Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World Page 23

by Dave O'Connor

  The other AFV at the western end began to move off heading for Terminal 3, the apparent objective for the assault. As it began to pick up speed Meg Kenau’s Tango 3 fired from within the freight terminal. The first shot missed, as did the second. By now the rogan AFV was really moving, reaching over 70 kph on the tarmac. But it came to a sudden halt when Meg’s third round penetrated and her fourth round blew out the small turret. The turret lifted a good 50m into the air. An intense jet of flame and smoke gushed after it from the copula.

  By now the assaulting droids of the first line were on the runway proper about 600m to Terminal 3. They came under automatic pulse fire from two weapons on the west side of Terminal 3. But these were soon overwhelmed by the response from the fire base on the south side and the quantos in the front line.

  “They’re making a charge to reinforce Terminal 3” hailed Akos as he spotted about twenty soldiers heading from Terminal 2. They came under long range quanto fire as they tried to cross the open area. Some went to ground, others pushed on. A few fell victim. Tango 3 fired three shots into the area claiming several. But about half made it into the eastern side of Terminal 3. No doubt these would reinforce the defenders on the western side in short order.

  At H Hour + 7 minutes, the first line was only 300m from the western end of Terminal 3. The droids were coming under effective pulse rifle fire. The big platoon mechs on either side of the axis of assault each split their force into two groups and began firing and moving them. The droids had the superior firepower and even after three droids were despatched they forced the defenders to withdraw back into the terminal building.

  It wasn’t until Akos again advised of more reinforcement heading westward that Art decided it was time to launch B Coy. “Sue” he hailed “Launch B Coy.”

  “Roger” and she released the second hammer blow.

  Sully Muldoon’s Tango 4 barked first destroying the small guard post that the rogan had set up at the front entrance. 1st Pl B Coy strode out and overran the entrance. They went to ground and would provide the base of fire for the 2nd Pl to push up the main road. Several rockets came out of the tunnels under the runway. One droid was hit and blown over but the return quanto fire into the tunnels supressed any repetition.

  The 2nd Pl command mech fire and moved its teams towards the tunnel. They overran a team of rogan warriors positioned at the northern end of the tunnel about the same time the assaulting A Coy droids breached the western wall of Terminal 3.

  2nd Pl secured the northern entrance and setup its own base of fire with one team aimed at Terminal 2 and another at the ground terminal. Its third made its way into the car park and up to the eighth floor from where it had a good field of fire onto all three terminals in its vicinity.

  “Art” hailed Sue “A Coy’s secured Terminal 3.” It was HHour + 15.

  “Excellent” said Art, “hold them there till we secure the ground terminal. Can you release B3 now?”

  “Got it.”

  B Coy’s 3rd Pl now pushed through the tunnels and into the car park and began clearing the ground terminal. But here they ran into opposition. The rogan had set up a series of fortified positions using the various bays within the terminal. The main road ran up to the southern end of the ground terminal and then split with one branch turning left to Terminal 2, another going straight ahead into the ground terminal and a third turning right to terminal 1.

  Inside the ground terminal the road ran a loop clockwise before it came back out for returning traffic. Off this internal road were numerous bays for busses, taxis and hire cars. The bus bays were on the western side and this was where the rogan defenders were dug in. They took the entering droids under fire straight away. Ranges were as short as a 100m but the furthest bays were a good 300m from the entrance.

  The noise inside was ear splitting. An almost constant wack of pulse fire provided the background noise. Overlayed onto this were the pop bang of the grenade launchers going off every few seconds now as the forces closed. Alpha team stormed the first of the positions manned by four rogan and the cacophony was enriched by the grating harsh sound of the Rez dischargers activated by the droids as they got close to the enemy. Both of the rogan warriors that had survived at the post till this point were neutralised by the effect. One rogan collapsed into a ball and the other was blown backwards from the half wall of the bay shelter it was behind. They were quickly dispatched as the droid stepped over them.

  It wasn’t until Bravo team stormed the next position with a similar outcome that the remaining rogan began retreating back toward the north western entrance, where a corridor led to Terminal 2. A large explosion set off by the rogan took out the lead two droids as they tried to pursue. There would be no salvaging parts from them. The 3rd Pl command mech signalled objective achieved.

  This automatically triggered the next sequential task which was for 1 Pl to come forward from the spaceport entrance. It would move through the tunnels and the car park and cross into the ground terminal. Inside it would form up into three successive lines, each of one team. Then it would assault down the corridor into Terminal 2.

  But to support their advance Tango 4 was now moving up. Once they came out of the tunnel onto the northern ramp Sully ordered his driver to halt and then in a series of adjustments position the Trojan so it was taking advantage of the sunken road to gain a hull down position, with just its turret, albeit a big turret, showing above the level of the runway. From here he could bring fire onto Terminal 2 if required.

  A Coy was now occupying Terminal 3. Its 2nd Pl was on the eastern side and exchanging a desultory fire across the open space between terminals 3 and 2.

  Sue was waiting for 1st Pl B Coy to advise it was ready to assault when the alerts flashed up on the display inside the command mech. “Shit” she said to herself. She selected the icon representing four enemy fighters that were approaching at speed from the north and selected automatic engagement from the options. The Bn Command mech’s AI took charge and, having rated this the biggest threat it faced, it assigned the support droids and tasked each to engage the enemy fighters with a 2 for 1 missile salvo.

  “Fighters incoming” hailed Sue.

  Akos scrambled down the access hole from the roof and was willing his legs to pump harder. In the end he slid down the rails as best he could till he landed on the mezzanine level. He raced for the elevator but in the end opted for the stairs, taking these two at a time. He managed to gain shelter inside the refrigerated storage facility, which he had previously assessed as the best shelter available. He found Art already inside with the rest of the India One and Two.

  The missiles from the support droids streaked upwards at a prodigious speed. Their on board active radars had already ID’d the threats. They also identified the fighter missiles launched in response. There were eight fighter missiles and eight surface to space missile going head to head. All were launching counter measures of one variety or another in a game of high stakes poker, winner take all.

  The four fighters split it into two groups of two. One changed course eastward where it would soon bank and approach the spaceport from the North East. The other came straight on heading due south. It was all over in under a minute. All sixteen missiles were destroyed but two did so taking down two fighters, both from the group approaching from the north.

  The other two now lined up and fired their remaining four missiles at the top four priority targets in their list. The Bn command mech fired four more of its limited missile stock at the oncoming missiles and another two at the fighters. But time was against it. The droid missiles had barely gained the minimum height when the fighter missiles were just ten seconds out. They succeeded in only taking one of the enemy missiles out. The two targeting the enemy fighters were now pursing them as they desperately tried to flee the area and gain escape velocity.

  The three impacts on the spaceport made quite a spectacle. One hit Terminal 3 and destroyed the horizontal section of the H shaped building complex. It took out two droi
ds and prevented access between the eastern and western sections. The second missile struck the car park complex and collapsed four floors of it on the northern side. The team of droids on the eighth floor were severely mauled. The shock effect blew two of the solid droids off the edge and they crashed with thud and a clang onto the verge of the main road. Another three were destroyed in the blast and another was immobilised having lost one of its legs.

  The third missile struck the huge freight terminal close to the main entrance. Thankfully no one was there. But the blast had caused massive structural damage to the north east corner section and it was having a domino effect on the northern wall of the terminal.

  Inside the cold storage facility they were congratulating themselves on having escaped a direct hit. It was Reg who first heard the commotion. “Something’s wrong” he yelled and he ran out into the big central open section adjoining the cold storage facility. The roof was collapsing progressively from the north east corner.

  They all ran for the western exit into the bus workshops as the roof crumbled behind them. But by the time Buster saw the last of his charges through he could see that the collapsing had stopped. All in all it had taken the roof off half the massive building.

  The two surviving rogan fighters had cleared the atmosphere and were bustering back to their launching ship. It had fired its own missiles to intercept the interceptors and hopefully spare its fighters. The droid missiles with superior smarts managed to deflect two of the enemy missiles but were eventually overwhelmed by the remaining six.

  “Blast” said Sue as she saw her display record them as both destroyed.

  A few minutes later Sue saw the green light from 1st Pl. She activated their attack task. “Tango 4, Bravo 1 on the move” hailed Sue.

  “Roger that” replied Sully. He kept his eyes focussed through his powerful optics. He could see the occasional head come into view at the western end of the corridor. His orders were to only fire if the attack got bogged down. They wanted to keep the corridor intact so they could readily extract any hostages they released inside Terminal 2. But Sully had no compunction in firing. He wouldn’t need much provocation.

  He didn’t get much either. The enemy held their fire waiting till the droids would be channelled into the corridor. It was a wide space about 40m across, but 10m of this was devoted to the series of shops that lined the northern side of the corridor. Alpha team advanced in rushes. It was a good 400m in length and the rogan were waiting till they got within effective range.

  Chapter 13. Niku 1600, 22 May

  “Sue this is Jim we’re under attack from a strong group of rogan AFVs. I count 5 and there must be at least 40 or so grunts supporting them, mostly rebels but some rogan. The details should be on your COP (common operating picture) now. Can we have some support now please?”

  Sue looked at the map and could see that the enemy was making a push up Ryder Road that led to the main entrance of the spaceport. They were currently about four kms south. She knew that without support Jim would not stop this sized force and that if it did break through it would undermine their whole attack.

  “Alright Jim. Strike in one. Better duck.”

  “Thank you.”

  The support droids were getting preciously low on missiles now. Sue committed a strike of eight. They impacted in less than one minute from launch. They landed in such a tight pattern straddling just two blocks of Ryder Road. Not only did they destroy two of the AFVs and a good number of their supporting infantry but they brought down one of the smaller buildings that lined the route. It in effect blocked the road with a wall of debris two metres high. But the rogan AFV south of the debris gunned its engines and drove up the newly formed ridge. Its progress sent more fear into Jamie Cooper’s marines. They were not more than one block away.

  They had orders to hold fire. Rizstorms were now in short supply and were not to be wasted on long range shots. While the rogan AFV may have been quick to push on, the accompanying rebels were having second thoughts. Some were trying to help their fallen comrades but a cohort of about 15 decided to turn and run south. A rogan stood out in front of them brandishing his weapon and pointing north. When they did not turn back he took aim and fired at the closest rebel not more than 20 paces from him. The rebel fell back mortally wounded. A few of the rebels pulled up till one shot the rogan at less than ten paces and then kicked the rogan’s weapon away from its fallen body.

  But Jamie did not see any of that. He was waiting till he saw the accompanying troopers come over the debris. There, he could see the first two and then another. Now there were six on this side. The AFV was only 80 m away and it began firing its beam weapon.

  Danny Mills who hadn’t left Jamie’s side for the last few hours visibly grimaced.

  “Give it to me” said Jamie and Danny passed the rizstorm. Jamie was on the first floor. He had a good shot onto the top armour, which they knew to be weaker than the frontal armour. He fired. The missile hit and the AFV stopped firing. Danny pulled Jamie by his webbing down and to the right to avoid the pulse fire aimed at him in response to the launch of the missile. Jamie hit his head on Danny’s boot as they both fell to the floor. Despite that he got up and gave Danny a smile. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Chapter 14. Niku 1615, 22 May

  The assault into Terminal 2 came to an abrupt halt when the droids leading the charge down the interconnecting corridor were forced to take cover as the rogan blew a charge which demolished a 20m section of the corridor. Two droids lay under the rubble.

  The 1st Pl command mech immediately reassessed and replanned. It was far faster than Sue. Before Sue had crafted a response in her own mind, the command mech, in the absence of any override, issued orders that saw a hole blown out on the southern side before the rubble. The droids poured out onto the hard surface and attempted to assault straight at Terminal 2. They came under fire from enemy troopers lining the eastern side of the terminal. They were being partially suppressed by long range fire from 2nd Pl but at least half of the ten or so defenders were still bringing effective fire onto the assaulting droids. One droid collapsed.

  That was all the provocation Sully needed and he fired two shots into the centre of the enemy position. Apart from any effects on the enemy troopers it blew a very large opening into which the droids threw themselves. They rezed the defenders at close range and four droids secured the immediate area while the 1st Pl command mech ordered his second team to push on through and signalled the completion of his first task.

  With that Sue hailed “India One and Two go.”

  “Roger” responded Art and he patted Reg’s shoulder. Reg gunned the big bus with the rest of India One on board. Behind them the other bus kicked into life carrying India Two.

  Reg had to manoeuvre past the debris and finally gained access onto the main road where he gunned the engine. With 2nd and 3rd Platoons securing the area he drove through the ground terminal where the two marine teams dismounted.

  As they formed up into columns Art was yelling at them over the sound of the battle going on in the adjacent terminal “All right, remember everyone, no throwing grenades into rooms without checking for hostages first. Kali you go north, we go south once we gain entry. First to find the hostages hails. We get them back here while we finish clearing the terminal.”

  Everyone knew the drill already. No one responded. The focus was now on moving up and closing with the enemy. Buster led the way along the corridor, out through the hole, created by 1st Pl and back in through the hole into the terminal created courtesy of Tango 4.

  There he found the droids amongst the charred metal walls, debris, two mangled Droids and several dead rogan. The smell of burnt plastic assaulted his nostrils.

  One team of droids had actually pushed forward north up the eastern arm of the U shaped terminal. ‘Lucky India Two’ thought Buster. The 1st Pl command mech pointed up the eastern arm and said “up there is clear. The enemy is this way.”

  Buster waited for Art to close wi
th him and told him the news. “Kali, change of plan. The eastern arm is already clear. Have your team follow us.”

  “Roger Sir” said Kali. She breathed a little easier.

  Art gave Buster a tap on his shoulder and Buster moved south down to where the other team of droids were. There were two mangled droids that were being used as cover. Beyond this point the building arced around to the right or westward. The nearest droid warned “enemy around bend.”

  That was good enough for Buster. He pulled out one of his probes, affixed the controller to his right forearm and hit the control to activate it. The round probe was the size of a tennis ball. Six tiny retro rockets enabled flight. A fish eye array that covered the outer surface allowed it to provide visuals back to the small display on the controller. It was good for a range of spectrums. Bog standard natural light would suffice right now.

  He launched the device by letting go and steering with the small joy stick using his left hand. As it went around the corner it attracted immediate attention from four rogan soldiers deployed there. But it flew straight past them at speed and only one turned to follow it before it got to the next enemy position where the same events were repeated.

  All the enemy so far were rogan. But half way up the western arm there were a good ten or more rebels.

  “I reckon they are there Sir” said Buster pointing to the map on his console.

  Art nodded his agreement. ‘How best to handle this’ asked Art of himself. “How many between us and that position not counting the rebels?”

  “12 in the corridor and adjoining open spaces. Could be more in these rooms here” and he pointed to the rooms that followed the inner wall.

  “Kali come here” ordered Art. When she arrived Art pointed to the rooms lining the inner wall on this eastern arm and said to her “deploy your team into these rooms here. Secure observation across to the rooms on the other side. If you see hostiles firing, engage them but no indiscriminate shooting, nothing on spec OK?”


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