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Golden Stagecoach

Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Okay, you got me," as he placed his arm around her and pulled her gently to meet her full lips. This was the first time they could spend time with a kiss. Always before it was a quick peck and that was it. Now they relaxed and let nature take its course. He felt her hot breath and tasted her sweet mouth. She opened her mouth a little and he probed her mouth with his tongue. Soon mouths were open and both became heavy breathers. Finally he broke away and looked around expecting a crowd to be watching. He saw nothing. He turned back they went at it again. It was not long before they both had to come up for air and to let the hormones relax. Junior thought his pants might rip he was so hard. Lois felt so wet between her legs as if she wet her pants.

  He smiled at her and she lowered her dreamy eyes to his crotch. She looked around not seeing anyone and reached down to squeeze his member. She coyly smiled at him. He said, "Someday Lois we will not be able to stop. I can't wait for that day to come."

  "I hope we can have patience Junior. As much as I want to join with you, I still have that upbringing to take my virginity to the altar."

  "Well, we best go and I'll prepare my parents for your arrival." They left as they came: holding hands. If seen from above, more than one couple was walking around the reservoir holding hands for future.

  Bessie was nervous with expecting her son's girlfriend for dinner. Joel wasn't home yet. She looked at her watch for the 100th time. It was going on 7 and dinner was at 8. Then Junior came down the stairs in a natty suit designed for summer. He said, "Lois should be here very soon mother. Where is father?"

  "I don't know. He didn't call and I think I hear him now at the door," she said.

  Joel walked in with Lois holding his arm. He said, "Look what I found on the street," Both he and Lois laughed like they were old friends. Junior rushed to her side. He took her light wrap and gave it to the maid who was standing in the back ground. Bessie stuck her hand out and said,

  "I'm Bessie, Lois. I can see why my son is fond of you. Joel would you not agree she is most lovely."

  "I can't argue that Bessie dear. Now, instead of standing here in the hall way, let's go have something to whet our whistles. I think a glass of wine might be in order."

  Once inside the library, Joel opened a bottle of white wine. All eyes were on him, except Junior was casting his eyes on Lois. Then Bessie looked at Lois and thought, my Lord she is beautiful with that dark skin and eyes. But I wonder if she has a good brain inside that lovely head.

  Bessie said, "I understand you are going to Smith and are living in the same house as my daughter Jane Beth?"

  Lois looked at her future mother-in-law and said, "Yes, we have mostly the same classes together. She is my best friend. I have to thank her for arranging for me to meet Junior. We both have two years to go and then who knows what."

  "Your father is a lawyer," she asked.

  "Yes, but alas, women are not allowed into that field just yet. I think that will change soon. Meanwhile, I'll work behind the scenes for my father's firm. After that I want to get married and have some kids." She went from looking at Bessie to look at Junior with Joel holding two glasses of wine. Finally he gave one to his wife.

  Junior was almost hyperventilating. He reached down and got control and said to his parents, "Father and Mother. Lois and I are more than just friends. We plan to marry after I graduate and she finishes school."

  Joel said, "Why I am not surprised my son. I can see you two are in love. You have my blessing of course."

  Bessie said, "And mine too. You both make a lovely couple. We're looking for some grandchildren. Now it's time we ate. If we are late our cook gets really cranky."



  Wedding bells were ringing loud and clear. They were the ideal couple from well to do families. She in a word was gorgeous and he was so handsome it made most girls weak at the knees. The newlyweds were taking a passenger ship to Europe and England.

  As it was the middle of June, they weren't due back until September. Bessie was so jealous and even though she pretended jealousy, down deep she envied the couple. JB was the maid of honor and a good friend of Juniors was his best man.

  They had a reception at the bride's home. All Lois had to do was change clothes and same with Junior. Their trunks and bags were at the dock or already stored in their first class cabin. In the cabin next to them Lois had a maid and Junior took care of himself.

  When they rode up to the dock in a new automobile, the S/S City of New York passenger ship looked enormous. Even Junior was impressed. Even with their own shipyards, Stanten Ship Building dealt with mostly cargo ships and military contracts.

  Lois said, "Junior, can you believe the size of this ship? I'm afraid I'll get lost if I wander around. I'm so excited to take a cruise I hope I don't get sea sick. Hold my hand Junior going up that walkway." Then she turned to say goodbye to her parents and to Juniors' parents. They all waved as Bessie and Lois both were crying.

  Following the couple up the gangplank was Candice Wells. She was maid and soon to become nanny when their first child was born. Candice had a grin on her face thinking how lucky she was. If her mother could see her now, about to sail to Europe, and staying in a first class cabin, she would faint straight away.

  The happy couple leaned on the upper deck rail as they watched the ropes being cast off. Their parents were still waving their tired arms. JB was shedding giant tears. Here was her best friend married and she still smelled like a horse. She'd just returned from Denver to be at the wedding. JB went early because Marlene wanted her close by as she was about to give birth to another baby. After a long struggle, she finally popped out another boy. After that, she rode the train back home for the wedding.

  Slowly the ship separated itself from the dock blowing ear blasting horns. Its three stacks belched out more smoke as the engine crew prepared for engaging its twin screws.

  Finally, as the dockside people faded into tiny colors, the couple hurried to their cabin to begin the process of exploring each other inside and out. Candice didn't want to listen to their love making so she wandered the deck with her key in hand. She was stopped numerous times as she was dressed for the lower decks. But when she showed her key, they changed tunes in a hurry.

  Lois said, "Help me Junior get out of these clothes. You men are so lucky with just pants and BVD's while we women struggle with all kinds of things to do." Junior did as he was told, but was all thumbs. Finally, ten minutes later she stood in front of him in bloomers and a silk undershirt.

  As for himself, he sat on the bed in his underwear as she stared at him. Both liked what they saw. She was slightly brown and he was mostly white colored. Both had long legs, but hers were tapered nicely; while his were stocky, if not bulging. His chest was full of blonde hair and rather thick like his fathers. Lois had full breasts with dark nipples. She had unpinned her hair and it hung to her small waist.

  It was then he saw her eyes travel to his crotch area which was fully engorged and standing at attention. He stood up and took her in his arms greedily attacking her lips. She responded equally eager to make love. Junior had to take a step back and fell to the bed with Lois on top of him. They laughed together and both turned so they could lie side by side. Lois reached down and slid his underwear down releasing his pent up member. She gasped a little seeing how long and big it was. Meanwhile Junior had his eyes on her full breasts dangling in front of him. He reached up with one hand gently holding the firm but smooth breast. It felt natural for him to raise his head and take the breast in his mouth. He felt her nipple harden and his member reacted to the delicate touching of her hand as she wrapped her fingers around his penis.

  Both made sounds of pleasure as he fondled first one and then the other rolling his tongue around the erect nipples. Lois fell onto her back as Junior turned onto his side to continue his assault on her chest. She lay there enjoying the attention as his hand moved down her flat stomach. He lingered there for a few moments and then slipped his hand under her bl
oomers to find the hot wet area that he so desired. Off came the bloomers. Junior found the pubic hair thick and wet the further he went down. Lois was squirming all over the bed with sounds of desire filling the cabin area. She begged him to lie on top of her. He complied gladly. He slipped the head of his penis in and she moaned with pleasure. Junior was more than ready and he could feel an explosion coming very soon. He willed himself to hold back as he drove deeper and deeper with each stroke.

  Lois could feel the fullness between her legs. She wanted more and more. She responded to his thrusts and suddenly she went over the top in a shaking orgasm. Junior let his sperm go at about the same time. Lois wrapped her legs around him pinning him where he was. He had his hands on the bed with his arms straight so as not to put too much weight on her chest. She pulled him down on top of her whispering how much she loved him. Junior was breathing hard and felt his member shrink inside her. He said, "Darling wife, let's stay in bed the whole six days to Paris. And I too love you so much."

  Playfully she said, "You're telling me you love me so you can have your way with me. I know you men. Let me tell you Junior Stanten, I’m no pushover. I don't just hop into bed with just anyone, but only with my husband. Now I feel something growing down there and if you ready, let's do this again before dinner."

  The second time was much better and the third time was exhausting for both of them. They both took a bath after a nap; then off to dinner at 9pm. Neither one noticed the ship rocking or rolling. Later after dinner, wrapped up in warm clothes walking the deck, Junior said, the ship feels just like when we were in bed!"

  Paris in June was very warm and romantic for a newlywed couple. They were booked for a week at Hotel de Crillon, one of the finest, if not the finest hotel in Paris. They were warmly greeted. After signing in they were shown to their suite. Naturally a separate room was available for the maid or butler. Lois said, "Look honey, it even has a fireplace. How quaint. I'm glad we both learned French in school. We'd be very unhappy without knowing what anyone was saying. I know it's late in the day, but let's have a little nap before we have dinner and see the famous lights of the city of Paris."

  "Okay with me," said Junior. Candy was very busy taking care of the clothes. The suite was huge and the bedroom had its own double door. Lois said, "Candy, leave the clothes for now and go take a rest. You can come with us when we tour the city lights. Knock on the door at 6 p.m. and then you can draw my bath."

  Junior already had his clothes off waiting to help his wife shed her garments. This bed was huge compared to the ships'. Both enjoyed the extra room. Lois had found that being on top riding Junior was both erotic and dominating. Junior didn't mind. It all felt good to him. Besides he could watch her chest bounce up and down. Also he could reach up and tweak a nipple making her cry out in passion.

  Later, after a knock on the door, they both took a lazy bath taking turns to wash each other. Then as the bells of the city rang out that 8 p.m. was upon them, they went to dinner. Both were elegantly dressed in the latest fashions. He in a summer suit and she in a formal teal green gown with pearls around the neck and earrings to match.

  They decided to celebrate with French champagne. Both ate sparingly of the rich French cuisine. Neither one noticed who was around them; nor did they care. The two young Americans were into themselves and the ambiance was secondary.

  At 10 p.m. they hired a carriage and went sightseeing with Candice. Candice brought some warm wraps as the night was a little on the cool side. They rode around Paris for two hours finally returning at midnight. Over the next few days they saw the sights of Paris, especially the Eiffel Tower.

  Such was the honeymoon of Junior and Lois Stanten. They spent the next two and a half months visiting various countries ending with England. It was from Liverpool that our honeymooners sailed for home. It was time for Junior to go to work.

  Their new house was not so far from either parent homes. It, however, was a little more modest than the other two houses. But let it not be said that it was not upscale for the area. Not only was Candice included in the staff, but two others held the job of cook and housekeeper. It wasn't long before Junior acquired an automobile. He drove it back and forth to the office every day

  Joel was forty eight and seriously thinking about turning it all over to Junior. It wasn't too disappointing that JB wanted to live out west. Well, that was fine by them. Joel was seriously thinking about retirement and having a home built near Golden. Bessie wanted to be near her parents as they were both getting old quickly. Also father had taken a beating with the railroad going broke along with many banks and miners. His bank was barely hanging on. Joel had transferred some funds to bolster the run on the bank, but it looked bleak for the continuing success of the First Bank of Denver.

  At lunch time he and Junior went out as usual. Joel told him his thoughts and wondered if Junior was ready. Junior said, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be father. Everything seems to be going along just fine. I do have some news and that is Lois is with child. You'll be a grandfather soon. Let me tell mother after work tonight. I'll leave early and see her at home."

  Joel said, "Nothing could make me any happier son. I'll have to get the old bible out--which reminds me Junior--I've a story to tell you. When we finish lunch let's take the afternoon off and walk in Central Park."


  Junior was reminded of the time he and Lois walked around the reservoir before they were married. He smiled thinking about that was the first time she touched his manhood. Joel said, breaking Junior's thoughts, "Let's sit here son."

  Joel was back in 1860 riding the stage with his father behind him. He was stacked in with the mail bags. Junior said, "Father are you alright?"

  "Ah, yes son. I was just flashing back on the day your grandfather was killed. You know the story so I'll not bore you again with it. Now to what I've to tell you are for your ears only. Not even your mother knows the whole story. She knows part of it, but not all.

  On that fateful day all that I owned was in my hand bag along with our family bible. We stopped to rest the horses before the uphill climb through the pass or what we called Gloomy Gulch. While we were there having a drink of water and a bite of stale bread, the old Indian came by telling us the bandits were waiting for us. I'd heard there was more than 700 pounds of gold on board. Lefty, my father's friend said there was a cave not far away. My father remembered the cave while they were hunting deer one winter. A heavy snow storm drove them to find shelter. As luck would be they found a small cave to wait out the blizzard. Anyway, it was decided to unload the gold and stash it in the cave. The driver said we could come back later and get it. Without the gold, the horses could pull the stage much faster up the hill.

  Once the gold was unloaded we took off and then you know what happened next. Well, apparently my father felt something was going to happen very badly. He had stashed some gold in pouches, called pokes, in his saddle bags. After he was shot, he made me get the bible out and take a pencil from the driver. He drew a map to the cave and told me when I was 25 to come take what I needed. I did come back one time and took about 100 pounds back to Pittsburgh to start the steel mill.

  Junior, in the back of the bible, inside the back cover is the map. If you need the money you now know where a lot of money is. If not, then pass the story to your son. This gold must remain in our family the Stanten's."

  Junior was taken aback. He thought, what a story and father has kept it a secret since he was eight years old. Most people were greedy and no matter their wealth, would take the gold and horde it or spend it or, would never leave it in a cave for the last forty years?

  Junior said, "I'll keep the secret father. I'm amazed you've carried that burden for forty years. I hope I can live up to your standards. I'm a bit overwhelmed father. Excuse me if I walk alone with my thoughts. After that, I must go see mother to tell her there is an heir coming next summer."

  Junior tried to think about when he was eight years old and if he had to experience wha
t his father went through. He shuddered thinking about seeing his father shot and dying in front of him. Then receiving the instructions left to him in the bible, was simply too much to fathom. Then to think about hiding the gold outside of town before seeing the sheriff or stagecoach manager, impressed him greatly. Here was an eight year old boy, an orphan, going to live with his aunt and uncle, holding secret that would seem too much for a little boy. Junior walked on shaking his head. He vowed then and there to never let his parents down no matter what.

  In the years to come, Junior would have that vow tested more times than once or twice. He started his automobile and drove to his mother's house. He had news that needed telling, but also he had news that would remain secret for many years in front of the family.

  When his mother heard the news she fell into a chair bawling her happy eyes out. She literally didn't know what to say or do; so she just sat there saying a prayer to God.

  He said, "Mother stop crying. It's only a baby. Sure it's an heir to the Stanten legacy, but still you needn't get so emotional."

  She looked at him, dabbed her eyes, wiped her nose and said, "It's a woman's prerogative to be emotional. Especially when it's the first grandchild. I presume you told your father; of course you have. I think we need to celebrate and have everyone over for dinner tomorrow night. Would you extend the invitation to the Baggely's for me? Well, never mind I can call her. What's the matter with me today? At forty six am I going senile so early in life?"

  Junior started laughing and gave his mother a hug saying, "I'm going home now mother. We'll see you tomorrow."


  In the spring of 1901 JB watched the snow gradually melt off after a very long winter. She wondered how many head were lost due to the last frozen blizzard. It was still too deep with snow for the ranch hands to venture forth to check on the stock.


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