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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

Page 13

by Dave O'Connor

  “I won’t be risking either of your craft in this first phase. We have to assume that the rogan will put two and two together and realise that we are staging out of here. There is a good likelihood that they will pay a visit. So Reina you will be responsible for defending Klaster with Herb’s ship under your command.”

  “Right Sir.”

  “Liz what are your defences like?”

  “Two heavy and four light batteries, a company of marines and a troop of battlewagons.”

  “Just like old times” said Dave.

  “Yes it is” said Liz. “But this time our batteries are fortified. Won’t survive a nuke but will stand a better chance against missile and beam attack. Everything is underground now except for the runway and service centre.”

  “No Shangri-La?” asked Dave, though he already knew the answer.

  “No” said Liz with a shake of her head.

  Rihan had a grim expression as she recalled her escape from there just prior to it being nuked.

  Liz could see Rihan and so she added with a smile “You guys still owe me a five star suite if I recall.”

  Rihan managed a smile but it wasn’t a full hearted one.

  “Well in any event we’re on our own till the 30th when the Ark Royal group arrives” said Dave. “Time is short. Reina, Herb can you liaise with Aubrey about joining our training exercises for the rest of the day.”

  “Of course Sir” said Reina.

  “No worries” said Herb.

  “Liz” said Dave “can you do the same and we can give your batteries a bit of practice.”

  “For sure.”

  “Chase can you ensure that the op plan is relayed to everyone?”

  Chase nodded.

  “We will warp for Beta Phi at 2200. I would really like the pleasure of your company for dinner say at 1800.”

  “Love to come” said Liz. Reina and Herb confirmed they would come as well.

  “And that includes you too Gennadi and Tariq” added Dave.

  “Thank you Sir” said Gennadi and Tariq nodded.

  Chapter 2. Resolute over Klaster 1230, 20 May

  It was a very busy day indeed aboard the Resolute and also below, on and above Klaster. Crew and marines grabbed their lunch when they could in between duty rosters, CAP patrols, simulations, exercises and “special assignments”.

  It was a weary 2nd Lt Chase Hanlon that entered the officers’ mess at 1230. He had been the duty officer during the dog watch and should have gone to bed at dawn but he couldn’t miss the warp in and then he got tasked by Aubrey to assist her with some of the exercise planning. She finally released him when she found him asleep at his work station.

  He decided to grab a bite to eat before he headed for the sack. He picked up one of the rolls and a glass of water and looked around for a seat. His preference was to just grab a table by himself but there were people at each table. So he excused himself to a young female pilot who he had been introduced to before but whose name he could not remember.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t remember your name” said Chase.

  “Kat Holbrook” she said.

  “I’m Chase Hanlon.”

  “Yes I know.”

  “Really, you must have a good memory.”

  “You were on Alpha Phi and led the party that retook the Drakush.”

  That jolted Chase awake.

  “Yeah how did you know that?”

  “Read the reports. Impressive.”

  Chase nodded with a little embarrassment. Then he added “Not really…well maybe a bit” and he added a weak smile.

  Kat smiled back too but it was soon replaced with a worried look.

  Chase could see she was worried about something. “Is something the matter?”

  “No, well not really. Pre op nerves I think.”

  Chase nodded.

  “How did you feel before you went in to Alpha Phi?”



  “Yeah I spent a good amount of time on the can before we launched.”

  She managed a chuckle at that. “I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  “I didn’t that first time either.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “Did you actually kill anyone, yourself I mean.”

  Chase nodded. He paused “Yeah we were approaching the radar station through dead ground. Then as we came up the slope we could see these troops running down from the battery towards the station. I ordered everyone to pick up the pace so we could get there first.”

  “We were only about 50m from the entrance when a guy opened up on us from the doorway. He shot the guy in front of me as I shot him. It was all instinctive. I didn’t think about it. It just happened. I can still see Brian’s head rolling back towards me….and Dakota running to him.” His eyes were red now and he took a gulp of air. “I had to push her forward. She wanted to stay with him but the enemy were coming. I just shoved her forward.” He shook his head and his eyes watered.

  She put her hand on his while he regained his composure. He wiped his sleeve across his eyes looking around to see if anyone else had noticed. There were none that he could see.

  Dave was in the table behind. He noticed.

  “So what happened then?” asked Kat in a soft voice.

  “I got shot.”


  “Yeah we pushed into the building and came under fire in the big room downstairs. I got a call from the boss telling me that the Chief was a spy. It all went slo-mo. We both went for our rifles and shot each other.”

  “Where did you get hit?”

  Chase pointed to his chest just below his shoulder.

  “Did it hurt?”

  “What do you think? Of course it bloody hurt and it hurt even more when Emilio rammed that dammed dressing into it.”

  “Whose Emilio?”

  “Emilio Shavez! He was a Sgt then, team leader. He saved my life. He and Dai.” Chase smiled.

  “You don’t talk about it much do you?”

  Chase shook his head. “Nah, apart from the boss and Ivan I haven’t mentioned this to anyone … till you now.” He smiled at her and she smiled back.

  “I have to go. More exercises.”

  As she got up to leave Chase asked “What’s your name again?”

  She smiled. “You really do have a bad memory. It’s Kat, Kat Holbrook.”

  “It’s been nice talking to you Kat.”

  She nodded and left.

  Chapter 3. Resolute over Klaster 1500, 20 May

  Jim Bucknell met Art, Dave, Sue and Aubrey at the elevators on G deck. “This way folks” he said and he led them to the briefing room. “Sorry for the chaos” as two marines raced past them in full gear and Sue had to duck as one of the marines nearly collected her with the end of a Rizstorm launcher they were carrying.

  He shut the door behind them. “It’s a lot quieter in here” he added.

  Dave let Art take the lead. Art explained to Jim his requirements for an insertion team that would accompany him and Sue.

  “Probably best if you go with someone you know” said Jim. “So how about Buster Williams team? It’s been fleshed out with some of the existing 30th troops.”

  Art nodded. “We’re not going to launch a battle. It’s purely recon. So we go in light and move fast. Don’t bother with any heavy stuff.”

  “Got it.”

  “We launch on arrival with active cloak. ETA 1900 tomorrow. When will they be finished exercising? I would like to conduct a briefing for them as soon as we can?”

  Jim looked at his console and navigated the training schedule. “They are actually out on Whisky 4 at the moment. Should be available at 1630 or do you want me to haul ‘em in now?”

  Art looked to Dave. He nodded. “No 1630’s fine, back here if this is available.”

  “Yeah it is. Leave it with me.”

  “So how’s the prep going Jim?” asked Dave “There’s plenty of activity.”

  “Eye, there�
��s no shortage of that but you and I know that that doesn’t mean squat by itself.”

  Dave nodded.

  “My main worry is meshing your old Hermes troops with the rest of the company and then getting each of the platoons working as a unit. I have tried to keep the old Hermes teams together. In most cases these were down to only three or four. I know they had all seen action recently and so I have used them as the cadre and blended some of my old teams into them. It’s going to take time for them to get acquainted.”

  “I know that during the first phase the focus is likely to be on ground ops but to be frank Sir there’s a lot more risk attached to the ship boarding ops and I really need to get some more practice. One day in the warthogs is not really enough. I would like to run more of these in between warps when we get back to Klaster if that’s OK with you.”

  “Fine Jim, so long as we don’t exhaust them.”

  “Understood on that point but I would rather they be a little weary than in a body bag if you get my drift.”

  “So far Jim I am very happy with what I’m seeing. We’ll leave you to it for now and be back at 1630.”

  Chapter 4. Resolute in warp to Beta Phi 2300, 20 May

  It was a mentally exhausted Aubrey that hopped into bed. ‘What a day’. She reached over to turn the light out but instead picked up her phone and scrolled through to the snap she had taken back on Butros Alia. She took it when Brennon was unaware and giving instructions to a flat bed trolley driver. He had a commanding presence she thought without the bullshit and ego you often got in people used to issuing commands.

  She couldn’t help compare him with his brother. In many ways they were chalk and cheese. She thought Brennon was softer in his manner and she liked that. In fact she liked a lot of things about him. She put the phone down, turned off the light and got under the covers. ‘I wonder what type of lover he is?’

  Three cabins forward on the same side Art and Sue lay side by side, lights out and neither asleep. Their packs were on the floor near the small desk, their rifles against the wall, pistols holstered over the chair and consoles on the desk busily downloading all the data you could ever need on Beta Phi.

  “You know Sue I have never, ever, well not since boot camp, been this prepared, this early before an op.”

  Sue reached for his hand, found it and gently patted it. Art knew that that was her signal to shut up. So he did.

  A minute passed. “Was I worth it Art?”

  “Oh no darling, don’t go there.” Art rolled onto his side to face her. He reached with his hand and found her cheek and stroked it lovingly. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

  “I now know how you must have felt after Josker. That sense of guilt for having lived while others died.”

  He kept stroking her cheek and whispering “Shush, shush.”

  Next door Rihan waited for Dave to get out of the shower. She reflected on the day. ‘Highs?...coming out of warp. Lows?...poor Sue bursting into tears.’ ‘But the day hasn’t finished yet’ she said with mischievous intent.

  Dave jumped into the bed in his tee shirt and shorts. Rihan was facing him with only her head poking out from the covers. Her green almond eye was wide awake and looking at him. He knew that look. “I’m really tired honey” he said.

  She pulled down the covers from her shoulder. She was naked.

  “You’re a wicked women Rihan.” He gently rubbed his hand over her, starting from her shoulder, down over her arm, her hip and thigh.

  She brushed his hand away and slid across under him. She took hold of his tee shirt and pulled it up over his shoulders. With one hand supporting his body, he pulled the shirt away. He was on top of her now. He looked into her eyes as she pulled at his shorts. He could see pools of love and he wanted to dive into them. But then he felt something else and saw pools of lust. He dived in willingly.

  Further rearward Chase received a tap on his door. He’d been awake now for over an hour and was just reading a novel. He opened the door.

  “Hi” said Kat softly.

  ‘Hi” responded Chase equally softly.

  “I can’t sleep” said Kat.

  She was in tee shirt and shorts and Chase was sure that was all. “And I have already had six hours” he said ushering her in with a gentle wave and closed the door.

  “What shall we do?” she said with a smile, drawing out the word ‘shall’.

  He pulled off his shirt and so did she. She stepped closer and rubbed her left hand over the scar on his chest under his right shoulder. He could feel her body as she stepped a little closer. Her breasts were now pressed against his chest. He slid his hands into the back of her shorts and took her cheeks in his hands and gave them a squeeze, lifting her to him. She opened her mouth and he responded to her invitation. Tongs touched, then pressed and were finally engulfed.

  She pushed him backwards onto his bed and pulled his shorts off. Chase started to laugh. She let the last shred of clothing on her body fall to the floor and mounted him. She placed her finger over his mouth and whispered “Shush.”

  Chapter 5. Resolute in warp to Beta Phi 2400, 20 May

  Chase entered the Command Centre to take over watch from Ivan. He had the biggest grin on his face. Ivan looked at him and knew that look and that feeling and that air of contentment.

  “Anything?” asked Chase.

  “Nothing doing here” said Ivan. “You look particularly happy.”

  “It’s a beautiful night.”

  “Wouldn’t have bumped into Jasmin by any chance?”

  Chase put his arm around Ivan’s shoulder and whispered into his ear “No need to worry about me from that quarter mate.”

  Ivan had to admit he was relieved and now he was intrigued.

  “OK who is it?” he asked outright.

  “An angel and she even flies.”

  “Indeed” and Ivan grinned back at him. Ivan waited for a response but none came. “You’re not going to tell me are you?”

  “Matters of the heart are best kept confidential don’t you think.”

  “OK buddy but I’ll be watching you from here on in.”

  “I reckon my time of watching is over. The deed is stronger than the thought you know.”

  “Oh you are smitten. Well take care friend. I’m off to bed.”

  “Good night Ivan. Sleep tight.”

  Ivan walked away smiling.

  Chapter 6. Resolute in warp to Beta Phi 1700, 21 May

  An early dinner was put on in the officers’ mess prior to the big event. Chase found Kat in the food line. Her back was to him. She turned side on to place some vegetables on her plate. He could see that she was pretty anxious. She glanced back down the line and caught Chase looking at her. He immediately smiled and she gave him a smile back.

  Chase soon followed her to a table and they sat down and had eyes only for each other.

  “Are you OK” asked Chase.

  “Bit worried” she said.

  “About me?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “You men. It’s always about you isn’t it.”

  Chase put his hand on hers and said “Sorry I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Hello Chase” said Ivan with a big grin. “I told you I’d keep an eye on you.”

  Chase gave him a weak smile and an expression that said ‘piss off’, which Ivan did.

  “It’s OK” she said “I’m just a bit uptight about what’s going to happen.”

  “You were gorgeous earlier on.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  They sat there in silence, she picking at her meal while he ate with some gusto.

  “You look like your starving” she said.

  “Ravenous actually.”

  “Some things don’t change hey?”

  Chase blushed, almost a bright red.

  Crystal came past with a plate in hand “You look in the pink Chase” she teased with a grin. This only added to his level of embarrassment. Kat reached out and held his hand. Her d
emeanour had changed. Where there had been worry for herself there was now tenderness for another. ‘He’s such an innocent’ she said to herself. She sat back as Chase opted to hide himself in his food. ‘Yet he’s been blooded in combat.’

  Chapter 7. Resolute in warp to Beta Phi 1845, 21 May

  Rihan had chosen to do the watch herself with Dave’s concurrence. Given the occasion Rihan had opted for experience in the command centre. Ivan was on Comms, Crystal on Battle Systems, Aubrey on Ops. Li Nahn was in fighter ops and it would be Parinya in Whisky 1 making the insertion.

  Cloaking had been initiated five minutes earlier. It would take another five before it could be activated.

  “Li” said Rihan “confirm status.”

  “Lima Alpha on the rails. Pilots on 1 minute standby. Remaining Limas armed and ready for immediate launch with pilots on 3 minutes standby” said Li.

  “Roger that.”

  “Parinya confirm status.”

  “Whisky 1 ready for immediate launch. Payload on 1 minute standby.”

  “Art confirm status.”

  “Insertion team ready and waiting.”

  “Ivan confirm status.”

  “Full emissions lockdown confirmed. Cyber attack profiles loaded and ready to initiate. Cyber defence up and running. Electronic warfare packages loaded and ready to initiate. EW defence up and running. Cloak activation in 3.”

  “Crystal confirm status.”

  “100 missiles armed for ship to ship ready for immediate launch. Another batch locked into reload also ship to ship. Beam systems online, pulse turrets ready for immediate release and slaved to auto. We have two probes on standby for immediate launch and four countermeasure and decoy pods also ready and slaved to auto.”

  “Aubrey wait for my signal before initiating insertion.”


  “Coming out of warp in 5 minutes. All crew and marines to your stations. This is not a drill.” Rihan looked to Dave who was now in his captain’s chair. She saw him go into his usual practice of silence before such an event. His eyes were closed and his breathing slow and rhythmic. He would be saying his initiation mantras now and offering up his actions. She glanced around the other old hands. Crystal, Aubrey and Ivan had all chosen to relax and were now breathing almost in unison.


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