had the stable boy and his friend load his trunk and Bessie's trunk onto the train. They were both husky boys so had no trouble or strain loading his heavy trunk. Joel with one eye on the trunk and the other eye on his 'Shadow' smiled and talked up a storm. He was thanking everyone and saw his shadow enter the train. Joel had come to the conclusion that his banker Raleigh was behind this covert operation. Well, he'd fool that guy.

  While he had some time before the train departed, Joel sent out two telegraph messages. He sent one to a banker in Pittsburgh and the other to a land owner in Bethlehem. After hugs and good bye were spread amongst the friends and relatives, they boarded the train with Bessie still wiping tears from her face.

  They settled into their compartment as a bona fide couple. It would be a short ride of about two hours and then a transfer to the east bound train in Wyoming. It would seem to Joel, Bessie was overly long in crying her eyes out so he asked her what was bothering her. She said, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose, "Rex is beating my sister on a regular basis. He rarely hits her in the face but stomach and ribs. Also, he takes his riding whip to her once in awhile."

  Joel was burning with hate half way through her accusation of her brother-in-law. Joel said, "Is there something we can do for her?"

  "No, not really as it doesn't leave big marks on her. She said she was two months pregnant when he punched her stomach killing the unborn child."

  Joel came over and sat by her putting his arm around her. He thought for awhile about what he could do, but nothing came to mind. Losing his temper would not help Beth. What needed to happen was an accident, but that would be murder in God's eyes. Joel was at an impasse.

  Bessie had stretched out and had taken a nap. Joel was brainstorming Rex and his cruelty to Beth. While he pondered the situation, the train slowed down coming into Cheyenne station. Joel woke up Bessie and they got off the train. Joel watched the porters unload the passenger bags and trunks. Here they used a cart to move the bags and trunks so there was no evidence of an overloaded trunk. Joel smiled and they went into a café for a snack. They had an hour before the east bound train arrived. That gave Joel time to send a telegraph to his Old Man. He had to be careful of the wording, but told the Old Man a letter would be coming his way soon.

  Joel quickly barrowed paper and pencil and wrote a quick note to the Old Man. Joel had left $200 in gold dust for him and instructed him to take care of the 'Rex' problem.

  The east bound arrived only a half hour late. Bessie had recovered by then and was becoming more relaxed. She was chatting on and on about school and how she would miss him way over in Pennsylvania. He patted her hand and told her not to worry he'd come when he could.

  The sun was going down in the west when they boarded the train. It was getting cold very fast without the sun. Joel kept watch on the bags and trunks. All went well; safe and sound were the trunks and precious cargo. He also noticed his Shadow climbing aboard. Their compartment was the same as before except now they had a double bed with an opposite bench seat. The toilet and water were at each end of a sleeper car.

  Bessie said, after getting settled in, "What time do we eat. After we make love my husband, I will be famished."

  Joel said, "Well, after all this is our honeymoon Bessie dear."

  "Help me with all the back fasteners please. Without Louise or mama to help me I'm helpless. Besides you can take your time if you'd like to," she said coyly.

  Joel was more than ready for the job assigned. By the time he had the back buttons undone, she had her hair falling down her back. She shook it out and he ran his hands through the curls. He reached around cupping her breasts and burying his head in her hair. He drank in her smell as she leaned back into him sighing with pleasure. She stepped forward letting the dress fall to the floor. Then she quickly took off the rest of her undergarments until she was almost naked. Joel had stripped down too. Next they were on the bed playing with each other's tongues.

  At the same time, Joel was cupping one breast squeezing the nipple to hardness. Once again he heard her sigh with happiness. He broke from the embrace to undo her bloomers. Once they on the floor, both of them were skin to skin.


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