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Golden Stagecoach

Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  She showed him where the electric button was between her legs. He was a quick and eager learner. She too found out what happened when her warm tongue found his maleness making him cry out in delight. It was a fine relationship and before the decade was out, two little kids were running around the ranch chasing each other. The oldest was Beth who resembled her mother and Aunt Beth. From some old picture of her grandmother, it appeared all the girls resembled each other.

  On the other hand, Brady Junior took after his father: tall and lanky with a long narrow face. Like most brothers and sisters, they tormented each other, but when it came right down to it, they were brother and sister. He watched out for her as they rode to town to school except when it was snowing or too cold out. Then with JB's education, she home schooled her kids during the long winter.

  Over at the Bar-S, Joel and Bessie were enjoying the middle years of their lives. Joel had made sure no matter what happened economically, he had stashed a lot of money, gold in fact, in Swiss bank accounts. Additionally, with the help of Smoky, he followed Smoky to a secret site and on several occasions cleverly hid some gold and silver.

  Joel offered Smoky whatever he wanted, but the rapidly aging Indian was happy doing what he'd been hired to do many years ago: protecting JB and now her kids. The only thing different was he asked for a small building to live in. Apparently his family was growing old and his parents needed looking after. Joel was very happy to accommodate his old ranch hand.

  By 1920 Joel and his son-in-law, between them owned over 80 sections of land that joined each other and twice that in two other parcels. The only land owner bigger than the Stanten/William family, was the American government, or the railroads, who obtained their land from the government for transcontinental rail lines.

  In New York City, Junior stayed busy ignoring his lonely life. By 1905 Lois was deemed fit to return home. She was welcomed with open arms at the dock. Junior had traveled to Europe to fetch her back. He told this story to his father in a long letter:

  Dear Father,

  We have just returned from Europe. I tried not to expect too much when I first saw Lois, but I'm sorry to say she looked nothing like the woman I previously married. Her eyes are dead. He once lovely dark skin is sallow and not without blemishes. Her shinny black hair is cut short and uneven. She looks like a rag muffin.

  When I speak to her she answers with a yes or no; but often just stares at me. I'm afraid emotionally she is someplace else. I'll not give up and give her the best of care at home. Adam is now five years old. He does not recognize his mother nor does she know him.

  One thing I have done father is to have the staff keep an eye on her. I think she might be suicidal. Sometimes she locks herself in her room. I have a duplicate key and have the nanny check on her every half hour. It's reported to me she is sitting in a chair staring out the window.

  I must close now. Give my love to mother and sister.


  Sadly that letter was followed by a wire and eventually a phone call. It said, 'Lois Stanten took her own life just a week before the new year. The entire family was devastated. Her parents went to Europe and never returned to New York.

  Junior was left with the little guy to rear by himself. If the truth were known, he was wondering why he was doing what he did. The Stanten family was rich beyond most dreams. But work was all he knew how to do. If he quit, what would he do? Ride around on a ship staring off the side at the water.

  What he needed and he admitted it to no one but himself, was a woman to live life with. He wanted a family. His boy was almost a stranger to him. Junior decided that come spring he would take Adam and visit the ranch in Colorado.

  Just after the first of the year, Junior got a phone call from an old Harvard friend. Brad English was also a lawyer, but he lived in Boston.

  Junior said, "Hello and nice to hear from you Brad."

  "Junior, I'm in a bit of trouble. I would deem it a personal favor if you could visit me here in Boston."

  "Of course Brad. I'll be there tomorrow. Book me a room at a nice hotel."

  "No hotel Junior. We've got a big house and plenty of rooms. Have your secretary call mine and leave the arrival time. I'll pick you up. I've got to run. Thanks Junior."

  Junior hung up and wondered what that was all about. It sounded a bit mysterious to him. Well, he thought, I need a little excitement in my life. Let's go see what Brad wants.

  Junior arrived in Boston just after one o'clock on a snowy day. As he stepped off the train, a tall man waved at him. Junior smiled and walked briskly forward to see a grinning Brad English with his hand stuck out. They shook hands as each appraised the other. Both appeared prosperous. Junior had to wait for his man to bring the bags and then they left the station chatting up a storm.

  All the way to his house, Brad and Junior recanted their past ten years or so. Once they arrived at a stately home, lunch was served.

  Junior thought it nice to see Brad and his wife, with two kids all eating together. After a nice lunch, both men retired to Brad's study. Two matching chairs with a table between them sat in front of a burning fireplace. Brad adjusted the chair to see each better as they talked. Coffee was served and when the door was closed, Brad broached the crux of the matter.

  Brad said, "Do you remember a guy by the name of Roy Thatcher?"

  "Yes, he flunked out his second year. He made a big stink of it.

  "Well he is black mailing me. When I first joined my father's law firm, I needed some money for a gambling debt. I forged my father's name on a check and cashed it at the bank. When I walked up to the window, there was Roy. I pretended to be friendly and he cashed the $1000 dollar check. I thought nothing more about it until a week ago, he found out I was to become a full partner in the firm. He'd taken a photograph, admittedly a poor one, of the check from years ago. In his scrawling handwriting he said he'd not broadcast the forgery for $5000 cash. Frankly Junior I'm too close to this to think straight. I thought of you."

  "Let me ask you this. What if you came clean with the firm?"

  "These are stoic old men from the old school. I'm sure they would block me or stop me from becoming a partner. I'm sure my father would forgive me, but the other three old fogies wouldn't."

  "Okay, then let me think a little bit here. I think I can…………" A knock on the door and without turning Junior could tell it was a soft spoken female voice he didn't know. It wasn't Brad's wife.

  "Excuse me Brad. There's a man on the phone who says he needs to talk to you right now. He told me to tell you that your old friend Roy is on the line." Junior stood up and turned to see an attractive but not beautiful young woman standing at the door.

  Brad said, "Okay sis, tell him I'll be right there. Then while I’m on the phone would you entertain my old friend Junior Stanten while I'm gone."

  Both left and she quickly returned. She said, "I'm Martha England, Brad's younger sister. I know your name because Brad mentions you once in awhile. I'm sorry to hear your wife passed on awhile back."

  "I thank you for your kindness Martha," said Junior. Without appearing too inspective, he noticed she was deceivingly lovely. At first glance you saw a rather plain or comely young woman; but looking a bit closer, the bright silver colored eyes looked upon the gazer with warmth and compassion. "I'm sorry for starring Martha, but it's been so long since I've even looked at another woman, I'm rather being impolite."

  "That's okay with me Mr. Stanten. I'm not used to men looking at me. I've always felt I was doomed to live a life of being single. I know I'm plain and unattractive," she said demurely.

  "Oh, no no. Indeed no Martha. You're quite lovely. That's why I was starring at you. Your eyes and smile are captivating. Those freckles are becoming with your slightly red hair. I'm happy to say, so many men have missed their chance. Will you have dinner with me tonight?"

  "I don't know what to say," as her face turned beet red making her freckles stand out accentuating her lovely face. "I've never had dinner
with a man other than my father and brother. Are you asking me out on a date?"

  "Yes I am. I want to know all about you. I'm being a little forward, so forgive me. Think about what I said and we'll talk later. Your brother and I have some business to take care of."

  Brad came back in just then. Martha left nodding to Junior. Brad said, "That ass wants the money tonight."

  "Hang in there Brad. Sit down and let's think about this for a few minutes. I've got an idea. Do you remember the brothers Carter?"

  "Well, sort of but weren't they thrown out for fighting all the time?"

  "Yes, they're the ones I’m talking about," said Junior. "They told me long time ago if ever I got in trouble to call them at the Fish House Restaurant."

  "I asked your pretty sister to dinner. I'm going to the Fish House and see our old friends. You stay here with your family."

  Junior went up to his room for a nap and a bath. His man Alfred was reading the local paper. He told Alfred he would take a nap and to draw a bath at five o'clock. He also told Alfred to please tell Martha England that they would leave for dinner at seven p.m.

  After Junior left, Martha went in to the study to see her brother. She said, "Brad, who is this Junior Stanten? I read his wife killed herself, but other than that I don't know about him. He's asked me to dinner."

  "Sis, he's a nice guy. He runs the Stanten Empire now. His father Joel is retired back west on a cattle ranch. They have steel mills, shipbuilding, oil wells, property and god knows what all. He also has a young boy who will become the heir apparent. Oh, yeah, he has a sister married to a rancher guy from Texas, but they live in Colorado. Enjoy yourself sis."


  It was too icy out to drive so they took a taxi to the Fish House at Boston Harbor. Martha looked lovely in a rather plain, but stylish green silk dress. Her long neck had a string of white pearls with earrings to match.

  She was very quiet, but Junior noticed she smelled delicious. The front of the restaurant was clear of snow. Junior helped her out of the taxi and she took his arm walking through the double doors. One of the brothers John Carter saw Junior and recognized him right away. He shook Junior's hand vigorously and told him how happy he was to see him. He told them his brother was in the kitchen keeping an eye on the chef.

  He led them to a nice table away from the noise of the kitchen. He said, "I know you're not here for the fish Junior. My brother and I keep an eye on you. You have our sympathies, but I see you have a fine looking woman hanging onto your arm. I'll be right back. You'll be well taken care of."

  A bottle of champagne arrived in a bucket of ice. The waiter deftly uncorked the French bubbly and poured two glasses half full. No sooner had the glasses been poured when both brothers came and sat down. If Junior hadn't been there Martha would have been scared to death. These two guys were bulging with muscles. Ben, the oldest said, "Nice to see you Junior. Now what can we do for you?"

  Junior passed a piece of paper to Ben. John leaned over and both read it carefully. Ben put it in his shirt pocket and said, "Consider it done. Also give our hello to Brad. Martha, it was our pleasure. Enjoy your dinner. After dinner Junior we'll chat a bit more."

  Both Junior and Martha enjoyed the dinner and company. It was two hours later, coffee poured when Ben came and sat down. He said, "Tell Brad hello and to stop by for lunch or dinner sometime. We all sleep better on a full stomach. Dinner is on the Carter brothers. We guarantee 100% service and that is what you got tonight. Sleep well my friends." The note was passed back and Junior stuck it in his pocket. Martha would never know what was on or written concerning the note. One thing she did notice at home was her brother was extremely happy. However, he wasn't any happier than she was. Junior spent a week in Boston. When he left, she went with him.

  When they arrived at home in New York, Martha was very nervous about meeting Adam. Nobody can replace a mother. She totally understood that. She thought the best way to win Adam over was to let him come to her. The person she didn't have to win over was Alfred. He was so sweet and nice. Also when she met Candice she was also very nice greeting her with warm feelings.

  A large comfortable guest room was made ready for the lady from Boston. Candice especially was happy another woman was around besides the staff. Adam hung behind her and peeked around her backside to look at the funny freckled lady. Dinner was almost ready so they sat down in the dining room chatting about the weather. It continued to snow, but they could get around as it was only a light snow was falling. Because of the heavy traffic, small flakes and cold, not much accumulation occurred. Junior decided to take a few more days off and get to know his son again. The boy seemed eager to be with his father. Martha kept her distance and slowly he came closer and closer. On the third day she was reading a children's book with pictures of animals. She made sure Adam saw the book as she sat in front of the fireplace in the library.

  It was late morning and it had stopped snowing, but it was still very cold. Martha started reading out loud. Adam was curious so he got much closer to peek over her shoulder to see the book. She continued to read and then she patted the couch seat next to her for him to sit down. Adam jumped up and sat down while she read the book to him. From that time on, they were a team.

  Junior went to work, but came home early each day. At first he brought home some easy puzzles to put together as a family. Soon they were putting 500 piece puzzles together. They moved to the dining room table much to the chagrin of the serving girls.

  At the end of the second week that Martha had been there, Junior popped the question and showed her a giant diamond ring. She melted into his arms after dinner in the library after Adam went to bed. Alfred saw the happening and ran off the help so they could be alone.

  Junior not caring who saw what or who heard what took his future wife to his bedroom. He'd had it completely redecorated after Lois passed on. The bedroom had a masculine feel to it. Also it was rather stark, but all the furniture was black walnut.

  Martha was both scared and eager to join with him. He closed the door quietly and took her in his arms. He took his time to let her relax. He gently kissed her tender lips. She felt his hot breath and tasted his being. In return she wrapped her arms around his head pulling him harder to her mouth. He placed the tip of his tongue just inside her lips. Instinctively she placed her tongue to touch his. Once that happened both became more aggressive.

  Junior quickly swept her off her feet and laid her gently on the bed. A night light cast a yellowish glow in the room. Joel started with her hair and she helped him unpin her long hair. Then he moved to all the fasteners and buttons that made up the dinner dress she wore.

  She felt a little exposed, but nevertheless, helped him shed her copious amount of clothes. When she was almost naked, he stood up and took his clothes off. The last thing he had on was his BVD's. Martha looked up at him and reached out to feel the hard thing fighting for a way out of the constricting underwear. Junior lay down beside her and they returned to kisses and exploring each other's bodies.

  She whispered, "I've never even kissed a man before Junior. I feel really funny inside, but it's a nice feeling. Take my shirt off I want to feel your skin against mine." He felt, rather than saw, her soft twin mounds that would soon be full of milk for their first child. He teased the small hard nipples. When he looked closer, he saw her chest was full of freckles. For Junior, it was very erotic and lovely to view.

  It had been many years since he'd laid with his wife Lois. He'd never wanted or desired another woman, until now. Her body was firm but soft and very smooth. His hand drifted down to her belly button and stomach while he gobbled up her perky nipples. Unlike Lois who was very vocal when they made love, Maratha was much quieter. Her body responded in voice to Junior. Very soft sounds came from deep in her throat.

  His hand went lower to feel the soft silk pubic hair. It wasn't until morning when he discovered her triangle was the same color of her long reddish hair framing her oval face. He found her wet and gentl
y ran his fingers around her lips and he found her love button erect and very sensitive. Junior wanted to taste her so he worked his way down from her breasts to her entrance of the beginning of the end.

  Afterwards she lay in his arms. She said, "Can we do that again Junior?"

  "Yes my love. In a few minutes I'll recover and we can repeat that wonderful feeling of making love.

  That night or maybe it was the next morning; Junior's second son was conceived. Nine months later Luke Allen Stanten was born on a warm sunny day in Denver.


  From the time in 1906 when Luke Allen was born, Adam Stanten was six years old. In all respects times were good and families were mostly happy. The only hiccups were a rough 1907 economically and in 1917 America entered the First World War. However from 1914 to 1920 steel mills could not produce enough products to fill the orders. Junior found himself stretched thin. Father had permanently retired leaving Junior to hold the reins of the Stanten Empire.

  A blessing in disguise was Martha. She remained a pillar beside her husband. Whenever Junior seemed to struggle or worry too much, she was there to sooth the conflict with her sweet and intelligent ways. She and Adam became very close. Adam helped her with Luke when he was born and never ceased helping until her went off to college.

  In 1920 Junior and family went to visit his father and mother. It would be a terrific reunion of the family; except Beth, who remained ensconced in Europe.

  Joel had a brand new Packard automobile. It was big and heavy, ideal for the rough roads of the west. Ringo met them at the train station. By the time they loaded up the bags, kids and passengers, the car was full. Candice came along of course and Alfred was stuck in New York with the staff. The visitors were a little tired so a party was scheduled for the next day. Ringo and Smoky made preparations for a cook out with a prime two year old steer.


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