Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World Page 24

by Dave O'Connor

  “Right Sir. No worries.”

  “Good. Once you’re in position, let me know. We will then push ahead here and work our way around. If we need reinforcing be prepared to send half your team around to where we are. Understood?”


  “OK off you go.”

  Dakota had moved up with Tpr Felicity Nieman behind her on the outer wall. They were the fire support - Group 3. Felicity had her grenade launcher out and ready. On the inner wall were Buster, Dai and Tpr Gregor Mashir. They would be assault Group 1. In the middle behind Art were Akos and Reg. They were assault Group 2.

  “We’re good to go Sir” hailed Kali.

  “Right” responded Art. He turned to Felicity and ordered “do your stuff.”

  Felicity was all concentration now. She threw a flash-bang with her left arm against the outer wall. It bounced off this wall and around the bend for some 20 odd metres out of view before going off. It went off with a loud retort and a blinding flash. The flash-bang had the effect it was designed for – ie blinding, deafening and shocking those nearby to the point that they cannot function normally.

  That was Dakota’s cue to push off and dive down. Her strong athletic body slid across the floor a while till her left side impacted the outer wall. She began firing her quanto as Felicity too dived down and ended up a bit behind her and more into the centre of the corridor.

  Buster was driving his legs hard and fast, bringing his knees up high. He counted four and dove for the ground next to the inner wall. Dai and Gregor were right behind him. No more than two metres separated each of them.

  The rogan response was swift. They had been expecting this for some time now and the probe only reinforced the view that it was coming sooner than later. But the initial flash-bang throw was a good one. It landed in the big open space in the middle of Bay 6 where the passengers would normally line up prior to going through the departure gates. There wasn’t any rogan soldier close by. They were all against the walls utilising what cover they could from the rows of seats and upturned furniture. But it was effective in stunning them and this had allowed the humans to go to ground before the rogan pulse fire tore into the space where the corridor opened out into the bay area.

  The rogan had been expecting to face another droid assault and had aimed high in order to get a head shot which gave them the best chance of a KO on the metal monsters. But now they realised the error of their ways. The only trouble now being that the air was carrying two more grenades, this time aimed from Felicity’s launcher. They were arcing towards the inner wall where two rogan manned an automatic pulse gun. As the grenades flew high Dakota kept her fire low suppressing the enemy gun position.

  Buster ducked his head down as the two grenades went off. They blew out the wall into the inner room where the spaceport staff kept their equipment. They also blew out the life from two rogan soldiers.

  “Two” yelled Art and he raced out into the open space and went left towards the outer wall, diving behind a row of seats. Akos passed him and rolled on the floor even further left and closer to the outer wall. Reg who started further back was content to end up behind Art. He was still crawling away after going to ground when the enemy grenade sailed past him. It missed going into its intended target, the corridor, and instead hit the far wall of the open space on the northern side and exploded shredding a row of seats.

  Buster forced himself to breath and then forced himself to pop up and fire a bust of three shots towards the thrower who was near the outer wall behind what was once the gate enquiries desk. The desk saved its defender, but the fire kept its head down long enough for Dai to tap buster on the shoulder and for Group 1 to rush forward. They broke right to the northern end of the open space landing not far from where the enemy gun position had been.

  A severed arm was lying on the floor right in front of Dai. She paid it no heed as she fired aimed shots at the gate enquiries desk. Gregor who ended up a few paces to her left looked at the arm in dismay. This was his first time in battle and its presence so close to him was unnerving. He took a lead from Dai and fired back at a figure now trying to run for the corridor at the far end. He missed. The figure dove to ground and Gregor fired again this time hitting it. The figure was desperately trying to crawl out of sight but Gregor’s next shot stopped all that.

  He felt partly elated that he had got his first kill but that was soon overtaken by the fact that he had just taken a life. And that was overtaken by the fact that his life could be taken away very easily indeed. He felt the grip of fear in his throat. It was constricting him severely. He swallowed with difficulty.

  Dai reached over and gave him a pat of congratulations. It brought him out of his state. Somehow the fact that there was someone next to him helped. He regained his breathing and fired again this time at the sole defender cowering behind the gate enquiries desk. The defender threw out his weapon. It landed on the floor. “Don’t shoot” cried the rogan. His synthetic speech translator sounded tinny like a squealing animal.

  Akos who was closest to the outside wall stood up with his rifle aimed at the defender and yelled “On your feet.”

  The rogan slowly stood up. He looked petrified at Akos then he looked across at Art who was now on his feet too.

  “Reg restrain him” ordered Art and Reg moved forward and applied the restraining cuffs and marched him back around the bend. He handed him over to the nearest droid at which the prisoner squealed “please no!” But Reg just turned and went back into the gate area leaving the prisoner to face his fear.

  By the time he had re-entered Gate 6 Dakota and Felicity were already up near the far corridor ready to do a rinse and repeat into Gate 5. The others were near the enquiries desk changing energy packs and getting ready. Felicity was reloading her grenade launcher when a grenade bounced off the walls into the Gate lounge. She turned in shock as it went off taking the full blast in the face. Dakota had dived into the remains of the inner room and was spared.

  Another grenade came in and exploded followed by pulse shot and the sound of legs moving. Art and the other began pouring fire into the corridor. Only one rogan gained entry but he too was cut down. There was dead silence for a while. Art could see Felicity’s body, well what was left of it. The second grenade had torn it apart. He swallowed hard and then realised. “Dakota” he yelled.

  “Yo” came the reply from behind the broken wall. “I’m all right.”

  “Sound off” ordered Buster. They all did so. Heads started to look around reassuring themselves that they were all together.

  Art looked again at the mess in the centre of the gate lounge. “Oh fuck it” he cursed. “Buster covering fire. Reg get that launcher” he ordered. Buster began firing into the corridor as did Dai and Akos. Gregor was still in shock. Reg was reluctant to get up and move about. The launcher had been blown back towards him but was still out in the open.

  “For fuck sake get that launcher” said Buster.

  Reg made a dash forward. It was about ten paces and he thought he would die with each one of them. But no shots were fired at him. He scooped up the launcher with his free hand and dove to the ground on his right and rolled northward to the inner wall. He ended up with a full view of Felicity’s remains and felt ill. He instinctively vomited.

  “Cease fire” ordered Art. “Buster is that probe dead?”


  “Got another?”

  “Just one. You want me to use it?”


  Buster sent his second probe into the corridor. He counted nine bodies though there could have been more. It entered Gate 5 lounge and ID’d two rogan, obviously wounded, but no one else. “Nine bodies in corridor, two wounded in next gate. Moving on” said Buster.

  “Alright, follow me” said Art. He entered the corridor, stepping around the bodies. “Which side Buster?”

  “Right against the inner wall.”

  Dakota went prone just before the entrance to the next lounge ready to give support
ing fire. Dai and Akos went in next. Both had their rifles trained on the wounded rogan but they soon realised that it was not required. One was bleeding out and the other was unconscious. Dai went over and pulled out a dressing and affixed it to the bleeding rogan’s thigh.

  “What are you doing that for?” asked Gregor. “Look what they did to Felicity.”

  Dai gave him an evil stare. “Shut it Gregor” said Akos. “Make yourself useful and restrain that one” pointing to the unconscious rogan.

  “Next corridor is clear … and the next Gate lounge” advised Buster. He was just entering Gate 5. He scanned the scene, no threats. He focussed back on the screen to see some rebel soldiers firing at the probe inside Gate 3. The screen went dead. “The rebels are in Gate 3. Probe’s a goner.”

  “Right the odds are that the hostages will be in the inner room to Gate 3” said Art. Akos take us to the far corridor of the next gate.”

  “Sure boss” and Akos led the way. He got to the entrance to Gate 4 and was fired on from the far corridor. He went prone and fired across open sights. He dropped the rebel soldier and his mate ran back towards Gate 3.

  Art deployed his team in an arc ready to defend against another charge. But none came. He was reluctant to go in with guns blazing lest they accidentally injure or kill the hostages.

  “Throw down your weapons and come out with your hands above your head” shouted Art.

  “Fuck off” came the reply. But Art could hear someone else saying “don’t be an idiot.” Soon there was some heated discussion coming from Gate 3. Finally a single shot and then “All right we’re coming out. Don’t shoot.”

  There were seven of them wearing Alliance fatigues with a maroon armband. As they entered Reg and Gregor applied restraints and lined them up against the wall.

  “Are the hostages back there?” asked Art.

  The eldest one, a dark skinned man approaching middle age who was obviously overweight, answered “Yes they are and we didn’t hurt any of them. It wasn’t us.”

  Art gave him a foul look. “Gregor guard these fellows. The rest of you come with me.”

  Art entered the Gate lounge, saw the body on the floor and moved over it.

  “Help us please” he heard from behind the door to the inner room.

  “Wait” he said in a loud voice.

  He deployed Dakota at the entrance to the corridor and then ordered Reg and Akos to check out the next corridor and gate.

  Then he yelled out “Stand back. I’m going to blast the door lock.” He waited a short while then fired at the lock. The pulse shot destroyed it and the adjacent handle. He pushed the door back and saw about twenty dishevelled people staring back at him.

  “Art” called out Jade Moon. She came forward and Art could see that she must have been through an ordeal. She was normally so well composed this former Alliance agent. The last time he had seen her was when she had left Klaster with the delegates before the sleth attack. Her jet black bob that usually glistened was all matted and covered in dust. Her grey eyes looked weary but they locked onto his like they had done before across the negotiating table not far from here. She then gave him a weak smile. “I’m so glad to see you” she said. “Come Justine and Julian are in a bad way.”

  “Just hold it a minute” said Art. “Buster can you please take these people out into the lounge.” The able bodied hostages began to file out. But there were three who didn’t. Justine Packer was sitting on the floor. Her ice grey hair still stained with blood. She looked up at Art and he could see her bashed face and cut lip but she managed a smile. “Oh Art look what they’ve done to him” she said.

  “Dai” called out Art. He looked down at the head that was resting on Justine’s lap. The face was hardly recognisable. Commodore Julian Pious’s aquiline nose had been broken. His face was so heavily bruised. His eyebrows were all puffed up. He had a blood soaked scarf wrapped around his neck and there was dried blood around his hands and wrists. His feet were bare and they were swollen black and blue.

  Dai came in and began inspecting Julian. Art turned to the other figure sitting on the floor and asked Jade “what’s wrong with him?” Jade simply pushed his shoulder and the figure collapsed to the floor. “Who was it?”

  “Councillor Tankard. They shot him to get Justine to talk. That bastard McShane just shot Colin dead. She still refused, so they started to go to work on Julian. Justine took it for a while but in the end she gave in. She told him everything then.”

  “Who McShane?”

  “No a guy called Bane.”

  “I know him. What did he want?”

  “The code word for the relief operation from Assam.”

  “So they lured them out into the open then destroyed them with the fighters.”

  “Is that what happened? Has Assam fallen?”

  “Not yet but they’ve taken the barracks.”

  “Oh Christ what a fucking mess Art.”

  “Dai can we move him?”

  “Only if we have to and then we’ll need a stretcher.”

  “Kali” hailed Art “get a door or something we can use as a stretcher and get down to Bay 3 with it.”


  Art made his way out into the gate lounge. “Akos is it all clear?”

  “Yo boss all clear.”

  “Sue” he hailed “we’ve freed the hostages. Pious is in a bad way. Dai’s looking after him and Packer needs attention too. We’ve secured Terminal 2. It’s time to go over to the defensive.”

  “Thank god for that Art. I’m so glad they’re alive. I’ll start the redeployment now. Jim needs some help anyway. I’ll deal with that.”

  “Thanks honey.”

  “Sue?” asked Jade. Art nodded. Jade smiled. “The old team’s back together again.”

  “Yeah but as you said we’re in a pickle. We need to stop Bane and his monkey McShane. How well do you know your way around Assam?”

  “Pretty well. What did you have in mind?”

  “Jade, wasn’t Sterkze taken hostage with you?”

  Jade nodded. “They shot him too Art. I know you crossed swords with him but he was a good man. He tried to prevent those thugs from hurting Justine when we first came in. They beat the crap out of him and then just shot him like a dog. That was back in the ground terminal.”

  Art took a deep breath in “I know he was a good person. The whole fucking civil war was a con job and we’re all still being duped by the likes of Bane. That’s why we need to put a stop to it. The rogan can’t do these dirty tricks without a human weasel. Its’ time we track him down. Do you want in?”

  Jade thought for a moment and then answered “Yeah I want in. After I have a wash, if you don’t mind.”

  Art smiled “Sure. You can even have a rest.”

  “You’re all heart Art.”

  Art took off his webbing and slumped down onto the floor with his back against the inner wall. The sun was setting and for the first time all day he realised just how tired he was. He was hungry and sweaty but he wanted sleep more. He lay down on the floor and was asleep before Kali arrived with the stretcher.

  She at first though he was shot. She saw Buster shaking his head from across the way and she came over to him with her two troopers and door in toe.

  “He’s very tired” said Buster.

  “Amazing. How does he do it?”

  “Years of practice” said Buster with a smile.

  Kali laughed. Buster put his finger to her mouth to shush her up. She stopped laughing. She focussed her eyes on his finger and then looked Buster in the eye. “I don’t want to know where that’s been.”

  Buster took it away from her mouth and sucked the end of it. “Nah its good” and he gave her a smile.

  Chapter 15. Niku 1800, 22 May

  Sue had committed the 2nd Pl, B Coy to backstop Jim’s tired marines near the main entrance to the spaceport. She did the same with the 3rd Pl, A Coy in the west behind Ginty’s 1st Pl.

  Jim was never more pleased to
see their mechanical forms as they advanced down the Ryder Road and occupied his blocking position.

  Once the relief in place was finished he ordered 30th Coy to retire to the Terminal 3 complex, while Sue shifted the rest of A Coy into the freight terminal area. She had now in effect placed an iron cordon around the south of the spaceport with the humans on the north side.

  But she was worried that her support droids were now in effect on the front line so she opted to move them to the north side and deployed them in the centre of the U of Terminal 2.

  Having issued the orders it was time for her to relocate to the north side. Using the bracelets she manoeuvred the command mech out the big doors of the building that had served so well as the 1st Bn HQ. The other droids from the HQ group were moving across the runway in column.

  This was her first time to move the mech at speed across a big open space and even though she was dog tired she relished the experience. She ramped the mech up to max speed and had it running across the tarmac at 15 kph.

  With the twilight there was still enough to see by. She turned momentarily to the right and saw the massive damage to the freight terminal and then as she scanned left to her front she saw the car park’s scarred and twisted top floors, the collapsed connecting corridor between the ground Terminal and Terminal 2, the big gap in its eastern side and then the detritus from the destroyed shuttles in front of Terminal 2. She could only imagine the scene within the ground terminal where such close quarter fighting took place.

  Scanning left she could see the entire mid-section of the H that was Terminal 3 collapsed and the scarring on the walls from all the firing and the breach on the western side where the droids had blown their way in. Further left still she could see two recovery droids doing their business amongst the nine droids that never made it across the runway in the assault.

  ‘What a mess…what carnage’ she thought. Then she had another thought that helped pick her spirits up. ‘We won!’

  She parked the command mech in the U of Terminal 2 and switched it to automatic reaction but not automatic reassessment. It would alert her via her console if it thought this was necessary.


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