Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World Page 3

by Dave O'Connor

  He threw his head up and back a little with a weak smile as if to say ‘well of course’.

  She was scrolling down the list of adventure movies when Dave’s phone rang. He got up to fetch his phone and Rihan could see his expression change from one of tiredness to alert and then to anger.

  “I’m not going to agree to that Sir” said Dave.

  He was silent for a while then “You’ve got no right to do that.” Finally Dave terminated the call and his expression was one of disgust. He was fuming. Rihan knew this mood of his. He was like a sore bear and it was best to leave him while he cooled off. She looked at him without saying anything. He slapped down his open palm heavily on the kitchen bench, making a loud bang.

  “Can you believe this jerk?” fumed Dave. Rihan didn’t answer. “Turnhout says we have to agree to let his team manage the media for the event. It’s an ‘event’ to him not our wedding. Well I am not going to stand for that.”

  Dave called Admiral Yomoto and got his PA. She said the Admiral was in a meeting and she would let him know when he gets out. Dave hung up and Rihan could see that he was exasperated. She wanted to ask if that was a rejection but knew that Dave would have responded if it were. She assumed correctly that he didn’t get through to him.

  Dave sat down, then got back up and walked to the fridge. He took out a beer, opened it and took a good swig. He came back over to the chair and sat down, placing his beer on the side table. He hit the control to recline and extend the chair. He took a deep breath in and exhaled long. Then he leant back and turned to Rihan. “So what are we watching?”

  The last mummy was being slain by the hero when Dave’s phone rang. Rihan turned off the movie while Dave answered the phone. It was obviously the Admiral as Dave was in full swing explaining what had happened. She could see how Dave was a lot calmer now. He remained that way till the final ‘thank you Sir’.

  Dave put the phone down on the bench and said “he’s going to have a word with Turnhout.”

  “Good” is all Rihan said.

  Dave nodded, paused for a moment and then said with a smile “So what are we doing for dinner?”

  Chapter 7. Nova Vista 0930, 23 April

  Rihan was about to close the door behind her. She stuck her head back in and called out to Dave. “We’re off now honey.”

  “Right…behave yourselves now” responded Dave.

  “We always do” said Rihan and Sue together.

  Dave laughed to himself as he heard the door close. It was a sunny spring day outside and Dave had opened a window. But the air wasn’t that warm up here on the 41st floor. Despite that, he left it open. He wanted to savour the fresh air each and every day of his remaining leave here on a planet with atmosphere.

  He was trying to calculate how many days over the last two years he had spent in space when his phone rang.

  “Warner” he answered.

  “Funny, that’s my name” said the voice on the phone call.


  “Who else, you old fart? So you’re getting remarried Dave?”

  “Yes I am. Are you in town? Come over. We’d love to see you.”

  “Not so lucky I’m afraid. I’m up to my armpits in it here.”

  “And where is here Brennon?”

  “Can’t tell you Dave. You know the drill. But I’m ringing to let you know that I plan to be at your wedding next week come hell or high water.”

  “Thank you Brennon. That means a lot to me.”

  “I just have to come to see if it’s possible for an old bastard like you to find another woman prepared to put up with you. She’s still got all her marbles right?”

  “Oh I can’t wait for you to ask that to her face. She will eat you alive.”

  “Ah, one of those. Anyway Dave I have to go. Make sure you keep a place for me right?”

  “Of course Brennon. I know just the place.”

  Brennon laughed. “Good one Dave. Bye for now.”

  ‘He can’t be that far away’ Dave thought as he placed the phone down. It rang again.

  “Warner” he answered.

  “Dave, I’ve had a chat to Turnhout” said Phil Yomoto. “He’s one difficult customer. But anyway I think I have convinced him of the need to lay off. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to side step me.”

  “I understand and thanks Sir.”

  “Look if it gets difficult I’ll invoke a media blackout on the grounds of operational security. I’d rather not come the heavy just yet. But let me know if you hear any more from him or his staff.”

  “Will do.”

  “So have you settled on the bride’s outfit yet?”

  “It’s a work in progress Sir, a work in progress. The brides to be are at this very moment knee deep in it.”

  “Good to hear Dave. I’ll see you.”

  No sooner had he put the phone down and there was a knock at the door. Dave just opened it, knowing that it would be Art and it was.

  “Come on Dave. We’re on a mission” said Art. As Dave came out and closed the door Art added “I still reckon braces and waist coats are the go.”

  “Enough with the braces, alright” said Dave.

  Chapter 8. Nova Vista 0820, 25 April

  “Gee” said Dave out loud as he heard the news report.

  “What is it honey?” asked Rihan from the bedroom where she was getting dressed, having slept in for the third day in a row.

  “Things are hotting up in the Far Reaches. Three rogan ships made a hit and run - destroyed a shuttle and an Alliance corvette on the deck at Niku.”

  Niku was the second biggest city on Beta Phi. It was where the initial rapprochement with the Alliance took place and they both had memories of Niku.

  Rihan came out while pulling up her slacks, craned her head to see the display as footage was showing the wreckage on the spaceport. They both found it concerning but both chose not to feed it. Rihan returned to the bedroom and Dave turned off the news.

  He followed Rihan into the bedroom. She was facing the mirror on top of the tallboy and trying to decide which earrings to wear. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, poking his head around to the right and smiling at her via the mirror. She smiled back and then her expression changed as if to say, ‘well which one?’

  “The green ones” he said. “Highlights your eyes – those beautiful eyes!” and he kissed her on the cheek. She craned her neck to the left and he planted another kiss into the nape of her exposed neck. She gave a sigh of appreciation and so he kissed her again this time gently sucking her skin. She moaned and his left hand cupped her left breast. She grabbed his right hand and forced it down to her groin.

  Dave loved it when she took the lead. It excited him and she could feel it. She turned to face him and they kissed strongly. She tugged at his polo shirt pulling it out of his trousers. He raised his arms and it was off in one fell move. The smile on her face indicated how pleased she was with her effort. She pushed him at his shoulders with both her hands. He fell back onto the bed and she undid his belt and trousers. He couldn’t stop smiling as she pulled off his trousers leaving him just in his boxers.

  “I see the yardarm is at full mast” she proclaimed.

  “Just for you darling. Just for you.”

  Half an hour later they were each lying on their back, looking up at the ceiling, both content.

  “Isn’t this wonderful Dave?” said Rihan.

  “You’re wonderful, that’s for sure.”

  Rihan rolled towards him her breasts touching his chest and she gave him a peck on the cheek. “It’s so blissful right now. I don’t want it to end.”

  “Neither do I.”

  She cuddled into him and closed her eyes. ‘But it will end all too soon’ she said to herself.

  Dave felt her body against his and stroked her head gently. ‘The thing is to always remember these moments’ he said to himself. ‘They are the rasa of life.’ He kissed her softly before closing his eyes.
br />   Chapter 9. Nova Vista 1530, 26 April

  “It’s late” said Rihan as she scrutinised the arrivals display at the spaceport. “Looks like 1600 now.”

  Dave just gave a slight shrug of acceptance. They grabbed adjacent seats in the gate lounge. “So what’s this sister of yours like?” asked Dave.

  “Cloe’s wonderful. OK, she can be a bit scatterbrained at times but don’t let that fool you. She’s smarter than me by a long way.”

  “Well that wouldn’t be hard” said Dave with a naughty smile.

  He received a quick punch in the shoulder for his trouble. “Ouch!”

  “You deserved it” and she leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

  “Anyway she hated all the travelling around we did as kids following dad from one Fleet base to another. So she couldn’t wait to leave and setup her own home. She opted to go to uni at Usherbad, studied astrophysics, dropped out and then got in toe with her first husband and helped him out in his law practice. She hated it and soon hated him. They lasted a whole 11 months. Mum tried to get her to go back to uni but she wouldn’t have a bar of it. In the end she met Josh. He’s lovely. I wish I had seen him first.”

  It was Rihan’s turn to receive a light jab to the shoulder. “You deserved that!” said Dave with a smile.

  “Touché. So Josh has this florist business and Cloe helps him run it. Last time I saw them they were pig happy. That was…” and Rihan paused to do the math “God it’s been nearly three years.” Rihan again paused while she reflected on that. “That’s far too long Dave and it’s going to be another two years after this.”

  Dave was well aware that this next mission was going to be a long one. It was into another arm of the galaxy no less. He took her hand to assuage the concern on her face. “It’s alright darling. Let’s make sure we have a good time right now.”

  Rihan nodded. Dave wanted to ask more questions but he could see her withdrawing into her own thoughts. So he opted to leave it. They just sat there holding hands.

  Dave spied it first. The Arrival’s display showed that Cloe’s flight had just landed. He gently drew Rihan’s attention to the board and she nodded and gave him a weak smile.

  “So what does she look like?”

  “Tall, blond and beautiful. What else?” replied Rihan with a broad smile on her face.

  Dave laughed. “Come on, they’re starting to come through now.”

  When Rihan moved forward to hug her sister, Dave realised that she hadn’t been lying about those looks. She was fair just like Rihan, a little taller and you really couldn’t see that she was three years older. They held each other for a while. When they parted Rihan wiped away a tear. Cloe was beaming despite the eight hour flight.

  “You must be the famous Dave?” she asked.

  “Yeah that’s me” and they exchanged pecks. “Welcome to Nova Vista.”

  “It’s been a while.” She grabbed Rihan left arm. “But it’s good to see my little sis.” Rihan smiled at her.

  “Come on let’s get your bags.”

  Chapter 10. Nova Vista 1800, 26 April

  Dave was enjoying his stir fry at the downtown Thai restaurant. It was new. They had never eaten there before but it was packed and Dave always viewed that as a good sign. Rihan and Cloe had not stopped talking since she arrived. There was so much catching up to do. They had hugged each other when the subject of their parents came up. They both died on New Hamersley in the first nuke attack of the war.

  Dave had been content to just watch but now he joined in, changing the topic. “So how come Josh didn’t come today?”

  “Business” replied Cloe. The response tired her. “It’s been frantic and we just couldn’t afford to close down. He’ll be here tomorrow in time for the wedding.”

  “Are you still enjoying it?” asked Rihan.

  Cloe thought for a bit. “Yeah, by and large. It can be a pain when it gets real busy.” She looked at them both and then added “But hey it pays the bills and allows me to come see you.”

  Rihan smiled. “Have you thought about going back to uni?”

  “Yes several times but we just can’t afford it right now. Besides and she gave a big smile “we’re trying to start a family.”

  “Wonderful” said Rihan. She felt a twinge in the heart as she recalled the loss of her own unborn child.

  “Are you alright Rihan?” asked Cloe.

  “Yeah…yeah I’m alright.”

  “What’s up? What’s happened?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “No tell me now. We don’t keep things from each other, remember. Never have and we’re not starting now.”

  Rihan nodded and went on to explain how she had lost her baby in the nuke attack on Klaster. The tears were rolling down and Cloe hugged her.

  The restaurant was so full and there was so much noise that no one other than Dave noticed the emotions. He had initially placed his arm around Rihan but surrendered this when Cloe took Rihan in her arms.

  Rihan just let it out, sobbing into Cloe’s shoulder as Cloe kept patting her on the back. Finally Rihan regained some composure and they parted. Rihan dried her eyes.

  “You’ve both been through a lot, haven’t you” said Cloe. Dave nodded and he too was finding it hard to hold back the sorrow. His eyes began to water and Cloe reached out and placed her hand on his.

  The waitress came with another plate of food. She could see that things were emotional and without any announcement simply placed the food on the table and withdrew.

  “Oh goody, sate chicken” said Rihan and she reached out and took a skewer giving both Cloe and Dave a smile. They each responded in kind and got stuck into the food.

  Chapter 11. Nova Vista 0730, 27 April

  Cloe opened the door from the spare bedroom in Dave and Rihan’s apartment to find both of them meditating on the floor of the living room. It took her by surprise. So she tip toed to the bathroom as quietly as she could.

  Half an hour later they all sat around the kitchen bench on the bar stools eating cereal and drinking juice. “So you guys meditate?” asked Cloe, but she was really looking at Rihan.

  Rihan nodded. “Yeah Dave got me into it. I really like it. You should try it.”

  Cloe just nodded and then took another mouthful of cereal. The others followed suit. When she had finished hers, Cloe said “So this is the big day then?”

  “Sure is” said Rihan. “Sue will be here soon. You’ll love her. Did I tell you it’s a double wedding?”

  Cloe laughed in shock. “Now you tell me.” She thought about this for a moment and then added “Am I supposed to be the maid of honour for both of you?”

  “Of course” said Rihan and they both smiled.

  Before long it was all happening. The apartment was full of people. Alecia, Sue, Cloe and Rihan were sorting out the dresses. Max agreed to run the shuttle service to the spaceport to pick up Josh and Brennon. Art and Dave were conscripted to follow up on the delivery of the flowers, the arrangements with the photographer, the celebrant and the drivers.

  At 1000 hours LCmd Aubrey Bellard and Lieutenants Ivan Kiralenko, Chase Hanlon, Crystal Wong, Val Gomez and Mary Chernside all turned up replete in ceremonial whites and swords.

  “Your honour guard is here” announced Aubrey with a really big smile. Her honey blond hair was pulled up tight into a pony tail. Her normally fair complexion looked a little flushed with the excitement. She was obviously enjoying the occasion.

  But they were soon upstaged when Max returned with Josh and Brennon. Dave fought his way through to the entrance to give his younger brother a big hug.

  “Standing room only” said Brennon with a wink.

  “Looks that way” said Dave. “I’m so glad you could make it. We’re due to leave in half an hour. Come I’ll introduce you to Rihan. Oh and before I forget, here are our rings and here’s the rings for Sue and Art.”

  “Who are they?” asked Brennon with a puzzled look on his face.

p; “Oh didn’t I tell you. It’s a double wedding and you’re the best man for both us.”

  “Right” said Brennon as he manoeuvred his way through the bodies following Dave to the bedroom. Dave knocked but Alecia poked her head out and told him to go away. Apparently it was bad luck to see the bride just before the wedding.

  “Oh well, you’ll see her soon enough” explained Dave.

  Art struggled to open the front door but he gave a push against the back of Ivan’s tall frame and gained some space. “Listen up everyone. We need to make our way down to the foyer now.”

  “Yes Sir” replied the subalterns almost in unison. Dave grabbed his coat and took Brennon’s arm. “You have those rings?”

  “Sure. There here somewhere” and he started to rifle through his pockets with a concerned expression.

  “Oh don’t tell me you’ve lost them? You’ve only had them for a few minutes” said Dave.

  Brennon ushered forth his hand with the two ring boxes and a mischievous smile on his face. “Got ya!”

  Dave just shook his head. “Come on. I should have known.”

  Art, Dave, Brennon, Josh and Max were in the first limmo. Max was explaining the procedures. Brennon was trying to take it in as he had an actual part to play. Dave was introducing himself and Max to Josh. It was all in bit of a hurry. But they need not have worried because true to tradition the brides’ limmo was delayed, something to do with Cloe’s dress not fitting just right and the need to comfort Sue who began crying for no apparent reason.

  If Art had been there he would have known all too well what the reason was. After all she had been crying since dawn. He had taken her then in his arms and managed to coax out of her that she was only now realising that for the first time in her life she would belong to a real family.

  But Art was unaware that a further session of emotions was taking place with his future wife. In any event he was too busy ushering the grooms’ party and giving instructions to the subalterns. Dave was speaking with the celebrant and explaining that the brides would be here.


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