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Battalion's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Series Book 8)

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by C. J. Scarlett

  Good lord, did he just say that out loud in front of God and everybody? Ember’s face turned almost as red as her hair and she refused to look at Dark. This had to top her list of most embarrassing moments.

  Haroc’s possessive wing slipped around one side and Valic’s around the other. “Come, my queen. We will show you that which you seek.”

  Chapter 10

  Warrior Queen

  ~ Haroc ~

  Music Mix

  Locking the claw attached to his Metacarpus with Valic, Haroc felt pride surge thought his body. Two warriors locking wings behind a queen was their culture’s oldest bonding ritual. That he was doing it with a man he considered closer than a hatch mate felt right. Valic was a good drone. He could be relied upon to help him care for a queen come what may. Having him near their beautiful queen didn’t send him into a panic.

  Feeling his chest puff out and his a thrill snake up his wing base, he allowed her words to whisper though his brain again. I’m trying really hard not to become aroused around the two of you. Knowing their delicate human queen had to quell her lust for them thrilled him a way nothing else ever had That knowledge alone was worth fighting a thousand vicious Maruvian queens, taking damage every step of the way.

  Having watched his brothers become enamored with their queens, Haroc had almost dreaded loosing himself to the experience. How wrong he’d been in his thinking about that. The queen’s chamber had been renovated into a sparring room with a section for weapons storage. The moment they entered the room, the twenty or so drones stopped sparring. Haroc couldn’t say he particularly liked their eyes on his queen, but tearing out their eyes seemed like a drastic step in the wrong direction.

  Frowning, he walked her over to the large glass display case against the wall. Inside the queen weapons were displayed for all to admire. It was a reminder of their past to be sure, but also a reminder that Maruvian queens no longer held sway over their lives. Smashing his armored elbow against the glass in a breathtaking display of dominance, Haroc reached for the small shield their queens wore on their wrists. Fitting it to Ember’s arm, he saw Valic going for one of the smaller weapons.

  “The deathmaker is an ancient weapon. It shoots out small bursts of concentrated energy, ripping through any and everything in its wake.”

  “Test each weapon to see if they can penetrate the shield.”

  Looking at his clever queen, Haroc tossed another shield to one his shocked drones. “Attach the shield to the wall and activate it.”

  The man scrambled to obey his words. As soon as the shimmering energy shield was activated, Ember lifted the small weapon and fired. Haroc was disappointed that to find the blasts bounced right off.

  Ember reached through the glass, tugging out several weapons and giving them to Haroc, Valic and Dark. “Get to testing, drones. We don’t have all day.”

  The men turned and took turns targeting the shield. Ember traded out several weapons and only one was able to cut through the shield with sustained blasts. It was far too heavy for her to wield. “Haroc, you take it. Do we have more of that design?”

  Kicking open a drawer in the bottom of the display case, he replied. We have eight total. “I want the three of you to have one and chose four others carry them and the remaining one taken apart. We need to discover it’s power. Once we can replicate the design let us modify our current weapons or begin replicating them for all the drones to use in battle. I want them to have the most potent weapons possible when we go up against the Maruvian queen.”

  Motioning two other elite units forward he handed the four men each a weapon. “Use it wisely in defense of our queens.”

  The drones took the weapons with reverent expressions. Transferring a second weapon to one of the elite units, he simply reminded them of their duty. “Follow Queen Ember’s commands to the letter.”

  Reaching into the display case one last time he drew forth a set of body armor. “For you my queen. The armor will protect you from most normal weapons fire, for it is built using the same basic technology as the shield. If you hit the button on the shoulder, a protective bubble will come up over your head operating like an environmental suit.”

  “Your being suspiciously gracious about me joining the battle. It’s a little out of character considering your behavior before my brother woke.”

  Haroc sighed. “I witnessed the human queens of our new home world do battle against our old queen. You are fierce and fearless in the face of overwhelming odds. Though everything in my being calls out for me to stop you from engaging in such a mismatched fight, I know you will not grow any fondness in your heart for a male that denies you to the right of conquest.”

  His new little queen jumped up onto her toes and made the human kiss with him in front of every drone in the room. It was worth every ounce of turmoil churning in his gut to experience that spontaneous act of affection.

  Valic peered around the side of their face. “I also wish to respect your right of conquest.” His friend looked so hopeful Haroc almost smiled.

  “In that case, you get a kiss too.”

  Leaning over slightly, she made the human kiss with him briefly as well. It was difficult not to trap her between their warm bodies and enjoy the sensual pleasure she offered rather openly, but alas, they had a more important task at hand. Pulling back he spoke. “We must search out the training ship and disable it before it reaches earth.”

  “What makes you think they are going to earth right away?” Ember’s question seemed innocent. It was clear she did not know how ruthless Maruvian queens could be.

  “Earth has more females. Maruvian queens eliminate their rivals first. It is simply their way, my queen.”

  “You said they are intelligent. If I were in her situation, I’d attack this ship first. Then she would have more drones and more firepower.”

  Pulling his wings back, Haroc’s head dropped down. “Her main target will be you. You are mine and she will see you as the queen in charge of other queens.” Feeling something akin to white hot fire settle in his stomach, he stepped closer. “We must figure out a way to expose her.”

  Tapping her fingers against her chin, his new queen mused out loud. “We need to set a trap, bated with some too alluring for her to pass up.”

  “We can pretend drones are transporting heart stones. Our queens could never resist them.”

  Dark spoke up. “Perhaps if I am among the drones, she might be curious enough to pick up a human drone.”

  Valic nodded. “Our queens are always questing for breeders to bring out more humanoid characteristics in their young. I believe you would present a tempting target alone, but with heart stones no queen could resist such an offering.”

  Ember crossed her arms over her chest. “We are using you for bait, so stop talking about it.”

  Dark replied casually, “Maybe I’m interested in meeting this Maruvian Queen. Did you ever think of that.”

  Irritated screeches sounded off around the room. Clearly, Ember’s spawn mate did not understand the peril he would be in. Taking out his hand held, he projected a battle scene from the attack on their now home world. Both Ember and Dark gasped.

  Haroc pointed out the mostly naked human queens partaking in the battle. “This is Queen Carolyn fighting for her king. He is one of the drones tied up with his back torn open by one of her lashes. This is my brother tied beside him. His queen tortured him for almost two solar revolutions. The lush little queen with her leg nearly torn off is Tara. She ended up mated to my brother Arac. This is my brother Raec’s queen. Her name is Helena and she fought for us that day. Do you now understand why serving yourself up to her would be an incredibly foolish idea? Our queens abhor weakness and in your current state, she might just snap your neck and think all humans are easy to kill.”

  The human male’s eyes glistened with rage. “You have no idea what I’m capable of, you smug bastard.”

  “Enough, it’s not going to happen, so both
of you leave off arguing about it.” His queen’s raised voice was enough to send most drones in the room to their knees in submission.

  Haroc cut the debate off. “It had been twenty hours since we slept. We must rest if we are to be effective in battle. Our engineers will need time to analyze and modify our weapons, in any event.”

  Ember spoke up. “I agree. Come, let us eat and rest.”

  Brining his com to his lips, Valic order food to be brought to their quarters.

  “Rest if you need to. I just woke up.”

  “You must eat.”

  “I’ll grab a nutrient pouch. I don’t want to risk putting solids in my stomach quite yet. I’m going to go to whatever passes for the bridge and try to figure out a way to track that training ship.”

  Haroc knew that was a futile gesture. The queens developed all the technology and arranged it so such tracking was nearly impossible. “Suit yourself, brother of my queen.” Ember smiled at him for using the human term for spawn mate.

  Dargon growled, “I will accompany the frail human male. No harm will come to him under my watch, my queen.”

  Ember bent and dropped a quick kiss on his thick snout. “Thanks Dargon, you’re the best.”

  The animal preened a bit, standing straighter. Armon was not going to approve of his nephew attaching himself to another queen. He’d already lost one family member to an extended family member when his niece selected Tara Golugua, Jax, for her mate.

  Chapter 11

  Mating Lust

  ~ Haroc ~

  Music Mix

  Entering their quarters felt both thrilling and anxiety provoking. Valic immediately made for the cleansing room to draw them a bath. They had a more spacious space because he was in command of their mission, however it didn’t now seem enough for the lovely queen who had opened her heart to them. He inspected the room, trying to see it from her perspective. They had furnished with a large sleeping platform in the back. A small wrap around seating area took up one front corner and a small dining area the other. The linens were extraordinarily luxurious by contrast to anything he’d known, but perhaps human queens were used to something better. The thought popped into his mind that he might have overlooked something critical to her comfort.

  “Are you well, my queen.”

  Looking up from rummaging through the box under their sleeping platform. Her gaze was confused. “You bet I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Swallowing down his anxiety he lifted his chin. “I thought our accommodations might not be to your liking or that we were missing something important.”

  The little queen laughed. “You are joking with me, right? This place is amazing. I don’t know what the bed clothes are made of but I can’t wait to get back between the sheets with you two. It feels like heaven.”

  Relaxing, Haroc let out a relieved breath. “We chose it with a soft human queen in mind. I am happy you approve of our choices.”

  Coming gracefully to her feet, she began walking towards him. Haroc found himself stepping out to meet her, admiring the red speckles on her skin. “I not only approve of your choices, I honestly feel like the luckiest woman alive to have not one but two gorgeous Maruvain men all to myself.”

  Smiling down at her, he murmured. “There are three in our clan.”

  Pressing her lips together in a gesture that seemed like she was trying not the laugh, she nodded. “Yes, two hot elite warriors and your lying clan leader. I remember, now that you mention it. Where do you propose he sleeps when we hit your home world?”

  Haroc wasn’t ignorant. He knew she had fallen hard for him and Valic. Pressuring her to accept yet a third member, when most queens only mated with a single drone seemed wrong to him. Was it because he was selfish and disloyal now that his place in her heart was secure?

  “You look really conflicted. Are you in love with this Talon?”

  “No, I honestly have reservations about how this will work myself. What we have together seems right with the three of us. I have no wish to spoil the bond we have formed by pressing you accept Talon as well. He is young and harsh at times. I find myself reluctant to expose you to his ideas of right and wrong.” Shaking his head, he murmured. Come, let us bathe and consult with Valic.”

  “He agrees with your concerns.” Valic’s voice from the doorway, drew their notice.

  Bending down, Haroc picked her up and took her to the cleansing room.

  They were silent as they soaked in the spacious tub of warm recirculated water. His queen was lying against one corner with her head tilted back and her eyes closed.

  “Are you well my queen?”

  Lifting her head, she tossed him a lopsided smile. “As me that again and we’re going to rumble.”

  His queen who had been so standoffish in the beginning was not warm and playful with him. “I am getting something strange for the language bacteria. Is interpreting the word rumble as loud noise.

  Laughing, she sank into the water up to her chin. “It also means we’ll wrestle and whoever wins gets to be in charge of the kiss.”

  Having only the little experience with human queens he’d gleaned from watching his brothers interact with their queens, he was uncertain if she was serious. “I wonder if you are making up definitions as it pleases you.”

  Moving closer to him, she smiled. It was exciting to see the want for him in her expression. Her fiery hair was piled high on her head with several tiny tendrils clinging to her pale neck. She nothing short of perfection to Haroc’s eyes. Suddenly, she stopped and sighed, before slipping back into her corner. “You two are so damned hot. I almost started something that would be a really bad idea in our particular situation.”

  “You do not wish to provoke my mating scent. It would provoke my mating scent and you are in your fertile phase, so we would all probably conceiving.”

  “The alluring scent of her body has been messing with my head all day.” Haroc glanced at his partner. He could tell he was sexually aroused because his skin was flushed, in the way that drones were wont to be when their need was upon them.

  “I have been distracted by it as well, my friend.”

  Sitting up abruptly, she seemed suddenly very serious. “I can’t have either of you distracted. The next few hours or days are going to be dangerous.

  Haroc leisurely ran his hand through the water in front of him, before speaking quietly. “You have accepted us as clan but do not wish to gift us with your young. It is confusing for ones such as us.”

  “Do you know that Earth has a once child policy? Every couple can only have one child unless they pay an exorbitant amount of credits to Earth Gov for the privilege of having more. I was homeless and since men outnumber women heavily, I would have never found a mate. I want as many little ones as I can possibly get my hands on.”

  “My brother, Arac has forty-three sons and has many more breeding solars ahead of him.”

  His queen burst out laughing. “Tara did not mention that when I spoke to her by com.”

  Haroc sighed. “She was shocked but pleased. My brother mated her and then slowly introduced her to one a day until he ran out of young.”

  His queen’s eyes twinkled with merriment. “I’ll bet that was a hoot.”

  Valic glanced at him. “The most likely definition for that last word is fun.”

  Haroc splashed water at his cautious friend. “I know. We both have the same language implant, remember?”

  “Yes but I am better at communicating with human queens. You frightened her the last time we were in this room.”

  Haroc huffed out an exasperated breath. “I know. Can we get back to discussing why you refuse to gift us with your young?”

  “I just want to keep things simple until the battle is over.”

  “You are distracting us with your beautiful body and voice.”

  Splashing water at him, she added playfully. “And my intelligence and witty personality. Don’t forget that.”
/>   “I find your playfulness incredibly seductive.”

  “As do I.” There was no missing the heat in Valic’s voice. It almost matched his own.

  Haroc took a different tactic. “If you did chose to mate with us tonight, since you are in your fertile phase, we would conceive and by the morning it would be over. Though it will not slake our lust entirely, it would take the edge off, enabling us to concentrate on the task at hand.”

  Valic’s disapproving voice interjected. “We do not wish to push ourselves on you.”

  “Yes we do.” Haroc shot his new queen a mischievous look, and she understood very well that he was flirting with her. He thanked all the gods ever created for the small amount of knowledge of human queens that enabled this smooth interaction.

  Suddenly their queen was moving towards them again, looking all kinds of interested and a little worried. “Won’t being with child make you weak or something?”

  Valic answered before he could formulate a reply. “Certainly not. Drones are designed to have a boost of energy once we conceive. Our skin becomes slightly thicker and our senses are heightened.”

  As if thinking out loud, their queen murmured. “That would sure come in handy to help you protect your unborn children.”

  Haroc spoke quietly, so as not to scare her away again. “Yes, those qualities might be the difference between success and failure when we are in the heat of battle.”

  “You’re a little manipulative for a queen maker, my sweet.”

  Glowing with pleasure at her first endearment, he knew it was a high compliment from a human queen. “I do not think you are so easy to sway, my beautiful queen.”

  “To be honest, I’m all kinds of swayed right now.”


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