Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World Page 4

by Dave O'Connor

  Brennon had to ask Dave again as to which box of rings was his and which belonged to Sue and Art. While he was explaining this again he caught the eye of Alecia poking her head into the hall. She gave Dave a thumbs-up and he turned to the celebrant to confirm they were all here and ready to go.

  The guests only filled half the big hall. Most of the old Hermes crew were there. Phil Yomoto was by far the most distinguished of the guests. He too was in dress whites. His Admiral’s badge of rank was affixed to his shoulder boards and his big barrel chest was festooned with medals and gold braid.

  Dave looked out to see if Pious and Packer had made it but their seats remained empty. ‘It was a long shot’ he said to himself as the introductory music played.

  He cut a glance to Art beside him. He looked a little nervous. Dave placed his hand lightly on his shoulder. Art nodded his appreciation. The two brides entered side by side and held hands as they walked forward.

  ‘She looks so beautiful’ thought Dave as his Rihan seemed to glide forward toward him. Her hair was down and the auburn curls were laced with small white flowers. She was all smiles and her gaze was locked on his.

  Time moved slowly. It was like that which he experienced from time to time in meditation as the witness but only now he was not the witness. He was definitely a participant. He was immersed in the moment fully and when she stopped beside him he could see that so was she.

  ‘I have my soul mate’ he said to himself.

  The rest of the ceremony went without a hitch, well almost.

  Rihan felt real communion as they said their vows together. She could not stop beaming. Her eyes were locked onto Dave’s and after the first few words she could hear nothing. The trouble was she also said nothing. Dave gave her a light touch with his hand on hers that broke the spell. But she didn’t mind and she got back into her stride with the rest of the vows.

  As the four of them turned to walk united down the aisle, Rihan was still beaming and all she saw were other faces beaming back at her. She felt elated. ‘Almost as good as sex’ she said to herself. She turned to Dave and saw that he was as happy as she was. ‘What bliss!’

  As they exited the hall, Aubrey called the honour guard to present and they raised their swords to form an arch under which the happy couples passed. Dave felt exceedingly proud at that moment and pride was not usually something he cultivated. He cast a glance around and saw no one from the media. ‘Thanks god’ he said to himself.

  Chapter 12. Nova Vista 1430, 27 April

  Renata’s was jammed packed. Tony and his staff were flat out serving but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The toasts were concluded and the speeches were over. Rihan was in earnest conversation with Cloe so Dave got up and swapped seats with Art so he could have a chat to his brother.

  “So how have you been Brennon?”

  “Pretty good. You know me.”

  “No one special?”

  “No” said Brennon shaking his head. “You guys really look so happy together. I envy you.”

  “You’ll have to ease off of the work and find yourself a good woman.”

  “Ah…we can’t all be as lucky as you Dave.”

  “You can Brennon. If a… what was it you said … oh yes, an ol’ fart like me can do it then so can you.”

  Brennon laughed. “Maybe!”

  “Aren’t there any nice women where you work?”

  Brennon had a big grin on his face. “Not all of us feel comfortable flirting with the staff.”

  “Ouch!” said Dave with a smile.

  “Besides you’ll see soon enough.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Forget it” said Brennon with a more serious demeanour.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s all right. Let’s just say that our paths will cross again before you leave Polaris.”

  “OK now you have me intrigued.”

  “I can’t tell you anything more right now Dave. You know the drill.”

  “Alright bro. I get it.”

  The music changed to a waltz and Rihan came over with her hand outstretched. “I think you are needed” said Brennon.

  “So I am” said Dave. He stood up and took Rihan’s hand. Most people were now standing and the two couples made their way out to the dance floor.

  “Go easy on me” said Dave to Rihan.

  Rihan flashed him a big smile “Just follow me partner.”

  “I thought I was supposed to lead.”

  “You are but only for the dance, right. From here on in, it’s together all the way.”

  “All the way indeed.”

  Chapter 13. Terra Fuaga 0710, 4 May

  Rihan was still sound asleep. She was lying on her stomach. She had tossed off the covers in the night except for the sheet which was only partially covering her bottom. One cheek was exposed. Dave smiled when he saw it. He felt tempted to kiss it or at least glide his hand over it. But he resisted. It was a little cooler now so he pulled the sheet across all the way for her.

  Dave lay there thinking about the wedding and the reception after it. He felt a wave of good will break over him. There were so many happy faces, faces that he loved. One in particular stood out as he recalled now. It was Aubrey’s. She was wrapped in conversation with Brennon on the dance floor. She was smiling. But there was something else in her eyes. He couldn’t put his finger on it.

  ‘Time to rise’ he said to himself. He extricated himself out of the bed without disturbing his wife. He pulled on some shorts, thought about a tee shirt but it was already getting very warm so he decided against it. He looked out the window and could see the heat shimmer reflecting off the tropical waters.

  He paused and reflected that the resort was wonderful. After the intensity of the wedding, it was great to just get away on their own.

  He walked out onto the deck which wrapped around their cabin. The cabin was one of many, each on stilts in the lagoon, connected by a common boardwalk. The fish swam about in the morning light under the deck. He had taken to come out here to meditate on their honeymoon, because it was a little cooler. He liked the sound of the water lapping against the pylons and the water birds chirping and calling. Thankfully the deck faced away from the rising sun so he escaped its brilliance.

  He had a peaceful meditation. At the end of it he just remained sitting there cross legged on the deck leaning back against the cushion. He watched the light play across the water. A good sized fish swam out from under the deck but retreated quickly once an egret turned its attention its way.

  He felt a wave of gratitude sweep over him. “How happy can one be?” he asked out aloud but in a soft voice. He leant his head back against the wooden wall and thought of his previous honeymoon with Amy. It had been great too. But he had resolved not to compare. He was so grateful that he had had the good fortune to have two wonderful women in his life. But at moments like this when he thought of Amy a pang of sorrow usually struck him. But this time it didn’t.

  ‘Am I forgetting what we had?’ he asked himself. He closed his eyes and rested. ‘No it’s not that I’m forgetting it’s just that this current bliss is so strong, so present right now that there is no room for sorrow.’

  ‘That’s nice’ he thought. ‘Real nice!’

  Rihan stirred in the bed. With her eyes still closed she searched with her hand for her lover but didn’t find him. She knew where he would be. She threw off the sheet. ‘Boy it’s warm’ she said to herself. She first sat up and swung her legs off the bed. She sat there on the edge of the bed trying to recall the joys of last night. A smile came across her face as she stood upright.

  She placed her feet apart and pushed out her arms in both directions for a full stretch, then brought them above her head and arched her back. She felt the stretch and glanced down at her stomach. ‘Mmm…I’m putting on weight. It’s all this food.’ “More exercise that’s what required” she said out loud.

  “What’s that darling?” asked Dave.

; “I think I’m getting fat.”

  Dave appeared at the door as she was doing her salute to the sun fully naked. “You look just fine to me.”

  “Yeah but I know you like a bit of flesh” she said as she came upright.

  “I do, there’s no denying it” and he made a lunge for her. She easily deflected him and brought her finger up and shook it as if to scold him. “Naughty…not to mention greedy” and she gave him a smile.

  “But in my defence your honour, the temptation is so provocative and oh sooooo great!”

  She finished another round of her salute and came over and put her arms around his shoulders. Her breasts were pressing against his chest.

  “You know I like that, don’t you?” he asked.

  “I have observed.”

  He took her bottom in his hands and squeezed.

  “You know I like that, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Ah huh!”

  She pulled up her left leg and wrapped it around his hip pulling his groin into her.

  “And you know I like that!” he said.

  She gave him a provocative expression which said ‘yes I do’.

  He leaned into her neck and she let him kiss her in the nape. He sucked hard. She loved it and said with a moan “Ah huh.”

  She pulled her leg down and pirouetted till she faced the bed. She bent over and with one hand on the bed she used the other to pat her bottom.

  “You are a wicked women Rihan.”

  “Ah huh.”

  Chapter 14. Terra Fuaga 1940, 10 May

  Rihan was looking out over the water. Both moons were above the horizon and their soft light sparkled on the water. The lighted lantern globes that hung down from the beams over the restaurant also sparkled. She felt so content.

  Dave was looking across the bay as the prawn fishermen were adjusting their nets. The light was sparkling in his blue eyes. ‘Everything sparkles here’ she thought.

  “This is perfect here Dave.”

  He nodded without diverting his gaze. A moment later he turned to her and reached out and took her hand in his. “It’s going to be perfect no matter where we are Rihan – as long as we are together.”

  She leaned over and they kissed gently.

  Dave turned and looked out across the bay again. Rihan thought ‘but your perfect is not my perfect. You find perfection in your actions, your duty. Me, it’s all about the people and the places. Hmm.’

  She recalled their time over Josker and Alpha Phi and said to herself ‘Perhaps that’s not exactly true. In many ways he’s a simple beast, but in others very deep. I suppose we all are really. Even me!’ and she started smiling.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “You of course silly.”

  “Well that was a lovely meal. Are you ready for an evening dip?”

  “I haven’t got my togs with me” she said

  “Neither have I. But if I recall correctly that hasn’t stopped you in the past.”

  “Nor you.”

  “True. So are you up for it?”

  “I’m up for it if you are. Oh what am I saying you are always up for it aren’t you?”

  He just gave her a wicked smile and she laughed.

  Part 2


  Deep, deep, deep down it goes

  The synapse triggers and the memory flows

  I had buried it deep, deep down below

  The inevitable battle with the devious foe

  Recalled to duty, recalled to action

  Responsibility is slow to gain traction

  I don’t want to go. I want to stay

  Where bliss thrives and there’s night and day

  But something stirs and I know it’s useless

  To resist this call is just pointless

  So I gird my loins and stand to attention

  Even as I feel the apprehension

  Yes I’m coming I’m on my way

  Recalled to duty, recalled to action.

  Chapter 1. Terra Fuaga 0615, 11 May

  Dave’s hand groped for his phone. It finally found it and he double tapped it to silence it. He pulled himself up in time to hear the phone make another noise, this time to alert him to an incoming message.

  “What is it?” asked Rihan, her voice groggy.

  Dave pulled himself up onto his elbow and accessed the message. “It’s from Polaris HQ. We’re on 24 hours standby. We have to return to Nova Vista.”


  “Go back to sleep honey.” Dave was awake now. He checked the missed call. It was from Phil Yomoto. “Shit!” He stood up and went to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he came out into the living room and rang his boss.

  “Sorry Dave. We need you back asap. Check the news, you’ll see.”

  “We were promised a month.”

  “I know. Sorry but it can’t be helped. Your crew are being recalled. If you catch the 0920 flight you should be back here tonight. Don’t miss it. I have to go. Bye.”

  Dave went back into the bedroom, shook Rihan by the shoulder.

  “What?” she said.

  “Got to get up. Sorry honey. We have to go.”

  “Oh no!”

  Dave went back to the living room and turned on the news channel. It wasn’t the weather forecast but the banner headline that caught his attention. ‘Wasp lost over Beta Phi.’

  “Oh shit. Rihan check this out.”

  Rihan was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She strained to see the display. “What?”

  “The banner.”

  “Oh no” and she sat down on the lounge.

  Chapter 2. Nova Vista 0630, 11 May

  Aubrey was woken by the sound of her communicator heralding the arrival of an urgent message. She reached to the side table, felt around till her fingers identified the shape and retrieved the communicator. She glanced across at the male form next to her. She was grateful he hadn’t woken.

  ‘Gee’ she said to herself as she read the recall message. She knew she had plenty of time, the whole day in fact. She put down the communicator, lay back down and pondered.

  She glanced across to her latest conquest. The sex was good. She admitted that but for some time now, since Rihan’s wedding in fact, she had known it was no longer enough. She envied Rihan. It wasn’t that she coveted her husband. No, she and Dave had a different chemistry. But she did covet Rihan’s state and the fact that she was blissfully in love. She wanted some of that in her life.

  ‘I deserve to be loved’ she reminded herself ‘and I want to love someone. I want to belong to someone special.’

  Her thoughts turned back to the wedding and in particular to Brennon. He had struck her, not just as a good looking man with a great smile and a terrific sense of humour, but as a nice man. There was a softer side to him, one he didn’t care to show too often. But she had seen it at the wedding as he interacted with his family. She had felt it as he held her on the dance floor.

  ‘Mmm…I need to get know him better.’

  Chapter 3. Nova Vista 2130, 11 May

  It was a weary Dave and Rihan than entered the bay at the spaceport. Dave had been looking forward to a shower and bed but when he saw the lieutenant looking at him he realised that was not going to happen.

  “Captain Warner, Commander Kabel I’m to take you direct to HQ.”

  Dave nodded and Rihan knew it was pointless to resist.

  Half an hour later they were ushered into Yomoto’s office. Phil Yomoto looked weary. Dave guessed he hadn’t slept for a while.

  “I’m so sorry for cutting short your leave but these are exceptional times. I take it you saw the news about the Wasp.”

  Dave and Rihan nodded.

  “Well that was the sanitised version. It’s worse. We lost the whole group. Carrier, five caps and six frigates, not to mention two transports full of marines. Over five and half thousand crew and marines. It’s an unmitigated disaster.”

  “They control the space over Beta Phi I take it” sa
id Dave.

  Phil nodded.

  “And we need to take it back?” asked Rihan.

  He nodded again.

  “We don’t even have a ship yet” said Dave.

  “It’s ready or will be day after tomorrow.”

  “But we haven’t undergone familiarisation, let along any trials” said Rihan.

  “I know. You’ll have a week in warp. You will have to do what you can.”

  “Christ…” said Dave.

  “What about the rest of the crew?”

  “Most of your old crew should be back on deck by 1100 tomorrow. I have Peebody flogging Personnel to rake up the extras that you need. There may be shortfalls but that can’t be helped.”

  “What about marines?” asked Dave.

  “The 30th Independent Marine Company has been assigned and should arrive tomorrow by 1100.”

  “I thought we were to have a whole battalion?” asked Rihan.

  “Yes, you will.”


  “It’s more a question of ‘what’? I realise you haven’t yet been fully briefed but the day after tomorrow before you warp you will pick up the 1st Droid Battalion from Butros Alia.”

  “Droids?” asked Rihan.

  “From where” asked Dave.

  “Yes a droid battalion. Butros Alia is a secret facility about 1000 kms south of here in the desert. Your brother runs it by the way.”

  “Aah the penny drops” said Dave. Rihan just looked at him bewildered. He looked back and said “I’ll tell you later.” He turned back to Phil. “What about our fighters?”

  They‘re all aboard - a whole squadron of Lightnings. Your squadron commander is LCmd Li Nahn.”

  “What about our frigates?”

  “They are not ready Dave, not yet. But I have arranged for the Sydney and Washington to be placed under you temporary command for this specific op.”

  Both Dave and Rihan nodded. “Good choice Sir.”

  “Huh, they were the only frigates that could make it.”


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